By My Side

By That's The Way I Like It

Published on Feb 29, 2000


OK, I have had almost no feedback on this story. I know it's kinda silly... Please let me know if it's worth posting or not! Thanks guys. -- May

Please don't read if you have a problem with gay sex. The usual disclaimer applies.

Previously on "By My Side" : :-) The young singing group is touring in Canada and 19 year old B-Rok is attempting to make a sexual Odyssey of it. The guy he hooked up with in Newfoundland was surprisingly nice, and he's not really sure how he feels about that. Meanwhile, young Bone dreams of stealing Bunny from Boo Boo.


I opened the drapes in our hotel room and let a soft shaft of sunlight spread over my angel as he slept. My sweet baby Pookie drools just a bit and I set a kleenex down so his pretty little face wouldn't touch the puddle on his pillow. Then I called the other guys real quick with a white lie about why we couldn't have breakfast together in my room as usual. "Bunny isn't feeling good. Just order something from room service for yourselves, and charge it to my room." I bought all of Bunny's favourites for breakfast. For an appetiser, a vanilla zinger. Then, a big bowl of Cookie Crisp cereal, made with chocolate milk. Then a tin of canned peaches, because I have to make sure he eats right. I found a serving tray buried under some of Bun's school books. He was probably using it to draw on. How sweet is this, he still puts his name on the top right of his homework, even though he doesn't go to school anymore. But what's even sweeter is how he writes his name. Nicky Richardson. He is so cute, he makes me want to cry. Okay, I'll be honest here. Sometimes I do.

I hugged Bunny from behind and kissed the back of his neck. He loves that. "Wakey time," I said real soft. "Ummm," he said, "I wanna sleep more!" My baby hates getting up in the mornings. "Guess what, Bun Bun," I said. "Mmmm." "We get to have breakfast alone today. I told the other guys you were sick." Bunny smiled at me and snuggled up against my body. "I love you Boo Boo." "I love you too." "Can I sleep more?" "No, come on sweetie. We have some important stuff to do today." "Just ten more minutes." "I got zingers." "Just let me sleep." "Do you want your berry bottle?" Bunny looked up at me and smiled. "Oh, okay." I already made it for him. He likes strawberry Nestle's stuff in milk and I put it in a baby bottle. It's our little secret, since Bunny doesn't want the other guys to know about it. I guess they might tease him for it when I'm not around. "Is that good?" I asked, stroking Nicky's face while he sucked on the bottle. "Does my baby like that?" "Umm hmm," he said. Bunny knows how to flirt and I couldn't stand watching his tongue running around the nipple of the bottle any more. I grabbed it out of his hand and kissed him hard on the mouth. Bunny moaned and sucked on my tongue eagerly. His mouth tasted like strawberry and my hands ran all over his soft, smooth body.

"You want to make love, don't you baby," Bunny whispered in my ear, one of his little hands resting on the very bottom of my stomach, where he could feel me trembling, my body heat rising so fast. "I just want to eat you up," I said, tickling him with my breath. He shuddered and wriggled a bit. "You didn't shave yet," he giggled. "You can help me shave later," I said, "after we take a shower." "Okay," he said softly, and he slid up close to me and wrapped his legs around mine. "Are you sure, Pookie?" I asked. "We just did it last night" ... kiss ... "I don't want to hurt you if you're sore." Bunny licked my lips and sucked on my chin, for some reason that really turned me on, and he squeezed my nipples hard. "I wanna do it," he said, kind of panting. I guess my baby woke up really horny this morning. I just laughed and kissed his pretty face. "Whatever Bunny wants, Bunny gets," I said. I can't say I wasn't excited myself, my hands were shaking and I could barely get the lid off the lube to squeeze some on. Bunny still had his University of Kentucky t-shirt on, because he's sort of shy, but he had taken off his briefs and he was lying back in bed with his legs spread, watching me with this cute smirk on his face. His hair was sticking up every which way and my heart felt like it was going to burst with happiness that he was mine.

"I knew Nicky was going to get sick," D was chirping, eating a big ol' plate of biscuits with gravy and ham and cheese and eggs and god knows what else. "You still got the munchies, bro?" I asked him. "This is my weight lifting diet," D said with his nose in the air. "High fat, high protein." "Sounds great," I said, rolling my eyes. "I'm just trying to fatten up," Bone said, shrugging. "I'm too damn scrawny." "I did notice that," I said. "Not everybody can have the body of a young god." I bit into a piece of bacon. "Ya know Rok, you are an arrogant little fucker," Bone said. "Whoah.... sounds like Freakpaper is on the rag again!" I replied. That's my new nickname for Bone, A.J. that is. I decided to name him that after we show up in this dinky town and he manages to hook up with some pot smoking Rasta within five minutes. "Blow me," Bone said. "Should I get the camcorder?" D asked. He is way too perky in the mornings. Somebody needs to slap him upside the head.

