By Accident

By Robert Mooney

Published on Oct 13, 2023


This is a work of fiction, based on something I overheard several months ago. All the characters are fictitious, of course, and the story was born in my mind.

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Positive comments are welcome at briarwriter@gmail.

By Accident

Chapter 7

The weekend that was

We reached our house as my parents were loading the car. Walker and Dad were best buds, so they did their male bonding thing while Mom told me what food was available in the refrigerator, as she gave me a 20 for incidentals...aka, pizza! Dad was in the car, still talking with Walker, but when Mom finally got in, the conversation ended and they were gone.

Dad was like that, sometimes. He didn't mean to be rude by doing things like that, he was just focused, I guessed. It had happened before, but it was minor, so we'd eventually accepted it.

So, the house was ours for the whole weekend. Almost as soon as the car was out of the driveway, Walker was naked and heading upstairs to my room. I locked the front door and followed him. His ass was in my focus and I suddenly wondered if my ass does that to Walker. I decided to test my theory.

In my room, Walker was already getting the lube and stuff from my night stand. I dropped my shorts and lost my shirt, and fumbled in the closet to present that side to him. When I reached down, pretending to look for something, I got my answer. Walker, sweet, loving Walker, put a glob of lube on my hole and entered me, just like that. Well, not just like that. I wasn't like Walker back there, maybe never would be, but really get off on the being-dominated-by-him thing. That said, he didn't enter me as he likes me to enter him. He understands that I'm different but has his way with me(which I love) but with total consideration for me. So...he pushed his head into me, slick as snot! and stopped. Several dozen seconds later, he pushed a little more in, then a little more. That did it for me, and I pulled him all the way in. Again he stayed motionless for a while. Then he slowly withdrew and pulled me towards my bed, instructing me to get on my knees at the edge. As soon as I got in position, he impaled me again, to the hilt...and waited.

I was shocked and then excited at this force Walker was experimenting with me. Maybe he's showing me, so I can do this to him, I thought. Hmmm.

After a pause, he began stirring, ever so slightly, at the juncture of his dick and my ass. My prostate most have been involved, `cause I began squirming and swaying, trying everything conceivable to get as much of him into me as possible. He slowly withdrew, just to the crown, and slammed it in me hard. I jumped, but it was good. He did it again and again. I'd been playing with my dick, and produced enough precum to give myself a good slide. When he pounded me like we'd been doing, I felt a geyser getting ready to go off in my dick. He sensed it, too, of course, and started almost rabbit punching my ass. I erupted all over my bedspread, and felt him spasm deep inside me.

We didn't move for a minute, then he handed me a towel and withdrew so I could regain life to my legs. I stood, not wanting to make my cum spread any more than it had. He'd gone to get a wet washcloth and returned to gently wiped it all up, leaving a minimal stain. ""I wasn't too hard on you was I baby?" he asked while he cleaned.

"Nah, I admit to have been surprised at the force you used at first, but the more you pounded me, the more I felt possessed my you, and I liked that. I assume you'd like me to fuck you harder, like that, too."

"I think so. I imagine you fucking me to the moon, Sam. I feel so good when you do! When I saw your ass, open like that over there, I had to have you. You have the most gorgeous, edible ass!"

"Babe, I have to tell you. I did that as a test, because your ass does that to me, too. I could really see, taking you like you did me, when I see your ass, sometime."

"Please do. Because you're you, I'd love that." he promised.

We showered again, then went downstairs to watch television. What actually happened, though, was that we went downstairs, turned on the TV, and fell asleep for about 2 hours.

When we awoke, it was about 7:30. We rose, embraced briefly, and hit the bathroom to pee. We'd fallen asleep in the towels with which we'd dried ourselves, so went up to put on shorts and tees. Then we raided the kitchen. Mom had left a casserole for us, which we reheated and inhaled...the entire casserole! Sated for the moment, we tried the TV thing again and had somewhat better luck this time. We found a movie that succeeded in holding our interest. We sat next to each other in my Dad's Barcalounger, holding glans.

