Butterfly Board Boy - Authoritarian M/M

By moc.oohay@nos_yerif

Published on Feb 18, 2004



This is a true story of what happened to me last week. Master Iliff has commanded me to write it down.

Having entered Master's service just over a year ago and having experienced many things under His guidance, Master was going to raise the level of training. Master had me working with clips for the couple weeks prior in preparation. Showing up at Master's house, clean-shaven and cleaned out, i was nervous about what Master had prepared. Master had told me that He was going to do butterfly board on me. And while i had seen some things of this nature it had never been done to me before.

Knocking on Master's door, i was very nervous and somewhat frightened. While Master has never harmed me, this was a new level i wasn't sure i was ready for. After inviting me in Master told me to strip and lay my clothes down beside the couch. As i was doing this i noticed that Master's living room had several additions: A baker's rack mounted on two sawhorses, a very large metal bowl under it, an inflatable butt plug hooked to a hose that ran down the hallway, a gallon container of water with a pump top, straps, a leather hood, a foam mounting board with a hole cut in it, and a Rubbermaid container with the word "Meds" on it.

When i was naked except for the chain locked around my neck, Master told me, "Come here."

Master ran His hands over my body, causing me to gasp. When i opened my mouth, Master kissed my lips, His tongue forcing its way into my mouth, while His hands cupped my balls. i moaned with a passion born of desperation. Master played a while, working my body until i was well heated for His use.

"Undress me," Master said. i was allowed to use my hands for this. i have been forced to use nothing but my teeth to undress my Master before. That is quite a challenge, i tell you. Once i had Master undressed, i was more inflamed than ever. i dropped to my knees and gently took Master's cock into my mouth. i started sucking, feeling His cock getting harder and hotter. Soon i felt Master's hands on my head, petting and stroking my hair as i pleased Him. i took a liberty and raised to standing, letting my tongue trace its way up my Master's chest. i sucked His nipples for a minute and then let my mouth wander up to my Master's lips.

Master commanded me to turn around and present myself. My hands flew to my back and i knelt with my knees spread. Master then pulled the leather hood over my head. Master adjusted the ties until it was fit and snug. Master then pulled out the eye shutters and snapped them shut. This is the one thing that i hate about the hood. If i can see what is coming, i can mentally brace for it. The blinding of me removes that option and makes me feel quite helpless. Master then shackled my wrists and my ankles one at a time. i felt Master's hands on my shoulders directing me upwards. He hugged me from behind, one hand twisting and flicking my nipples while the other played with my cock and balls. i could feel Master's cock pressed up tight against my ass crack. Master stepped away from me. i heard Him doing something, but knew better than to move. i felt Him approach me again from behind. One hand snaked around my chest and pulled me to Him, while the other hand went up to my face. i felt the cool neck of the bottle at the same time as i smelled the poppers. Master's warm breath tickled my neck as i heard Him whisper, "Breath in deep."

I did as i commanded and after a deep breath or three, i was completely relaxed, my body was suddenly too warm and my skin was too tight. i was flying on sensations. i didn't know where i was, but my body knew what it wanted. Master's hands guided me to the baker's rack and He pushed me over so i was standing with my legs spread and my body resting. i let out the moan of a slave, when i felt Master's cock entering my body. Master's cock was the center of my existence at that point. i felt Master's body cover mine as His cock sunk deep into me. He fucked me long strokes, His balls slapping mine. i was pushing back, wanting this moment to never end, when Master pulled out entirely with one long pull.

"Get on the rack," Master ordered. i lay down on the rack, feeling the cold metal along every inch of my body. i felt and heard Master clip my shackles down so i couldn't move my wrists or ankles. However Master wasn't finished. With straps, He tied down my arms, strapped my knees wide open, and my thighs were strapped down tight. He placed a strap around my chest and one on my forehead to keep my head from moving. When i was secure to His satisfaction, He began. Master never said a word and the only thing i could hear was my own harsh breathing of nervousness.

Master's fingers played with my ass and i felt the butt plug being inserted into me. When Master was sure it was in deep enough, He began to pump the squeeze pump, causing it to expand and trap it in my body. When it was firm inside of me, Master placed something on my lips that popper juice soaked in it. "Keep breathing in." i felt the plug being inflated even more, and then Master started to do something with my cock and balls. i was being inserted into something, but i didn't know what. Master went away and soon i could feel water beginning to fill me ever so slowly. The heat of it and the fullness were unreal. Master's hands were rubbing my stomach, His voice telling me to "Keep breathing" and "Take it in."

