Butch at Eighteen

By Alex King

Published on Jan 28, 2018


Butch at Eighteen Chapter 4 - Butch fucks up

Category - gay authoritarian

Preamble for this episode

Many thanks for helpful and encouraging comments received - it really does help. I have the next couple of episodes planned out already, so apologies in advance if the story doesn't go in the direction that some would wish.

Very many thanks to 'Master Mike' who volunteered to, and has effectively, 'Americanized' the story, to enhance the continuity with the original.

I hope you enjoy!

Preamble for the series

The idea for this story is not mine. It belongs to Scott Westwood who wrote, brilliantly, a long series of episodes which may be found via http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/road-less-traveled. All of the below won't make much sense unless you first visit that series.

In conversations with him a few years ago he was considering an 'offshoot' series covering Butch's time at college, but I haven't been able to get in touch with him for some time now, and there has been no sign of such a series - a real shame.

In all humility, then, the below is offered as a tribute to Scott's writing - I hope he won't mind too much! There will be inevitably be errors in the 'transfer' - anachronisms, continuity clumsiness, and so on - I urge any readers to 'go with the flow', rather than become bogged down in the minutiae!

All the normal caveats apply regarding fantasy versus reality - for instance some of the practices described below would NOT be safe in real life.

I hope you enjoy! StrictSafeTop sst@linuxmail.org

Chapter 4 - Butch fucks up

I woke up next morning with several things on my mind and a hard-on, so it took a few moments to get my thoughts together. Oh yeah, I remembered now - that moment of intimacy we'd had last night when Butch almost took control, his reassurance that I hadn't been anywhere near too hard on him, and his invitation for me to try and 'break him'.

OK, get that intimacy figured out first - I leapt out of bed, grabbed a piece of cord and went to the foot of the bed. In the morning light, Butch's body looked particularly sexy, bound half spread-eagled out, the dim light picking out rounds of muscle as he slept soundly. Well, sexy or not, I needed to take control. I started tying the cord round his ball sack - eventually he started stirring, looking at me through bleary eyes, and then smiling as he realized what was happening.

'Well, hello, Scotty - you sure have a fun way of waking people up!'

I slapped his balls, making him yelp slightly. 'That's Sir to you, slave, and it's me you'll be waking up!'

I climbed up on his chest until I was sitting up close to his chin, the cord to his balls coming up behind and over my shoulder. I was already erect so I slapped his chin with it - 'Get on with it, slave - this is going to be your morning duty from now on'.

Butch smiled lazily and murmured, 'Well I can sure think of worse morning chores to d-' and then yelped as I slapped his face then jerked the cord, making him yelp louder. 'Don't talk, slave' I snarled, 'Just get on with it!'

Giving me a hurt look, he raised his head and slid his mouth over my erection, running his lips up and down the shaft.

Wow! This wasn't going to take long! I could feel my cum boiling - I thrust deeper, trying to push my whole length inside, causing him to choke and cough - and that vibration was enough to send me over the edge, spewing my load between his jaws!

'Swallow it all, slave' I snarled, and watched him struggle to deal with it, my erection gradually shrinking inside his mouth, his tongue gently wrapping round the head. And then after a few moments I felt the need to pee! Well, if I need to humiliate my slave in the process of breaking him, here was a great way to start.

Giving the ball sack cord a warning tug, I growled 'There's more to come, slave, don't spill any', and gradually relaxed. As the first gentle flow started, Butch's eyes opened wider, but I tugged the cord again - 'Take it all, slave!' I could see Butch's throat chugging away as he struggled to keep up - to help him I regulated the flow - I wanted pee on the duvet even less than he did; being the first pee of the day it was ranker than normal, and I could see his nose wrinkling in disgust, but I just tugged the cord again. Gradually the flow diminished and stopped, and he looked up at me, still with my dick in his mouth, with a strange expression on his face.

'Good morning, toilet-face,' I sneered, 'now clean my dick off'. He looked at me oddly again, but I could feel his tongue working round my dick; looking down at my facefuck, I could feel my dick stirring again, but I wanted to get going, so I ignored the possibility. I untied one of his wrists and got off him.

'OK, get yourself going. I'm having a quick shower - breakfast better be ready by the time I get downstairs. And remember - keep your hands away from your groin.'

Ignoring the muttered grumble, I leapt into the shower and soaped and lathered luxuriously. There couldn't be many better ways of starting the morning than by having a gorgeous hunk swinging on your dick, followed by a relaxing warm shower! I reckoned I'd given Butch enough time to get breakfast, so I got out, toweled off, threw on a pair of shorts and headed for the kitchen.

