By A Nose! parts 1 and 2

By Eddie Glover

Published on Jul 22, 1997



From Tue Jul 22 23:24:36 1997 Return-Path: To: X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Priority: 3 X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1085 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Info: NEMOnet...The local answer to a global question! Sender: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes X-Mailing-list: tgs-talk

here is the start of this one and the second as well.....

By A Nose!

Daniel Perkins stared at the television for a moment, a look of utter horror on his face. He threw his notebook aside and howled in rage.

"Damnit, you morons! Can't anybody on that team pitch!", he snapped.

He buried his face in his hands, the Cubs had blown another lead and had just lost 4-3 to the Expos. He'd gotten great odds on this game, and a chance to get out of debt. Now he owed the bookie over twenty thousand dollars.

The phone rang but he didn't even think about answering it, he knew it was Maurice and Tommy, the bookies he now owed his life.

He ran to to bedroom and started throwing clothes into a suitcase, then he heard a sound......a high, whistling noise like he'd heard in some war a bomb......BOMB!!?

He leapt into the closet as the roof exploded above him, sending plaster flying and raising a cloud of dust. It sounded like the end of the world!

Finally, when things sounded calmer he cracked open the closet door. A figure laid on the bed.......a very naked and VERY female figure!

He gasped at the nude woman lying unconscious on the bed, she didn't seem hurt. He approached in wonder, stunned that the woman had no bruises or cuts, hell she'd just crashed through his roof!

He looked at her and his pants tented visibly as he watched her full breasts rise with each breath. She was perhaps the sexiest woman he'd ever seen.

Her eyes opened then and her nose wrinkled as if she was fighting a sneeze. He leaned down to help her and she sneezed loudly right into his face.

He felt strange as he backed up, almost like he was shrinking!? Then he felt his penis simply......disappear. He reached down with a small hand and touched a woman's slit. He felt his hair grow outwards into a pair of long ponytails even as his face changed into that of a nine-year old girl's! He shrank smaller as his skin smoothed, his bones and muscles also changing into that of a little girl.

The woman (?) on the bed now rose as a muscular man of about forty. He frowned at his surroundings then saw a very confused-looking little girl almost swallowed in a man's suit.

Daniel's mind finally caught up with what had happened and he screame in a child's voice, "What have you done to me!? Who....WHAT are you!?".

The man started to sneeze then stopped himself. He pulled a hankerchief and wiped his nose even as he looked down at the little girl.

"Sorry about the roof.", he said, "I sneezed in mid-air, turned me from a winged centaur into a chesty bimbo......and bimbos can't fly!", he laughed.

"The ROOF!?", Daniel howled, "You turn me into a little girl and you think I give a shit about the roof!?".

"Oh, sorry!", the man chuckled, "I forgot about my sneeze. I can't really restore powers are a little off right now thanks to my bitch of a sister. Just hang on and let me sneeze here.....I feel one coming.".

Before either of them could say or do anything two armed men burst thru the door and stopped at seeing a burly older man and a little girl where Daniel was suppossed to be alone.

"Okay, where is he?", the taller of the two snapped. He was a balding, chubby man but still retained some of his muscle from youth.

"Talk!", the Mexican man with him snapped, he was probably only in his early twenties thought Daniel.

"Sorry......I....I...ACHOO!", the mystery man wheezed before his loud sneeze.

Daniel felt his body begin to change again and sighed, he was going to be normal again! Then he realized that he was growing.....fur!? His body dwindled even more as a tail grew from his backside. Whiskers grew on his face even as his altering limbs forced him to drop to all fours.

He tried to speak and heard, "MRoww!". He'd been turned into a damned cat!

He looked up and stopped, the mystery man/woman was now......a satyr!? His eyes wandered to the two mob thugs, only to see a chesty teenage Asian girl in the balding man's suit....and an infant squirming around in the Mexican guy's suit.

The satyr frowned at the guns that the men had dropped during their change and then picked up the cat that Daniel now was, "I see you are involved with a seamy crowd sir.".

The busty Asian girl saw the stranger's massive erection and her eyes widened then she all but threw herself into his arms. Her male mind was helpless to stop the reaction of a woman to a magical satyr. She kissed him while thrusting her tits into his face.

"Mrowr?", Daniel tried to ask, forgetting his feline body.

"While I'm a satyr any woman will be lusting for me.", the stranger smirked while fondeling the girl's breasts, "But......uh....oh.....I'm allergic to cat hair too!", he said, "ACHOOO!".

Daniel fell to the carpet, finding out that not ALL cats land on their feet. His body swelled quickly, regaining the mass he'd lost certain areas even more! He now sported tits like a stripper and a body from any guy's wet dream! Daniel looked down into his vast boobs then touched his new sex, covered by a sofrt plume of blonde hair. As he touched his tits he realized.....he was naked! As a cat he'd been too small to wear any clothing, now as a woman that made a Playboy Playmate look like a crone she was butt-naked!

"Name's Trick.", a reptilian skinned young woman said while grabbing Daniel's hand.

"I suggest we get out of here before they start shooting!", she said while pulling him behind her.

