
By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 27, 2023



Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

C-Sucker -- Chapter 5

I looked at the clock and realized, I had to hurry, or I would be late for my first class of the day. I grabbed my books and headed across the campus to the Smith-Woodsen building. By the time I sat in the large hall, I was slightly out of breath. A quick look at my phone to see the message from Brad "Scotty paid, I Venmo'd you the money".

I laid the phone back down and tried to focus on the class. Since I hadn't had time to shower after my encounter with Scotty, I realized I could still smell his leather on me. As I slowly breathed it in, I felt my heartbeat start to quicken and my dick began to get hard in my pants. I placed my book on my lap to conceal the large lump which was rapidly growing down my leg.

Images swirled in my mind as I thought about Scotty. I flashed on him laying on top of me grinding his hard dick, still encased in leather against me. Feeling my own dick getting hard and pressing back against his. Remembering the waves of energy as they flowed through my body as my dick expanded under his attack. Then the shock when he said he wanted to fuck me and the idea that he may try to force it on me.

I shook my head to get the idea from my mind. I liked the power and confidence that Scotty had, but I couldn't imagine his dick in my ass. Why did anyone like that? I thought to myself not focusing at all on the lecture. I tried to imagine what it might feel like. The more I thought about the idea, the more my mind kept rejecting it. I pushed the idea out of my head and decided to talk to Brad about it.

Classes dragged on and I worked hard to keep the thoughts out of my head. Finally, I was able to go back to our dorm room. "Hey Stud" Brad called out louder than I expected. "Hey Brad" I responded with a quick smile. "Scotty really seemed to like what you did for him," Brad said. I felt myself blush thinking about it. I had no idea what Scotty told Brad. I never gave away details to Brad like when Russ kissed me or when Scotty wanted to fuck me. I decided it was best to keep those details confidential.

"You didn't tell me Scotty was much older," I said to Brad as I took a seat on my bed. "Yeah sorry," Brad said with a bit of a sheepish grin. "I wasn't sure if you would be ok with it, but Scotty is really cool and I knew he could make use of your special skills," Brad said. "Was it ok?" he asked. "Yeah, a bit of a shock at first but then it was ok," I replied.

"We need to discuss my cut," Brad said with a big grin. I looked up at him to see if he was joking. "How much?" I said thinking about the few extra dollars I had after I purchased my book for class. "I don't need your money," Brad replied still grinning. A quick glance at his crotch and I knew exactly what he had in mind. "Ok," I said, I felt my cock start to swell in my pants.

I waited for Brad to stand up and walk over to the bed as he had done before, but instead, he stripped off his clothes. Sharing a room with Brad since the beginning of the semester, I was used to seeing him naked, but I had never seen him fully naked with his huge dick proudly erect. Brad's body was massive with toned muscles. Brad had the build you would expect from a linebacker on a professional football team. His skill on the field in high school is what helped him get his college scholarship and what he hoped would get him into the pros.

Brad stood naked and proud, the weight of his heavy dick pulling it down and pointing in my direction. As I watched Brad, I could feel my own dick getting hard. I waited for Brad to approach so I could feel his dickhead pressing against the back of my throat, but instead, he moved to his bed and laid down propping his head up on pillows and spreading his legs. "Come on," he said, running his hand under his low-hanging balls.

I stood up and moved to the bed. "Get undressed first" Brad instructed, putting his hand up. "I just want to suck," I said, feeling a bit confused. "Get undressed," Brad said a bit more firmly. Reluctantly I pulled off my shirt and slowly dropped my pants and stepped out of them. "All of it," Brad said as I stood in just my briefs, my hard dick tending the front. I looked at him as if to say, "come on, don't do this," but I realized he wasn't going to give in.

"Get on the bed," Brad said, and I climbed up between his legs and took the shaft of his cock in my hand. Before I could bring it to my mouth, Brad put his hands under my arms and pulled me up to him. "Play with my nipples," Brad said. I reached up, bringing my hands to the brown nipples and running my fingertips over them. "Harder," Brad said in a gruff voice. I took my fingers and began to pinch the nipples applying slow pressure. "Yeah Ted," Brad moaned as I continued to press and pull on his nipples.

"Suck them," Brad said but didn't wait for a response, he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me forward. My face crashed against his hard chest and our dicks collided. Brad held my head down on his nipple and placed the other hand on the small of my back. I opened my lips and drew the hairy nipple in as Brad commanded. Brad flexed his chest muscles and moaned as I began to work the puckered tip with my lips and then my teeth.

"Harder," Brad said, and I applied even more pressure with my teeth. "Fuck yeah" he moaned. Then I felt his body move under me; Brad began to gyrate his hips upward, grinding his cock against mine while applying downward pressure with his hand on my lower back. "Fuck Ted you feel good man," Brad moaned. He let go of his grip on my head and I felt his hand running gently down my back sending goosebumps across my skin. He ground his dick into me with soft gentle movements.