He'd done a good job, so I thanked him - we had breakfast relatively quickly.

'OK, clean up, get everything ready to go to the fort - pair of shorts only for you; we've a lot to do today.'

I saw Butch look at me calculatingly, wondering perhaps how much I remembered from last night's conversation about 'breaking' him... Well, keep him guessing!

Same as last night, I loaded him up, except this time we left the water-carton behind and then, grabbing a switch, I climbed on his shoulders. 'OK, giddyup, Butch!'

'Yes, Sir!' he grinned, gave a mock whinny, and trotted down the garden, shivering slightly in the cool morning. I didn't use the switch until we were out of sight of the houses, just in case anyone was looking, but once we were past the hedge, I gave him a couple of swipes.

'C'mon, pick up the pace, slave!'

Butch responded well, and we got to the fort in good time. I spent the first half hour warming him up gently, doing some twisting and bending exercises until his muscles were well warmed up. It was fun watching his sinewy body twisting and flexing, the early morning light highlighting the curves of his muscles and glinting on the odd welt that hadn't vanished from yesterday.

'OK, Butch, we talked last night about some tough targets, so let's try picking up that run again. You're going to have the same time as last night, but since the water carton is full, I'm taking that thirty seconds off. So you have four minutes fifty-five seconds. And you said things could be tougher today, Butch, so the punishment for failing to miss your target is doubled - an initial twenty, two for the first second, and so on - understand?'

Butch swallowed nervously, but he could hardly complain - that's precisely what he had boasted about last night. So he just nodded briefly. 'Yes, Scotty, understood.'

'OK, on your mark, get set ... GO!'

Butch took off really fast; I wondered how well could keep that pace up. But in fairness, as I watched him go across the field, he was maintaining a good pace. It wasn't long before I saw him returning carrying the full water carton - his powerful torso looked really hot in the sunshine! Back he came collapsing on his knees, gasping for breath. I gave him a few moments, but not too long before; 'OK, Butch, get naked and into your caning position to hear the result'.

He scrambled over the dips bars as before, while I moved in front of him and checked the stopwatch. 'Well, Butch, that was impressive - you beat your target by two seconds!'

Butch grinned at me. 'Told you I could do it, Sir!'

I slapped his shoulder blade; 'Hey don't get too cocky there, Boy - there's a lot more to go! And you were goin' to get a bit of a reward there, but you've just blown it with your smart mouth!'

Butch grinned again; 'Aw, Scotty, be a sport'.

For answer I grabbed a switch and swiped him across the ass, getting a satisfactory yelp in response. 'OK, enough fucking around, let's get started with your exercises.'

He got up, still grinning, rubbing the new welt on his ass. I got Butch to do some straight- forward exercises to start with - pull-ups, sit-ups, inclined push-ups, dips, calf raises, running in place with high knee raises, squats, single leg squats, handstands, leg raises on the bar, and so on, varying it so that we were targeting different muscle groups. I drove him hard through the whole morning; I didn't want us to stop for any great length of time, so I let him have sips of water and a mouthful of food each time we moved from one station to another, giving him only a little rest each time.

Butch really did have fantastic stamina and physique - I swiped him with the switch as a reminder from time to time just for the sake of it, but he didn't really need it; we kept going for hours cycling round and round the stations. He looked so hot - muscles pumping, torso running with sweat, and dick hard. His ass and thighs also looked sexy with lines of welts from last night's punishment.

By the time we got to early afternoon, he'd been working hard, but I was thinking I needed to push him harder - time now to use a different technique, to concentrate on one exercise, and drive him until he literally couldn't do any more. Butch was just coming to an end of ten pull-ups, so he dropped to the ground, grabbed a mouthful of food and sip of water. I gave him only a few seconds rest then, 'OK, Butch, give me another ten pull-ups'. He looked surprised at the break of the routine, but jumped for the pull-up bar, and cranked out another ten. Down again, mouthful, sip. 'OK, Butch, another ten of the same'. Not quite so surprised this time, cranked out another ten - it's a little more difficult for him this time so I swiped him with the switch on the ass.


Butch yelled and jerked.


'C'mon, Butch, keep it goin'.

As he finished and dropped down, he said, 'Listen, Scotty, can we vary it a bit? I'm not surprised they're getting slower - my arms are getting tired!'

