
By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 22, 2023



Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a fiction work. All names and places are fictitious.

C-Sucker -- Chapter 3

Brad was already gone by the time I woke up. He had early morning practice before classes. As I was getting ready for my day, my mind wandered to the locker room that Brad spoke about and what he had described. Guys fucking in the sauna!? The idea was crazy to me; I couldn't imagine sliding my dick into a guy's ass. And there was no way I could imagine a dick in mine. Then I started thinking about what I had done with Brad. For some reason that seemed ok to me. Was that weird? Was I weird? I shrugged off the thoughts and got ready to leave my dorm room.

I got back to the room around 8 pm and Brad was already there studying. "Hey, Ted, what's up?" Brad said cheerfully as I walked into the dorm. "Hey Brad," I said, setting my books down and scrounging for something to eat. Brad stood up and reached for the mini-fridge under his desk and grabbed 2 drinks. "Here you go," Brad said, handing me one. "Thanks," I said curiously as to why he was being extra nice.

I looked at him quizzically. "What's going on?" I asked, sitting on my bed. Brad sat opposite me on his bed and took a swig of his Mountain Dew. "Well, I was um, thinking" Brad started, and I could tell he was up to something. "You seem to like sucking dick," he said. "I like sucking yours I guess," I replied hastily. "And I know you can use a few extra dollars," Brad added. "Are you going to start paying me," I said, sharply. "LOL no," Brad said with a laugh.

"What's going on?" I asked again, getting frustrated that he wasn't getting to the point fast enough. "Well, I know some of the guys on the team would be willing to pay for a really good blowjob." Brad finally blurted out. I stared at him for a moment to see if he was joking. Brad's face was calm and serious, there was no joke. "You told your teammates about what I did?" I asked, feeling my anger rise. "No. Fuck no. No way. I would never say anything unless you were cool with it." Brad said, quickly. I calmed down a bit and tried to process the information.

"Look all I am saying is that you are really good at it, and you seem to like it. I could line up some guys and you could make some money doing it." Brad explained. "Guys would pay me to suck their cocks? Nothing more?" I asked. There was a bit of a thrill as I thought about Brad's proposal. "Yeah, definitely they would. You're damn good at it too." Brad said and I felt a bit of pride at the compliment.

"I don't know," I said mulling the idea over in my head. The idea was crazy. "Give it a try. Start with one of the guys and if you don't like it, don't do it." Brad offered. "I know one of my buddies would definitely be up for it. His dick is always hard, and he loves getting sucked off." Brad said. It did sound exciting, and I was pretty good at sucking cock, but did I want to make money doing it?

"When would this happen?" I asked mulling over the idea. "I think for the first time, it could happen whenever you thought you wanted to try it. I can call him any time and tell him to come over." Brad said. "What do you get out of it?" I asked. "Well, you can give me a cut for arranging it, or pay me in blowjobs," Brad said with a deep chuckle that made me laugh too.

"I just have to suck dick; I don't have to do anything else?" I asked. "Yep, just suck and swallow," Brad confirmed. "I'll think about it," I said, reluctantly. The idea was so bizarre, but I couldn't help thinking about it. I tossed and turned all night thinking about what Brad was proposing. Could I actually do it? Would I even want to do it? By the time morning came I still wasn't sure if I would go through with it.

"I will try it once, but other than giving a blowjob, nothing else is going to happen?" I asked Brad abruptly when we were ready to leave the dorm room for classes. "Yep, you decide what you will and won't do" Brad stated clearly. "I will arrange it whenever you are ready" Brad added.

Later that morning I got a text from Brad: "Want to give it a try tonight?" Brad texted. The message was totally out of the blue and I had to stop to think about what he was talking about. My body started to feel shaky as the reality of the arrangement was coming to life. "When? Who?" I asked, rapidly. "About 8 pm, Russ" he texted back. Who was Russ? I didn't really know any of the guys on the team. I had been to some parties with them, but never really got to know them well enough.

I stared at the phone for a few minutes trying to decide if I could go through with it. The idea had my dick slowly hardening in my pants, but my head was trying to talk me out of it. I placed the phone down to focus on the lecture hoping I would change my mind. "Hey bud, I know you're not sure. Don't feel pressured." Brad typed. The message made me feel a bit better about it. "K," I typed back.

The rest of the day I found it hard to focus on anything. I went from moments of excitement to fear to regret. Several times I started a message to Brad and then stopped short. I could feel my stomach tighten each time my mind wandered back to the idea. When classes were over, I headed back to the room and sat nervously on the bed still deciding if I would back out at the last minute. I paced the room talking to myself and trying to justify "why" and "why not".

There was a knock on the door, and I realized I had spent so much time debating that I lost track of time. My pulse began to race as I opened the door. "Brad sent me," the guy standing in the doorway said. "Hi," I said awkwardly, stepping out of the way to let him in. "Hi, I'm Russ, are you Ted?" He asked, reaching his hand for a shake. "Yeah," I said looking at Russ.

By contrast, Russ had a very different build from Brad. Russ was about 6', and his build was more similar to mine than Brad's, with lean muscle. Russ had dirty blond hair and a blond clean cropped beard. He was wearing a white V-neck t-shirt that looked like it was painted onto his body and a letterman jacket with the school colors and a logo emblazoned on the left side.

"How do you want to do this?" Russ asked and I was confused by the question. I didn't really have any experience with this at all. "I don't know," I said feeling very uncomfortable. "Have you done this before?" He asked. "Well yeah but only a couple of times," I said, trying to come off as more confident. "Have you?" I asked. Russ didn't answer, he just gave me a smirk. "Let's go over to the bed," Russ said, and I followed him.

