
By Jack Santoro

Published on Mar 1, 2005



Byron By

Byron and I had been waiting months for this meeting in a motel in Pensacola, after we'd enjoyed a hot mutual fantasy session in an Internet chat room. Then, we'd had a cyber-69, and a long, tender cuddle afterward, during which we'd gotten to know each other better, beyond just a couple of hard pricks eager for release. When I knocked at his room and identified myself, Byron cautiously opened the door and stood behind it as I entered. It was immediately clear why: He was bare-assed naked, and I gazed at him to see his 6" frame, carrying about 200 lb. I first studied his face, framed by black hair and with a trim salt-and-pepper mustache covering his upper lip. I saw that he had a good tan, and at age 46 he was carrying a middle-aged spread, as I was. Byron's hazel eyes were behind a pair of bifocals, and he studied me through them. I'm 6'2", 210 lb. wear trifocals to help my 62 year old eyes, and have thinning white hair above my brown eyebrows. Unlike Byron, I'm clean-shaven, and my eyes are brown. They dropped to study his prick, about three inches soft, with smooth skin that covered the head and ended in a large pucker. Under his steady gaze, I eagerly slipped out of my clothes. "It's hot and muggy," I said, to break the ice. "Yeah, this room's got a good air conditioner, but we ought to take a shower anyway," he replied. "I got here just before you did, and I'm hot and sweaty too." He led the way to the bathroom where by silent agreement we got into the shower together. The hot water ran over our bodies, and we enjoyed the sensations. "I noticed the way your prick swings when you move," he remarked. "Must be because of the big head." He was right. Under my long, nippled foreskin I have a big purple helmet, with blunt nose and flaring ridge. His finger traced the outline of the coronal ring visible through the thick hood. I felt an electric spark course through my penis, and I grasped the end of his hood, lightly pinching it to make the glans slide under the skin. "I'm glad you're uncut too," I said. We know how to handle each other's pricks." "Actually, I was cut as a baby," he said. "The doctor didn't cut off much, and he did my cousin the same way." I lifted his penis and looked for a scar at the end of his hood, but the wrinkles hid any cut line. I was glad the doctor had cut off only the nippled end of his foreskin, leaving enough to cover the head completely. My fingers felt the head swelling through the skin, and I pinched his glans several times to make his cock-root throb. "Feels nice," he said with a smile. "That's your bulbo-cavernal reflex," I explained. Squeezing your cock-head makes the muscles in the root contract. I do it to myself to get me going." Byron picked up the bar of soap and began running it over my body, covering every inch of flesh from my neck down to my feet. While he was bent over, I used the other bar to soap his back. "Now this," he said, standing up and grasping my half-hard prick around the head. Tenderly, he pushed my foreskin back until it locked behind the flaring purple ridge. Byron ran his fingertip into the groove behind the head, rinsing away the cheesy secretions, then wrapped his fingers around the glans and gave it a light twist. The hot water rinsed my prick and I grasped his to peel his skin back. It slid back easily, filling the air with the rich man-smell of cheese. I kept it back as I probed his groove with my fingertip, wiping away the thick white coating inside it. Then I ran my finger around his ridge, feeling it swell as I wiped away the spots of smegma that covered parts of it. We didn't need soap to wash our pricks, as they just don't get very dirty. I finished soaping Byrons' body, and we rinsed ourselves in turn under the shower head. I turned off the water and we dried each other with the fluffy towels. When he got to my penis he asked: "Do you dry the head too?" "No, not necessary. Anyway, it feels better when it's moist and slippery." He pushed the thick skin down over the bulging head of my cock. "Me too," he replied as he finished drying me. I worked the towel over his body, pausing to slip his foreskin forward when I got to his crotch, and wiping the outside of his prick and scrotum. His balls hung lower than mine, and they slid around inside his sac as I gently dried it. There was a knock on the door as we came out of the bathroom. "I ordered a pizza," he said. "It's dinner-time, and I thought you'd be hungry." He went to the door, opening it just enough to take the pizza and pay the delivery man, then placed it in the center of the bed. We sat across from each other with our legs spread, eating wordlessly, sharing glances. We weren't into small talk, such as "Have a nice trip down?" because we knew that what we wanted to do required few words. Our pricks were half-hard, on display as we ate, anticipating what was to come. I could see his slit through the open end of his foreskin and as I watched, I saw the lips part as a drop of clear fluid appeared between them. Byron's eyes were fixed on the bulbous end of my penis, and as he stared I felt a tickle in my cock-root. A drop of fluid began crawling up my urethra. We finished the pizza and Byron put the box on the far bureau. He plucked a couple of small towels from the bathroom and returned to the bed, where he sat facing me, closed than before. His penis was within easy reach, and I couldn't resist. I grasped it by the end, pulling out on his hood, watching the ring of the glans showing as the skin thinned under tension. Byron grasped the nipple of my foreskin between two fingers and twisted gently, making me sigh in delight. I'd concluded from