
By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 20, 2023



Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction work. All names and places are fictitious.

C-Sucker -- Chapter 2

Brad and I returned to our studying without any discussion. I had no desire to talk about it and I was glad that Brad seemed to feel the same way. After a couple of hours of quiet studying, I was snapped out of my work when Brad closed his book with a crack and let out a loud yawn as he stretched.

"Fucking economics," He said out loud as he closed his laptop and piled up his books and papers. I looked at the clock and decided it was time to stop for a while as well. "Want to grab some pizza for dinner?" Brad asked while holding his cell phone. I turned to face him for the first time since the encounter. "Sure," I said, trying not to feel too awkward. Brad placed an order for delivery and put his phone down on his desk.

"30 minutes or it's free," Brad said with a chuckle. The big chain that made those promises didn't deliver on campus. The local place basically got there when they got there, but the pizza was pretty good, so it was worth the wait. The room fell back into silence for a few more minutes.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Brad asked, breaking the silence. I felt my pulse race as the question hit me. "Um sure," I said. "I didn't know you were gay. I mean it is cool and all. I just didn't know." Brad said somewhat awkwardly. The question hit me hard; I wasn't gay. I never had any interest in guys. I had a girlfriend for years and we only just broke up when I went off to college. "I'm not gay," I said, trying not to sound offended. I could feel the heat rising on my face. "You never told me you were gay," I said defensively. Brad chuckled, which only added to my anger. "Oh, I'm not," he said easily.

My pulse raced as he replied thinking he was joking. I wasn't gay and I wasn't into playing games with him. "I'm not gay," I stated, angrily. "I believe you," Brad said, putting his hands up in retreat and trying to calm me down. "I'm not either. I like pussy," he added. This took me back for a moment while I tried to process it. "But you..." I started. "Yeah, you did too," he said with a laugh which helped me calm down a bit. "Then?" I started.

Brad sat up on his bed. "It's cool man, sometimes I just need to get off. I've had my dick sucked by half the football team. Hell, in high school the coach blew me a couple of times." Brad said casually. I looked at him in disbelief and amazement. "It just feels good to have a mouth on it." He added watching my reaction. "But you did it to me too?" I asked, trying to understand. "Yeah, I did. We had an agreement on the team that we give what we take. Some guys even did more, but I never really got into that." Brad explained.

"Did more?" I asked, curiosity building in me. "Yeah, a lot more," Brad said but still didn't elaborate. I stared at him waiting for him to tell me what he meant. "This has to stay between us, guys' agreement," Brad warned, and his voice became a bit more serious. "Ok" I agreed reluctantly.

"Some of the guys did more than just blowing each other," Brad said lowering his voice a bit. "Like what?" I asked, my curiosity rising. "Guys get super sweaty, and hormones are at their peak following an aggressive practice. That aggression needs to go somewhere; some guys start fights, and others do things." Brad said, seeming a bit mysterious. "What things?" I asked, feeling a bit frustrated waiting for him to just tell me. "I walked into the sauna many times to find 2 of the guys fucking." Brad said.

"Each other? Like in their ass?" I asked, then realized my questions seemed sort of naïve. "Yeah," Brad said with a chuckle. "Did you...?" I started to ask. "No never. I watched it a few times, and I even jerked off watching it a few times, but I never did it. Like I said I don't mind getting a blow job and I will reciprocate to be fair, but that's about all I am into." Brad continued.

"You never walked in on a couple of the guys fooling around in the locker room in high school?" Brad asked, just as the phone rang, indicating the pizza had arrived. We grabbed the pizza and some plates and sat back down to talk. Brad looked at me waiting for my response.

I thought back to the locker room in high school. I wasn't on the football team or any other team for that matter. I was a skinny short kid through most of high school. It wasn't until senior year that I went through a massive growth spurt and got heavily into working out. I grew half a foot and bulked my body up, developing some good muscle tone. As I looked across at Brad, I knew I would never be as tall or as developed as him, but I felt very good about my body.

"No. Never." I said, after swallowing a piece of pizza. "I never did anything before you walked in drunk the other night," I said. "Why did you do it?" Brad asked, chomping down on a slice of pizza. I shrugged my shoulders feeling very embarrassed. "It's cool Ted, you can tell me," Brad said reassuringly. "I don't really know. I was caught off guard, I guess." I said. "What else?" Brad asked, prodding me. "I don't know. There was something about the feeling of it in my mouth and the way it slid over my tongue and into my throat." I said, thinking back to the event.