"Oh no," I laughed, "bad idea." Kev has a camcorder, you see. I don't even want to know what's on his tapes, either. D just frowned like he didn't know what I meant. "Frack is not sick," I said, "I bet you five dollars of this Monopoly money that he is sucking Kevin's cock right now." "Whatever," Bone said. "At least he's not here asking us if we've seen his ring for the seventeenth time," D said. We both laughed. Bone still sat there looking like somebody pissed in his Cheerios. "That is a cheesy-ass ring Kev bought him," I said. "I'm ashamed to be his cousin." "But BUNNY looooves it!" D laughed. "I bet he bought it at Wal-Mart," I said. "No. Not even. Like some wack Canadian version of Wal-Mart." We both sat there dissing my cuz and our little bud Nicky Gene and Bone got up and walked out with a big ol' stick up his ass. "Well that is very interesting," D said. "That Alexthander is THUCH a bitchth!" I lisped.

"Oh God!" I yelled really loud when Boo put himself in me. I didn't mean to, but it felt so amazing! I think I'm turning into a slut. All I wanna do is make love with Boo. What if he starts thinking I'm slutty and then he doesn't want to marry me anymore? Maybe we should have waited until our wedding. Umm... I can't really think about that right now, though. I know he's being slow because he doesn't want to hurt me, he doesn't understand, I want all of him, I feel empty without all of him. I tried to move my body up into his but I can't ... he is balanced on his arms and he's holding back from me, it hurts my feelings ... I moaned and Boo said, "baby are you okay?" He doesn't understand I'm frustrated, I want more. "Yeah," I said, "do me harder..." "What baby?" I blushed, I hid my face against him, "what's wrong baby?" "Harder," I said, "fuck me, do me hard!" Uh oh I think Boo Boo looks shocked ... "Uhh," I moaned really loud again, "just fuck me!"

I think I hate Canada. I took off to go for a walk and everybody here is so fucking nice. I'm not in the mood. Why are the straws too small? Why do the fries at McDonalds taste all fucked up? This sucks. Finally I found a little coffee shop that was pretty empty and I sat there pouring my heart out in my little spiral notebook which says "Shakespeare Homework" on the front. It's really just my diary, but I figure if I write "Diary" on the front, Howie and Rok are going to be a lot more interested in reading it. It really doesn't take too much to outsmart these guys some times. Writing wasn't helping today, though. I felt too bummed out. So I headed back to our crappy hotel, where Rok, Howie and K were all playing basketball at the playground next door. I went upstairs to call my mom. "Alex, honey, what's up?" "Mom, what do you do if you really like somebody but you don't know how to tell them?" "Well, let me see. You could try writing them a note if you think you won't be able to say it out loud. Practise that way and maybe even say it to a mirror. You might feel silly, but you'll be more confident when you are ready." "I don't know," I sighed. I didn't want to tell my mom that this person was with somebody else, because she might think I was being scummy. "Good luck, sweetheart. Remember, any girl you ask out would be lucky to be with you!" "Huh? Oh ... Yeah. Thanks." I think my mom would be okay with me being bi. But I haven't exactly told her about it yet.

The guys came back from shooting hoops, well, Howie and K did, anyway. Rok had taken off with some guy who was hanging around the playground. "I think he wanted Nicky instead," Howie was saying, messing up K's hair. "Quit it," Kaos said, smiling. "He probably saw my ring and he knew I was taken!" Down, stomach... Down. "Hey Alex," Kaos said, hurling himself onto my bed and lying on his stomach next to me. "Hey," I said. "You're smart, so can I ask you something?" "Okay." "Hey!" Howie said, and he lay down on the other side of K and kept on messing with his hair. "What am I, some big moron?" "Yeah," K laughed, "dumbass!" They started wrestling around and damnit, yes, I got jealous because Howie was touching him. "D, go take a shower, you're rank, bro," I said. "Not," he said. "Yeah, you stink, punk ass bitch!" K said. "Oh, you are going to pay for that, Nicky!" "I mean it, get off my bed," I said, "go clean your nasty self off." "Whatever," Howie said, and he got up. "I'll leave you alone with Nicky since I guess his sweat smells like roses." He gave me a weird look. "Yup," K grinned, "I smell pretty damn good."