our chat that he was a tender lover, and my belief was confirmed by the gentle manner in which he touched me. He wasn't overly eager in his manner, and always considerate. In turn, I handled his sensitive prick with loving care as it swelled between my fingers. It didn't take long for us to be full-hard, and I saw that our hoods were long enough to cover our heads, even with full erections. I slid the supple skin over the hard core of his penis inside. We both had straight shafts, and mine had a big vein on the right side. His pubic hair was darker than mine, running in an inverted vee up to his navel, as mine does. I began pushing his hood back to uncover the head, enjoying the magic moment when a male's most sensitive part is first unveiled. It was full and pink, the purple ring of his corona framing it at the rear. I ran a finger lightly around the flaring ridge. "You've got a nice head, very sexy," I said admiringly. Byron slowly pushed back my thick fleshy hood over the contours of my glans, revealing the big blunt dome, then retracting it behind the big flaring ridge. "Yours is nice purple, big and sexy, a nice big helmet" he commented. "I can imagine what that'll feel like in my mouth." He leaned closer to study it. "Yours is different from mine. The lips of your slit pout when you're hard." He was observant, because the lips of my meatus expand to form a teardrop shape when my glans engorges. "Let's get in position," I urged, eager to get my lips around his tempting morsel. We swiveled around and his hard prick was staring at me. I inhaled his delicious masculine aroma, the musky odor of wet helmet and foreskin. "Your balls are already tight against your body," he said. I felt his finger trace a line from my sac up the underside of my prick, then probing into the deep vee-groove under my glans. I licked at the clear drop parting the lips of his slit, enjoying the salty taste. It was slippery on my tongue, and I said: "Yours tastes nice and salty. I like the way your prick smells, too." Byron licked at the front of my glans, and I felt his tongue-tip probing my meatus. "Yours too. I really liked the way it smelled when I skinned you back in the shower." Now his tongue ran up my glans and around my swollen corona, caressing the compound curves and sending thrills down my shaft. "That feels nice," I replied as I ran my tongue over the glassy smooth head, lapping at very curve, every contour. I pulled the foreskin down over his tip, then inserted my tongue under it, stretching the nerve endings and making him gasp at the sudden sensation. His prick throbbed against my tongue. "Wow! That feels soooo goood," he exclaimed, pulling my hood down over the head and slipping his tongue inside. He tickled my meatus, then probed deeper to reach the swollen ridge. His tongue traveled around my rim, down one side to reach the deep triangular groove under the head. "You hit my hot spot," I said. His tongue went back around my ridge, then down the other side, ending up in my hot spot again. A tickle in my cock-root told me that another drop of fluid was coursing its way up my tube. I cupped his balls and felt them tighten under my fingers. I pressed a finger hard into his urethra behind his balls and felt him jerk in response. His lips pushed my hood back as they engulfed the head completely, locking behind my flaring crown. I pushed back his foreskin with my lips, tasting his delicious secretions as I worked them back to the ridge. Byron broke contact with my prick and said: "Which one of us goes first?" I was slightly surprised that he seemed to have the same viewpoint as I did. "Doesn't matter," I replied, "as long as we can each make the other come and enjoy doing it." "I want to make you come, and feel your prick throbbing against my tongue, and hear you groaning. I don't want to be coming at the same time, because I want my head clear so that I can concentrate on doing you." "Then I can do the same for you," I continued, "without the distraction of my own orgasm. I can enjoy yours vicariously when you spurt inside my mouth." My head was on his heavy thigh as I said this, and I felt his warm skin against my cheek. "Okay. I'll make you come first." Byron wrapped his lips around my glans and sucked hard, drawing the swollen head into his mouth. I licked at his shapely tip, going slowly and delicately to keep him hard but not to make him come. I felt him withdraw his lips, pushing my foreskin up to follow them. Then he pushed my hood back down the head with his lips, pulling on my shaft skin with his hand. His fist tightened around the base of my shaft, compressing the veins and creating a pressure in my prick and glans. He stopped for a moment. "I can feel the head swelling," he said. "It's hot and hard. You're almost there." He resumed, and his lips sent hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into my glans and down my shaft. I felt the heavy tingle begin in my head, and knew that I'd soon be spurting into his mouth. I just licked at the end of his swollen tip, maintaining him as he drove me to the brink. I tried to relax my muscles, but Byron swept me along with his sucking, lapping at my ridge, running my foreskin in long smooth strokes over the head to follow his lips, lighting my fire. I felt my helmet aching for release, an urge to come, and I knew that the next seconds would draw me into the hot fire of orgasm. His fist was clamped tightly around my shaft, his lips and tongue flicking over my swollen glans, and suddenly I felt a hot tingle in the head. My eyes closed as I cried out in ecstasy, the heavy pounding of orgasm beginning in my crotch. A torrent of hot lava poured into my tube, rushing to the