Daniel turned his head, trying to ignore the silky blonde hair that flew madly around his head. Standing in the shreds of a man's clothing was a....Clydsdale!? The other mob guy was now a black man who looked like a weightlifter. He roared in rage and reached for his gun.

Daniel ran awkwardly from the house with the reptile woman. He couldn't believe that the bouncing boobs he now felt jiggling were his, and that that lovely ass he saw when he looked behind him was as well!

Everything seemed like a blur as she ran from the house naked with woman named Trick, but one thing she knew......she wasn't letting this guy/girl sneeze again for a while!

next time-----some answers......and more lunacy!

By a Nose! part 2

Daniel Perkins tried to gasp to his strange comrade as they ran naked down the sidewalk. Dan's sex fantasy female body had been jiggling painfully the whole run, and this body grew winded a lot quicker than his normal form.

"Stop!", she wheezed while slowing.

The strange man/woman known only as Trick turned, she was currently wearing the form of a reptilian least until she sneezed again.

"Sorry!", Trick laughed, "I kind of forgot what you were right now.".

Daniel looked around, "Well unless we want to spend the night in jail we'll need to find somewhere to stay. We're drawing a crowd with me looking like this!".

"I can't sneeze right now it seems.", Trick pointed out, "You look like my sister!".

"What are you anyway, a god or something?", Daniel asked in his female voice as they walked into an alley.

"Trick, god of change at your service!", the reptile woman said while bowing.

Daniel squeezed her own immense breasts and frowned, "I'll assume if your sister looks like this that she isn't a war goddess or such.".

Trick smirked, "She WAS actually, until her damn zealots burned one of my temples. I turned them into the most beautiful, most buxom women I could conceive of in retaliation. My sister, Cendra, then cursed me with this sneezing deal. It robbed me of my powers, only when I sneeze can I transform myself or others nearby.....but I can't control it at all! But Cendra made the mistake of bringing me to her so that she could mock me. I sneezed right in her face and turned her into a mortal woman almost identical to you!".

"Sibling rivalry gone bad.", Daniel sighed, "And I look like a stripper because of it!".

Suddenly a police car pulled up in front of them and two officers jumped out, both leveling their guns at the reptile woman that Trick now was.

"Okay, whatever you are....let the lady go!", one of them growled.

Daniel swayed sexily forward, a plan going through her head, "She don't mean no harm boys!", she cooed while moving towards the cops, "In fact she gave me this sexy body!".

"We've.......we've got I mean orders.", the older of the cops said as Daniel's luscious body stood only a few feet before him.

"We'll go peacefully.", Trick said from behind them, "This woman is my friend and I wish to go with her.".

The younger cop smirked, "The feds will be here for you snake-woman, as for this honey.....afraid we'll have to run her in for indecent exposure.....and prostitution!", he laughed.

Daniel howled, "Prostitution!? I'm no whore!".

The older cop handcuffed her, taking great pains to frisk every inch of her nude female body.

"She doesn't have any concealed weapons Nick.", the older cop said with a wide grin.

Nick laughed, "We'll all give her a nice strip search at the jail, no need to have the feds take this sexpot with them!".

Daniel started to protest until Trick brushed against her, "Wait, let them take us to the jail....I can feel a sneeze working up.

But during the fifteen minute ride to the jail Trick could not sneeze, even with Daniel constantly glancing over at her new friend. They seperated them at the jail, taking Daniel's chance of ever getting out of this dream babe body with them.

Daniel sat on a dingy bunk wearing the prison orange jumpsuit they'd issued her. She frowned at her breasts, barely contained by the undersized uniform, she knew they'd given her this in a small size on purpose.

"You a stripper?", her fellow inmate asked.

Daniel sighed, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you what I am.".

"Sure I would!", the chubby woman slurred, obviously in for drinking.

"Okay then, I'm really a man. This woman crashed through my roof then sneezed on me. In less than a half-hour I became a little girl, a cat, and Miss Super Tits here. Now I'm stuck like this since my friend is seperated from me.", Daniel groaned.

The drunken woman frowned, "Aw, that's too bad girlie.....want to have a drink?".

"You don't have any.", Daniel sighed.

The woman grinned as a bottle of Jack Daniels appeared in her hand, "Now ya see why I believe ya guy!", she chortled.

"Are you a god too!?", Daniel asked in wonder.

"Goddess actually. I was Mina, goddess of science once.....then my brother Trick was cursed with a sneezing change by my sister Cendra. I tried to help him but when he sneezed I was transformed into this bod, I'm still a goddess....only now of drink and debauchery!", she laughed.

"AAACHOOO!", they both heard from downstairs, a sneeze that seemed to echo about the large jail.

Then a pair of women screamed, followed by the roar of a tiger.

"Appears my brother is here.", Mina chuckled.

I looked out of the cell as a pair of identical women in police uniforms jiggled past us, shrieking in horror and fear. Then I saw a tiger, still clothed in the remnants of it's police uniform, race past chasing the pair of beauties.

A man then strode calmly up the stairs, energy glowing off of him as he walked. He spotted me and grinned then strode regally towards my cell.

