By My Side

By That's The Way I Like It

Published on Feb 8, 2000


Yes folks, I am writing another Backstreet Boys story, but it will be very different from "Changes." Not so depressing! More just plain ol' sex and silliness. I hope people like it. Please note that the story is set in 1994 and the narrator will switch around from character to character, although it will mostly be from Brian's point of view. I hope it's not difficult to figure out who is "speaking."

Please don't read this if you have a problem with gay sex. This is a work of fiction and does not imply anything about the habits, personalities or sexual orientations of any real life people who are used as characters in the story. I really appreciate any feedback, suggestions and criticisms about this and my other story ... Thanks and enjoy. :-) -- May


Please allow me to introduce myself. One day I'll be a celebrity, but I'm best known right now as that guy in your social studies class who's the shortest guy on the basketball team, liked to sing in church and makes a mean batch of hush puppies. I'm 19 years old and I'm on a mission ... the perfect lay.

Now before you go thinking I'm shallow, keep in mind that sex with Brian Thomas Littrell could be compared to a religious experience. I like to think I'm doing community service in a perverted kind of way. I'm well built, athletic, and I have the stamina of a pro football team (now that is a fantasy I'd like to explore in more detail at a later time). Dishonesty and comments about short people don't fly with me, but otherwise I think I'm pretty tolerant. After all, my Backstreet brothers are all at least as demented as I am.

We're starting a tour in Canada right now and can I just say, it's really fucking cold here? We'll do some stops in the Maritimes and then a whole shitload of appearances in Quebec. We seem to have some kind of angle on that market. Kevin will be thrilled 'cos he can speak a little French. That's my older cousin, well, I call him Kevin usually, or sometimes Kev. Bone calls him Train because he's so fucking dead-set on what he wants. D calls him KFC and that's short for Kentucky Fucking Chicken ... there's a story there. Frack calls him Boo Boo. That's pretty bad, but it's nowhere near as bad as what Kev calls Frack. Bunny.

I never really thought about it before, but I guess we don't call each other by our real names too much. Yes, if you're wondering, Kevin and Nick are together. They know where they want to get married, what colour they want to paint their back porch, everything. Of course, Nicky, Frack, Bunny, Blondie, Kaos, whatever you want to call him, is only 14, and he and Kevin have both slept with other people. But who am I to judge their relationship? I just hope they don't slip up and call each other Bunny and Boo Boo on stage. Kevin's already been yelled at for slapping Nick's ass one time too many. Not that all of us haven't done it.

We're all pretty much queer, if that was your next question. Howie and A.J. are bisexual and Nick claims to be. He is always talking about boobies. But he's such a fucking pansy, he wouldn't have any idea what to do with a woman. A.J. is obsessed with orgies. I've sucked A.J.'s dick and gotten fucked by Kevin and Howie. I have to say, I've never had any desire to mess around with Frack. I'll leave the kiddie porn to Kevin. At least he doesn't sleep with underage girls. The last thing we need is a pregnant 13 year old on our asses.

We're in St. John's, Newfoundland, and thanks to Frack, who isn't all that bright, we're out on the water, where the wind is blowing in gale force and freezing cold, bundled up in parkas and waiting for the bus to head back to our hotel. Kevin had his arm around Nick and they stood on the shore kissing while seagulls swooped around making that God-awful creaking screeching sound they make. "I'm sorry it's so cold, Boo Boo," Nick said in his cutesy baby voice, snuggling up with Kevin and rubbing his cheek on Kevin's chest. "It's not your fault, Bun Bun," Kevin smiled, "I know it was important to you to see the water." "We saw plenty of water on the fucking airplane," Bone piped up. D and I both snorted. "Nicky, put your toe in the water," D said. "Since you made us come out here." "Oh, that's a good idea," Nick said. "Bun Bun, I don't know, it's really cold and I don't want you to get sick." "If I do, will you take care of me?" "Of course sweety pie..."

"Baaaarf," Bone said, sticking a finger down his throat as Kevin and Nick walked over the big stones to get down to the water. "I bet he gets sick," D said with morbid excitement. "You know we're bored when this is the highlight of our day," I commented, and we all cracked up, shivering at the same time. "There he goes," Bone said, "what an idiot." Nick was putting his foot in the water, and although he was clinging to Kevin, he did manage to kick his shoe into the ocean. We all yelled and hooted at them while Kevin retrieved the shoe and dumped sea water out of it. "Now he's definitely going to get sick," Howie said triumphantly. "Come on, you dorks! The bus is coming!"