end, burning as it went. My glans exploded in Byrons' mouth as he sucked at it avidly, and my hips bucked, driving my prick to the back of his throat. I cried out again, helplessly, as I tumbled in the free-fall of orgasm, the shocks numbing my mind. My total attention was in my throbbing cock. Byron gripped my cock tightly, sucking the sperm from it, until he'd totally drained me, and my throbs began to fade. I lay dazed, stunned by the shock, and felt Byron licking the drops from my tip, running his tongue around it contours to clean it completely. He milked my urethra with a fingertip, driving the residue up my tube and licking it as it oozed from my slit. I felt him sliding my hood forward over the head, and I opened my eyes. "That was wonderful," I whispered dreamily as I saw him lean over to kiss me tenderly on the lips. His lips were soft against mine, and I gripped him and kissed him back passionately. % 0D I sprang up, remembering that he needed release as well, and I was glad that the orgasm had energized me instead of sedating me. I pushed him flat on the bed and got into a "69" position again. Avidly, I clamped my fist around his cock and cupped his balls with my other hand. My lips brushed the glassy-smooth head, then engulfed it, pushing his foreskin back beyond the ridge. It snapped into the groove behind the head as my lips locked around his swollen glans, tasting the delicious man-smell that never goes away no matter how much you rinse the prick. I was on top of him, my softening penis dangling towards his face, and I felt his hot body against mine as I worked on stimulating his penis. Watching and feeling me come had primed him, and he was ready for the peak of sensation. I pulled back slightly, pushing his foreskin up to follow my lips, then pushed his thick hood back all the way again, twisting my head on his swollen glans, tasting the ooze of lubricant that seeped from the lips of his slit. "I know you're ready," I said. His scrotum was tight, and I felt his glans swell in my mouth, losing its sponginess and becoming harder as his excitement mounted. My tongue worked around his swollen head, and then I sucked hard, drawing his prick deep into my mouth. Byron had begun moaning, and I felt the tension build in his muscles as my body pressed down against his. I felt a hard throb in his prick, and heard his sudden cry fill the room as his orgasm began. A hot thick gush erupted from his helmet and filled my mouth as I felt his hips buck, driving his throbbing prick deep into my throat. His cries of blissful agony accompanied the shuddering of his body as the orgasm overpowered him. Byron was helpless under me, and I sucked hard to give him hot thrills in his prick. His hips bucked again, his body straining against mine, as he poured his life-juice down my throat. I swallowed hard as Byron's cock throbbed in my mouth, and realized that I could feel every pulse in his urethra as my fingers were wrapped around his hard staff. I enjoyed the feeling of his throbbing erection pulsing, releasing gushes of fluid, as I stove to swallow his semen. I drained him, feeling his throbs weaken, until he was utterly still under me. I pulled back, running my tongue around his glans, licking off the salty viscous fluid, until his tip was almost dry. I milked his penis, pressing a finger hard into his tube under the shaft, pushing the last drops of juice towards his tip, where I licked them away. Now I pulled his thick foreskin forward to protect the precious head, to keep it moist and sensitive, and I scuttled around to see him lying torpid. He opened his eyes, smiling, and I knew he was recovering from the mind-numbing shock of orgasm slowly. I leaned down to kiss his forehead, then his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and his chin. Then I kissed him fully on the lips, feeling his mustache brush against my skin. We lay on our sides, facing each other, hugging tenderly. I felt our cocks pressed between our bodies. His hand snaked between us and clasped my limp penis. "I just love to hold your prick, even soft," he said. I reached down and clasped his tenderly, moving the supple skin, feeling the head inside. We lay this way for many minutes, until he said: "I've got to get up and pee." We broke apart, and I noticed that we were hot and sweaty. "We might as well take a shower too," I said. We got into the shower, and I asked: "Ever pinch the end of your foreskin when you pee in the shower?" "Yeah, when I have to go in the shower. It's fun." You turned on the water, and we felt the hot spray on our bodies, rinsing away the sweat. The hot water stimulated my urge to pee. "I've got to pee too. Shall we hold each other's while we pee?" He smiled and reached for mine. "Okay, you go first," he said. I relaxed my sphincter and felt the hot gush coming down my tube, emerging to fill my foreskin and make it balloon. We watched my hood expand until the end was bulging twice the diameter of my glans, then he let go. The yellow stream gushed from my hood and poured down the drain. When the last dribble was finished, he retracted my hood lovingly and rinsed off the tender tip. "Now you," I said as I reached for his penis, pinching the end of the hood. I could see his body and face relaxing as he concentrated on releasing his sphincter. I saw the end of his foreskin expand as it filled, and when I thought it might be uncomfortable, I released it, and we watched his yellow gush flow down towards the drain. Now I retracted his skin and let the hot spray rinse the sensitive head. We soaped up lightly, caressing the suds over each other's bodies, then rinsed off completely. We dried each other off and went back to the bed, where