"Hello Daniel, enjoying our stay?", he asked.

"Is that you Trick!?", I gasped.

"In the godly flesh! This change worked out rather well for me, I seem to have super-strength and other godly powers.", he laughed.

Trick ripped the bars apart then watched as we made our way out. He spotted his sister Mina and grinned, "Mina! God it's been forever!", he chuckled while hugging her.

"Freeze!", a pair of cops, one male the other female, snapped together.

Mina smirked, "This one is on me.".

Her eyes flashed and both of the cops were overrun with lust even as the man's penis and the woman's breasts swelled noticeably. Both seemed ten years younger and they wasted no time in ripping off each other's clothes and having wild sex.

"Nice to know I haven't lost the touch.", Mina said then frowned, where had Trick and the babe gone?

"Oh yeah! Umm......yes!", a woman moaned behind her.

She turned to see the platinum-haired bimbo that Daniel now was riding atop the rigid penis of her brother Trick. Both seemed as overrun with lust as the youthened cops.

"Oh no, this isn't good.", she groaned while watching them.

Daniel couldn't believe that she was thrusting herself down onto a man's penis, nor could she believe how it felt to have someone inside her!

As Trick fondeled the large breasts of the woman above him he felt the familiar twitch of his nose....and sneezed.

Daniel felt herself shrink even as Trick's penis pulled out of her. She seemed to be floating now as small, gossamer wings flapped madly on her tiny back.

Daniel looked down at himself...herself and gasped, she'd become a fairy! Her long emerald hair fell to her small breasts and her naked body was certainly female.

She looked around and saw Mina now transformed into a male ghost! Below her a mermaid struggled to rise, a mermaid she knew to be Trick. Her eyes widened at the breasts this woman carried, they were huge! She saw Trick trying to breath and wished that he could breathe the air as well as the water.

An arc of energy shot from her to cover Trick and suddenly the buxom mermaid smiled.

"Thanks Daniel, I was having a hell of a time trying to breathe!", Trick exclaimed.

They heard a woman scream......then another and looked to where the couple had been screwing beside them. A teenaged girl with four breasts was screaming atop of a sexy black woman.

"We need to get out of here!", Daniel snapped, "You're causing enough choas as is!".

Suddenly the doors flew open and a chesty blonde woman swayed into the room with ten other women, as as sexy as herself......and all wearing men's suits.

"Cendra!", Trick gasped in the lovely voice of a mermaid.

"Ah, little brother!", the blonde laughed, "I finally have you. You see, they were going to take you to Washington for study. I transformed them into my kind of well-armed bimbos....and armed them with bullets that will kill even a god....or goddess!", she laughed.

Mina floated unseen across the room and entered her sister's body....only to be thrown out and land now flesh again hard on the ground.

"Mina, did you actually think I'd be that easy to take over!", Cendra laughed.

Daniel created a magical dust with her imagination, frankly being a fairy was neat! She could pretty much do anything she wanted to, and Cendra hadn't seen her floating overhead yet.

She dropped the dust into the midst of the buxom women then shrank Mina and Trick to a size that she could easily carry.

Daniel saw Cendra start to throw a spell at her....only to suddenly forget how. She grinned and tore off her clothes then joined the other ten women in an orgy.

"That won't hold her for long!", Trick said as they flew into the sky, "I'd also get on the .......the ground......quick........ACHOO!".

Daniel didn't know what she was becoming......but one thing was for couldn't fly!

As they plummeted to the ground changing Daniel hoped that at least one of them wouldn't go splat.

end of this part----

      • (c) Copyright 1997: "Eddie Glover" If you want to post this anywhere else, please ask the author for permission first. Thank you --------------- The discussion list for Transgender Fiction ------------------- for help write to: to get human help:

From Tue Jul 22 23:25:44 1997 Return-Path: From: "Eddie Glover" To: Subject: By A Nose! parts 3 and 4 Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 22:50:55 -0800 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Priority: 3 X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1085 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Info: NEMOnet...The local answer to a global question! Sender: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes X-Mailing-list: tgs-talk

Here is part 3 and 4.........

By A Nose! Part 3

Daniel looked down at the rapidly appraoching ground as he stabilized as a burly young man. He looked over at Mina to see her now as a young boy also without the ability to fly.

"Where's Trick!?", he screamed to Mina as they plummeted.

"Right here!", a loud voice boomed even as massive talons wrapped around Mina and himself.

He craned his neck to see a massive bird, perhaps with a wingspan of twenty feet flapping madly.

"I'd fly guys but it seems I'm too damn big!", Trick growled.

"Spread your wings, let the wind make you glide....yeah like that! I saw something about prehistoric birds of your size on an educational channel some time back!", Daniel yelled.

Trick glided to a rooftop just before he sneezed.

Daniel felt his massive male form change, growing smaller even as hips developed and breasts ballooned from his chest. His manhood slipped away yet again, back into the woman's sex he'd possessed just recently.

Then he realized something as he looked about......Mina and Trick were identical blonde, buxom women. They'd turned into identical triplets!

"What was that noise!?", a pudgy man snapped while slamming the door open.