"What were you going to ask before D so rudely interrupted?" K had to think for about five minutes before he remembered. He's a little spacy sometimes. "Oh, oh! I remember now! I want to get a special shirt with 'Property of Boo' on it. Wouldn't that be so cool? So like if somebody sees me and thinks I'm hot, they know, I'm taken. Even if they don't see this!" He waved that goddamned ring in my face. "So I was thinking, how do they do that? Make those shirts? I bet you know." I just stared at him. "Nick, that has to be the stupidest thing you have ever come up with." "Why?" He looked so hurt. "First off, everybody knows how to put writing on a t-shirt," I said. "You go to a store at the mall. It's not like some big mystery of the universe." "Oh, okay," K said in his little wounded puppy voice. "Second, why do you need to have all this crap to prove you're with Kevin? Nobody cares except for the two of you. And if you're in love, you don't need rings and cheesy t-shirts to remind yourself. Or do you forget sometimes?" "Because..." K wrinkled his forehead. "I don't know why..." He got up and started leaving. "Wait," I said, "don't go." "Um, I have to talk to Lou about something," K said. He is the worst liar in the world. Why the hell would any of us go talk to Jabba, ever?

"I'm sorry I was kinda being a jerk," I said. "Do you want to play some video games?" "Okay," K mumbled, looking at his feet. I knew he was going to milk this for as long as possible, so I got him some junk food from the vending machine and let him kick my ass over and over again until he felt better. "Nicky," I said finally, "can I tell you something?" "Okay," he said, and then he burped a little from drinking his coke too fast. We looked into each other's eyes. "I ..." I choked. "I really do think the shirts are kind of a dumb idea." "Fine, I won't get one, okay?" K pouted at me. I wanted to kiss him so bad. "And I... I..." Somebody stole the words out of my mouth. I literally couldn't talk. "Bun? Are you in here?" Kevin stuck his head in and K went scrambling over and jumped on him. "You're finally home!" K squealed. "Aww, did you miss me, baby?" "I always miss you, Boo Boo!" They went walking down the hall together and I crammed a pillow down over my head. I guess Mom was right, I shoulda practised first.


"Salam? Hey? Are you still in the john?" I listened but I couldn't hear anything. What the freak was he doing? Okay, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. It was really cold in his basement and even though I was still pretty turned on, I was starting to worry about getting back to the hotel in time to get picked up for rehearsal. We don't have a show tonight but I need to kiss some butt to make up for the last couple weeks worth of fuck-ups. Unfortunately I don't have a watch on and I'm kind of naked and handcuffed to a wall. I'm guessing Salam put in the hook things himself and they weren't like a feature of the place that the landlord shows off to new people. "Over here we have the torture nook." The guy I met up with today has got to be one of the hairiest motherfuckers I have ever seen in my life. He's pretty nice and he has the cutest little Labrador retriever puppy. But I sorta need to go now. Crap.

"I can't believe he isn't here," KFC said. I seriously thought he was going to pop a nut. "Chill out," I said, "it's not like you're responsible for him or something." "I feel responsible," he said all moaning and dramatical, "he's my cousin!" "Yeah ... we all know that, bro." I rolled my eyes. "I hope he didn't get lost or something," Nicky said. "Nah," I said, "only you would get lost. Rok ain't lost." I winked at everybody, well, I missed a couple people the first time so I winked extra times. "He needs a chastity belt," A.J. said. I laughed, even though straight up, I don't really know what that is. I put my arm around Nicky's shoulders 'cos I thought it would piss off KFC and A.J. and yeah it did. "Nicky," I said, "remember when we met up at that audition in Tampa that one time?" "Uh," he said, like the light wasn't turning on. "Was I there?" "No Alex, it was just the two of us," I smirked at him. KFC went off all frantic to check the rooms. I know this just means he's gonna get busted on for being late too, so I stayed right where I was. Anyways, I'm playing with A.J.'s mind. "I remember 'cos you weren't with your mom, you were with this hot older guy," I said. A.J. frowned.

