
By Greg Stevens

Published on May 25, 2023



Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

C-Sucker -- Chapter 8

The next morning, I grabbed my books and headed for class. I still wasn't sure what was going on with Brad, which made me feel angry, but I decided I would give him some time and let him figure it out. There were only a few days remaining before the end of the semester and I needed to focus on my class assignments so I could get ahead of them during winter break.

"Hey Ted" I heard the voice call, as I sat in the open study lounge in the economics building reviewing my notes. I turned to see Russ walking towards me, wearing his letterman jacket with the leather sleeves and the tight t-shirt, this one in dark blue, stretched across his chest.

"Hey," I replied, as Russ took a seat on the chair next to me, his leg gently brushing mine as he sat. "I've been meaning to talk to Brad about setting something up. Maybe later today if you're free?" Russ asked. I looked around to make sure no one was listening to the conversation. "Um, yeah I guess so," I said, feeling unsure. "I'm free now. My place is just across from the quad in the Bentley building." Russ pressed, getting to his feet. The Bentley building wasn't normal dorm rooms, they were apartments available to rent by students who were fortunate enough to have some extra money.

Unsure what to do, I nervously stood and began to follow Russ out of the economics building and towards the Bentley building. Russ led me up to the 3rd floor and into his apartment. The unit was a studio and had a bed in one corner, a sofa along another wall, a desk, and a small kitchen. "Sit down and make yourself comfortable," Russ said pointing to the sofa, then went to the kitchen and pulled out 2 beers.

"Here you go," Russ said, taking a seat next to me. "I had fun the last time," Russ said, and I felt myself blush. "Thanks," I said, taking a sip of the beer. Russ moved his hand to my leg and began to gently move it up my thigh towards my crotch. "I think you enjoyed it too," He said softly. I felt my heartbeat in my chest and my dick slowly began to grow in my pants.

Russ reached for my bottle of beer and placed it on the side table, then reached for my hand and placed it on his leg. "Relax," Russ said softly. I nervously moved my hand along his leg feeling the firm muscle. "That's it, Ted," Russ said. My hand moved up his leg and I could see the front of his khakis begin to swell. "Pull down the zipper," Russ said, sitting back on the sofa.

I awkwardly turned my hand so that I could reach the zipper and pull it down. Russ moved his free hand and pulled his semi-hard dick out through the zipper. Then I gave it a few strokes as I watched it begin to grow to full hardness. A clear drop of precum formed at the tip. "Want to suck it?" Russ asked. "Yeah," I heard myself say, staring at the head of his hard cock. I began to bend forward to take his cock in my mouth, but Russ put up a hand to stop me. "Not yet. Take off your clothes," Russ said, sharply.

I looked at him for a moment to see if he was serious, then I stood up and began to take off my shoes. I removed my jacket and turned away from Russ as I began to pull off my shirt. "Turn around and face me," He said. I felt a nervous pit in my stomach as I turned. "Now your pants" Russ ordered. I released my belt then opened my pants and began to push them slowly down my legs and stepped out of them as Russ watched intently.

I stood in front of Russ in just my boxers, my dick tenting the front of the cotton material. Russ reached up with both hands and took the top of the boxers and pulled them down my legs, then wrapped his hand around my exposed cock. "Fuck" He said examining it. I wasn't really sure what he meant. Russ stood up and as he did his hard cock brushed mine.

"It looks like you want this as much as I do," He said, pulling my body to his. I felt the cold leather from the letterman jacket on my naked skin as he wrapped himself around me. Russ moved his face slowly towards my shoulder and I felt his lips touch my skin. The bristles of his beard softly moved over me. His lips gently parted, and his tongue warm and wet, began to draw a line as he moved. I felt my skin break out in goosebumps as his soft sensual lips ran over my body.

Up my neck, his lips moved so slowly, so purposely. Then his lips moved to my ear, causing me to let out a soft moan. "You like that," Russ said, but it wasn't a question as much as a comment. Russ continued moving his mouth from my ear to my cheek then over my jawline to my chin kissing and licking as he went. Then he pulled his head back and looked me directly in the eyes. "I wanted this since my first encounter with you," he said, then placed his lips on mine.