The place we were performing that night was pretty cheesy. It was basically a comedy club, although there were musical acts as well. We were in between an enormous fat guy whose jokes were all about being an enormous fat guy and this weird dude wearing bright orange hunting gear whose jokes were all very Canada-specific, I guess. We had no idea what he was talking about. After eight songs, we were done for the night, and we dutifully went back to our hotel to get tucked into bed by our road manager. He's a real pervy prick named Leon and he's always hitting on us. Don't get me started on Lou, a.k.a. "Big Poppa." You'll meet him soon enough. Anyway, after "lights out" we gathered in my room to make plans for our entertainment. So what if we had to leave early the next morning? We were going to "do" St. John's that night.

Kevin and Nick started making out on my bed, and I squeezed in between them. They both made pouty faces at me. "Nobody blows a wad in this bed unless I planned it," I said. "Understand?" "We were just kissing," Nick said, while his hard-on poked the hell out of my thigh. "Group sex!" A.J. said, and he jumped on top of Nick and started grabbing his dick. "Boo Boo," Nick whined, "where are you?" "I thought we were going to go out," D said irritably, "I don't want to have sex with any of you rejects." Somebody knocked at the door and I got up to answer it, assuming it was Leon telling us that we were supposed to be having beddy-bye time. Instead, it was a porter with a huge bouquet of flowers. "For Mr. Little?" "Littrell," I snarled, and took the flowers. Very funny, you oversized piece of Canadian crap. "Heyyy," Howie said, sneaking a peek at the card, "somebody's got an admirer!" "I admit it," Bone said, "I'm in love with B-Rok. Just look at that glorious ass." "Boo Boo's ass is better," Nick said (of course). "Thank you Bunny." "You're welcome Booey."

I was pretty damn flattered, I have to say. The card read, "Dear Brian, I caught your show tonight and was I impressed. You have a beautiful voice and I thank you for sharing your gift with the rest of the world. If you ever come through this town again, I'd love to hear from you, and if that's not possible, just remember that you've touched somebody's soul with your music. All my best. J.D." "How romaaaantic," Bone cooed. Nick and Kevin made eyes at each other. "I bet it's a woman," Howie said. "I don't think so," I smirked. "You just wish it was a woman, so I wouldn't be getting some from a FAN. MY fan." "Hmph," Howie sniffed, "somebody's ego just got even more inflated. It doesn't sound like something a man would write. Whatever. Bone, you wanna come out with me?" "Strippers," Bone said decisively. "Let's go see strippers." "Have fun with your mysterious admirer," Howie said as he left. I just laughed, since I could tell he was green with jealousy. I was about to pick up the phone to call this "J.D." when I heard a moan from the bed.

"Okay you two," I said, standing over the bed. Kevin had both hands down Nick's pants and was fondling his boy toy's hard dick while Nick was being a pillow queen, licking his fingers and then rubbing and squeezing his own nipples. Spoiled much? "Bri, would you mind leaving for a bit?" Kevin said. I have to admit, my cousin has balls. "It's my goddamned room!" I said, "get the hell out!" I never used to curse. Can you believe that? Less than a year with these guys and now I have the worst potty mouth of all. Kevin gave me a look. "Go call your flower person from my room," he said in his bossy way. "Look at Bunny, he's so comfy..." He smooched Nick on the lips, and Frack gave him a pretty little smile. I think he might have fluttered his eyelashes at him. They really were disgusting together. "Fine," I said, "but I mean it, any boy juice in this bed and I'm going to get revenge, and believe me, it won't be pretty."

Kevin and Nick's room was a complete disaster area, but I did manage to find the phone. "Yes, hello?" It was a man. Score. "Hi," I said, "uh, this is Brian ... Brian Littrell?" There was no answer. "Maybe I have the wrong number," I said. "Wow, I can't believe you called me," he said finally. "You got the flowers..." "Yes I did," I said, smiling widely. "That was so sweet of you." Yes, I said sweet... Oh come on, like he wasn't going to be gay. "Oh, it was nothing," he mumbled, sounding flustered. "Hey, we're leaving town early tomorrow morning," I said, "but if you want to show me the night life of St. John's tonight, I'm up for it." I sound like a real "playa", don't I? There was another little pause. "I would love to." "Well, J... I guess I don't know your name-" "Josh. It's Josh." "Josh, come on by the hotel, and I'll meet you downstairs. How does that sound?" "Too good to be true," he said with a little laugh. "See ya soon," I said, hanging up the phone. Well, let's hope he doesn't look like Leon. I checked myself out in the mirror. Gonna get laid tonight, maybe... Now I was anxious about meeting him and didn't want to take too long to go downstairs, since I had no idea if he lived close by, so I had to go and bang on my own door forever until Kevin finally opened up. "Got a mouth full of splooge?" I asked when he turned away without saying anything. Nick giggled. "Okay you two, out." "Have fun," Kevin said dryly. Nick hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Be bad!" he chirped. Gross, did he just slime me? I checked my pants where he had rubbed up against me. Then I checked the bed. Ugh! Well, I would have to plan my revenge later. First, I had to get ready for my date and my on-going quest... for the perfect lay.


