
By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 14, 2023



Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

C-Sucker -- Chapter 1

"Come on man, help a brother out" Brad my roommate said in a drunken voice waking me out of a sound sleep. "What?" I asked confused as his hulking frame hovered over my bed in our dorm room. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I saw the clock showed a few minutes passed 3 am. "Come on Ted, I need it. Help a brother out." Brad said again and I saw what looked like a hard dick protruding from his pants.

It was my freshman year of college and my first time away from home. I was assigned to a room with Brad, a sophomore on a football scholarship. When Brad wasn't drunk, he was a super nice guy. He took me under his wing and showed me around the campus. He took me to some of the upperclassman parties and treated me like a little brother. Brad was the type of guy everyone liked; he was outgoing and magnanimous. He was a big guy standing at least 6'4 with a massive frame. The type of guy that you might feel intimidated by until you go to know him.

I reached over and flicked on the light on my desk and sure enough, Brad's cock was rock hard and exposed through the fly of his pants. I looked up at Brad confused and he had this totally wasted, sad look on his face. "What's going on big guy?" I asked moving up on the bed and away from his dick. Brad sort of just took a deep breath and stepped back till he hit his bed and flopped down on it.

"Teased me all night," he said in a slurred voice. "Who did?" I asked. "All night rubbing me through my pants, feeling me up and making out with me, and then nothing. Fuck. I am so horny" Brad said, absently touching his hard cock. "I'm so horny," he repeated in a drunken voice. "If you blow me, I promise not to tell anyone," Brad said, touching himself.

I looked at Brad in shock that he would even ask. I had never had any interest in guys and the idea of sucking a cock was weird and repulsive and just wrong. "That's not my thing" I replied forcing my voice to sound like we were both just goofing around, though I didn't think Brad was at the moment. "Just go to the bathroom and JO" I added. Brad's eyes flashed open; a look of momentary sobriety flashed on his face. Then he pulled himself up to his full height. "I don't want to jerk off. I need a warm mouth on my cock" he said in a strong commanding voice.

Before I could register what was happening, Brad approached me and placed his large hand behind my head, and began to drag his cock over my lips. "Suck my dick Ted" he slurred, poking the tip against my tightly closed lips. I pulled my head side to side trying to get away, but his grip was stronger than my repulsion.

Finally, I had no choice but to give in and get it over with; I opened my mouth and felt the tip of his cock move past my lips. The flesh was warm and soft as it slid against my tongue, then my lips were forced around the thick base of his cock as he began to move it in and out of my mouth. "Fuck Ted, thanks, man. I really needed this," Brad slurred as he continued to pump his cock in and out of my mouth.

I closed my eyes waiting for it to be over. My stomach churned with revulsion as his dick continued to invade my mouth and throat. "Please just get it over," I said, inside my head hoping it wouldn't take long, hoping I wouldn't throw up. "Oh fuck" Brad grunted, and his dick grew thicker in my mouth. Brad stopped moving and his body became rigid, and then my throat was coated with hot liquid.

My initial thought was that I had cut him with my teeth and blood was hitting the back of my throat, but as his body began to tremble, I realized he was having an orgasm directly into my mouth. Panic set in and I began to thrash around and pull my mouth off his cock, but Brad held me tightly in place as more cum was shot directly down my throat. A voice inside my head was screaming as Brad finished his orgasm and finally let me go.

Brad's dick flopped out of my mouth still hard as he backed away and flopped onto the bed. Within seconds his eyes closed, and he drifted off to sleep as if nothing had happened. I sat dismayed as cum was fresh on my breath. I felt my stomach churn and I rushed to the bathroom feeling sick. I rinsed my mouth out with water and spit it into the sink, then went back to my room. Brad was snoring on his bed with his dick still protruding from his pants. I reached for the blanket and covered him, then shut out the light and tried to go to sleep.

The next morning, I heard Brad as he groaned and grunted himself awake. "What the hell happened?" he mumbled as he sat up and swung his feet to the side of the bed. He flicked the blanket I had placed on him to the side. It took him a moment to realize his dick was still sticking out from his pants. He buried his head in his hands trying to clear away the cobwebs.

"Morning," He said groggily as he walked towards the bathroom. When he returned his dick was tucked away. "What happened last night," He asked, sitting back on the edge of his bed. I sat across from him on my bed. "You came in drunk and demanded that I blow you," I said, softly feeling weird saying it out loud. A shocked look crossed his face as he looked up momentarily, then I could see the memory coming back to him.

"Oh, fuck Ted, I am sorry, I never meant..." he started his apology and his voice trailed off. I didn't know what to say to him. I was pissed off, but at the same time, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be either. "It's ok. You were super fucked up when you got to the room." I said, letting him off the hook. Brad gave me a brief relieved look. "Please don't tell anyone or I will lose my scholarship and I need it badly." He pleaded, desperation in his voice.

"I won't," I promised. "Thanks, man," Brad said with a sigh. "But I want something" I added, as a spur-of-the-moment thought. "What? Anything just name it." Brad said, eagerly. "I want to try it again, but this time while you are sober," I said and felt a flush of embarrassment as I heard my own words. Brad picked his head up and looked at me, holding my gaze for a second. "You want to blow me?" he asked. "Yeah, but when you are sober," I said, trying to feel confident. "I didn't realize you were into guys?" Brad asked. "I'm not," I said sounding a bit defensive. "Hey, it's cool either way with me. If that is what you want, it's cool" Brad said. "Just let me know when" He added, then we both got ready for classes.