His hand moved even lower, and I could feel it against my ass, cupping one cheek in his massive hand. "Fuck Ted your ass is great, man," Brad said, and the words seemed weird to me. Brad moved his hand to the middle, sliding down the crack. "No," I said, pulling my mouth from his nipple. "Stop," Brad ordered, holding my back tight in his hand so that I couldn't move. His finger slowly trailed the outer part of my crack from the top to the bottom, moving with purpose.

Then I felt Brad's finger part my ass checks and it slid deeper between the cheeks. "Does that feel good Ted?" Brad asked. The feeling was very weird, but it did feel oddly good. Brad moved his finger to my hole and began to probe it before I could even respond to the question. Fear jolted my body as his finger dug a bit deeper inside me. "No," I said, as his finger moved deeper.

Brad did not stop, he continued to push his finger slowly into me. My ass felt like it would split open, and my stomach tightened with fear and pain. "Holy fuck man that is a tight hole," Brad said, his voice was so soft that it seemed to somehow relax me, and my breathing seemed to calm. I lay my head on Brad's chest trying to calm myself. Brad's finger began to make regular movements, some felt painful, but others felt amazing. As the pain subsided it was replaced by a feeling that charged my body and felt so amazing, that I couldn't really describe it.

Back and forth my body experienced a rollercoaster of pain followed by intense pleasure. Each time the pain passed my body waited with anticipation as the wave of pleasure that was going to come. At the same time that Brad manipulated my hole with his finger, he continued to gyrate his cock against mine.

I felt like I had lost all control of my body as Brad continued to grind his cock into mine and his finger into my ass. I had never felt anything like this, and I couldn't do anything other than moan from the intensity of the pleasure I was feeling. Once I stopped fighting Brad's assault on my ass, he moved his now free hand up my back to my head and gently rubbed it.

Brad began to lift his hips, forcing his hard cock against mine more deliberately. "Fuck Ted" you feel so good man," Brad moaned as his muscles expanded and contracted. I felt a strange surge deep inside me and then my dick began to throb with amazing power. "Fuck," I said drawing the word out in a long moan, I felt my ass clamp down on Brad's finger as my dick began to cum, flooding the gap between us.

Brad moved his finger against the pressure of my ass which only seemed to intensify the already incredible orgasm that was moving through my body. Time seemed to pass slowly as my body stopped convulsing. Brad slowly slipped his finger from my ass, but instead of pushing me off of him he wrapped his big arms around me and held me while my breathing returned to normal. I lay quietly on him allowing myself to gain some control.

Brad kissed my forehead gently. "Did you like that?" He asked. "Yeah," I said, feeling a mix of pleasure and guilt. Brad shifted his weight so that I rolled onto the bed beside him, big bicep cushioning my head. "You made a mess," Brad said with a chuckle looking at the pool of cum on our bodies. "Sorry," I said feeling very uncomfortable and a bit sheepish. Brad reached for my hand and brought it to his cock.

I began to bend forward to suck Brad's cock, but he stopped me. Taking my hand, he began to move it up and down on his cock, my cum acting as a lubricant as I moved. "That was so hot," Brad said as I slowly stroked his hard cock. As I jerked Brad off, he ran his hand over my body. "Yeah, buddy that feels so good," Brad moaned. Brad's body moved and writhed as I continued to manipulate his cock. He moaned loudly and moved with each stroke.

"Fuck buddy, I am so close," He moaned then took my hand and held it still for a moment. When he released my hand, I began to stroke his hard cock again. "Oh god yeah," he grunted, and I felt a sense of power over his big dick and his orgasm. As I returned to stroking, I began to spiral my hand up and down his shaft adding a different feeling for him. Brad moaned and his body tensed as I teased his cock.

"Ted, man, I am going to shoot," Brad groaned. His body went rigid, and I could feel his bicep harden under my head as the powerful orgasm began to build in his body. Brad turned to me, as his body tensed, and I knew he was getting ready. Brad moved closer and just as his dick swelled in my hand, he brought his lips to mine and drove his tongue deep into my mouth. Brad's tongue was thick and intense as he ran it inside my mouth. With the intense kiss, Brad's cock began to unload shooting cum over our bodies until his dick was fully spent. I slowed my stroking of his cock once the cum stopped flowing, while Brad continued to run his tongue around my mouth.

I didn't know how I felt about it, but it wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be. The intensity of the kiss softened but Brad didn't seem to be in a hurry to break off the kiss either. Brad pulled me closer, wrapping me in his arms as he continued the kiss. I felt the wetness of two loads of cum splattered between us. Then Brad's mouth slowly trailed off, kissing gently over my chin and across my neck before his head rested on my shoulder and he lay still.

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Next: Chapter 6

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