"Oh great.", Daniel sighed.

"Holy shit!", the man gasped as he saw three naked blondes, all busty as hell and sexy and standing right before him.

"Please avert your eyes sir.", Mina said with a grin.

"You have GOT to be kidding, I'm not taking my eyes off you babes!", the man chortled. He turned and yelled back down the stairwell, "Marge! Keep my dinner warm.....I'll be up on the roof for a while!".

Trick's pert little female nose started to wiggle, she was obviously fighting another sneeze but wanted to avoid changing anyone else.

"You'd better go buddy!", Daniel snapped, "My.....sister isn't feeling very well!".

The man grabbed Mina's full breasts and smiled, "Oh man this is like one of those stories from my adult magazines!".

"Tommy!?", a chubby woman gasped while walking onto the roof, "Get your hands off that bimbo!".

The fat man smirked, "Get back to your kitchen blimp! These babes are a dream come true!".

"ACHOOO!", Trick sneezed explosively.

Daniel was now basically a flying ball of fur, round like a pillow and almost as soft. He managed to see Trick become.....Wonder Woman!? It was amazing that the god now looked for all the world like the comic book heroine....even now dressed in the costume of the Amazon!

Mina was now an older man in a robe who smirked as she saw the fat man Tommy now dressed in a G-string and having been transformed into a sexy red-haired woman with enormous breasts!

"AHHH!", the former man howled while seeing her new form and feeling the massive pull of her immense mammeries.

"Here my dear, this pill should calm you.", Mina said with a smirk while taking a pill out of the robe and throwing it into the screaming woman's mouth.

As soon as Tommy Hairston swallowed the pill he ceased to exist. The red-haired woman he'd become began carressing her vast boobs then dancing about provocatively. She now thought herself to be Tommi Towers, a stripper who worked the streets as a prostitute in her spare time.

"Oh Tommy! What have you done to him!", a woman sobbed while racing towards the bimbo her husband had become.

The former man's wife, Marge, now looked like a stripper as well.....she'd been transformed into a green-haired sexpot with large firm breasts and a body from her husband's dreams.

Mina sprayed some gas into Marge's face and she began moaning sexily then shook her head. She looked up and saw Tommi and giggled, "Hi lover! Why'd you come up here....OH! He's so CUUUTE!", she cooed after spying the floating puffball that Daniel now was.

Trick saw the old man that Mina had become look at her and pull some sort of crackers with a smirk on his face. She frowned, after seeing Mina turn that couple into bimbos she wanted no part of the same treatment!

Marge and Tommi were busy fondeling each other by now, they were lesbian lovers now, at least in their own minds. Marge now answered to Monique and thought Tommi to be the woman she loved.

Daniel started to float towards Trick and Mina to help then saw Cendra teleport onto the roof with a group of buxom women dressed in work uniforms.

"Let me guess.", Daniel managed to say in his high-pitched puffball voice, "You happened to find those men working on this street below and turned them into your willing buxom slaves!".

Cendra frowned, "Why do you know that!?".

Daniel sighed, "Wild guess.".

Meanwhile Trick was dodging various magical items that Mina seemed intent on using to transform her into a bimbo like the Hairstons. She did indeed possess the super-human powers that Wonder Woman had in the comic books but Mina seemed like some crazed wizard intent on mischief!

Daniel smiled, "Hey Mina!", he called.

The old man Mina turned....and spied the dozen buxom women alongside the impossibly sexy Cendra. His eyes lit up and he pulled out a flute and whistled through it.

Cendra felt her breasts swell slightly even as her mind dimmed, she couldn't fight the flute's power....nor could any of the other women present...namely everyone except Daniel!

Mina led a conga line of buxom babes down the stairs but before an entraced Trick could join them Daniel pushed her over the edge of the roof with a not-so-gentle shove.

Trick sneezed as she plummeted to the ground with the puffball Daniel still close.

Daniel suddenly felt his arms and legs vanish, even as he flattened.....and changed into......a bikini!

He felt seperated as the bra part and the panty part of himself fluttered towards the ground....even as Trick became a vibrator!

Trick bounced off the pavement before a thirty-eight year old business executive. The woman reached down and picked up the remarkably undamaged vibrator then looked up, wondering how it could have fallen almost onto her head. Then she saw the bikini flutter down towards her, a nice one to it seemed. She grabbed the bikini and looked about, nobody seemed willing to claim she put both items in her purse and continued towards home.

Hours later Daniel was wrapped around the woman's plain body, apparently the woman had taken a shine to the suit that he'd become. And the vibrator that Trick now was had also suffered a workout....repeatedly.

Daniel would have been turned on, if he still had any body that was. He only hoped that Trick could somehow sneeze in a shape without a nose!

Meanwhile across town Mina walked into a mall, almost as if he'd been drawn to it. He smirked as his bevy of buxom beauties milled about him, all bimbos who would do anything he asked.

He smirked and entered an abandoned shop with his women. Some force had drawn him here, now he transformed the drab shop into a store of oddities....all magical and doing what he enjoyed.

He looked about as people walked past the store, then smirked as a young man walked in.

