
By dog

Published on Nov 15, 1999


Disclaimer: this story has nothing to do with the lives of the celebrity mentioned, this is a dog-tale. I.e. unreal. So enjoy, but don't take it too seriously.

Author's note: Thanks to my best friends. Jam, Ton and Jon. Thanks for being there and thanks for being the greatest friends one could have. :) Thanks to Matt of search and rescue. :) Thanks for your continued support. I like your story better. :D Trevor thanks for telling me where did I go wrong. :) I hope all is well for you. :) Chrissy. :D thanks for reading, hope I didn't confuse you any more. :) Alec, :) thank you for reading too. :D Lanze, [<--ladies and gentlemen, this is the bomb dude] let's give him a round of applause. :D To everyone else reading this [though I doubt it] :b, but not replying. Thanks to you too. :) Thank you David for posting this. :)

oh um Warning: no unzipping of pants needed here. :b ok let's start. :D

"YOU DID WHAT?" "A GAY CLUB?" "ARE YOU NUTS?" "YOU'RE JOKING!" was the four shouts that I heard at the same time, and I waited for a few minutes before barking, "What's a gay club?" "See even Busta disapproves!" said ponytail one [Howie]. I look at Master Chris questioningly, 'what am I disapproving again?' I looked confusingly at him. But he placed his fingers behind my ears to signal that everything would be fine, so my guess is whatever it is they were saying, I would have disapprove. "Can I carry him Chris?" asked bushy [Kevin]. And I looked at him in surprise. "Sure." And I was instantly lifted to Kevin's arms. He held me and waited patiently while I moved all over his lap before settling down. 'The view here is better,' I thought. 'Hmm, and he smell like a cat.' Kevin placed his hands on my nape. And as everyone seems to be waiting for me to continue, I barked a woof [a non-sensible one]. "Ok let me explain, I had a good reason to bring him there." Started specky [AJ]. "It better be good." Mumbled Lance as he shook his head and with JC frowning nearby, they looked like AJ's parents interrogating him on his date. "It is good..." "Wait let me explain first, then maybe they wouldn't find it weird. Though I still can't believe you did that to me." said Nick. After getting the go-ahead from AJ, he continued, "after Kevin came out to us, Brian and I were the only ones who got pretty freaked out about it. I was freaked out because...because this happened to someone so near to me...I mean...I saw it on TV...and read it on Magazines once in a while but... I've never had someone so close to me becoming gay. Kevin, of all people, was the chosen one. The oldest and supposedly wisest, I was confused...and a lot scared about it." As he said those words I felt Kevin's hands tighten around me, I wiggled out of it, then when he looked down as I nuzzled his hands comforting him, telling 'it'll be ok.' He smiled at me and we both look back to the scene in front of us. "What are you scared about?" asked Joey, "I mean what really really freaked you out?" "I thought YOU should know." I barked at him, now remember I told you about humans getting dog's-vibes, I think Joey understood me cos' the next moment he was actually blushing in shame. Hehehe Nick took a deep breath then looked directly at Joey, "I thought I would become gay too. I mean, if Kevin got it why not me? I was seeing it as some form of disease that could be passed. But I'm not and the little trip to a gay bar proved it...and other stuff too." "I brought him there for a purpose, not for fun." AJ defended himself, "I had to do lots of arrangement before I brought him there, I had to call up my friend who owned the club, then I had to ask Kevin about our schedules and finally convinced Nick to go clubbing with me. I mean normally, he would jump to it, but after the Brian got over Kevin's stuff, he was suddenly alone. Without anyone to understand him and he was all moody and moppy and stuff." continued AJ using this opportunity to get some points with Lance and JC who is still staring at him disapprovingly. "Yeah but you could have just told him nicely all the stuff that he should know, you didn't have to bring him to a gay bar, it's too risky." Said Lance. "I disagree," said Master Chris, "it's better for Nick to have experienced it than to tell him about it. It's like math it's better to do it then to nod your head like you understood. Only after pondering, will you learn best." I put my paws together and tried to human way, but didn't work so I barked, "Bravo! Bravo! You're the smartest Master! Bravo!" Master Chris looked around in embarrassment at the surprised look he's getting, "Guys, I DO have a brain you know." "Yeah and do you realized we had to be reminded?" with that Justin broke a laughter followed by everyone else in the room including Master Chris. I just grumbled as they laughed, 'what's the big deal? He's smart all along, blind humanoid.' I thought to myself. "Ok guys back to the story, Nick your turn how do you feel about this?" ask Master Chris. "Seriously, I didn't know what AJ was planing, and I don't know how he did it, but he did. Cos' the next thing I knew, I was in the limo going to a club that he had insisted that I come along." Said Nick "It was easy, it was after our promotional photo shoots