I shook my head. 'Nope, Butch, that's the whole point. You do what I tell you. Now do another ten.'

He looked as if he were going to argue, but he just muttered under his breath, and jumped for the pull-up bar again. This next ten was slower, so I swiped him again.



He jumped down and turned angrily to me. 'Listen, Scotty, this is fucked up! How can I exercise all my muscle-groups if you concentrate on just one? It's just gonna get slower and slower until I can't do any more!'

I glared back at him. 'Butch, you agreed to be my slave! That means - '

He interrupted me. 'Oh cut that crap! This isn't when we were kids, Scotty, with all of your BS! This is for real! I need to get better for my career!'

'Butch, I'm telling you, obey my orders and get back on that bar!'

'Fuck you,' he said angrily, 'You can fuck off and head home - I'll carry on myself.'

I was really angry by this time, so as he turned to the dips bar, I gave him a hard swipe on his ass.


Butch yelled and swung round on me, grabbed my switch, broke it in two and threw the remnants at me.

'Fuck off, Scotty', he stormed, and turned back to the dips bar.

Almost in tears with rage and frustration, I ran from the fort, and didn't stop until I reached home. As soon as my breathing got back to normal, I called Ricky and told him the problem.

'OK, Scotty, no worries. I bet it won't be long before he realizes he won't be able to push himself as hard without you - and then he'll be crawling back. But let's keep him on ice - come over to my place. I've got an uncle who can give us some good advice, I think, so I'll call him now. See you in a minute.'

Calmed down a little more now, I biked over to Ricky's. He came out when I rang. 'OK, Scotty, let's bike to the park - maybe Butch will come looking for us there, and we need to keep him in suspense. I'll suggest a plan when we get to the park.'

We laid down on the grass in the hot sun, while Ricky explained. 'I have an uncle who runs a health and fitness shop in the Smallriver shopping mall. It has an 'adult section' with sex aids, and bdsm stuff (which is why my parents don't like to talk about him), so I gave him a buzz to ask for advice. I told him about you and Butch, and he suggests bringing you both over to his shop tomorrow at lunchtime, since it's closed then.'

'That depends on whether we can get Butch over there,' I groused.

'My guess is it won't be long before Butch starts trying to get back onto your good side', mused Ricky.

As if on cue, my phone beeped; I looked at the incoming message; and laughed. Wordlessly I showed it to Ricky. 'Scotty, I'm really sorry - I shouldn't have lost my temper like that. I went over to your house to apologize, but you're not there - where are you?'

Ricky laughed. 'What are you gonna do?'

'Why, nothing, of course! Let him sweat. So tell me more about your uncle.'

I listened to Ricky telling me about his young uncle David, how he'd received some good bdsm advice from him, about his business, when my phone rang; I looked - Butch calling. I clicked on 'decline call' and asked Ricky to carry on. That happened a couple of times while Ricky was talking.

'So what's the deal with tomorrow', I asked.

'Well, my uncle says bring Butch around to the back of the shop at 12:10 - he'll make sure he's left for lunch by then, so we can get Butch in and stripped down. Just in case he freaks out when my uncle gets back, David suggests we get him in handcuffs and ankle- restraints so that he can't escape!' Ricky grinned. 'After that, I don't think we'll have any trouble with Butch'.

'OK, great. So I'll let Butch stew for a bit, then tell him to get ready to go for a run at 12:00, if you're ready to come over to my house by then?'

'Sure, great - in fact, why don't you stay over at mine tonight, so that you don't get annoyed by Butch ringing your doorbell?!'

We both laughed, and then we went and did 'normal stuff' for the rest of the day. As usual, I managed to charm my way into Ricky's parents good graces in the evening.

I ignored all of Butch's messages, which were getting increasingly desperately contrite, like 'Listen, I'm REALLY sorry, I know I deserve to be punished, I'll take any punishment you say'. I thought, 'yes you certainly will, Butch', but I didn't reply until just before bed; 'OK, Butch, I'm going to give you one more chance. Don't try and contact me again, but be ready to go for a run at 11:30 tomorrow - sneakers, socks, shorts, Tshirt only. When you're ready, get on your knees in the middle of your back yard facing the back fence, hands behind your neck, and wait for me there. As soon as you see this message, reply 'Thank you Sir', and then no more messages or any contact'.

It was literally only a few seconds before I got 'Oh, thank you, Sir'!

StrictSafeTop sst@linuxmail.org

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