we lay down for a deep and dreamless sleep. Nest morning Byron suggested we go for a swim. I liked the idea, as it promised to be another hot and muggy day. However, we didn't know of any beaches where we might go skinny-dipping. "Let me make a call," I said. I picked up the phone and dialed an old friend. "All set," I said. "Let's get dressed and get on the road." We took my car, and were soon at the main gate of Naval Air Station Pensacola, where an admiral stood alongside the gate guard waiting for us. I made the introductions: "Stan, Byron. Byron, Stan." Stan was about 6', trim, and in his mid-50s. We all shook hands and Stan told us to follow his jeep. He led us several miles to a strip of deserted beach. "This is where the SEALs train for amphibious work, but this week it's going to be deserted. You can swim all you like here, and nobody'll bother you. Just take your clothes off and dive in." "How do you know him?" asked Byron. "We served in the same squadron aboard a carrier many years ago," I replied. "You were a naval aviator? "With my eyes? No way! I was one of the administrative paper-pushers who provided support for Stan and the others who flew the planes," I replied. "I was a lieutenant commander, an adjutant, and he was a lieutenant back then. I helped him out a few times." We'd slipped out of our clothes as we'd spoken, and I now looked at his solid, tanned body, noting that he didn't have any light areas around his groin. It was clear that he had done a lot of nude sunbathing. "He must think a lot of you to help out this way," Byron said. "Think we'll really have the beach to ourselves?" "He's the base commander, and he's an admiral. Bet on it." "How did you get to know him? Personally, I mean?" "We were the only uncut guys in the squadron," I replied. "Apart from Commander Lou Marino, the squadron commander. One thing about Stan, he has a long floppy foreskin with a tremendous overhang. He didn't get cut because his father wouldn't let the doctor do it when he was born, but later he got a lot of flak over that long skin. In school, the nurse tried to get his parents to have him clipped when she saw that tremendous foreskin. In the navy, all the other pilots were cut, and the atmosphere at the time was absolute conformity. They ragged him in the shower, but Marino and I put a stop to that." "Lucky him," you muttered. "Yeah, he was lucky. More ways than one. He's got enough skin to dock even a big tip like mine. We did it a couple of times when on leave. We rented a motel room and had at it. We had to keep it under cover back then." "Still, he made admiral." "Yeah, he did, because he was good at camouflage. If you had a wife, a house, two kids, and a dog, you were okay in the navy. He was married back then. So was I." "Guess you had to be really careful." "We were. Bet on it." "He must have docked other guys, too, I guess, especially cut guys." "Oh, yeah. Especially cut guys who had never felt what it was like to have skin over their heads. He got a lot out of it too. Once, he was docking a guy with a big tip like mine, and the guy unloaded just before Stan did. Their holes were lined up right at that moment, and the guy's hot jet shot right down his tube. This triggered his own orgasm, and he had one of the most beautiful orgasms he remembers." We ran into the water, already hot although it was only nine in the morning, and enjoyed ourselves. At one point, Byron and I were treading water, and I reached down and grasped his flopping prick. I squeezed he head through the thick skin, and felt his cock jerk in response. I slipped my index finger under Byron's supple hood, working it around the head. I bite my fingernails, so Byron didn't have to worry about getting scratched. I probed for his flaring rim, and ran my fingertip all around the tender ridge down to the vee-groove under the head, massaging the gee-string it contained. I felt him getting hard, the glans swelling under my fingertip and the foreskin tightening around my probing digit. Now I worked up to the top and down the other side as Byron sighed in delight. "Let's get to shore to finish this," he said, an urgent tone in his voice. Byron was hot for me, as I was for him. He grasped my prick as we stroked our way to shore, using only kicking strokes of our legs. Ashore, we went behind a sand dune, where we lay down facing each other. I slipped my finger under his hood and he did the same to me. His fingernails were cut short, so I had no worries either. Now we were fully hard, our pricks filling the gap between us, and I skinned him back slightly and moved to touch my tip to his. He removed his finger and enjoyed the hot contact that sent a thrill through our bodies. "Got enough skin to dock me?" he asked as he pulled his foreskin back behind his flaring corona. I pressed my hot hard glans against his and began stretching my hood forward to envelop his straining glans. Byron moaned loudly as his engorged tip slipped into my hood, and I clamped the end of my foreskin behind his ridge. I saw his eyes close as he began thrusting his prick deeper into my foreskin. The head rode over the top of mine and I saw the outline clearly through the tightly stretched skin. "I'm gonna cum," he groaned as the sensations flooded through his body. I felt his tip engorge and lose its spongy feel as he neared the final moment. He thrust again, stretching my hood to its limit, and I felt his hot hard glans throb powerfully against mine as his cock pulsed in my encircling fingers. A hot torrent of semen poured into my hood, bathing my engorged helmet in its heat, and I heard him cry out helplessly as the hot shocks of orgasm filled his body. His tip throbbed