
By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 25, 2024



Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

C-Sucker -- Chapter 10

Note to my readers: Thank you for all your messages. I am really sorry it has taken so long to write the next chapter. Honestly, I struggled with the direction but many of your suggestions have been a huge help. I hope you won't be disappointed.

I woke up alone. The room was dark, and I could hear the howling wind buffeting the window. I blinked my eyes open feeling a bit tired and sore. Scotty had somehow removed his arm from under me and quietly left the dorm room without waking me. I stretched and slowly pushed my legs over the side of the bed and sat up. I was naked and cum had dried and crusted on my body.

I made my way to the bathroom to pee and when I returned, I noticed the note on the counter: "Hey Ted, that was really fun. I hope these will keep you a bit warmer next time you venture out into a snowstorm." Next to the note were Scotty's leather gloves. I picked them up and held them to my nose. The smell of the leather was strong, and my dick gave a quick jerk in response.

I placed the pair of gloves on the bed and went to the bathroom, stepping under the warm stream and allowing it to wash over my body. I ran the soap over my crusted abs feeling the ridges of muscles as I drew the soap bar over my skin. I lowered the bar down my legs and under my balls, then moved the bar around to my ass, driving it into the crack. As the soap hit my hole, I felt a tingle run through my body; my hole still felt hyper-sensitive from Scotty's dick inside me.

As I continued rubbing the soap over my hole, my dick started to get hard. I closed my eyes as I played with my hole imagining it was Scotty's dick teasing me. I thought about what it felt like to be wrapped up in his arms and leather jacket as he pumped his load into me. My dick became rock hard as warm water flowed over my body.

"Fuck!" I said, pulling the soap from my ass. I quickly finished washing and dried off then headed to my bed. I picked up the leather gloves and slipped them on my hands, then ran them over my naked skin. The soft leather was cool and smooth as it trailed over my body. I ran one gloved hand over my cock feeling it getting hard. Precum oozed from the tip onto the gloved finger. I lifted my hand to my face, smelling the leather, and then licked the precum from the leather.

The leather glove felt so good against my hard dick as I began to slowly jerk myself. I closed my eyes and leaned back on the bed and ran the other hand down between my legs feeling my hole. Memories of that night with Brad and Scotty before Brad abruptly took off. I thought about how Brad held me and comforted me as Scotty slid his dick into my hole. I thought about how Brad felt under me, while Scotty fucked his load into me.

I continued sliding my gloved hand up and down my hard cock as I recalled all the sensations. Then I thought about what happened between Brad and me after Scotty left; how his fingers felt as they ran along my body; how his mouth felt on mine and the feeling of his big dick as I slid it inside of me. "Fuck," I hissed, as my dick swelled in my hand. My body was tingling as I continued to jerk off, slowly, purposefully.

"What the fuck?" I said, feeling a hand on my body. My eyes flashed open, and my hand instinctively covered my dick as I looked up. I was so lost in my fantasy that I hadn't heard the dorm room door open. It took me a second to realize that Brad was standing over me.

Brad just stood there smiling his hard dick protruding from the front of his khakis. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked, feeling angry and embarrassed. Brad just grinned and moved forward. "Suck it," he said, taking his dick in his hand and waving it in my face. It reminded me of the first time he told me to suck him. He was drunk and horny. "No," I said, pulling back from him.

A flash of anger crossed his face. Brad moved closer and grabbed my wrist. "You know you want it," he said, pulling me by the hand towards him. Brad stopped and looked at the leather glove for a moment, studying them, but said nothing. I did want it, but I wasn't going to tell Brad that. I pulled my wrist free and tried to get up off the bed. Before I could, Brad was on top of me, pinning me to the mattress.

"Get off of me," I said, trying to keep my voice and my anger in check. I could feel Brad's hard cock pressing into my body. Brad did not get off me. He placed his hand on the bed by my side, and lifted his body, positioning his dick between my legs. I could feel the wet tip of his hard cock touching my hole.

Brad moved forward and I felt his dickhead slip into me. Pain shot through my body and my breath seemed to hang in my chest. Once I recovered from the initial pain, I tried to push Brad back, wanting to get him off of me, but I couldn't move his muscled body. Brad bent forward bringing his mouth to mine, but I turned my head away from him. This seemed to intensify his desire as he placed his hands on the sides of my head pulling me back to face him. Then he moved closer, bringing his lips to touch mine.

Brad used his tongue to force past my lips as his kiss intensified. With his mouth on mine, Brad moved forward slowly sliding his cock inside me. His dick was thick, and I could feel my hole stretching to accommodate him. With a loud moan, Brad pulled his head back as his dick pushed deep inside me.

Brad looked into my eyes, then slowly lowered his head, bringing it next to mine on the pillow. I felt the warmth of his breath on my face and the rough stubble of his beard against my skin as he began to slowly pull his dick back. Then just as slowly he pushed it back in.

I wrapped my arms around Brad feeling his strong body. Feeling his hard dick inside me. Feeling the warmth of his breathing on my neck. I moved my legs to give Brad better access as he began to fuck me harder.

Brad propped himself up on the bed as he began to drive his cock deeper and harder into me. I reached up and pulled open his shirt, exposing his massive chest. Then I took my leather-gloved hand and began to play with his chest taking turns on each of his nipples. Brad began to moan and thrash wildly, driving his thick dick inside me.

Each hard thrust pushed me into the mattress. My hard cock slapped my body creating a puddle of precum that coated my abs. I reached down with my hand and grabbed my cock and began to stroke it. My dick was so hard, and my leather-gloved hand felt good on it.

Brad began to moan, and his thrashing became more erratic. Sweat coated his face and he began to make stuttering noises. Then with a grunt and huge tug, he pulled his cock from my ass and cum began to shoot up onto my body. Some hit me in the face, some on my chest, and some on my leather-gloved hand and cock. While he continued to pump out his load all over me, I gave my dick a few strokes.

My cock erupted onto my body, mixing with Brad's cum. Both of our bodies heaved from the intense orgasms. Brad looked down at me and for a minute I thought he looked confused or angry, but then his expression passed, and he bent down and kissed my face where a blob of his cum had hit me.

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