
By Greg Stevens

Published on Apr 3, 2023



Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

C-Sucker -- Chapter 6

Brad's breathing gently slowed, and I began to extract myself from the sleeping mass of muscle. My body was coated with quick-drying, crusty cum as I walked to the bathroom to shower off the mess. I ran to soap over the patches of cum, allowing it to wash down the drain. As I brought the soap bar to my ass, to clean myself, I felt the weirdness in my hole where Brad had inserted his finger.

When I got back to the room, Brad was still sound asleep. I pulled the cover over his naked body and sat on the edge of my bed trying to process everything that happened. Exhaustion began to wash over me, and I flipped off the light and fell quickly asleep. The next morning when my alarm went off, Brad had already gone to his early practice session. I was happy to have the room to myself as I really didn't want to have any discussion about what we did. I wanted to just put it out of my head and move on.

I got some breakfast and headed to class, but I had a hard time focusing. I kept looking at my phone expecting a text from Brad. Maybe just to see how I was doing or to arrange another meeting with one of his classmates. I did like the money and if I were being honest there was something cool about taking a guy's dick in my mouth and getting him to the point of orgasm. It was like some kind of accomplishment for something I was good at.

Finally, my phone dinged and I looked at the message. It was from Brad. "Hey, are you on your way back to the dorm? Scotty was asking if you were free?" Brad texted. I felt a bit let down that he never asked how I was doing after what happened between us. "Yeah, on my way. I will be there in 15," I replied. I was happy to be getting paid again as I could always use the extra cash.

As I opened the door to our room, I heard talking. Scotty was already there and so was Brad. I looked at them both confused. "Scotty stopped by before heading home in case you were up for something," Brad said, seeing the confusion on my face. "I guess," I said, looking at Brad in his t-shirt and shorts and Scotty in his leather motorcycle suit. The zipper was pulled down revealing his chest and some of his abs. "Can Brad stay?" Scotty asked, with a broad smile. I couldn't believe what he was asking. I looked at Brad, who just sort of looked sheepish and said nothing. "I don't know," I said feeling confused and uncomfortable with the idea.

"What if I make it worth it?" Scotty asked, stepping a bit closer to me; I could immediately smell the leather of his motorcycle suit. "I don't know," I said, again but I could feel myself getting hard thinking about his cock in my mouth. I had no idea what Brad was going to be doing while I was blowing Scotty. As I stood there trying to decide what to do, Scotty took the zipper of his leather motorcycle jacket and began pulling it lower.

As the zipper moved down, I could see his navel, then I could see his pubes and finally, I could see the base of his cock. The lower the zipper went the harder it was for me to say no, and he seemed to know that. "Go for it Ted," Brad said, watching both of us. "Ok," I said, setting my books down. Scotty pulled the zipper down his leg freeing his cock. His dick quickly became fully engorged waiting for me to get to work.

I moved to the side of the bed so that I could be at the right level to suck his dick. Scotty walked over to me, his big dick swaying as he moved, the crackling noise of the leather filling the otherwise quiet dorm room. I took his dick in my hand and brought my face close. I breathed in the smell of leather. I liked the smell and it seemed to excite me.

I held his dick in my hand, still unsure about what Brad and Scotty had in mind. Brad moved next to me and placed his hand gently behind my head. "It's all good buddy," Brad said, gently pushing me forward. I looked up at him and he smiled, as he continued to push me forward. Scotty's cock touched my lips, it was warm and moist from the leather motorcycle suit.

I took a breath and opened my mouth allowing his hard dick to slowly slide deep inside. Scotty moaned softly as his dick was engulfed by my warm wet, hungry mouth. Brad left his hand on my head as I started to slowly suck Scotty's cock. Brad moved in, closing the gap between Scotty and me. I could see the bulge in his shorts. With my free hand, I reached for the bulge and began to stroke it. Brad pushed the cotton shorts down exposing his thick hard cock.

"Suck Brad's dick," Scotty said, pulling his dick from my mouth and allowing Brad to step in. I held Scotty's dick in my hand and moved my mouth to Brad's cock. There was a difference in the way their dicks felt in my mouth; both men had thick cocks, but Brad's mushroom head was much larger with a wide flare head.

"Oh, fuck yeah buddy," Brad moaned as his dick quickly slipped deep into my throat. His hand caressed my hair as I began sucking. I shifted my eyes upward and I saw Brad and Scotty making out. Brad's tongue was deep in Scotty's mouth and Scotty seemed to really like it. Watching Brad, I thought about the night before when he kissed me.

I lost my focus on Brad's cock as I watched the two men making out. Brad pulled away from Scotty and gave me a wink. Then he bent forward and brought his lips close to mine and stopped to see if I would pull away. I could feel his breath on my face and the glint in his eye. I moved forward allowing our lips to connect. "Fuck yeah," I heard Scotty say as Brad began to push his tongue into my mouth.

I heard the crackling of the leather and I felt Scotty moving. He dropped to his knees in front of Brad and began to suck Brad's cock. Brad let out a soft moan as we continued to kiss. I moved my hand to Scotty's shoulder, feeling the warm leather as his body rocked back and forth sucking on Brad's cock. "Wow," Brad said, very softly pulling his mouth from mine but staying close. He looked deep into my eyes as he said it.

Scotty turned to me and reached for my pants and roughly started to pull them open and then maneuver them down my legs. I had to shift my weight up off the bed to allow them to release from under me. Scotty took my dick and held it in his hand and looked up at Brad. "This is really nice," he told Brad as if he were examining a piece of meat. Scotty bent forward and took my cock into his mouth, slowly allowing it to slide past his lips and over his tongue.