again, shooting another gush of hot fluid to bathe my glans, and my eyes closed as my body responded. I felt the heavy pounding in my cock-root as the gush of hot lava filled my urethra and rushed toward the end. I felt his body writhe against mine as the fury gripped us and we went tumbling into the free-fall of orgasm together. My foreskin was tightly stretched, filled with his hot, throbbing glans and our juices mixing as we erupted again and again. We lay there dazed after we'd exhausted ourselves, having drained our tanks dry. White cream seeped from under the edge of my hood and ran down into the sand. We finally broke apart as our pricks softened, and scuttled around to a "69" position to lick each other clean. "Too sensitive?" I asked as my tongue flicked out to lick his glans. "Almost, but go ahead," he replied in an agonized tone as my lips engulfed his softening tip. I sucked hard, drawing the last drops from his urethra as I milked his shaft. His lips pushed my hood back off the head and locked behind my high ridge as he suctioned my penis, running a finger up the underside to extrude every drop. I felt his lips drawing back down the taper of my glans as he licked the meatus. I licked around his ridge, then over the broad upper surface of the head, then finally lapped up the residue seeping from the end. Pulling his foreskin towards me to shroud the precious head, I looked down to see Byron's tongue lapping at my slit. He pulled my hood forward to encase my softening head, then moved around to kiss me tenderly on the lips. I felt the roughness of his mustache, contrasting with the softness of his lips, as he kissed me tenderly. This was what I loved most about him, the tenderness with which he treated me after his biological storm. I slipped my tongue between his lips and tasted the residue of the juice he'd licked from my penis. A delicious languor crept over us as we hugged, and we fell asleep in the warm sun. We dozed for only a few minutes, because I was concerned over sunburn, and soon we got up and decided what to do next. "I've been in Pensacola several times," he said. "There's a nice bath house we can go to." We got dressed and drove to where he directed me, and we registered to go inside, noting that the place was almost deserted this early in the day. In the locker room, we stripped again and went into the large communal shower room. It was a single open room with showerheads around the periphery, and no stalls to obstruct the view. We began soaping each other, drawing liquid soap from wall-mounted dispensers, and slowly and lovingly caressed each other's bodies. I ran my hands down his back cupping his cheeks, then moved around to his front, where I stripped back his foreskin to give his penis a thorough rinse. He was doing the same to mine when another man walked in, stopping momentarily as he took in the scene before stepping under a showerhead. We turned our heads just as he said: "I don't see many like that these days." We looked at him, and he continued: "Foreskins," I mean. "Most guys are cut, like me." We looked at his crotch and saw that his prick had a big naked helmet at the end. "Well, come closer if you want a look," I urged. He stepped closer to us, and as he stood under the adjacent shower, I continued: "You can touch if you want to." "My name's Jimmy," he said by way of introduction. We gave him our names and he grasped our pricks, one in each hand, exploring the movements of the supple hoods as he gently slid them back and forth. "Wish I had one of those," he said as he continued to stroke our hardening cocks. He was in his mid-50s, with a swimmer's build, and not much body hair. Byron reached out to hug Jimmy to us and said: "You're welcome to join us in our motel. There's only so much we can do here." Jimmy agreed, and we rinsed the soap from our bodies in the hot water. I saw that the hot stream had made Jimmy's tip swell and a yellow stream dropped from the tip down the drain. Byron and I relaxed our sphincters and let our streams join Jimmy's. I pinched the end of Byron's hood and made his foreskin swell. "This is one thing you can do with a foreskin," I said, as Byron pinched the end of my hood. "That must be nice. I really envy you guys," responded Jimmy. We dried ourselves and got dressed back in the locker room, and Jimmy agreed to follow our car back to the motel. Inside, we quickly stripped down and stood facing each other. I saw that Jimmy's prick had a nice purple bud at the end, and a thick brown scar ring about half an inch behind the ridge. His flaring corona stood out sharply from the shaft, and it seemed larger than even mine because the tight circumcision had excavated the skin out from the groove behind it. Byron ran his fingertip around it, and we watched as Jimmy's glans swelled with the attention. Byron lifted Jimmy's penis so that the end pointed at our faces and remarked: "Hey look, Jack, he's got a teardrop shaped slit just like yours." I saw that the big blunt dome had a teardrop shaped orifice parting the end, and that its color vignetted from pink around the meatus to deep purple at the ridge. Byron skinned my hardening penis back to show Jimmy. "Nice head on yours, too," Jimmy remarked. I skinned back the hood of Byron's penis to put the goods on display, and Jimmy's eyes fixed on the shapely head I'd revealed. He lowered his head to get closer to Byrons' cock, inhaled deeply, and said: "Man, do I love the smell of uncut cock!" Then he moved to mine, sniffing at my naked head, wet and glistening. "Yours smells as beautiful as it looks. I love that sexy clean man-odor. No mater how much you wash it, the odor never quite goes away." Jimmy wrapped his fingers