
By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 24, 2023



Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a fiction work. All names and places are fictitious.

C-Sucker -- Chapter 4

I was exhausted after my long day and my "after-school experience". I lay down and fell asleep so soundly that I never even heard Brad come into the room. When I finally woke in the morning, Brad was dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me. "Good morning," he said, a bit more cheerily than I was ready for. "Morning," I said, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

I sat up on the side of the bed and stretched out my lower back and arms. "Well, how did it go?" Brad asked, eagerly. My mind flashed back to my experience with Russ. "It was ok," I said, feeling very awkward about it. "He really seemed to like whatever you did," Brad said, and I sensed he was trying to get some details from me. Brad sat patiently waiting.

"He came over and I sucked his dick," I said, finally, trying to be as brief as possible. I didn't want to tell Brad that he kissed me. That part still felt very uncomfortable to me, and I wasn't sure how Brad would react or if it would get back to Russ that I said something about it. I also left out the part where Russ wanted to suck my dick.

"Well, Russ really seemed to like it. He wants another go at it next week. Oh, and I sent the money to your account." Brad said. A quick check on my phone and sure enough there was the money. I had a brief surge of excitement that this deal could really pay off. "Do you think you might be up for another one of my buddies?" Brad asked. "I don't know," I said, but I thought about the money, and to be honest I was sort of enjoying it a bit. "He's not on the team, but I know he loves a good cock sucker. He's in one of my classes," Brad said, not really waiting for my response. "The only issue is he doesn't live on campus so it's a bit harder to set something up in the evenings for him. Do you think you could do something in the morning before classes?" Brad asked.

I thought about it for a few minutes and told Brad I thought that was possible. The next day my classes started late anyway so I could definitely give it a try. "Great, you will like Scotty, he's a really cool guy," Brad said and began texting to make the arrangements. "He can be here at 9 am tomorrow," Brad said, putting down the phone. "Ok," I said simply and got ready for my classes.

"Hey, Ted, it's 8 am. Scotty is going to be here at 9." Brad said, waking me out of a sound sleep. "Wha?!" I said, as the fog slowly lifted. "Scotty is going to be here in about an hour. Remember we arranged it yesterday," Brad said, as the memory slowly returned. "Ok, I'm up," I said sitting up on the bed. "Nice man," Brad said, and when I looked up at him, I saw he was staring at my morning wood.

Brad reached for it, and I jerked my body back. "It's cool man just thought you needed some help," Brad said, moving his hand to my boner. Brad began to roughly rub it through the thin cotton material as my dick hardened fully. Without a word between us, he moved his hand up and down on my hard cock stroking it slowly. I leaned back on the bed, allowing the sensations to wash over me as he slowly jerked me off.

"Does that feel good?" Brad asked as he moved his hand along the shaft. I nodded "yes". Brad took a seat on the bed next to me so that he could get a better angle on my cock. He continued to stroke it through my briefs which felt good. My body began to tingle, as my dick swelled with excitement at his touch.

I closed my eyes to savor the feeling and without thinking about it I leaned over and placed my hand on Brad's chest. Brad's chest was massive with large, strong muscles. His skin was firm and taught. I found a nipple and began to stroke it. "Fuck that feels good, man," Brad moaned moving his hand faster on my cock. The faster Brad stroked my cock the more intense pressure I applied to his nipple.

"Fuck" I said, softly placing my hand over Brad's. Brad continued moving his hand and I felt my dick rise up and then warm cum began to fill my shorts. Brad continued stroking as my body trembled from the early morning orgasm. "Yeah bud," Brad said, slowing his stroking motion on my cock. Brad's hand came to rest on my spent cock. The smell of warm cum permeated the air. "Nice load, man," Brad said, moving his hand away. I opened my eyes to see the huge wet spot on my shorts.

