By Himself

By moc.liamg@42reklawsj

Published on Jan 25, 2011



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The boy was sitting on the edge of the couch, slouched, with his legs dangling over the edge. His bare feet tapped the soft fabric as he kicked back and forth softly.

The hem of his t-shirt had pulled up past the elastic band of his shorts, revealing a small pink band of skin, just shy of showing his belly button.

His eye line skimmed over his midsection, parallel to his rising chest, his soft tummy, his hanging legs.

There was nothing good on TV and he was flipping through the channels when he felt it had started again. There was a gentle rise in the fabric of his green shorts, then finally a small bulge that blocked his view.

There was nothing on so it didn't mattered.

The little tent in his shorts blocked the view of the television. He stopped kicking his feet and looked intently at the straining green fabric. He could feel the pressure on himself and just wondered why it got like that. All the time now it would just get hard.

His little penis.

He put down the remote and, keeping the same position, used both hands to gently lift up the elastic band. The shorts stretched away from his soft skin and made a small cave into which he looked.

There, bent against the cloth, was his hard dickie.

The shaft was smooth and the foreskin tapered to a little tip that was smushed against his shorts. He looked at it with his large brown eyes for a minute then lifted higher and shifted to hook the elastic band underneath his little balls. They smushed up against his hard dickie and made the whole thing bend toward him; his foreskin now free to stretch and the outline of his little glans could be seen.

He laid his hands at his sides and just stared at his little penis. It would move as he breathed in and out and he pulled up his white shirt to tuck it under his chin as he watched.

He saw his stomach move up and down, his innie belly button move up and down as he breathed.

He took his hand and pinched the tip of his foreskin. His breathing stopped as he gasped from the feeling. His little tummy tightened for an instant, betraying the shape of the muscles that would soon develop in full.

He kept pinching until the tingling passed then moved his fingers down his shaft, gripping just under the head. He pulled down his foreskin, slowly revealing the darker glans underneath.

The tingling grew again as he skinned it, but his breathing kept on. He bottomed the tug, his foreskin sitting behind the ridge of the little tip; then moved his hand back up, the little hood sliding over to once again cover the sensitive tip.

His breathing had increased now and for a moment he considered stopping... but he wanted to feel more.

He once again pulled back his foreskin, and took his other hand to the tip of his penis. Touching the soft head felt like nothing he had ever felt, even in the shower it didn't feel this good.

He used his thumb and two fingers to gently squeeze the end and he shivered at the sensation, his toes flexing back.

He left his thumb there and gently rolled his foreskin up again, the little finger getting trapped underneath and making the skin pull tight. His breathing became erratic as he slid his thumb out of his foreskin, pulling the stretchy skin out and gasping as it released with an almost audible snap.

There was a small sheen of sweat now covering the boy and he stared at his penis which twitched as his foreskin returned to its normal shape.

The boy bit his lip and taking his penis in his hand, pinched and pulled his skin back at the same time. The sliding over the sensitive tip felt so good he put the skin back and pulled it down again.

and again-

and again-

Tugging back the skin then sliding it forward, again

and again-

His legs flexed against the couch, his heels dug into the upholstery, his other hand grabbed a fist of cushion and his stomach rose and fell with his deep gasps. He pulled back his skin again.

and again-

Feeling the tingling rise within him.


and again-

and again-

Then it was all too much! He clenched his eyes shut and his toes curled. A small yelp escaped his lips as he pulled back on his foreskin one last time to be greeted with an explosion emanating from his penis. He trembled as the feeling made him feel everything and nothing at the same time. His mind blank except for the ecstasy.

As he returned to earth he opened his eyes to see a glistening drop of fluid on the tip of his penis. He touched it with his finger, just before his foreskin returned to wipe it away.

The little drop sparked on the tip of his finger and he snaked out his tongue to gently lick it from his hand.

He smiled at the small sweetness he tasted and retrieved the elastic band of his shorts from under his little nuts. He lifted the band over his now wilting penis and replaced it on his slim waist.

He tugged down his shirt again, but it still left a small band of pink skin visible, just underneath his innie belly button.

He started kicking his little bare feet softly against the couch and picked up the remote, trying to find something good on TV.

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