Buttboy Bobby

By Bobby Moreno

Published on May 29, 2003


Under Brian's smug gaze, Bobby hurried across the weight room, his buttocks hanging out and jiggling slightly. Several men made catcalls and smacked his bottom as he walked by. As he entered the locker room one even inserted an inch of his finger into Bobby's gaping, recently fucked ass. Bobby just kept his head low. Now that he had cum, he was busy thinking about what Brian had said.

What did Brian have in store for him? What did he think would help curb Bobby's insatiable sexual appetite?

Well, Bobby had a few ideas and before long, all his wondering had gotten him excited again. In fact, by the time he walked through the door to his apartment, the familiar aching in his ass had returned.

Usually he would have gone for a quickie in the park. But right now Bobby wanted to be alone to think. Maybe Brian was right. Maybe he had a problem. How had he gotten this way? Why did he need to be fucked so badly?

He flopped onto the couch and lazily ran his finger over his ass lips, enjoying the tingling, calming sensation.

He thought back to the beginning, to the first time he had ever been fucked.

Dr. Tyler was relatively young for a pediatrician. He had brown, close-cropped hair, with little tufts of silver beginning to emerge at his temples. He had a killer smile and the confident manner that reflected his background as a jock and a frat boy before getting serious about medicine.

Although Dr. Tyler was not gay, he had always viewed Bobby in a sexual light. Perhaps this was because Bobby had not become his patient until he was a teenager. Perhaps it had something to do with Bobby's appearance, which, quite unintentionally, struck most men as sexual-his boyish face, with its pouty, puffy lips, his lean musculature and prominent ass. More likely though, it was Bobby's demeanor. Although he acted like a typical teenage boy, there was something strangely submissive about the way he lowered his eyes and stuck out his ass.

Dr. Tyler had always noticed it and felt an unexpected rush of excitement when Bobby would remove his clothes for examinations.

"Hey there," Dr. Tyler smiled, squeezing Bobby's hand in a vise like grip.

For some reason, part of Dr. Tyler enjoyed really squeezing Bobby's hand, and he gave him an extra-hard grip.

"Hi," Bobby said, looking a little down in the dumps.

"What seems to be the problem?" Dr. Tyler asked, placing the clipboard on the examination table and straddling a stool, his slacks pulling tight around his prominent crotch.

"Mom says I have a fever," he answered, sullenly.

Bobby's mother was overprotective and a bit of a hyperchondriac. She was always bringing Bobby in for phantom fevers.

"I see," he said, with a knowing nod.

As Bobby undressed for examination, Dr. Tyler observed the way his body had developed over the past few years. Although he still had the mind and face of a young boy, it seemed increasingly out of place in the overdeveloped body of a man. The abs of his long torso stood out in ridges and his arms and shoulders were bulking up.

As Bobby bent over to remove his pants, Dr. Tyler felt a stirring in his own pants.

Bobby's pants slid down, revealing the pronounced curve of two muscular oversized butt cheeks, barely encased by a pair of white boy briefs.

The sight hit Dr. Tyler in the gut.

He abruptly sat down to hide the growing bulge in his crotch.

"Everything okay?" Bobby asked coyly over his shoulder, his hand absentmindedly smoothing the fabric over his buttocks.

"Sure, Bobby," he gulped, unable to tear his eyes away from the boy's ass.

"We just need to take your temperature," he answered.

"Okay," Bobby consented, pulling his briefs out of his crack, where they had ridden up seductively.

"Maybe we should take it rectally," Dr. Tyler blurted out suddenly. The idea had occurred to him as a way of detracting attention from his erection. After all, if the boy was face down, he wouldn't be able to see it. But, as soon as the idea occurred to him, it had seemed so appealing, he just blurted it out.

He looked at Bobby expectantly.

Most boys his age would protest, but Bobby just shrugged. It wasn't that he liked the idea. He'd never given it much thought. It was just natural for Bobby to do whatever Dr. Tyler asked.

"Just slip those briefs off and lay face-down on the table."

Bobby bent deep at the waist to untangle his underwear from his ankles, giving Dr. Tyler a nice long look at those globes. As Bobby shifted his weight, the cheeks seperated and Dr. Tyler caught a brief glance at the tight, hairless opening. It didn't help his erection.

He waited until Bobby had flopped into place before standing out of view, his enormous cock tenting his pants.

"This won't hurt a bit." He placed a hand on Bobby's ample thigh. The honey skin felt impossibly smooth. Unable to help himself, he followed the thigh slowly upward and allowed his hand to come to rest on the curve of his buttocks.

"I just need you to spread your legs a little." Dr. Tyler was panting now.

Bobby complied, allowing his butt cheeks to seperate.

Dr. Tyler removed the thermometer and, without thinking, licked it, wetting the entire surface with his saliva.