"You better get cleaned up, you have a customer coming over soon," Brad said, with a chuckle then cleaned his hand on a towel and grabbed his books for classes. "Scotty will be here at 9," Brad reminded me before leaving the room. I lay still on the bed feeling the cum slowly cooling and drying in my shorts. After a few more minutes I forced myself up and dragged myself into the shower to get cleaned up, then went back to the room to wait.

At 9 am there was a knock at the door and a pit formed in my stomach. I got up and opened the door and was immediately confused. "Hi. Are you Ted? Brad told me to come over," the guy on the other side of the door said. At first, I wasn't sure what to say. The guy was in head-to-toe motorcycle leathers, that were mostly black with some grey and white trim. Under his arm, he held his helmet and a pair of leather riding gloves. The guy was much older than Brad or Russ, he looked to be in his mid-30s. He had brown hair and a mustache with some noticeable stubble on his face.

"Um Hi. Yeah, I'm Ted." I said, awkwardly. This couldn't be Scotty. Scotty was a classmate and should be about the same age as Brad. "Hi, I'm Scotty," the man said extending his hand. I looked at him with great surprise as I stepped aside to let him in. "Brad said you were a classmate," I said, still not sure what was happening. Scotty laughed. "Yeah, I am. I know I am older, but I was in the military and just started back at college. "I'm 32. Is that a problem?" Scott asked.

"Um no," I said still feeling very confused. "How old are you?" Scotty asked. "I just turned 19," I said, proudly. "19 huh, that's nice, man. Well Brad tells me you are pretty good," Scotty said, and I felt myself blush a bit. The situation was strange, but this felt even stranger to be doing something like this with someone much older than me. Scotty placed his helmet on the table and walked over to the bed and sat down while I watched. The smell of leather filled the room and each movement let off a small creaking sound.

"Come here," Scott said, calling me over to him. I walked slowly near him, and he reached forward and grabbed my hips moving me directly in front of him. "You look hot," Scotty said looking up at me. The compliment felt so strange, but I could feel my cock getting hard. "Sit down," Scott said, pulling me so that I had to straddle his body with a leg on each side of him.

It felt weird, and awkward sitting on his lap like this. Scotty reached for the zipper on his jacket and pulled it down exposing his bare chest. Play with my nipples he said pulling the leather back. I reached into the jacket and moved my hands to his nipples. Scotty leaned back and watched as I began to slowly run my fingers over his smooth chest.

"Yeah man, suck my nipple," Scott said, and it sounded more like an order than a request. I bent my face forward and buried it into the black leather. The feeling of the leather was cold and smooth against my cheek as I found his nipple with my lips. His chest was a bit sweaty, and the smell of the leather was clinging to it. As I began to suck on his nipple, I could feel his cock bulging under me. Scotty pulsed his cock, forcing it to throb like a heartbeat against my ass.

"Yeah, boy you feel good" Scotty moaned and reached up to run his hand over my head. "Fuck your mouth feels great," Scotty moaned, then moved my head to the other nipple so that I could give it equal treatment. After a few more minutes Scotty pulled my head back. "Damn that mouth is great, boy," Scotty said, then just stared at me. Scotty's eyes were dark brown and he just looked deep into me as if he were studying me.

Then a brief smile came over Scotty and in a quick twist he flipped me over onto my back and positioned himself on top of me. Scotty took my hands and pinned them to the bed, then began to grind his cock against mine. I could feel his hardness through the leather as gyrated against me. "Fuck boy you feel so good. I want to fuck you so badly." Scotty moaned. "No. I don't do that," I said struggling now to try to get out from under him. Fear began to wash over me. "Come on man, I'll pay you double the price, and you'll love it," Scotty said. "No. I've never done that, and I don't want to." I said pushing even harder against him. "Fuck virgin ass? I'll triple the payment." Scotty said. My mind was going crazy; this guy was willing to pay that much to fuck me. "What was wrong with him?" I thought to myself.

I struggled some more trying to get Scotty off of me and away from him. "Ok, ok. I get it," Scotty said, loosening his grip on me. He pulled his body off of mine and stood up by the side of the bed. I quickly jumped up and moved away from him. "Sorry man, I just thought you were hot," Scotty said apologetically. I gave him an angry stare, then allowed myself to calm down.