gently around the thick fleshy collar behind my ridge, urging it forward over the high bump of my corona. My foreskin slipped down the tapering glans and Jimmy grasped the thick pucker at its end and slipped his tongue inside, tickling my meatus. He raised his head. "That's nice, the way it covers the head even when you're hard," he said to me. "Do you have enough for docking?" "Hell, yes!" Byron exclaimed. "You should have seen the way he docked me only an hour ago!" Jimmy's eyes lit up at this and he gazed into my eyes. I saw that Jimmy's eyes were deep blue, and as I studied his face further saw that he was clean-shaven like me, with a pointed jaw and full, ripe lips. His fingers kept playing with my hood. "You can do anything you want with it," I said softly as I moved to lie down on the bed. Byron and Jimmy joined me, lying on either side, as Jimmy began stroking my foreskin back and forth of the fully-swollen glans. He stretched it out, grasping the thick pucker and drawing it forward beyond the end of the head. As the skin thinned under the tension, the outline of my flaring ridge became more prominent. I kept squeezing Jimmy's swollen head, making his cock jerk in reflex, and worked Byron's foreskin with my other hand. Byrons' tip was very slippery with the copious lube he was secreting, and I saw that Jimmy's teardrop was overflowing with juice, which ran onto my fingers. His shaft skin has tightened with the erection, the few wrinkles disappearing. "I think you're ready," I said to Jimmy, and turned on my side to face him. Jimmy pushed my hood back slightly to reveal the big blunt dome, then pressed his against mine. I drew my hood forward to engulf his engorged cock-head, and clamped it behind his ridge, just short of the brown scar ring. I turned to Byron: "What do you want to do while we're docking?" "I can slip mine between your thighs," he replied. "Better use a condom to avoid hair burns," I said. Byron went to pull a condom from his bag, and when he returned Jimmy said: "Let me do that for you." He grasped Byron's engorged prick and deftly skinned it back, locking the thick fleshy hood behind the swollen ridge. Then he unrolled the condom part-way over the head, pausing to squeeze the air bubble from the end, and resumed rolling it down to the base of the shaft. Meanwhile, Jimmy was gently thrusting his penis into my foreskin, and his glans rode over the top of mine as Byron's had before. The outline of his helmet, especially the flaring ridge, was clearly defined through my tightly stretched hood. Byron slipped behind me and I lifted my leg to allow him to lodge his prick solidly between my thighs. I lowered my leg and felt him begin moving, the head bumping lightly into my balls with each thrust. "I know my tip's not as sensitive as yours, Jack, but I feel I'm gonna come any second because I'm so worked up," Jimmy said. I knew that having his normally denuded glans covered with a warm living foreskin was supremely exciting for him, and I anticipated the rush of his orgasm. "Put your fingers between my legs," I urged. "Just so you can feel Byron's tip when it moves forward. Then, when you unload, press your fingers hard into the underside of his head. Maybe that way we can all come together." I felt like the middle half of a sandwich, trapped between two naked and thrusting bodies, as both men moved toward their release points. My tip was getting a tickling feeling as Jimmy's glans slid over it, and I knew that, whenever Jimmy came, I'd be right behind him. Now I felt Jimmy's glans swell even more and harden against mine, losing its normal sponginess as it swelled to the final stage. Jimmy's face was drawn, his breathing gasping, and his eyes fluttering closed as he withdrew into himself in anticipation of the explosive release. Byron was hot too, turned on by our bodies, and the intimate contact between my thighs. I felt him thrusting harder, urgently seeking his joy. Jimmy's cock-head throbbed hard against mine, and I heard him cry out "HAH-HAH-HAH!" as the first shock of orgasm overwhelmed him. The hot torrent gushed from his tip, bathing my helmet in its warmth, and as it flowed around my swollen ridge, the mind-numbing sensations began deep in my cock-root. My eyes closed and I cried out helplessly as my prick exploded, mixing my juice with his. Dimly, I was aware that Byrons' thrusts had increased to a heavy pounding as his prick throbbed between my thighs. Our cries of blissful agony filled the room as our bodies strained against each other and our cocks throbbed in release. My mind was numb because of the overpowering sensations, and I drifted with the tide of my orgasm, totally helpless and blending with the two men who bracketed my writhing body. Byrons' hot breath on my neck was the first sensation I identified as my pulses weakened, and I noticed that Jimmy's cries had also subsided. Our cocks were still throbbing, but weakly, and I felt the viscous, slippery fluid coating my fingers as it oozed from the end of my stretched foreskin. Now Byron was very still, his arms tightly around me, and I saw Jimmy open his eyes. The mind-numbing shocks of our orgasms had left us dazed, and we lay for several minutes before we roused ourselves. Byron was first, withdrawing his soft cock from between my thighs and moving to kiss me tenderly on the cheek. Jimmy had closed his eyes again, and was semi-conscious in his afterglow. "Nice, Byron, nice," I whispered. "How was it for you?" I asked Jimmy. "I don't know how to describe it," he whispered back at me. "Feeling my cock inside your skin^Å^Å^Å^Å.." his voice trailed off. Our pricks were now disengaged, his glans having slipped out of my foreskin after