"You did a really good job sucking," Brad said. "Thanks," I replied, and felt myself blush. "Hell, you could blow me anytime you wanted" Brad added with a chuckle. "Really?" I asked, trying not to sound too eager. "Fuck yeah," Brad replied.

I was excited about the idea of blowing Brad again, but I wasn't really sure about getting sucked. It didn't feel that great to me. It wasn't terrible either, but manipulating his big dick to the point where I was able to get him to shoot his load seemed to excite me more than anything. I also liked swallowing his cum, feeling the warm fluid hit the back of my throat before sliding down. Was it weird that I liked the feeling and taste of cum? Brad didn't seem to like cum, he told me to let him know when I was ready, then he let it shoot onto the desk and floor.

We finished the pizza and then cleaned up the plates and sodas. Brad stripped down to his boxers to get ready for bed. "Want to blow me before bed?" he ran his hand over the outline of his semi-hard cock. "Now?" I asked. "Yeah, all this talk got me horny, Ted," Brad said and there was a touch of impatience in his voice. "I don't know," I said. I waited for Brad to add a bit more demand to his request, to get aggressive with me like he did when he was drunk.

Brad gave me a sideways look and I gave him a bit of a smirk. "Oh, I get it," he said and crossed the room. "You want to be a little cock tease," He said, placing his hand behind my head and pulling me to the front of his briefs. "Suck it, Ted, help a brother out," He said rubbing my face along his hardening cock. I lifted my hands up to the band on his briefs and pulled them down, exposing his cock, then I tilted my eyes up towards Brad's face and waited for him to feed it to me.

Brad grasped the base of his cock and began to run the tip over my lips. The tip was already wet and slid easily over my lips. "Open and take it," Brad said, and I fought back slightly, till he pushed it past my lips and into my mouth. Brad's big cock slid easily along my tongue to the back of my throat. The warm velvety texture felt so good in my mouth. Feeling his dick pulsate as he pumped blood into it and made it swell.

Brad let go of his dick and placed his other hand behind my head and began to pound his dick in and out of my mouth. The sensation sent a wave of pleasure through my body as he thrust in and out of me. "Fuck Ted, your mouth is fucking hot" Brad groaned as his jabs became more intense and more erratic. I placed my hands on Brad's legs to steady myself. "Fuck yeah Ted, run your hands over my legs man" Brad moaned. I moved my hands up and down his muscled legs as he continued his assault on my mouth.

"Shit, fuck, damn man, I am so close" Brad grunted, like an animal. I tightened my mouth on his cock as I felt his body clench and tighten. Then I moved my hands to the back of his legs, under his ass, and pulled him to me, driving his cock even deeper into my throat. "FUCCCKKK" Brad yelled so loud I was sure the rest of the dorm could hear, then I felt the first blast of cum shoot deep into my mouth.

Warm, wet cum jolted from Brad's cock, directly onto the back of my throat. Brad's body jerked as more cum continued to hit my mouth and slide down my throat. Brad shuddered and stopped moving, while I slowly sucked the last bits of cum from his slowly softening cock. "Fuck Ted, if you keep doing that, I am going to be hard again in no time," Brad said.

As his dick slowly left my mouth, I saw traces of cum still dripping from the tip and I leaned forward to clean it off. "Damn Ted, you seem to love cum" Brad said. I didn't reply but he was right, there was something exciting about it. Brad headed to the bathroom to clean up. "Want me to blow you?" Brad asked, returning to the room. I could tell it was a half-hearted offer. "I'm good," I said. Brad went to his bed and laid down and I washed up and returned to my bed and shut off the light.

"Hey Ted, I'll blow you if you want. It's only fair." Brad said in the darkness. "It's all good Brad. I think I like sucking dick more than getting sucked," I told him honestly. "Well, you can suck mine anytime," Brad said and then the room went pretty quiet as I heard his breathing slow. I reached inside my shorts and started to stroke my dick. I thought about Brad's cock in my mouth and the taste of his cum as I shot my load all over my hand.

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Next: Chapter 3

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