"Do you want a blow job or not?" I asked. Scotty laughed, which caused some of my anger to wash away. "Fuck yeah, you can't tease me like that and then not suck my dick," Scotty said. I took my position, sitting on the side of the bed with some caution. Scotty moved in front of me and pulled the zipper on his leather motorcycle suit down. Slowly the zipper went, first exposing his thick patch of pubes, then lower to his hard cock. The zipper moved at an angle down his left leg and his hard cock flopped out.

"Suck it," Scott said when his dick was fully exposed. I bent forward and took his cock in my hand bringing my face to it. The rich smell of the leather filled my nose, this time mixed with a musky masculine scent. As I slipped Scotty's dick into my mouth, I could taste the leather. I didn't imagine leather had a taste, but it really did. The leather taste added a sensation that seemed exciting to me.

I began to focus on Scotty's cock feeding it deeper into my mouth and throat till it could go no further. Scotty softly moaned. "Holy fuck man your mouth is incredible," Scott hissed, his breath becoming a bit ragged. I took Scotty by the hips, feeling the thick smooth leather in my hands, and began to move him back and forth into my mouth. Scotty quickly took over placing his hands on my shoulders and driving his cock into me.

Scotty began to pant like a dog and then slipped his cock from my mouth. His dick was wet and red and fully engorged. Scotty quickly crossed the room and grabbed his helmet. "Was he done?" I thought. Then he moved back to the bed, carrying his leather gloves. He slipped the gloves over his hands. Then with one hand, Scotty held the back of my head and with the other, he took 2 leather-covered fingers and ran them over my lips, then drove them into my mouth.

"Suck it" Scotty ordered, sliding them on my tongue into my throat. I placed both hands on his leather-gloved hand and began to suck on the leather fingers as he requested. "Fuck boy" Scotty moaned, then slipped his fingers from my mouth and pushed his cock back in. Scotty took the wet gloved fingers coated with my saliva and inserted them into his mouth while he began to fuck my mouth with his hard cock.

"Fuck boy, I am going to bust a nut," Scott moaned in a deep guttural voice. He pushed his dick deep into my mouth and I waited for his thick cream to fill my throat. With both hands Scotty grabbed my head roughly and shoved his dick even further into my mouth, I could feel the head in my throat, then the warm liquid began to flood my mouth. Scotty moaned and thrashed dumping his load into me while holding my head still in his hands.

The cum stopped and I felt Scotty's body let out a last shake, then slowly his cock slipped from my mouth. "Damn, dude. Brad undersold your skills. That is probably the best blowjob I ever had." He said, then flopped on the bed next to me, his leather creaking with his movements. "Thanks," I said softly but I was feeling pretty good about the compliment. "How long have you been doing it?" Scotty asked. "I just did it a few times," I explained.

"No fucking way," Scotty said with a chuckle. "It's true," I said, easily, I seemed to be more comfortable with Scotty for some reason. I wasn't sure if it was because of his age, or if I was just able to relax more with this crazy thing that was happening to me. "Do you like it?" Scotty asked. Again, I felt my face blush. I hadn't really ever told anyone that I did like it. That there was something powerful about it for me.

"I do," I said, so softly, admitting it out loud. Scotty wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to him. It felt like a buddy hug, and I didn't feel a need to resist it. "Glad to hear it," He said, bending forward and placing a kiss on my head. I felt my dick swell from the connection. "Scotty stood up and I watched as he pulled the zipper on his leather motorcycle suit slowly up his body, till he was fully clad once more in the black leather.

Scotty extended his leather-gloved hand, the same one I sucked on to shake my hand. "Sorry if I got a bit too rough. I think you are really hot. I would definitely like to hang out again if you are up for it." Scotty said. "Thanks," I said, and I watched Scotty leave the dorm room.

Next: Chapter 5

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