I'd released my grip. Our juices drooled onto the sheet between us. Byron slipped between our bodies and he began sucking on the shrunken end of Jimmy's cock to clean the remaining semen mixture. Jimmy stirred, and moved so that his face was close to my prick. Now he skinned it all the way back, watching the thick creamy residue fall onto the sheet as the skin lodged behind my rim. "Love the smell of our juices, and the smell of that beautiful uncut cock," he said as his tongue flicked out to begin lapping the coating from my softening tip. I sighed as his tongue ran all around my rim and through the deep groove behind it. He held the skin tightly back to get full access to the tender tissue, then ran his tongue down to the deep vee-groove under my had, removing the accumulation of our ejaculations. He squeezed my shaft hard, milking the last few drops to ooze from my slit, and licked off each as it appeared. Finally, he pulled the thick hood forward to re-cover the head. Jimmy now shifted to Byron's prick, pulling the condom off in one quick movement, and took the entire length into his mouth, sucking avidly. His head moved back and forth as his Adam's Apple bobbed, swallowing the juice. He lifted his head. "Man, this one has both the cream and the lube. That tastes really nice, and smells wonderful." He resumed the process, milking Byron's shaft and watching as the last drops parted the lips of the slit. He lapped at the meatus, drinking in the oozing fluid, and then pushed Byron's foreskin down over the tender glans. We cuddled together on the bed, enjoying the shared warmth and intimacy, until the afterglow relaxed us and sent us to sleep. We were awakened by a knock on the door. It was Stan, and now that he was off-duty he was in a golf shirt, shorts, and sandals. We introduced Stan to Jimmy as Stan disrobed, and soon were in the shower together, squeezed tightly in a round of mutual exploration. Stan's body was thin, without the middle-aged thickening you'd normally expect in a man of 56. His thin face matched his body, with narrow forehead, thin nose, thin lips, and a pointed chin. However, his smile was warm and genuine, not austere. What riveted the attention of both Byron and Jimmy was Stan's prick, encased in a tremendous foreskin. The core appeared to be about three inches long, but the baggy nipple beyond it was about an inch and a half. Byron looked at me for a moment, and I knew he understood how Stan was able to dock his partners so easily. Jimmy was equally fascinated, and he began pulling gently on Stan's long nippled foreskin, stretching it out in a narrow funnel. We watched Stan's penis swell under this attention, and soon it was at full six-inch hardness, slightly thinner than average and with a short head that showed its outline through the skin. It took Jimmy both hands to skin back Stan's long hood, and when he had it back it bunched in a thick, fleshy collar behind the rim of Stan's red glans. The head was short, expanding quickly to a wide rim that did not flare. It was an obvious mushroom shape, with a long slit parting the front dome. As the torrent of water ran down over them both, Jimmy put his nose up close to the glans, inhaling the aroma, then his tongue flicked out to lap the drop of clear fluid that had parted the lips of the slit. Byron and I soaped each other languidly, enjoying the scene of Jimmy and Stan becoming acquainted. I skinned back Byron's cock and rinsed the precious head, and he did the same for me. Naturally, our cocks began swelling, and before we finally turned off the water we were fully hard. Stan and Jimmy had soaped and rinsed each other, Jimmy paying special attention to Stan's very special cock. As we arranged ourselves on the bed, Jimmy said: "Man, if I could choose, I'd wish for a foreskin like Stan's. Not that there's anything wrong with yours," he said, looking at me and Byron, "but I've wanted a foreskin for so long that now I'd want the biggest and longest I've seen." "Well, after you've said that, Jimmy, I have to dock you," said Stan as he lay down facing Jimmy. "Here, slip that beautiful helmet in here." Stan had grasped the edges of his foreskin and opened the orifice wide. Stan wasn't fully hard yet, but Jimmy was, and he eagerly lay facing Stan and thrust his penis far into Stan's gaping hood. Byron and I watched as Stan slipped his long hood down Jimmy's erection, drawing it past the rim, past the circumcision scar, until it was halfway down to the base. His fist clasped the hood, moving it on Jimmy's tight shaft and glans. "God, that feels good, our cocks are head to head!" Jimmy said, blissfully, his head thrown back. I knew that both Jimmy and Stan secreted lots of lubricant, so that would not be a problem. We watched as Jimmy thrust his prick deeper into Stan's fist and foreskin, his helmet riding over Stan's mushroom, its outline clearly visible through Stan's stretched-out foreskin. I felt Byron's hand clasp my prick, and I clasped his, enjoying the quiet contact as we watched the action on the bed. We were sitting together behind Stan's outstretched body, and on that king-size there was enough room for us to have some action on our own without disturbing Stan and Jimmy. For the moment, though, we were content to watch them enjoying their first sex together. I got up as a thought struck me, patting Byron on the shoulder as I went into the bathroom for towels. Returning, I leaned over to spread a towel between Stan and Jimmy, right under their joined cocks. Jimmy's hips were bucking now, and his face was red with the effort. I knew that feeling his hitherto naked glans encased in Stan's tremendous foreskin was supremely arousing for him, and