I watched Scotty as he bent over, sucking my dick into his mouth, his leather motorcycle suit, stretched over his broad shoulders, making creaking noises as he moved. Brad placed his hand behind Scotty's head pushing him down onto my cock. Scotty made slurping sounds as he moved his head up and down, occasionally, swirling his tongue. I closed my eyes feeling my dick swell in his mouth.

I looked up at Brad and he began to strip off the rest of his clothes. Once he was naked, he sat on the bed next to me placing one foot behind me and the other on the floor, then leaned back against the pillows, propping his muscled arms under his head. "My turn again," He said, and I turned to look at him. He was holding his cock by the base and waving it in my direction. Scotty stopped sucking and watched as I leaned forward between Brad's legs and took the big cock into my throat.

"Fuck bro this guy can deep throat," Scotty said. I repositioned myself so that I could get a better angle on Brad's cock. I had gotten used to the thickness and length as it filled my mouth and prodded the back of my throat. I tasted the salty traces of precum as it gently flowed into the back of my throat. While I slurped on Brad's cock, I felt Scotty behind me; as he placed his hands on my ass I felt something cool. Scotty had slipped on his leather motorcycle gloves and was running the leather over my ass.

"This is a hot ass man," Scotty said, softly as his hands explored my body. Then I felt the gloved hands part my ass cheeks and I felt a warm sensation against my hole. At first, it felt strange, almost ticklish, but then it rapidly changed into an amazing sensation that made my cock jump. I held Brad's cock in my mouth not sucking him as the sensation washed over me again. I felt Scotty move and my body tingled all over.

"Fuck this ass is so sweet," I heard Scotty say. "Yeah, lick it bro" Brad called out. "Lick it?" I thought to myself and then I understood; Scotty was tongue deep rimming my ass. At first, the thought was weird, or gross but as his tongue probed deeper, any resistance I had to the idea passed, and I just allowed myself to enjoy the feeling.

Scotty's tongue moved faster and deeper inside me and I could feel my dick leaking precum. I lost any focus I had on Brad's cock as torrents of sexual energy flowed over my body. Brad pulled me up onto his body so that his big, hard wet cock was pressed against my chest, and he bent forward and placed his lips on mine. I sucked his tongue deep into my mouth as Scotty's tongue continued to invade my ass.

Scotty removed his tongue from my ass to my disappointment, leaving it feeling very cold and wet, then I felt Scott moving on the bed and I felt his body on top of mine. I pulled my mouth from Brad's. Brad had a grin on his face as he watched. Then I felt Scotty rubbing his dick against my crack. I felt the warm long tube slide against my wet hole.

The feeling wasn't bad, it actually felt pretty good, but the fear of what he had in mind began to overtake me. I started to move, but Brad held me in his arms. "Don't let him do this," I said, softly to Brad. "Relax, I promise you will like it," Brad said in a soft calming voice. Just as he said it, I felt pressure on my ass, and I could feel Scotty's dick head enter my hole.

The feeling wasn't exactly pain, but it wasn't really pleasure either. I felt stretched and full like I had to take a dump. Scotty didn't move, he just left his dick head in my ass for a moment. "Breath," Brad said, gently. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. As I did, Scotty slid forward, and I could feel my ass stretch wide. Scotty continued moving till I could feel his body resting on mine.

Scotty placed one leather-gloved hand on either side of Brad and me. The leather sleeves of his jacket surrounded my body like a cage. I wanted to move so that his dick was out of my ass, but I was trapped between Scotty and Brad. Slowly Scotty began to slide his dick back and I felt amazing relief. The full feeling subsided, but that feeling didn't last too long, as he then began sliding it back in.

Scotty continued to slide his dick in and out of my ass, his movements were slow and purposeful as he moved back and forth with great control. I stared at Brad, angry that he allowed this to happen, but at the same time, I wanted to feel his mouth on mine. I wanted him to make it feel ok.

Realizing I had no choice, but that this was happening, I lay my head on Brad's thick chest muscles as Scotty quickened his pace. Brad brought his hand to my head and gently caressed it, then he bent forward and placed kisses on my forehead, then my cheeks, and finally on my lips. I opened my mouth and accepted his kiss. This time it was soft and tender.

Scotty began to moan, as his hips began to drive his dick harder into me. Each thrust pushed me harder against Brad's body and his dick ground into my chest. "Oh man, I am going to fill his ass" Scotty moaned, his dick making jabbing motions. Then he gave one last thrust and his body tensed up and he let out a loud grunt that filled the room.

Something warm filled my insides and Scotty began to pant like a dog. For a moment there were some vibrating movements. The crackling leather filled the room. Then I felt Scotty's body relax, he bent forward and began to kiss my shoulders and back, the bristles of his facial hair scraping my skin as he moved his lips. Then Scotty allowed his spent cock to slip from my ass making it feel cold and empty.

Scotty stood up and moved next to the side of the bed, his dick was coated with cum, and his chest was coated in sweat. The warmth of his body intensified the smell of the leather as he stood close. "That was fucking amazing," he said, looking at Brad, then he began stuffing his cock back into the leather and zippering it up. "I will Venmo you," Scotty said then ran his leather-gloved hand down my back sending one last wave of goosebumps over my skin before grabbing his gear and leaving the dorm room.

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Next: Chapter 7

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