By My Side

By That's The Way I Like It

Published on Mar 21, 2000


Warning! There is some slightly serious content in the next chapter. However, I make up for it with lots and lots of gratuitious sex :-) Thanks for the feedback, guys, I was happy to hear that people are really reading this one! -- May

Please don't read if you are offended by gay sex. The usual disclaimer applies.


We drove for a while after the show that night and Josh followed our bus. It was probably good that Kevin was crashed out on the couch since he gets kinda preachy sometimes and he'd probably say something if he knew some older dude was following us so that he could bone the hell out of me later. I thought it was sort of romantic, myself. Frack was drawing Kev's picture with charcoals and Howie was chilling with his headset on. Me and Bone played Nintendo until we got to the hotel, but we didn't talk much. He's been all funked out lately, I don't know about what, and I was really horny, so I was just thinking about what me and Josh might be doing that night.

We had to all get in one suite for the night and since Frack and Kevin grabbed the larger room, I dumped my bag with Bone and Howie's stuff. "You guys cover for me if Klingon comes by, will ya?" I asked. "Happy humping," D said, and he kinda grinned at me. Maybe there is a truce in our little war. I put a box of condoms in my jacket pocket and went over to Josh's room. "Hey," he said with a big ol' smile, and he let me in. "Nice room," I said with a laugh. It was just kinda funny because it was a pretty crappy hotel and the room looked so identical to mine that I was surprised Howie and Bone weren't under the covers of his bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and we started making out. His mouth was minty fresh. I like that in a guy, although the taste of my own cum in a guy's mouth is also a good thing. I had a major hard-on and I grabbed one of Josh's hands and let him feel it. He started to rub my throbbing knob through my track pants while his tongue traced my jawline and slid up to my ear. Josh bit my earlobe softly and then he freed my dick and dropped his head down. "Oh yeah," I said, leaning back and propping myself up with one arm when his hot, wet mouth started swallowing my dick.

"Yes baby, I'm gonna shoot so hard," I said, letting one hand rest on the back of his head while he worked my cock, going up and down on it while one hand was wrapped around the base, squeezing me and caressing my balls lightly. "I'm gonna cum," I said a little more tense, "oh yeah, don't stop! Yes... there... ahhh!" Josh milked my dick with his throat, sucking down every drop of cum and massaging my throbbing muscle. It felt so good to get off, and I smiled at him gratefully when he looked me in the eyes again. "You are a naughty little boy," Josh said with a laugh, and he pushed me back on the bed. "Yes I am," I said, smirking, "are you gonna fuck me now?" He kissed me on the neck and slid his hands up my chest, but he didn't answer me. "Josh?" I laughed quietly. "Earth to Josh? I brought condoms." "Brian," he said finally, "if it's okay with you, I don't really want to do that." I sat up in the bed and kind of looked at him funny. "Why, what's wrong?" "Brian..." Josh bit his lip and sighed, and then he sat up next to me, against the headboard. "There's something I have to tell you, and then I think you'll understand." "Look, I'm not pressuring you or anything," I said, "I mean, I can tell you're kind of like, romantic and stuff." "No Brian, that's not it at all," he said in a very serious way. "Bri... I'm HIV positive."

Okay, I was not expecting that, and I just gaped at him. "You're ... you have ..." "I don't have AIDS," he said. "I mean, not yet. But I don't really feel comfortable doing that." I just stared, and he kept talking. "Condom or not. It's just something I'm dealing with right now. I hope you understand." "Wow, Josh," I said. "I don't know what to say." "Well Brian," he said, looking me right in the eyes. "That's not really all." I swallowed. Had we done something risky? You couldn't really get it from oral sex, could you? "It was two years ago when I got the diagnosis, but Bri, Josh Davison died last month." I felt like the bottom of my stomach fell out and I tried to make sense of what he was saying. "Brian, I'm an angel. I came here to save you." "You-" All of a sudden, Josh burst out laughing. "Gotcha!" I just gaped at him again. "You-" He kept laughing. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. It was a perfect opportunity." "You're not-" "I'm not an angel from the future," he said. "But I am really HIV positive."

"Shit, Josh," I said, and I didn't know what else to do, so I just hugged him. He squeezed back just as hard, and we held each other for a few minutes before we let go. I felt really confused and weirdly guilty, like, I don't know about what. "Brian, I hope that doesn't freak you out," he said. "God, I feel so bad!" "Why?" he laughed. "I'm not going to drop dead in the next ten minutes. Look Brian, I don't want to lay lots of crap on you, but I wanted to be honest. I'm not asking for us to have some really intense relationship. I know you're not looking for that, and it's not right for me either, not with my future." I felt so bad when he said that. He went on, "I just really like you. You're gorgeous, you've got a great sense of humour, and you don't apologise for wanting to enjoy life." "Aw, c'mon," I said. "You're a cool guy yourself. I'm really glad we met." "So am I, Brian," Josh said with a sad smile. "I'd better let you go be with your friends. Don't want you getting in trouble again." "I guess you're right," I said. I felt funny leaving him though, there was a little shadow of loneliness in his face. We hugged again. "Maybe we can work on writing a song together," I said. I don't know where that came from. "I mean, since that's what you do and I've written some stuff, maybe you could help me." "I would love that," Josh said, and he watched me go.