that he wouldn't be able to delay his orgasm for long. I also knew that Stan, in turn, would begin shooting as soon as he felt Jimmy's first hot jet on his glans. "Won't be long now," Byron whispered as I sat next to him again, reaching for his hot prick. The scene before us was very arousing, and we craved the touch of each other's hands on our cocks, even though we knew we wouldn't be having our orgasms soon. I put my other arm around his shoulders, and he put his other arm around my waist. There was no need to slide our foreskins to remain hard: the view was enough. Now Jimmy's breathing became intense and ragged, and his thrusts harder. Stan was reacting as well, his face drawn and tense, fist tight around his enveloping foreskin and ready to contain Jimmy's explosive release. Now we heard Jimmy's voice: "HAH-HAHHH-HAHHH" Jimmy's body arced and his eyes closed as he tumbled into orgasm. Now we saw Stan's eyes close as Jimmy's hot fluid jetting over his swollen glans triggered his release. Their cries of agonized joy filled the room as their bodies bucked and strained against each other. We saw Stan's foreskin swelling under his fingers, and a trail of thick white juice ooze from the end, still wrapped around the middle of Jimmy's shaft. Byron's fist tightened on my prick, and I knew that he too was affected by the beautiful scene. Jimmy and Stan continued to howl in blissful anguish as their hot jets filled Stan's hood and bathed their tips in wet, slippery fluid. They were rendered helpless by the mind-numbing blast of orgasm, and their bodies were on automatic. Their cries subsided and their spasms weakened. Stan's fist loosened, and we saw a heavy gush of sperm flow onto the towel. Their pricks slowly came apart as their erections shrank, until Jimmy's helmet slipped from the end of Stan's long wet foreskin. Their eyes were still closed because the heavy somnolence of the afterglow had overtaken them, and they were enjoying the relaxing moments after release. Byron turned and kissed me on the lips, making my prick jerk in response. It was time for us to enjoy our bodies, and we began working our fists over each other's dicks. We didn't want or need anything fancy. We just needed relief. We paused for a moment to arrange a towel between us as we lay down facing each other. Then we resumed action on each other's throbbing hard pricks. We pumped each other's foreskins rapidly, feeling the bump as they slid over our congested ridges, then smoothly downhill to the ends. Then we began retracting them, stretching the tight sheaths over the swollen heads until they rode over the coronas and snapped down into the grooves behind our rims. Byron's cock was leaking far more lubricant than mine, and it flowed down over my fingers. I felt his shaft and glans become harder and swell as I continued stroking him, and a tingling feeling began in my rim. "You're getting' close, Jack. I can feel your head swellin." Byron whispered in my ear as we continued to stroke each other's pricks. "Stop doing me," I urged. "I can feel you're close too, and I want to bring you off first." I felt his fist relax around my cock, its strokes slowing. I continued to pump his foreskin, crushing the rim on each upstroke, and heard his breathing change to loud gasps as he approached the brink. Suddenly, Byron cried out: "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" as the full force of the orgasm hit him, and I felt his prick throb between my trembling, encircling fingers as his first jet shot from his engorged glans. More jets shot from his prick as I continued to pump it, and Byron's cries of helpless agony filled the room. Jimmy and Stan rose to look, and they saw me hugging Byron as I stroked his prick right through orgasm. Byron's life fluid now ran down over my fingers, and I felt his body shudder as I hugged him close to me. When Byron's cries had ceased and his penis stopped throbbing, I began milking the remaining juice from his urethra. As my finger pressed into his tube, he opened his eyes and savagely pushed me down on the bed. "Hell with that," he said with passion. "I want to make you come now. I want to see you come right now!" His fist closed around my hard prick, and I knew I had to let him do it. My need for release was as intense as his passion to give it to me. At once the intense build-up of sensations began in my prick. I felt Byron shift his grip and begin palming my penis, twisting my foreskin over the engorged head between his palms. My penis responded immediately, and I felt myself sliding rapidly towards the edge. The twisting action started a hot tingle in my glans, and my eyes closed with the intensity of the sensations. My breathing deepened, and I heard myself begin moaning in the distance. My congested glans ached for relief and I knew that despite my effort to relax, Byron was about to force me over the brink. Things happened quickly then. A sudden hot spark of sensation shot from my glans down my shaft, and the heavy pounding of orgasm began in my cock-root. I cried out helplessly as I dissolved, feeling the hot, burning jet shoot up my prick. Byron's palms continued to massage the foreskin over my throbbing helmet, filling it with sensation, as I writhed on the bed. I was helpless in his hands, happy to be so, and happy that he cared enough for me to want to give me such pleasure. I drifted blissfully in this twilight state until I realized that my orgasm had ended long ago, and I opened my eyes to see Byron, Jimmy, and Stan smiling down at me. Byron leaned down to kiss my lips tenderly, and the other caressed my body. I knew I was with friends.

The End

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