"Guys, guys," Leon said, waving his hands around. "Where are my Kentucky cousins?" "Boo is here, he went to look for Rok!" Nicky said really fast. "What? Brian went to look for ... Kevin?" "No! Boo is here!" "Can you guys please cut it out with all the nicknames? I can't keep any of you straight." I laughed, 'cos okay, that was funny and he didn't even know it. We took off for the rehearsal without either Hee or Haw and I kept on messing with Nicky and bugging A.J. just 'cos I was bored. When we got there, though, that guy Rok hooked up with last week was hanging around and I went to go talk to him at our first break. KFC showed up and Bubble Brain just about jumped his bones on stage. So there was enough "kaos" that it was easy for me to slip away. "Hey, you're Brian's friend, right?" I said, and I winked at him. "Nice to see you. Howie D." "Josh," he said and he smiled back like he didn't know I knew he dissed me before. I don't forget that kind of shit. He was kind of hot though. I wouldn't like go out of my way to do him, except for ya know, 'cos I have my reasons what with my war with B-Rok. "I bet you're wondering where B-Rok is," I said. "You mean Brian?" "Yeah... Sorry." I laughed again remembering Leon's little line from before. "Well, I guess he hooked up with this new guy, 'cos we haven't seen him all day." I smiled at him sort of sad, like awww, I feel soooo sorry for you. "Oh, I get it," he said kind of pissy. "Well, maybe I should get going." "Dude, you came all this way to see B-Rok?" I said. "Man, I hate to break it to you, but that boy is just looking for ass wherever he can get it. No offense to you or anything." "Yeah, I get it," Josh said, and he got up. "You should still come to our show," I said. "I mean, you came all this way and it's not like you want to just drive back." "I don't know," he said. "Maybe."

"Let go of my fucking arm," I yelled, and I wrenched it out of Leon's grip. "I said I was sorry. It won't happen again." "Brian, that's what you said the last time, and the time before that. You just don't have the right commitment to this group. We're just going to have to start auditioning for a replacement. You'll stay on until we find somebody who can really be a part of a team." I just stood there. "Now get out of my sight," Leon said. "Does Lou know you're doing this?" "Lou asked me to tell you," he said. Fuck. I went out of the room and I started kicking crap and punching the wall and finally I felt big arms around me and I got pinned down on the ground until I lay still. "Just chill out, cuz." It was Kev. "Let me go," I said, and I tried to get free, but he was too strong. "I'm not letting you go until you calm the fuck down," he said. Damnit, I hate it when he pulls this crap on me. If he hadn't taken me by surprise, he wouldn't be sitting pretty like he is right now. I might be short but you do not want to mess with me.

I let Kevin lead me into his room and I sat down on the bed. I was shaking real bad and I felt like I was going to start crying. It didn't help that Frack was there and already sobbing. "Bunny," Kevin said, "go with Howie right now, okay?" For once he let his precious boy toy out of his sight, and he hugged me after they shut the door. "I can't go home," I said. "I can't go back to fucking Kentucky..." "Nobody is sending you home," Kev said. "They're just trying to show you who's boss. You might have been the last to join Backstreet Boys, Bri, but everybody knows who has the best voice. Comprende?" I nodded. It's good to have family on the road with you sometimes. "Sorry I freaked out," I said. "Don't worry about it, bro." Kevin slapped me on the back and I got up to go get ready for the show. I thought about a lot of things while I got dressed, like what was important to me and what I needed to do to reach my goals. It was pretty heavy, and thankfully I started thinking about sex again when we got to the arena and I saw this hot guy taping the cables on the floor boards. I watched his ass while somebody talked at us about when we had to come on.

We prayed together real quick and then we were on. We went after some chick with a guitar and before some lip synching dwarf. Okay, it was a little kid. But it kind of bit that she went after us. I felt pumped up when we hit the stage. We all stand in the dark while the tape starts and gives us an intro, then the lights come up and we're all dancing, these kind of cool almost break-dancing moves, and then it goes into our first song. We perform to a tape of music, but we never lip synch, and we make it real obvious we don't. We even do a couple a capella songs, and it was during one of those that I spotted Josh in the audience. I was really into my performance and I was going all out. I guess I wanted to prove to those fuckers who manage us that I'm important to the group, and maybe to the other guys too. I was improv-ing a little and it sounded really good, so Frack and Bone were going with me, and when I saw Josh I started singing even louder, feeling it even more, it's always better to have somebody you know that you can sing to. He looked right in my eyes and I stared back, I wasn't going to be the first to look away. So you came to see me? Well, I wasn't going to wait around all tour for you to show up. The song had to come to an end and when it did, he looked down first. "Kick it y'all," Bone said, and we went into our last number, which was more upbeat again. "I wanna see everybody's hands in the air!" Kevin yelled, and when I tried to find Josh again, I didn't see him at first. When his head showed up right by the front of the stage, I just broke into this big shit eating grin. Right in the middle of my line I just waved and said, "hello!" real cheesy, and he busted out laughing. "You are such a geek," D said when he passed by me on stage. "A geek who's gonna get laid!" I said.

Next: Chapter 4

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