Less than ten minutes later as the young man walked out as a busty woman dressed in leather Mina laughed, forced by some aspect of this form to act this transform the unwitting.

In the bedroom of Jenny Irinson a pink vibrator suddenly sneezed as Jenny put it down after another use. Her new bikini laid discarded on the bed beside her......then everything went weirder!

She gasped at the living vibrator and then screamed while throwing it aside.....even as she began to change.

Her neck lengthed even as her mouth and lips seemed to harden and extend. She reached up and touched bill she'd just grown, then she touched her freakishly long neck in shock.

She felt her slippers rip apart as her feet changed. In shock she looked down to see bird feet where her own should be.....very BIG bird feet! She staggered to her feet and then screamed as a tail of feathers sprouted from her ass. She saw her breasts dwindle even as her arms became.....wings!? She tried to scream but it came out as the cry of a very confused ostrich.

She turned in wonder and fear to see a massive sabretooth tiger lying on her bed......a sabretooth tiger!?

Trick saw the stunned ostrich cry out and race towards the door so he....or more accurate she blocked the door to keep the confused bird from getting away.

The bird saw her and.......passed out. She sighed, having forgot her newest appearance.....that of a classic witch, from the tall pointed hat to the huge nose and wart. She turned to see Daniel standing on the bed, his massive sabretooth tiger frame having splintered the bed supports.

"Can you talk Daniel?", she asked.

The great cat shook it's head in frustration then loped to the refridgerator for some food.

"Thankfully this......this...ACHOOO!", Trick bellowed with a massive sneeze.

"At least we're all human again.", Daniel sighed while opening the fridge door, now a very naked seventeen year old girl.

Trick, now a muscular man again, walked to where a blue-skinned woman with truly awesome breasts dozed on the floor. He leaned down and picked up the nymph that had been Jenny Irinson. He put her on the bed then turned as Daniel walked into the room again munching on an apple.

"You might want to wear something.", Trick said with a smirk.

Daniel shrugged, "Why? You'll just sneeze and turn me into Miss January, or an elephant, or something even more strange!".

"Trust me, this woman is a nymph now.....we'll both start feeling certain urges....even with the knowledge of who and what we were! I'm already feeling them as I look at you.

The nymph moaned and woke up, and began radiating a strange glow almost immediately.

Daniel raced to embrace the man that Trick now was, but before the lust they felt through the nymph's power could get the better of them Trick sneezed in her face.

Daniel shrank in size even as he became a dog, a cocker spaniel to be exact. He looked up at a tall woman wearing a business suit where Trick had been.....and on the bed a very angry, very LARGE bull snorted and started to charge.

"Uh oh!", Trick gasped as the bull chased after them.

end of this part----next time Cendra gets free of Mina, and Trick finally tracks down his sister to change her back.

By A Nose!

Part 4

Trick leaped aside as the bull that had been Jenny smashed into the dresser next to her. She turned to see the small cocker spaniel that was Daniel yapping away at the enraged bull while trying to stay out of the creature's way at the same time!

Trick ran into the kitchen and grabbed some pepper then threw it into her nose, almost immediately she sneezed explosively and saw the huge bull shrink quickly into a much smaller form even as the bull's legs became....fins!? A small guppie fell onto the carpet in front of him gasping out of the water.

"Now THIS is cool!", Daniel laughed from beside her. Daniel was a man once again and seemed dressed in a superhero or something.

Trick looked down into her full breasts, barely contained in the white material of the dress she now wore. Her platinum-blonde hair spilled about her face even as Daniel looked her up and down.

"I always wondered what having X-ray vision would be like!", Daniel laughed.

Trick tossed the guppie into a small aquarium then slapped Daniel, and nearly shattered her own hand.

"Sorry, should have warned you. I'm invulnerable right now, it seems I've turned into Power Master, a superhero from some of my old comics.", Daniel explained.

"I feel something....this body of mine has powers as well.", Trick mused while extending a hand in experiment.

A burst of magic shot from her hand as she gasped and backpedaled. They both heard a woman scream from the next apartment and Daniel used his new X-ray vision to see what had happened.

"I was afraid of that! You seem to have become Lady Lesbian a villainess of Power Master's! She had the power to turn men into buxom women.", Daniel observed.

Trick snorted, "Some super-power! She couldn't have been much of a villain!".

"Tell that to the blonde babe screaming in the shower next door. I'll wager she was a man until your little magic blast hit her.", Daniel sighed.

"Why can't my sneezes be normal anymore. I fear you and I are in resonance now for both of us to turn into comic-book characters!", she sighed.

"Hey, we could be strippers or worse....this is kind of cool!", Daniel laughed.

A small mall nearby----

Mina laughed as three blonde bimbos left his small shop. He wanted to stop changing people but something about this form made him mischievous without stopping! The three girls had been boys until they'd bought a small wand from him for a prop in their magic show.

"Have fun girls!", he called as the beauties left giggling.

"Okay!", a man looking like her twin snapped while appearing out of nowhere, "There isn't room in this world for TWO of me! Change back impostor!", he growled.

"Who are you!?", Mina asked in wonder.