The phone rang. "Hello," I answered.

"Is Sam in?" the voice asked.

"This is Sam," I replied

"This is Hugo."

"Well, hi Hugo. How'd you get my number?"

"Duh, I knew what street you live on and your last name. It's not hard."

"OK, OK smart, beautiful boy. What can I do for you this evening?"

"We have a break. My family is going to be gone all day tomorrow, and I have permission to have a couple friends over for a swim. Got any plans?"

"I do now!" I replied, "but let me ask Walk." He was beside me, stroking himself, so I smiled and told of Hugo' invite.

"Fuck, yes!" he replied, adding quietly so only I could hear, "Invite him over."

Hugo heard the first part through the phone and said, OK! Anytime after 11:00."

"Why 11?" I asked.

"Nothing serious. I'm just a slow riser, and I seldom have the house to myself, so..."

"Understood," I interrupted. "What are you doing tonight?" I asked.

"Not much, what's up?"

"Well, if you're up to it, we have a little project that could use another set of hands."

"Hmmm, sounds interesting. I can come over for a while, but I have some reading I want to do tonight, too, so I can't stay late. Is that OK?"

"Whatever's good for you, puppy."

"I'll see you shortly, then," he said and hung up.

"So, is he coming over?" Walter asked. "Uh huh," I answered, "and I have an idea. Let's go get some shorts on, but no shirts. Then, let me get my dad's shave cream and razor. We're going to have him shave our crotches!...if he will," I added. I mean, it's conceivable that he could be repulsed by the idea of shaving another person down there, is it not?"

"Nah, not Hugo. Not if it means playing with our bodies. He'll love it."

"You think so, huh?"

"I think so."

Hugo arrived about 20 minutes later. "Hi guys!" he said, eyeing the fact that we were shirtless. "Nice," he added.

"Well then, how `bout joining us." Walker suggested.

Without hesitation, Hugo stripped his shirt, and again, I got to admire that tight little body of his. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm" I said, eyeing the candy.

He blushed. "You're the first guys to say they liked my body," he said. "Thanks."

"Well, soon, you won't want to hang with us anymore, once the guys discover what a hot little fucker you are," I teased.

"I don't want the guys. I want you guys."

"Well, all right!" Walker sounded.

"All right then," I began, "we have something that we want to do and we'd like you to help us with it."

"OK," he said cautiously. "What is is?"

"We want you shave our pubes." Walker revealed.

"Just your crotches?" he asked after a moment.

"Yea, and maybe our asses, too." I added.

He thought about it a moment then said, "I'll shave yours if you'll shave mine."

"Deal!" We said in unison.

We started up the stairs and each lost his shorts before reaching the bathroom.

Hugo eyed the equipment I'd assembled, noting "We need scissors, too, preferably small or medium." I found two pair and handed him one.

"We'd better do this part in the shower, but plug the drain." We all fit in, with inches to spare, and he showed me how to trim the long hairs above my cock, explaining that getting this part done will facilitate the actual shaving. I was able to get mine down to about ¼ inch, and handed the scissors to Walker, who was watching closely.

Hugo had me sit up on the vanity and spread my legs, then started applying shave cream to the area I'd just given a crewcut, When all was covered, He found a glass of water, found the razor, and started to create.

When he paused, he'd done my pubis, and the area between my balls and thighs, which was pretty sparse anyway. My balls were sparse, too, but he shaved them anyway. He got down to my perineum, but stopped before my hole. Then he took a warm towel and cleaned the areas he'd shaved. I was nude as a bay's butt. Walter was down there in a flash to taste it.

"Nice!" he said.

Walker was next, and assumed the position on the vanity, legs spread wide. I'd never really noticed before, but Walker was hairier than I...not a lot, but hairier. His balls were hairier, too, so he would itch a bit more, probably. I'll just have to help keep him shaved, I guess.