Over the next couple of days, neither of us mentioned the conversation. I kept it in the back of my head and tried to decide if it was something I really wanted to try again or if was it just a passing thing. "Can I try it again?" I asked as we sat at our desks working on class assignments. The question was out of the blue and I am sure I caught Brad off guard even more so than myself.

Brad put his books down and gave me a long hard look. "Are you sure about that?" he asked, trying to let me off the hook. "I want to try it again," I said, feeling my determination rise. "You know you don't have to do this," he said, gently. "I want to," I replied. I could feel my dick getting hard in my pants thinking about it. "If you are sure," Brad said, standing up. He was wearing grey sweatpants and I could see the outline of his cock pressing against the soft cloth.

Brad hooked his fingers into the elastic band and brought them down over his muscled legs exposing his semi-hard cock. He had no hesitation with what I was offering. I looked at his dick as it began to swell, and I felt a nervous pit in my stomach as I started to reconsider my decision. "Go for it, Ted," Brad said, waiting for me to get started. Brad took a step closer and moved his hands out of the way.

Brad's dick was big like the rest of him. I brought my face closer, still not 100% sure if I could go through with it. "It may help if you hold it in your hand," Brad offered. His words broke my concentration for a moment. His voice was much calmer than it was when he was drunk and forced his dick on me.

As I reached up it was as if my hand weighed 50 lbs. My fingers trembled as I touched the warm flesh stretched over the shaft. It was weird that it didn't feel as weird as I thought it would. It sort of felt natural, like when I held my hard cock. I gained some confidence and began to move forward. I opened my mouth and began to take Brad's cock in, but something felt wrong, it felt very different. I pulled my mouth off his cock and tried to recall how I did it that night.

"What's wrong? Did you change your mind?" Brad asked. "You need to do it," I said, thinking about what was different. "Do what?" Brad asked. "Do it like you did it that night. Make me do it." I said. Brad hesitated then placed his hand on my head and moved closer. "Are you sure?" Brad asked. I just shrugged my shoulders, but I could feel my excitement rise.

Brad took his cock in his hand and began to move it toward my lips. I watched as it came closer. I could see the piss slit at the tip of the mushroom head; I felt the heat off his hard dick. A warm musky smell that was oddly pleasant filled my nose. It wasn't anything like what I imagined it would smell like. His piss slit touched my lips and he slowly rubbed it back and forth. "Open your mouth," he said much softer than when he was drunk. I opened my mouth and the soft velvety cock head slipped inside, riding between my lips and gliding over my tongue.

"Fuck" Brad said under his breath. The words seemed to motivate me as he began to move his cock in and out of my mouth. Brad's hand gently held the back of my head firmly but not aggressively as he continued sliding in and out. "Damn Ted your mouth is incredible" I heard him grunt and I felt a swell of excitement from the compliment, even though I wasn't doing much.

Brad took his hand off the shaft of his cock and moved it to my head. Now with both hands holding each side of my head, he began to fuck my mouth more aggressively. The tip of his cock poked the back of my throat, each thrust harder than the last. As Brad continued, I reached forward planting my hands on his muscled legs to maintain my balance, and just as I did, I heard him let out a deep, guttural moan.

"I'm going to cum, Ted," he said, but he didn't pull his cock out, instead he held my head tight in his hands and I felt his dick swell in my mouth. I remembered the feeling from the first time I blew him and knew what was going to happen. Sure enough, cum began to hit the back of my throat. This time I was ready for it and began to swallow. Brad's body went rigid as cum continued to fill my throat.

Brad softened his grip on my head and slowly pulled back allowing his cock to slide from my mouth. I watched as his dick came into view, coated with saliva and cum, and still rock hard. Brad backed up and sat on the edge of his bed and ran his hand over his wet cock. "Damn man that was one fucking hot BJ," Brad said with a deep breath. "Did you like it?" he asked. I felt my face flush as I pondered the response. "Yeah," I said, trying to understand why I liked it.

"Well, your dick seems to like it," Brad said pointing to the obvious swelling in my pants. "Take it out," he said. I looked down to see the bulge that had formed. "I don't need to," I said feeling very shy, my face feeling hot. "It's cool Ted, take it out" Brad prodded. "Come on stand up," Brad said walking up to my bed. Before I could react, he took his huge hands and pulled me to my feet. Then with a rough tug, he pulled my shorts down causing my hard cock to get snagged on the elastic band before slapping back against my body.

Brad maneuvered me towards his bed and then sat on the edge as I had done. "Let me know when you are going to shoot your load," Brad said and took my cock in his mouth. Brad moved his head back and forth a few times and then began to gag. He pulled his mouth free and coughed, trying to catch his breath. When he recovered, he went back to sucking my dick. The sensation was weird, and it felt ticklish and sort of uncomfortable. I closed my eyes and thought about how it felt to have Brad's cock in my mouth, how he held my head and fucked my face, feeling his dick hit the back of my throat.

"I'm going to cum" I warned. Brad pulled his mouth from my cock and took my dick in his hand, then pointed it away from his body and began to stroke. "Yeah buddy, do it," he said. I closed my eyes tight as cum surged through my loins. A shot sprang from the tip and hit the desk next to Brad's bed. Brad laughed as another shot jetted forward.

I placed my hand on Brad's to stop him from stroking me anymore, my cock was spent, and it had become very sensitive. Brad moved his hand away and I reached for the t-shirt on my bed to clean up the mess from his desk, the floor, and my hand. I pulled my pants up and returned to my bed. "How was it?" Brad asked eagerly. "It was cool," I said, not knowing what words to use during this very awkward exchange.

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Next: Chapter 2

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