"Let's just say I don't like competition, especially for the right to use my face. I see you've been spelled into that form....well let's just take care of that!", he growled while pulling a small metal rod.

Mina spasmed as she began to change.....back into the form of the goddess of science that she'd been so long ago before Trick had sneezed her into a drinking goddess.

"There, that takes care of you!", the old man growled while leaving.

Mina was stunned for a moment, her gorgeous goddess body had been returned to her....and so easily! If only she knew who that old man was! She gasped suddenly as she realized that Cendra's mind would now be free.....and the woman would likely go right for Trick and Daniel!

She flew into the sky, happy to have her full godly powers again....and determined to finish the cure for Trick's sneezing curse that she'd started so long ago.

A strip bar downtown-----

Cendra, former goddess of war, regained her mind as she was dancing naked before a crowd of human men. She screamed out in shock that these.....these men....would see her body like this! She growled and released a burst of her power onto the male crowd.

The men in the front row were the first to change and she stood there smirking as they transformed. A trio of male sailors felt their pants start to rip even as their white shirts swelled under the strain of holding in their suddenly growing breasts. They were the first to scream in their female voices as they discovered what was happening to them.

Cendra laughed at the crowd of buxom women racing about in horror wearing the clothes of men. She could have enslaved all of them but she decided to let them live as men trapped in female form. But she did bespell them and yelled to get their attention.

"Ladies! Listen well or you'll begin to act like the sluts you appear as!", she chuckled.

"Kill her!", one of the navy former men, a very chesty blonde woman now howled while scrambling up onto stage.

Cendra gestured and the new woman's clothes turned into only a g-string. The woman started to dance provocatively, as if she'd been a stripper her whole life.

"See how easily you can end like her?", she said while grinning. "Now since all of you men like to frequent a place like this from now on you can be her every night. I've cursed all of you. When you walk out the door you'll become male as usual.....unless you fail to return to this place EVERY night by nine o' clock. The moment you enter this place you'll return to the female forms you now possess. That way you get to ogle each other!", she chortled, "But if you don't return on time to this place then you'll be female ALL of the time!".

The women in the crowd went white, most of them were businessmen and laborers, they couldn't allow anyone to learn of this, and they couldn't become strippers!

"Enjoy your new hangout girls!", Cendra laughed while teleporting away. Now that she could think again she had a little problem to deal with, namely Trick and that damn human.

Jenny Irenson's home--

Trick was almost happy to feel a sneeze working up. He'd accidentily turned at least a dozen men into buxom young women, even Daniel's super-powered form was now that of a chesty human woman.

But he didn't expect to see his sister Cendra appear with a comic book in her hand.

Daniel snarled and leaped to attack only to be....sucked into the comic book! Trick saw his sister smiling wide and she laughed, "You're both comic-book you can go home!".

Trick felt a pull and then landed hard on the ground. She looked about but Daniel was nowhere to be found. Then she saw the five figures standing over her.

"The lovely Lady Lesbian!", a man with hair reaching past his butt smirked, "I am Mex Murgan, the leader of the Power Master Death Squadron.".

Trick groaned as she got up, somehow Cendra had put her into the this villainess she now resembled!

"The lady seems mute with shock.", a massive mountain of a man observed.

"She just needs a good man!", a buxom red-headed woman in leather laughed.

Trick groaned at the villains, all of this was getting weirder by the moment!

"Hey you okay?", a shape-shifting teenage boy asked her.

Trick sneezed, wondering how things would be affected in this comic world....and then she saw how!

The long-haired Mex was suddenly a very bald woman....well more accurately a mermaid!

The mountainous brute was now a five-year old boy swimming to free himself of his clothes.

The leather-clad babe was now a raven that flew around the room madly. The shape-shifter was an incredibly old man who wobbled about on a cane.

Finally a dapper-looking man had become a huge-breasted woman who screamed in shock and raced to find a way out of the room.

Trick was now a seven-year old boy and he quickly followed the stunned woman out of there.

Meanwhile Daniel became aware of someone massaging his breasts. He'd been turned into a female version of Power Master mere moments before Cendra had sucked them into this comic book, and it seemed that he remained that way.

He opened his eyes to see a beautiful brunette astride his naked female form and running her hands over the slope of his full breasts.

"You're awake Kurt!", the woman said with a smile, "I see you had a run-in with Lady Lesbian, you're delicious looking you know!", she moaned while kissing a nipple.

Daniel knew she should be looking for Trick to get out of here somehow....but it could wait. As Power Master's lover Janice Mane carressed her female form he decided to wait quite some time.

Jenny's home--

Mina walked into the deserted house and saw that it had been wrecked, Trick had been here all right....but where was he now!? She looked about, feeling her brother's presence....and her sister's.

"Cendra!", she snarled.

The buxom blonde swayed into the room holding a comic book and a lit match. "Well, well...if it isn't Mina back to her old self. Say goodbye to Trick sister, he's going up in flames!".

Mina screamed as the match set the comic on fire, she could feel that Trick and Daniel were in the pages of it....and in less than a minute they'd be ashes with it as well!

next time---is there a next time or does Trick get fried!?