I heard something like cellophane, but i was so out of it i couldn't be sure. Master's hands were playing with my cock and balls, arranging it, moving it. Then it happened. PAIN! Sharp and quick, as a shooting fire went from my balls to my mind. My hands curled into claws and i let out a groan. My mind knew that my cock and balls were being pinned to the foam board by needles and it was shrieking in unbelief. My body however, was clenching and straining against the bonds. Master ensured that the poppers were fresh and were keeping me on edge and flying high. The needles pierced my flesh again and again, each time accompanied by a moan. A ring of fire surrounded my balls as i felt Master's hands stretch the skin of my balls and then a flash of pain as more of me was pinned to the board. Once my balls were secured to the board, Master turned His attention to my cock. My hard cock was then pressed against the foam board and i felt the pressure of Master holding my cock in place, as He one by one added the needles to keep my cock pinned flat to the board. The pain soon became warmth that spread from my cock outwards to envelop my body. Master refreshed the poppers and i became aware of a sound. It took me a moment to realize that the sound was that of my own voice. Moaning, in a strange loop of pain, pleasure, pain, pleasure, i let the sensations overtake my mind and my body. i felt a pressure on my balls, but no pain. Master came around to my side. His lips kissed my nipples drawing them upward, then i felt pain as first the left and then the right nipple was slowly pierced.

Master had turned off the water from the bathroom and hooked the hose into the pump bottle. He would let me fly in my sensations and then push hard on the pump two or three times. The water rushing past my prostrate and into me would cause my belly to swell and my voice to give birth to groan. Sometimes, Master would grab my hand, or touch my body, to let me know that in the midst of what i was feeling that He was still here, guiding me on this journey.

Pain and pleasure became my world under Master's hands. All that mattered was Master, who is the center of that universe. How long i remained that way, i have no idea. Time lost all meaning for me. i vaguely remember hearing the sounds of Master shooting pictures of me.

After a minute, an hour, or a day, Master removed the clip from the hose on the plug and i could hear the sound of water splashing in the metal bowl and could feel the pressure on my distended stomach release. One by one, i felt the burning sharp pain again as Master removed the needles from my nipples, cock, and balls. Master then removed the poppers from the mask and allowed me to slowly come back down to Earth. Master walked around me and slowly lovingly removed the straps. Master then told me "Lie there," He unshackled me, but left the hood and blindfold on and walked away. He came back a short be later and i gasped as i felt myself being wiped down with a warm washcloth. Master pulled the butt plug from my ass and with His hands helped me sit up and guided my legs to the floor. i was weak legged, when Master removed the hood, supporting my body with His strong arms.

I was guided to the shower, where Master turned on the warm water and gently washed my body free from my sweat. Trembling from my ordeal, Master held me against His chest. When i was clean, Master held me tight against Him. i could feel the hardness of His need pressing against me, every beat of His heart causing it to throb. i wanted to respond, but i was physically wiped out. Fortunately, i have a Master that thinks of these things. He stepped out of the shower leaving me braced against the flow of warm water. i heard Master come back and a bottle of poppers was pressed under my nose. Soon i was a horny slave again, begging for His Master's cock. Master wasted no time in having me pressed against the shower wall, His cock buried deep in my ass and my body shaking as it was pounded into me. With Master's cock as deep as it could go into me, Master reached around and with a soaped up hand grabbed this slave's cock and started to work it. i would love to say that i lasted for a long time under my Master's hands, but the truth is i was soon shrieking in pleasure and with a scream that ended in a whimper, i was spraying my seed all over the shower wall. As Master felt my body twitch and my ass tighten up around His still embedded cock, He began to thrust into me again. In only a few strokes of His cock, i was rewarded for my service. Master's hot cum spurted into this slave's ass as He shook and groaned, thrusting again and again driving His cock and His cum deeper into me.

Once we got out of the shower and dried off, Master showed me the photos. This slave's balls were spread out and well pinned around the board, his cock had been firmly nailed into place, and two needles had actually pierced the balls themselves. Even to this day, looking at those photos gets me hot and bothered just from the physical memory of what happened on that day i trusted Master to take me on that next step.

In service, slave tor firey_son@yahoo.com

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