I'm not very good at expressing my feelings and stuff, so when I got back to Kevin and Frack's room, I just played like nothing was up. I could tell they had been fooling around and I wasn't sure if they wanted me to leave or what. "Should I go chill in Bone and D's room?" I asked, and I must have looked all mopey because Kev patted the bed next to him. "No, come on, cuz, you can hang with us." They were both kind of looking at me funny and as soon as I lay down, they started whispering to each other and looking at me with smirks on their faces. I was still horny and as soon as I put two and two together, I popped a boner so quick I'm surprised my boxers didn't go flying across the room. "Hmm," Kev said, turning around and laying a hand on my stomach, "looks like Bri is a little hard up tonight." "Very funny," I smirked right back at him. Damn, I really needed some dick, and I just about licked my lips looking at my big cousin. Kev's hung like a fucking mule and I clenched my butt thinking about it. "Bun, why don't you give your friend some attention?" Kev said, and Frack crawled over him and gazed at my weiner excitedly. I have to say I got a little harder, I'd never seen the boy look so horny before.

Frack started to lick my dick through my boxers, and the fabric rubbing against my sensitive skin felt sexy in a weird kind of way. I grunted and lifted my butt to slide them off. What I really wanted was some fucking, not some sucking, but my dick wasn't complaining about the warm tongue that was wrapping around it, bathing it and licking slowly up and down the shaft. I just leaned back with my knees up, figuring that Kev might get mad at me if I grabbed little Bun-Bun's head and started skull-fucking him. I shut my eyes and relaxed while Frack went down on me, I could feel my tool swelling to its full size inside his throat, and he backed off a little, licking and nibbling at the head. Meanwhile, Kev had moved around behind Nicky and was loosening up his ass with some well-lubed fingers. Frack moaned and lifted his butt up in the air like a cat stretching. Horny little bitch. "Don't stop," I said, well, that was much nicer than what I really wanted to say! Frack started in again with the teeth. I had new insight into why Kev might call him Bunny. Every time Kev put another finger in Frack's ass, he bit me. It felt kind of good, but I was getting frustrated. Kev slipped the head of his cock in Frack's ass and the kid panted and gasped. I took the opportunity to grab him by the hair and stick my dick in his mouth. Frack started to blow me for real after I got a little rough with him, and he took almost all of my cock in his throat. I moved in and out with the same pace that my cousin was fucking him up the ass, and Frack took us like a pro. The brat was packed with boy-meat when the sliding door between the two rooms in our suite opened and Bone and D walked in.

"I told ya they were having a party," Howie said, and he jabbed me in the side. I wasn't really shocked since I've seen sweet little K getting the crap fucked out of him several times now, but I was pretty jealous of B-Rok. Why him of all people? "Man," Howie said, "what a little slut!" I guess he hasn't seen K in action before. The three of them carried on like we weren't even there. Train had both his hands on K's little waist and he was slowing himself down, sliding almost all the way out and then slamming back in, trying to hold off from cumming, but Rok had his hands in K's hair and squeezed his eyes shut as he started shooting. K swallowed some of it and then let the rest hit his face. Howie was stroking his dick watching them, and I was really hard too. "Oh God baby," Train said, and K braced himself up on his hands, Rok's cum still dripping off his face onto the bed, while he took another load up the ass. Train slid his cock out of K's butt. It must be so tight, it sort of popped out with a wet noise, and Train kissed one of K's ass cheeks and then smacked it lightly. Kaos turned over and lay on his back. He looked out of it and really turned on, and Kev kind of tapped Howie on the shoulder like, "your turn."

"You want a little Latin lovin' Nicky?" Howie said, and K just stared at him, breathing hard. He was so beautiful right then, his cheeks were flushed, his hair was messy, and his eyes were shining, almost like he was drunk. Howie's cock isn't that long, but it's thick, and he slipped the head of it in K's ass without much warning, and K moaned, "oh yes, Howie... that feels so good!" Train saw them start to fuck and then he moved around behind his cousin, wrapping his arms around Rok's waist and grinding against his ass. They stood there watching a little longer, moving against each other's naked bodies. Rok was managing to keep his smart remarks to himself for once, maybe because he wanted to get laid so bad. Part of me didn't want it to be like this with K, but he looked so sexy and beautiful, all sticky and sweaty. I climbed on top so that my face was right over his crotch. I could see Howie's dark purple dick slamming in and out of K's ass, and I sucked K's hard little cock into my mouth. My balls were hanging over his face and he started to suck my dick, but pretty weakly. Howie was really pounding his ass and I could tell from all the thin pre-cum filling my mouth that K was about to have one hell of an orgasm. He wriggled around, moving his hips up to get Howie deeper in him, and I made sure K's dick was all the way down my throat no matter how much he bounced around on the bed. I sucked him hard and felt him throb and twitch as he moaned louder and then screamed "oh yes! oh fuck!" as he came. I swallowed his delicious cream in big gulps. Howie came right afterward; K's ass must have been like a vise.