      • (c) Copyright 1997: "Eddie Glover" If you want to post this anywhere else, please ask the author for permission first. Thank you --------------- The discussion list for Transgender Fiction ------------------- for help write to: to get human help:

From Tue Jul 22 22:28:59 1997 Return-Path: From: "Eddie Glover" To: Subject: By A Nose! Part 5 Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 22:46:54 -0800 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Priority: 3 X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1085 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Info: NEMOnet...The local answer to a global question! Sender: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes X-Mailing-list: tgs-talk

Here's part 5

By A Nose!

Part 5

Mina saw the comic that held her brother Trick and the mortal Daniel burst into flames and knew that she had to save them somehow. Then she concentrated for a moment and another comic appeared in her hand.

"What!?", Cendra gasped as Daniel and Trick both leaped out of the comic, "But I trapped you in THIS comic!", she gasped.

Trick grinned, "It seems Mina teleported another copy of that comic into her hands. That allowed us to escape, now sister it's time for you to pay!".

Cendra created a pair of spears and grinned, "I may not look like it anymore but I still am a goddess of war. Take your best shot brother!".

Daniel growled and attacked her, using the super-powered female form of Power Master that he possessed. Cendra created an illusion of herself though and Daniel crashed into the wall instead of her.

"Ah! The mortal seems to have guessed wrong as to my location!", she laughed.

"But I haven't!", Mina snapped while hurling a gas bomb that detonated before a stunned Cendra.

"Koff! Kaff! What is this!?", she gasped as the cloud surrounded her.

"Merely an irritant to keep you from attacking further...and to give Trick time.", Mina mused while teleporting away.

"AHCHOO!", Trick sneezed right next to Cendra and both of them, and the groggy Daniel were transformed.

Trick fell to all fours and felt his hands harden into hooves even as his body bulked. A horn grew from his forehead even as a tail sprouted from his behind. He felt his hair grow into a mane even as a light cover of hair now covered his entire body. He tried to speak and was suprised to hear a very equine snort. Then he spotted his reflection in the mirror.....he'd become a unicorn!

Cendra on the other hand felt her breasts inflate to mammoth degrees even as she lost both size and mass. She looked up at the just appearing Mina in shock that she was so much smaller than her sister who she'd been the same size as earlier!

"A nymph....the perfect form for you dear sister.", Mina laughed.

Daniel had remained female but had grown much younger, losing the huge breasts and sweeping hips of her former shape. She was a young virgin girl, perhaps only thirteen, and could feel the call of the unicorn that Trick had become.

Cendra cupped her breasts and moaned in pleasure as she fondled herself......then her eyes widened and she screamed in horror as a vast shadow loomed over them all.

Mina turned to see a monstrous creature shuffling towards her. The beast was ten feet tall and seemed made of solid metal.....but it also looked like a nightmare made real.

She fired a bolt of power at the beast only to see it deflected into a nearby alley. She backed up as did Cendra as the monster advanced on them.

"ACHOOO!", Trick sneezed as Daniel tickled the unicorn's nose.

The monster was now a tiny kitten that seemed puzzled by it's now small shape. It raced away in shock and fear of the humans that loomed above it.

But instead of the normal chaotic mix of forms among the four all four were very buxom women in string bikinis. They all looked at each other in wonder....until a woman appeared before them.

"I am the sorceress Manihateu!", this black-clad woman snapped, "It is I that used the transforming power of your sneeze to turn all four of you into bikini-clad bimbos! You see I have decided to take over the world with your help godling!", she laughed.

Trick tried to make herself sneeze only to be unable, "I'm afraid you will be unable to sneeze until I allow you to!", the witch laughed at her.

Cendra grinned, "I am on your side sister! Change me back and we look for a bitchin' beach....catch some surf!", she giggled the last part...her entire personality transformed.

"See how easily I can convert all of you into mindless beach bunnies!", she laughed, "And to answer her...I have no sisters! I was a man until that fateful day some time ago!", she growled.

Daniel looked up, "What turned you into a woman?", she asked.

Manihateu sighed, "I was walking the beach with my girlfriend when we came upon a sandcastle. I accidentily stepped upon it and destroyed the sand work.....little did I know that a beach fairy lived within!".

Daniel frowned, "You stepped on a fairy at the beach?".

The sorceress frowned, "No! I destroyed the fairy's home. It revenge she transformed me into a twin of my girlfriend. Of course my love left me after this...but I found that whatever she felt I felt....this has always caused some....umm....ohhh....problems....oh yes!", she moaned the last in ecstasy.

"Is now a bad time?", Trick asked with a chuckle.

The sorceress tried to stay on her feet as she bucked her hips and fondled her large breasts, "My....ex-girlfriend....ohhh! .she....she's having sex...ummm....and I feel it.".

"On your knees women!", a man laughed while racing into the alley wielding a glowing.....vibrator!?

"And who are you?", Mina asked as she held her sister Cendra from racing into the man's arms.

"I am a simple man who was fixing my wife's vibrator when I was stuck by lightning....I gained great powers in that and have become....The Penetrator!", he laughed in glee.