The last time I was with Russ he tried to kiss me, and I pulled away. I thought about it several times wondering what it would be like if I had let him. Now I felt his soft lips on mine, they were gentle at first as his lips slowly parted and I felt his tongue move forward. My own lips opened, and I felt myself breathe gently as his tongue moved into my mouth. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around Russ, pulling him to me. Wrapping us even more tightly together in an embrace.

Russ' kiss became stronger, firmer, and more intense. I could feel his hand on the back of my head as his mouth devoured mine, and our tongues intertwined in a wet, sloppy, kiss. Then Russ broke off the kiss abruptly throwing his head back and uttering a simple "Fuck" so loudly I thought the neighbors would hear it.

Russ stepped back releasing my body and began to strip off his clothing. I watched as he removed the letterman jacket and set it on the couch. Then he removed the skin-fitting t-shirt, pulling it up over his head. Russ' body was rippled with lean muscle that was in contrast to Brad's bulky muscle. Russ' torso was smooth and there was a tattoo that covered his right pec and surrounded the nipple.

Russ watched me watching him and he flexed his pecs proudly while giving me a grin. Next, he stepped out of his shoes and unbuckled his pants fully releasing his hard cock. Russ lowered his pants to the ground and with a quick movement stepped out of them. Russ' cock was surrounded by the same dirty-blond hair as was on his head and beard, his legs were also covered with soft wisps of hair of the same dirty-blond color.

Once he was fully naked Russ stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me pulling our naked bodies together in an embrace. Russ rested his mouth on the crook of my neck and held me softly. Warm skin against skin, hard cock pressed against hard cock as we stood silently together. "You feel so good," Russ said softly, near my ear and I felt my body relax against his.

Russ ran the fingers of one hand down my back. My body burst with goosebumps at the gentle touch. His fingers moved slowly as if he were inspecting every inch of the skin on my back. Finally, his hand came to rest on my ass, and I felt a pang of fear for what he had in mind. Before I could react, Russ pulled away and immediately dropped in front of me to his knees.

I looked down at Russ as he took hold of the base of my cock, then turned his face up to mine as if to ask permission. Before I could react, he bent forward and took the length of my dick into his warm mouth. My knees buckled slightly from the initial sensation, and I placed my hands on Russ' shoulders for some support.

Russ began to move his head back and forth, sucking my dick harder and deeper with each pass. His tongue ran up the underside while his lips encircled the base. I closed my eyes feeling his mouth expertly suck my hard dick. I had generally preferred the experience of sucking dick more than getting my dick sucked, but Russ had a skill that set him apart from the other experiences I had.

"Stop!" I said, feeling the cum bubbling up inside me. I wasn't sure if Russ wanted to swallow my load or not. Russ stopped immediately and pulled back his face. Saliva and precum rand down his dirty-blond bearded chin. Russ held my dick in one hand then bent forward and began to lick my balls running his tongue under them. I could feel his beard brush my inner thigh as he moved.

I waited for Russ to take my dick back into his mouth, but instead, he stood up, still holding my dick with one hand. Russ placed his free hand behind my head and pulled me close and began to kiss me, driving his tongue once more into my mouth. I could taste my precum on his lips as his tongue explored deep inside my mouth. As we kissed our dicks rubbed against each other, mine still slick from Russ' mouth. I placed my hand on Russ' lower back forcing us closer and enjoying the feeling of our 2 cocks grinding together.

Russ once more broke off the kiss. "Sit down" Russ instructed and turned us so that my back was to the sofa. I took a seat and waited for Russ to bring his hard cock to my mouth so I could suck it. Russ stood in front of me, his hard dick pointing toward my face. I reached for his dick and positioned my head, but just as I was ready to take it into my mouth Russ stopped me.

Russ had a teasing expression on his face as he physically stopped my head from moving forward sucking his dick into my mouth. "Sit back," Russ said, and I slumped back against the cushion of the sofa. I watched Russ as he stood before me trying to figure out what he had in mind. Russ moved forward and brought one knee up, placing it on the sofa beside me. Then resting his hands on my shoulders, he carefully moved his body up, placing the other leg on the opposite side of me.