K whimpered and shivered, and when I reached down to caress him, he closed his legs protectively. There was slippery cum all over his ass and thighs, mixed in with some blood. The sheets were soaked. I turned around and took Nicky in my arms and cuddled him. He was crying a little and shaking, but I held him tightly and kissed his eyelids and his cheeks, and he stopped. We kept kissing more and more deeply, tasting each other and playing with each other's tongues. I was in paradise, feeling his soft lips against mine, holding his pretty little body, cupping his round ass with my hands. I lost all concept of space and time, I didn't remember anybody else was around. I think I even whispered in his ear that I loved him. My dick was really hard and pressed up against his stomach, and I stroked his little cock and felt it swell in my hand. It was tiny soft but almost five inches when it was hard, puffy looking and adorably cute. K moaned and kissed me more insistently. He bit my ear and pinched me. I knew what he wanted and I slid my dick into his ass. It felt so good, I could feel him clench himself around me and I started to pump in and out really slowly while I kissed him again and again.

"Oh, yes!" I yelled, clutching at the tacky shag carpet. Finally, I was getting fucked, and by Kev no less. I came like a beast, pumping my dick while the jizz coated my hand and sprayed all over the place. Kev was giving it to me nice and hard, and I had the feeling he was happy to be fucking somebody he didn't have to worry about hurting. He sat back on the floor after his second fuck of the night, totally sweaty and exhausted. "Man," I said with a smile, "this night didn't turn out anything like what I imagined." "Yo," D said, sticking his head back in our room, "I'm done in the shower if anybody else wants in." "Thanks bro," I said. I looked over at Kev to see if he was gonna call it, but he was frowning at Bone and Frack, who were screwing in the bed. Kev folded his arms and glared, and we both sat there watching the show. "Oh God!" Frack started moaning really loud, "I'm gonna cum... oh yes... oh yes!" "Big deal," I said, "he's probably gonna shoot about one teaspoon of splooge." Kev shot me a look, and then he left the room, maybe to go get in the shower. Damnit, I wanted to get in there next.

I woke up when Boo came back in the room, he yelled at Bone to get out. "Okay fine, I'm leaving!" Bone said, and he walked out without even looking at me. Everybody's mad at me now, I guess. I started crying because I felt so confused about what we did. "Baby, don't cry," my Boo said, kissing me. It was weird how I was kissing Bone, it was like he was my boyfriend and not Boo. What's wrong with me? "Do you want me to make you a bath?" I couldn't talk, I was crying too much, and I just nodded OK. "Baby, I'm not mad at you." "You're not-" I said. My voice sounded real funny. "I'm sorry if I scared you," Boo said. His voice makes me feel better usually but right now I just feel like I'm a bad person. "I just got jealous, because I love you so much." "I love you too," I said back right away but I felt like I was lying! I started crying really hard and choking. "Bunny, please stop crying," Boo said, he sounded worried. "I'm sorry, baby, I am so sorry." He held me for a while and then he went to go get a wash cloth. It felt good on me, I hurt a lot and I feel sore and raw. "Do you still love me?" I asked. Boo had tears in his eyes when he looked at me! "Of course I do," he said. "You are my one true love." "You are MY one true love," I said back. Boo washed me off real good and I got in my pajamas, I was too tired to take a bath. We cuddled together in bed and I started feeling more normal again. "Next time let's only invite Brian," Boo said. "Mmm, okay," I said, snuggling up into his chest. He smelled so good. "Except Bone has a bigger, you know."

"Bone, you've gotta get over it," D said, sitting cross-legged on his bed. "I don't get it," I said. "I mean, he's not even hot. I mean, it wasn't the worst blow job I've had, but what was up with the teeth? I was like, dude, this isn't an ear of corn here." D laughed, but Bone wasn't amused, so I dropped the humour and went to put my hand on his shoulder. "I can't help how I feel," Bone said. "I know it's stupid." He got in the shower and Howie sighed. "Poor kid. I don't know what he's going to do." "He should just go find a girl to boink," I said. "I mean, Frack is almost a girl. Just go for the real thing." "You're so mean." I laughed and sat there waiting for Bone to get out. "I'm just kidding, well, sort of. Hey D?" "Yeah?" "Do we have a truce in World War III?" "Hmmm... Maybe." He winked at me, and I went over to give him a hug, but he backed off. "What?" "No offense Rok, but you ain't touching me until you've taken a shower." "Oh yeah. Hee hee." Prissy queen.

Next: Chapter 5

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