When he was shaved and cleaned, I licked his bare balls, nice!, and swallowed his shaft to his pubis again. My throat seems to have adjusted!

Hugo knelt to observe his handiwork. he tasted us both, jacking one as he swallowed the other, back and forth.

Then he stood. "My turn," he declared, offering us the razor. I covered him with shave cream and made sure his dick was fully hard for the process, while I was at it. Shaving him was simple. His magnificent balls were completely hairless, but I took the opportunity to fondle them anyway. I shaved his pubis and warm washed the cream away, and saw a little boy with a very large dick! Walker swallowed the dick, and I sucked on his balls. Because he was on the vanity, his ass was available so I dove in with my tongue.

He popped his head up, watched what I was doing and said, "That's the first time I've ever felt that! Gawd Sam, get it! Somebody fuck me, please!"

I stood, coated my dick with my precum and entered him bareback, while I tore open a condom, pulled out of him for a moment, put the condom on, rolling it on as I reentered him. I was in his ass, and Walker was swallowing his dick. The kid was being well taken care of tonight.

We wound up with me inside him, Walker on his dick, and Hugo on Walter's dick in a slick 69. I had his legs, his back was supported by a vanity bench, and Walker was bending above him at his head.

This kid, like Walker, had uncanny strength in their asses. His insides caress my dick, milking it. We came in a wave...first me, then Hugo, then walker. It was hot!

I pulled out, flushed the condom, and quickly wiped out the hair from the shower. Once that was done, I turned the water on and stepped to the mirror. Hugo and Walter joined me, and we literally giggled! Nude as a bay's butt. Too cool!

And that was that! We showered, got dressed and Hugo excused himself and left to do his reading, after we thanked him for helping' us with our project'. We settled in front of the TV again.

Before Walker totally crashed on me, he turned to me, kissed me deeply, and said, "That was awesome tonight, baby."

"I never dreamt sex good be so good," I said.

" I know. It's almost scary, isn't it?"

"Not scary, but definitely something.' I corrected. "I'm just pissed that it took us so long to find out about it. We're so lucky!"

"I know you heard what Hugo said about wanting us."

"Yea, but it's probably just puppy love."

"What if it isn't?"

"Do you want something to be there?"

"Why not? He's sweet, he's hot, he's just like us, and he wants us. He's alone, and wants attention."

"Yea," I started, "but what about doing things together, like we do?"

"What of it?"

"Would he fit in to our group?"

"Yea, he's certainly personable, and doesn't act like a kid. I think he'd fit in but, if you'll remember, we may not fit into our group anymore either."

"Good point! Don't get me wrong, I like Hugo a lot. I just don't know about marrying him."

"I'm not talking about that! Let's let him in our lives, casual-like is all I want. He's a good guy, I say we give him a chance. If it turns in to love, we could do a lot worse. If he gets weird, we can talk to him or drop him, I guess. I mean, there's no guarantee that any relationship will go on forever, even ours, though we've got years of togetherness to help us."

It just hit me. "You're right, Walker. We do have years of togetherness to assist us in all kinds of areas. It makes sense that we share that with Hugo. He's a great kid, and hotter than hell, and he says he wants us. Maybe we should ask him what he meant by that. And, maybe we're reading too much into what he said."

"Uh oh, you're making sense again. Watch that." He kissed me, apparently deciding at the last moment to extend it into a tongue war.

This was nice, sitting together, naked, but totally spent (for a while anyway), watching TV together and just being together. It didn't take long before our dicks started getting half hard, but that was fun, too, playing with our new, naked dicks without needing to do anything about them, without the urgency. Just looking down at ourselves as we sat here, I could find no difference in our dicks, same length, same width, same helmet, same ridge under the helmet. Weird! but kind hot, too.

Next: Chapter 8

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