"Is it just me....or are things getting real weird....more so than usual?", Daniel asked.

Trick seemed to stiffen, "Oh no! When this sorceress used my transform sneeze she amplified it a thousandfold....except upon us! Apparently her magic went a little wild!".

"Leave these women alone vile man!", another woman snapped while landing before them wearing a uniform with a female gender symbol, "Now face the power of E.R.A!!!", she roared.

The Penetrator frowned, "You named yourself after a detergent? Man, that's the stupidiest thing I ever heard of!", he snorted.

E.R.A howled in anger, "I am named for the Equal Rights Amendment that was struck down my piggish men like yourself! Now become a sister in my cau....oh MY!", she gasped as Penetrator dropped his pants to reveal a large penis....that grew in seconds to well over two feet long.

Mina chuckled, "Now I see the power he gained!".

"Still want to turn me into a woman?", Penetrator asked.

E. R.A. grinned , "Maybe later! Let's go back to my place!".

Even the sorceress Manihateu seemed stunned by that little scene, "It appears I made a slight mistake.", she observed.

They walked out of the alley and gasped at a scene that made them all look on in shock. Centaurs galloped down the street wearing the remnants of their human clothing. Women in men's clothing raced about shrieking beside men in women's clothing....or children of either gender in adult clothes!

"I...seem to remember that things weren't like this.", the sorceress mused.

They heard a commotion down the street and saw three unchanged men accosting a naked woman...wearing a dog collar!?

They moved to help the woman until a woman flew from the sky to land before the three men. She was dressed in spandex but her breasts were as large as beach balls...and the nipples were revealed.

"What the hell!?", one of the men asked in shock.

"Yipe! Yipe!", the naked woman at the end of the man's leash barked.

"Fear not woman! Though I was a man myself until moments ago now I am Milk Maid, defender of the weak and innocent! Eat milk punks!", she growled as two streams of milk erupted from her huge nipples, sending the men down as if they'd been sprayed with a fire hose.

"Arf! Arf!", the naked woman snapped while biting Milk Maid's leg.

"OWW!", the super-heroine screamed while leaping back in pain.

"Lady!", the man who'd been holding the nude beauty's leash groaned, "That woman is my dog!".

"A disgusting view young man...women are as good as anyone!", Milk Maid snorted as the naked woman snapped at her shins again.

"No...I mean she really was a know the four legged kind!?", the man groaned.

Milk Maid frowned, "Oh....sorry.", she sighed while flying away.

"This is getting out of control.", Manihateu groaned.

"When was your first guess?", Trick snorted.

"I'll restore your powers...then you can....", the sorceress was cut off when a huge white mass hit her from the sky...knocking her out.

"I'll get you Pigeon Man!", a man snapped while firing at Manihateu's assailant. The aptly named Pigeon Man flew into the air as a statue of a civil war hero fired his stone musket at him.

"We need to get somewhere before this craziness swallows us all!", Daniel yelled, "My apartment isn't that far...hurry!", she snapped as they started running.

They ignored a man who transformed before their eyes into a huge-breasted woman as he worked a change machine. Also they saw a nutball called Exercise Man fighting a blimp of a woman named Miss Blubber.

Daniel slammed the door shut and sighed, "At last! We're home! At least we're safe!", she laughed.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that!", a woman cooed as she swayed into the room, "I think you still owe me some money Dan...normally I'd just let you pleasure me....but with you a woman...oh well! Tommy!", she called.

"Yeah Marice?", a walking television grunted while walking in, "I was just checking out that big screen on the front room....I think I'm in love!".

"Er.....Maurice?", Daniel asked.

"It's Marice, Danny know that.", the woman said while crossing her arms, "I hate to tell you but I'm giving you the worst fate I in a soap opera!".

"What are you talking abooooou.....", Daniel was pulled into the walking television in mid-sentence.

She woke up in bed with a burly man and snapped, "Who the hell are you!?".

"Danielle!? I'm your husband Matthew! Surely your amnesia isn't back again?", the man said with a sigh.

The door to their bedroom opened and a chesty blonde woman in a doctor's uniform walked in.

"Connie!?", the man gasped, "What are you doing here?".

"I just thought you'd like to know that I have proof that your new wife is actually...., " a loud music effect made Daniel look about just then, "....your former best friend Rupert! He had a brain transplant with your beloved Danielle and left her in a Swedish prison!", Connie yelled.

"Is this true!?", Matthew asked in shock.

Daniel was just realizing where she Marice had threatened they were IN the some twisted soap opera!

"Danielle, tell me you're not Rupert!", Matthew sobbed.

"Oh she won't be able'll pay for leaving me on the altar Rupert!', Connie snapped while pulling a gun.

"Oh shit!", Daniel gasped.

next time-----is Daniel cancelled already...or will they carry it into sweeps week!? And what the heck is happening to the world due to Trick's sneeze!?

      • (c) Copyright 1997: "Eddie Glover" If you want to post this anywhere else, please ask the author for permission first. Thank you --------------- The discussion list for Transgender Fiction ------------------- for help write to: to get human help:

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