I had no idea what Russ had in mind as I watched him move on top of me. Then he reached down and pulled my hard cock up away from my body, then began to move it towards the back of him. I felt the strain as my hard dick pulled straight up. Russ moved a bit more, lifting his body above my cock, then slowly adjusted his body. My eyes bulged as I realized he was pushing the tip of my cock into his ass.

"No! I said, realizing what he was doing. "I never..." I started. "Just relax, I will do all the work" Russ replied as he continued to lower his ass onto my cock. Lower and lower he went as my dick sunk deeper into his tight hole. Finally, he came to a stop and I could feel the tight warm hole wrapped around my hard dick. The feeling was weird and incredible. I watched Russ as his facial expressions went from deep concentration to pure pleasure.

"Fuck your dick feels so good" Russ moaned as he began to gyrate onto my dick. I couldn't believe this was happening. Russ began to shift his weight up, then slide back down, slowly at first. As he moved, I could feel the sensation on my cock intensifying. I looked up at Russ' face and the expressions on his face as he worked himself on my dick. I watched as his body moved and the muscles on his chest, abs, shoulders, and arms seemed to undulate with his increasing gyrations.

"Fuck your dick is incredible man!" Russ moaned, then leaned in and placed his mouth on my ear as he began to kiss and nibble down my neck, then across my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him to me. I could feel the heat of his body, and his masculine scent filling my nose. I buried my head in his neck as my mind and body went wild with lust.

Russ began to move faster and drive himself down on my cock with more intensity. I felt myself being pushed deeper into the sofa with each downward thrust. My breathing became strained as I could feel my dick swelling and getting close. Lost in my lust and desire, I grabbed Russ by his hair and pulled his head back, then brought my mouth to his. Still breathing hard, I drove my tongue into Russ' mouth while my dick was embedded deep inside his ass. I let out a huge moan, as I felt the orgasm begin to rage through my body. It grew quickly and there was no way to stop or even delay it.

Pulling my mouth from Russ' I threw my head back and let out a sound like an animal then buried my face in the crook of his neck as the intense orgasm ripped through my body. My hips rose up involuntarily, forcing my dick deeper into Russ' ass as cum seemed to explode from my dick deep inside him.

Sweat dripped off my face and chest as the orgasm finally began to subside. I lay quietly panting with my hands resting on Russ' legs. My chest and abs rose and fell as the sensations slowly washed away. Russ sat calmly, my dick still deep inside him watching me as my breath slowly returned to normal.

"Damn man," Russ said, and a cocky grin came over his face. Russ reached for my hand and brought it to his hard dick, then began guiding it up and down the shaft. "Yeah man that feels so good," he said and began to gyrate once more on my cock still embedded in his ass. I started to stroke his hard dick as precum flowed down the head and onto my hand.

"Oh yeah Ted, stroke it," Russ moaned, then bent forward and placed his lips on mine. Holding my head in his hands he drove his tongue into my mouth once more as I brought him closer to his orgasm. Several times Russ pulled his lips away just long enough to moan or grunt something. "Oh fucckkkk," Russ groaned, dragging out the word and I felt something warm hit my chest.

Russ covered my hand with his and directed my stroking motion as more cum splattered my body. Russ coated me with gobs of cum that seemed to splash every part of my naked torso. Then with a last shutter, Russ let out a final moan and his body trembled one last time before he removed his mouth from mine and straightened up.

"Damn man, I've wanted that since our first meeting," Russ said, not displaying any regret or remorse. I looked down to see virtually every inch of my exposed skin covered in pools of his white milky cum. I looked up at Russ and almost simultaneously we both broke out into laughter. "You're a mess," Russ said, through laughter. He was right.

Slowly Russ pulled himself up and I felt my dick slide from his ass. It was still hard as he worked it free, and it slapped back against my body. Russ got up slowly off my legs and grabbed a towel and handed it to me. I mopped up the cum that coated my body as best I could. Russ and I got dressed in silence and I left his apartment to make the long cold trek across campus back to my room.

The dorm room was dark and there was no sign of Brad. As I placed my books on my desk, I saw a note that read: "Ted, going home to spend winter break with my family." I placed the note back down on the desk and headed to the shower. I was still not sure what was up with Brad, hopefully, he would figure it out soon.

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Next: Chapter 9

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