"Ready?" he asked, aiming the glass shaft at Bobby's tight little boy slit.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Dr. Tyler allowed the shaft to slide between Bobby's puffy ass lips. Although it was only necessary to insert the first inch, Dr. Tyler slid the entire shaft in deep, holding onto the smallest fraction of the thermometer, his masculine fingers snuggled up next to Bobby's ass lips.

"Is that okay?" The front of Dr. Tyler's pants was spotted with precum.

Bobby moaned what sounded something like a yes.

But Dr. Tyler could tell it was alright without Bobby saying a word.

As soon as he had got the thermometer in him, Bobby's body reacted. His skin broke out into gooseflesh and turned a bright red, as though embarrassed by Bobby's arousal at the sudden penetration.

"I can take some out," Dr. Tyler offered, withdrawing an inch of the thermometer.

Instinctively, Bobby arched his back, reaching his butt back for more.

"Alright, alright," Dr. Tyler conceded. He plunged the length of it back into Bobby, eliciting a shiver.

Impulsively, he inserted not just the shaft, but the tips of two fingers as well.

"Dr. Tyler?" Bobby asked.

"Yes?" Dr. Tyler froze, afraid that Bobby might complain about the obvious impropriety.

"I feel funny."

"How so Bobby?"

"My butt feels funny."

Dr. Tyler slowly began to remove his fingers.

"No," Bobby protested, arching his back again.

Dr. Tyler plunged the thermometer back insider, inserting two fingers along with it.

"Is that better?" Dr. Tyler asked.

But the see-sawing in and out of Bobby's ass had gotten to him.

"A little, I guess," he answered.

"How bout now?" Dr. Tyler removed the thermometer, replacing it with the full length of his fingers, driven knuckle-deep into the velvetty confines of Bobby's ass.

"Oooo," Bobby cooed.

Dr. Tyler could take no more. With his free hand, he unzipped his pants, his dripping, swollen cock, bursting free.

"You're gonna love this baby," he said, spitting on his cock.

He removed his hand and mounted the examination table, stroking his cock.

At the withdrawel, Bobby moaned in disappointment.

"Don't worry, honey," he said, thinking about nothing except the smooth interior of the boy's bottom.

He placed the enormously thick head of his cock up against Bobby's tender ass lips.

"Ready, honey?"

"Oooo, yes," Bobby moaned, wiggling his bottom.

It was an awfully thick dick to take for the first time, but Bobby didn't complain as its entire length slowly snaked into him.

"Does that make it better?" Dr. Tyler asked, pushing Bobby's face firmly into the examination table. There was something so exciting to him about the fact that he was fully dressed with a tie and coat, while the boy beneath him was completely naked and vulnerable.

"Ooo, yes," Bobby moaned again, louder.

After Dr. Tyler started pumping him good, it was difficult to keep Bobby quiet.

Dr. Tyler pulled a lollipop out of his pocket, the kind he kept for his younger patients and stuck it between Bobby's wet lips.

Instinctively Bobby sucked.

For five minutes Dr. Tyler pounded Bobby like a piece of meat, simultaneously fucking his throat with the lollipop. There was just something about the boy that called out to be fucked in every possible oriface.

The experience had completely changed Bobby. For days afterward, all he had thought about was Dr. Tyler. How his muscles looked flexing beneath his shirt and tie. The bulge in his slacks. And the feeling of his ball sac slapping up against Bobby's ass.

A few days later he faked an illness and found his way back to Dr. Tyler's office.

Dr. Tyler took one look at him, sitting forlorn on the examination table and knew exactly why Bobby was there.

"Your mom says you have a sore throat," Dr. Tyler said in a condescending tone.

Bobby nodded.

"Well, let's take a look at it."

Dr. Tyler clicked on his flashlight and Bobby tilted his head back, his mouth open wide.

"Your tongue is in the way," Dr. Tyler grumbled. "Say 'ahh'"


"The light's not right." Dr. Tyler pushed Bobby down onto his knees, his mouth still gaping.

He unzipped his fly.

"Maybe I can keep your tongue flat with this."

Bobby was so anxious to get a look at the throbbing cock, but a moment later it was stuffed down his throat.

"This should help your throat," Dr. Tyler grunted, sliding the tube of meat deep into Bobby's esophagus.

Once he had warmed up, Dr. Tyler had Bobby bend over and spread his ass cheeks for him, enjoying the sight of the hapless faggot, wiggling his butt for a good fuck. He made Bobby touch his toes while he pumped a load into his ass.

In fact he had Bobby hang around for quite a while. In between patients he would return to Bobby's room and fuck him again. After the third fuck, Dr. Tyler looked down at Bobby, lying face down on the floor, cum leaking down his leg.

"You've had enough," he said, packing his thick cock back into his slacks and zipping up.

But Bobby hadn't had enough.

He came back every week, getting fucked three times each visit. His Mom was worried about his health. Bobby was too. He knew he wanted more.

To be continued.

Comments appreciated. Especially from tops;)

Next: Chapter 3

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