I wasn't disappointed in the least. Josh was pretty tall, but he didn't tower over me. He had thick, dark brown hair and cute little glasses. I found out later that he had hazel coloured eyes, which meant that I couldn't really tell what colour they were at first, and a nice lean body. Overall, I'd say he was a good looking guy with hottie potential. He looked like he was maybe in his late twenties, and it was one of the first things I asked. "I'm a little over the hill," he laughed. "I'm 32." "Eh," I grinned, "that's do-able." Okay, so it was a little worse than Kevin and Nick, but nobody was going to go to the state pen for boinking me any more, regardless of the age gap. "You do know that I'm 19," I had to ask. He looked a little embarrassed, and he might have blushed. "Don't take this the wrong way," he said, "but you do look a little older." "Hmm," I grinned, "maybe that's why I can get served sometimes when we're back home in the States."

It was funny that I said that, because we'd just left the hotel and ran into Howie and A.J. on the street. A.J. looked really pissed off, and Howie was being all smarmy with Josh. "I thought you guys were going to go to a strip club." "We went to three different places," A.J. scowled, "but they wouldn't let me in!" "How old are you?" Josh asked. "Well... I'm 16. But don't I look older?" "Wow, I thought you were at least 18. The only one I thought was a teenager was the blonde..." "Nicky," Howie smiled, "he's the baby of the group. I'm 21 myself, fully legal." He winked at Josh to emphasise his point. "Well, we were on our way out," I said rudely. "Can't we come with you?" Howie asked. "I mean, unless it's a date." I wanted to kill him. "Oh, uh, sure?" Josh said weakly. He obviously didn't know what to do, and it felt too awkward to me too to say anything. We walked down the street, trying not to kill ourselves on the ice, and I snuck behind Howie and whispered in his ear, "I hate you, fuckhead." He grinned.

There really wasn't much to do in St. John's, especially with a 16 year old, but we ended up at a gay bar that seemed pretty casual about carding us, and Bone went off to shoot pool, drink beer and hook up with freaks. The last time I saw him, he was with some biker lady who looked about 40. D was being a third wheel and chatting up Josh. He has a habit of doing this kind of thing, we have a little competition going, you see, so I decided to ignore him and started talking to Josh like he wasn't there. Josh picked up on it and did the same thing, and finally D got offended and left. "You seem more mature than Howie," Josh said with a grin. "I'm pretty immature," I said, setting down my almost empty beer bottle. The last couple drinks in a beer bottle are total nastiness and I don't go there. "But yeah, compared to those other losers..." I smirked.

"Maybe we should ditch them, since they're occupied," Josh said with an evil smile. "Good plan. Are we clear?" "Yeah... Let's make a break for it." We headed over to a coffee place and just chilled there for a while, talking. Josh was a songwriter, now isn't that a nice coincidence? He was all into talking about the music business. I admit, I'm just a kid who sings and I don't pay all that much attention to the business side of things. But I explained more about how our group got together, and what we want to do with our careers. "You guys can really sing," he said. "I'm not just flattering you because you're fine..." Josh smiled at me over his latte. "I believe ya," I laughed. "I mean it," he said. "You guys might just make it big one day. And I can say I knew them when..." "Maybe," I said, stirring more sugar into my coffee.

I'm not a big coffee drinker, but I thought it would be good to wake me up a little in case we'd be up for a while. Ya know. It was getting pretty late and we still hadn't had that little discussion, the "your place or mine," so I decided to make the first move. "Josh," I said, giving him the come fuck me look, "what say we head back to my hotel?" "You have your own room?" he asked. I like the way this guy thinks. "Well, sort of, I have a suite with Howie and A.J. Oh, but you know what, my bed is kind of gross right now, we shouldn't go there." Josh grinned and I blushed a little. I guess that was a little forward of me. "Why don't we go to my place instead?" he said. "Okay. But I have to be back at the hotel real early in the morning."