Russ stood in front of me, and I had a hard time maintaining eye contact with him. Then he reached his hand forward to my shoulder. "Relax," he said. Russ moved closer, so close that I could feel the heat coming off his body. I could smell his freshly washed body. He placed his free hand on my hip and pulled me towards him, then pulled my body to touch his wrapping his hand around my waist. Russ leaned in and placed his lips on my neck. I could feel the bristles of his beard as he moved his lips over my skin. The feeling was weird and good at the same time. As his lips moved up my neck he touched his lips to mine, briefly.

"No," I said, pulling away. "I don't," I said, not really finishing it. "It's cool," Russ said, and I sensed some disappointment. "Can I see your cock?" I asked, trying to get the job done. Russ stepped back and ran his hands down his body to the top of his jeans. With a tug, he pulled the buttons open. Russ wasn't wearing any underwear and I could see the blond pubes in the wide opening. Russ reached in and pulled out a long cock with a big head. He held his cock in his hand and it began to fill with blood. As it did, it began to curve upward.

"Want to suck it?" Russ asked, holding it and waving it in my direction. "Yeah," I said simply. Russ placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to the edge of the bed, then moved closer. I reached for his cock, it was rock hard and so tight to his body, that I felt like I might hurt him pulling it down toward my lips. Russ placed his hand on the side of my face and ran his thumb over my lips. "Do a good job" he said with a wink.

I bent forward and took the curved cock into my mouth. It felt very different than Brad's, I could feel the curve pushing the head against the roof of my mouth as I began to take it deeper. "Fuck dude," Russ said as his dick slipped further into my throat. I began to slide his dick in and out of my mouth, running my tongue on the underside of his hard shaft.

I placed my hands on Russ' hips and began to pull him towards me, then pushed him back. I repeated his motion until Russ took over and began to do it on his own, fucking my mouth. "Yeah man your mouth is fucking hot," Russ moaned. His body began to move faster driving his cock deeper into my throat. Then Russ grabbed my hair and pulled my head back allowing his cock to slip from my mouth.

"Fuck that is a hot mouth, man," he said with a grunt, then he opened his mouth and let some spit land on his cock. Before I could react to it, he shoved it back into my mouth and started fucking my mouth again. "Damn dude," Russ exclaimed, pulling his cock free once again. This time he pulled his t-shirt up over his head exposing his bare chest. He grabbed my hand and pulled it to his nipple. "Squeeze it." He demanded and I began to pull in his tight nipple.

"Fuck," he moaned and placed his hand on mine adding additional pressure. "Yeah man pull it" he moaned. I did as he asked, pulling on his nipple. Sweat began to form on his chest and glisten against his tight muscle. The warm smell of his body wafted into my nose. Russ reached down with his free hand and grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head back. "Dude you are fucking hot," He said in a deep voice then bent down and placed his lips in mine driving his tongue deep into my mouth. I tried to pull away, but he held me in place.

Russ broke off the kiss quickly and pushed my head back down onto his cock, shoving it back in, and started to fuck my mouth again. His jabs into my mouth were hard and deep and I wrapped my lips around his cock the best I could. "Fuck man I want to cum. I want to fill your hot mouth with my seed. Fuck man take it. Take my cream." Russ moaned.

Warm cum began to shoot into my mouth. It was thick and really warm and there was a lot of it. I swallowed it as quickly as I could, not allowing any of it to leak out of my mouth. With a final shove, Russ pushed his dick as far into my throat as he could and let out one final moan. One last bit of cum oozed down my throat.

Russ' body gave a bit of a quiver, and he slowly allowed his cock to slip from my mouth. His dick was bright red and coated in cum and saliva. His hand still holding me by my hair. "Lick it clean," he said. I leaned forward and began taking slow licks at his cock head savoring every drop of cum.

"Thanks, man," Russ said, letting go of my hair. He began to stuff his cock back into his pants and buttoned them up, then pulled his shirt back over his head. I stood up from the edge of the bed facing Russ. "You have an incredible mouth man," Russ said, then reached for my cock. It was hard and running down the leg of my pants. "Damn man I could suck that for you." Russ offered. "Thanks, I'm good," I said, moving away.

Russ followed me to the door and as I turned to open it, he backed me up and ground his body against mine. I could feel his semi-hard cock pressing against mine. His face was close to mine. "I want you again, Ted," he said and forced his tongue into my mouth. I pulled my head away and moved to the side then managed to open the door. Russ gave me a smile and left the room.

Once Russ left, I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up, my dick was hard and I pulled it out and began to stroke it. I closed my eyes, recalling the feeling of Russ' cock in my mouth. My pulse began to quicken as I stroked my dick faster. I could still feel Russ's cock, I could still taste his salty cum in my mouth. Just as my dick hit that point of no return, my mind flashed to Russ' tongue in my mouth and my dick shot a load all over the sink and mirror.

I opened my eyes panting from the orgasm as I surveyed the mess I made. I looked at myself in the mirror partially obscured by the cum I had just splattered on it. A deep sense of relief came over me as my breathing slowly returned to normal. I looked at the mess and began to quickly clean it up.

"How did it go?" The text message from Brad read. "It wasn't too bad" I replied quickly. I didn't want to provide any details. "Well, Russ seemed to really like it. I Venmo'd me the money already and wants to set something up for maybe next week," Brad texted. "Next week?" I thought to myself. I wasn't sure if there would be a next week.

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Next: Chapter 4

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