"Should I ask what's wrong with your bed?" Josh asked as we walked. I laughed out loud. "Li'l Nicky sprayed a big load everywhere. I have to get revenge on him and Kevin." Josh looked confused, and I could see his mind trying to figure it all out. "They're in looove," I said, making a face. He laughed. It was kind of a long walk to Josh's place. He had a cute little apartment that was decorated really faggy, if you know what I mean, and all this cat stuff but no cat. "Do you have a kitty cat?" I asked, standing in the living room while he hung up the coats. "I did, but she got hit by a car." "Oh no ... I'm sorry." "Yeah, it was just a few days ago." "Poor kitten." Josh came up to me and we started kissing. "I might get a new cat, but I want to wait a bit," he said. "Uh huh," I said, I wasn't really listening any more since all my blood was rushing to my cock. He put his hands all over my body, my chest, my stomach, my ass. "Your body is so hard," he said in my ear, "god, I just want to worship it." "Mm Josh," I said back, "I need some worshipping." We walked to his bedroom together, kind of funny looking I'm sure since we were making out and trying to get undressed and climbing on each other and walking at the same time, and then I laid down on his futon, which was just on the floor but nice and springy, and he pulled my jeans off and stood there drooling away. I'm proud of my body, I work out a lot and God gave me some damn fine material to start with. I stretched out and ran my hand over my pecs and on down my six-pack. My dick was poking out the top of my boxers and I patted the bed next to me.

Josh stripped and climbed on board. I was a little disappointed that his dick wasn't bigger, but I really am working on my size queen issues. His upper body could be more toned too. Damn, I'm picky. He had nice balls though, heavy and smooth and without tons of scaggy pubic hair all over the place. We gave each other some hot open mouthed kisses and he grabbed my dick and started pumping it gently. It's always kind of weird with one-night stands 'cuz you never really know if they want to be top or bottom. I go either way, I guess that's why I don't pay attention when I hook up with guys. I was guessing that Josh wanted in to my sweet shit hole, though, and I pushed his head down to get him to suck me for a while first. Damn, he was eager to please, he took me all the way into his mouth and hummed on my cock. "Oh yeah," I moaned, running a hand through his hair and bucking my hips up, thrusting a little and feeling a bit of sweat trickling down the crack of my ass. "I'm gonna... oh yeah... oh..." I let out a big grunt as I started to cum, it felt so good blowing down Josh's throat. He let the last couple blasts hit him in the face and I lay back, watching my cum drip down his handsome face while he stuck his tongue out to lick it off his chin. Damn, it was sexy.

To my surprise, Josh didn't make another move on me, instead he just cuddled me and kissed me. I was really tired and about to fall asleep if he didn't start getting funky with me, and I tugged on a piece of his hair that was hanging in his face. "Hey babe," I said all sleepy sounding, "don't you want to keep going?" "Nah," Josh said, and he kissed me really sweetly on the lips. "I can tell you need some sleep." I felt guilty. Here I was looking for a good lay and I just get mine and crash? What a prick! I fumbled around for his cock, but he took my hands in his and kissed me again. "Just sleep, cutie," he said, "what time do you need to get up?" It was really hard to think, I was so tired, but finally I remembered, "the bus is leaving at six thirty." "Okay. Good night." "G'night..." This was weird, but my body was betraying me, and I was out like a light. After sleeping on our tour bus in Europe for the last couple of weeks, the futon felt like heaven. I woke up to Josh kissing me and running his hand through my hair. I must have had morning breath from hell - beer and coffee! - but he didn't seem to care. "I called a cab," he said softly, "so you don't have to walk back to your hotel." "Damn," I said, "you are such a sweetheart." I just lay back and looked at him. "Too bad you can't come on tour with us." I gave him a silly little smile. "Maybe I'll come catch one of your shows in New Brunswick," Josh said. My heart did a flip flop kind of thing. This didn't usually happen after I spent a night with a guy...

When I got back to the hotel, I got majorly busted by Leon. "Pack up your room pronto," he said, "when we get to Moncton, you are really gonna get it from Lou." I shuddered. That could be taken in a variety of ways. We crammed into our tour bus, where we would be spending most of our nights on the road in Canada - oh joy. "So was he a good lay?" Bone wanted to know. We were all sitting on top of each other in the game room, where Frack and me were playing Nintendo. Whenever he kicks my ass real bad at video games, I make him play basketball with me and teach him a lesson about who is the boy and who is the MAN. For some reason I wanted to lie and say that we had monkey sex all night long. It would really piss the hell out of Sweet D, for one thing. But I didn't. "He just blew me, no big whoop," I said, concentrating on my game. "Ah ha, prepare to die!" Frack said as his little dude started whailing on my little dude. "I think not!" I yelled back, and we were in mid- battle when Kevin stuck his head in angrily. "Brian," he said, "what did you do with my stuff?" "What stuff Kevvy Kev?" I asked innocently. "I think you know what stuff." "I have no idea what you are speaking of," I said with a little grin spreading over my face. "And I don't know why you are accusing moi." "Brian, just give us back the condoms. Okay?" "The condoms?" Nick asked, looking up in shock. I took the opportunity to kill his little dude. "Oh, no fair, Frick! You suck!"

When we got to New Brunswick, the first thing I thought was, I wonder if Josh will come to the show. I tried to tell myself that I was just thinking with my dick and wanted some more action. But you know, it did seem like something more.

Next: Chapter 2: By My Side 3 4

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