and we're normally dead tired after it," that got nods from everyone in the room," so I drug him into the limo quickly, leaving a note for Kevin." "And the note say, 'I'm off with Nick, I'll be back by tomorrow.' That's all it says no location, no time, no contact number, nothing. Don't ever do that again." Warned Kevin. AJ just shrug his shoulder, "anyway we got to the club that was operated by my friend and we started drinking and talking, then I ask him why he's still freaked out about Kevin." "I told him, cos' I'm freaked out, and there was no reason to it. I mean it's unnatural, I said Kevin should like women. And he told me... NO...he made me think about how Kevin's feeling now, how much he needed our support. I was half-gone and I told him that Kevin's not going to get MY support." And Nick looked apologetically at Kevin. "Do you want me to bite him? If you do you can just release me." I barked at Kevin, he looked at Nick and smiled signaling for him to continue, 'well, I guess that's a no.' "I almost hit him, but I stayed cool and I told him that he's in a gay bar. Before he could shout at me I told him that if he does that everyone will look this way and he'll get beaten up for not being the 'normal' one in this room." said AJ with a smug look on his face doing that little wiggle with his two fingers. "And he was so scared, I thought he was gonna piss in his pants or something." "I was scared, I'm not gonna deny that. I was like, very scared cos' I don't know what these people will do to me." said Nick. "And you had the audacity to say..." "I say AJ get me out of here, or Kevin will kill you." AJ kept quiet, I think, so as to let everyone look at Nick meanly. And everyone did just that, and no one said a word. "Well," Kevin broke the silence, "I will kill him regardless of whether or not he took Nick out of them, he shouldn't be there in the first place." He smiled towards Nick. 'You're nice, though I don't really understand the big deal about this, but you're nice, I could feel it.' I cuddle up to him, looking around you can see everyone smiling at Kevin's attempt to remove the guilt around Nick. "Anyway, I told him what makes you think Kevin will help you after how you treated him? And he got real quiet and real scared at the same time, then I decided that he had enough scare for the day and got him another drink to relax his nerve," AJ saw JC's disapproval look again, "hey it worked." He said in defense. "I ask him what did he want with me and all he said was to have me sit there and think about it....I didn't know what to think, and I just sat there feeling very out of place, wanting to shout, wanting to run, wanting to get help but could not. Then, Crazy here, just turn and asked if I feel oppressed, I was like 'hell yeah, did you have to ask?' and he actually said, good cos' that's what Kevin feels everyday of his life. And I just clam up." "I should have brought my camera, cos' the emotions running through his face is...priceless, he was like," AJ opened his mouth and gave us a stunned scared something look, "And then he shuts up. But I gotta give it to you, I mean no one understood that fast." "What do you mean?" ask Justin. "The minute I said that word, it took him less then 20 second to ask me, 'now what?' I mean he actually understands what Kevin's going through. And he didn't argue about it, in fact he looked very guilty." "What can I say?...I did thought about it, I wanted to say, 'Kevin can change to be normal or that's different' then I started thinking... if the roles were reverse... and if we're in a place where everyone is gay then what will happen. And I just understood, though it didn't make things easier cos' I was such an asshole towards Kevin." "I'm sorry to interrupt but what did you actually understand from this?" ask Master Chris. "Well, a lot of stuff just ran through my mind. I place myself in his situation and...ok, when I was there I was scared right? So I was scared that they would found out that I'm really homophobic and they would like seriously hurt me, so I had to lie all the time guys wink at me I can't squirm or anything I had to smile. And although AJ was beside me I couldn't ask for help, so when AJ told me that Kevin's feeling like this everyday it got me thinking that I was there but... Kevin couldn't ask for my support cos' I'm being an Asshole like AJ was." Said Nick. I look up to Kevin, though out the conversation he was absent-mindedly playing with my ears and holding me tighter every time he hear something painful to him. 'I'm a therapy dog' was all I could think of. "Yeah and he even pass the final test that I didn't post to him," laughed AJ as Nick blushes. "What test?" ask Justin in curiosity. "Nick got hit by a very pretty guy." Said Howie sniggering at the already red-faced idol. "Hit?" I barked in confusion, lucky for me Lance didn't understand either or else no one would have answered to me. "Hit dear, hit. Like this." JC kissed the back of Lance's neck and Lance blushed in understanding. "Oh! Hit." I barked in understanding. "Not like that! I was just...well the guy asked me out for a date," protested Nick. "Cos' he falls in love with you the moment you stepped into the bar." Elaborated AJ. "Did not! He says he likes me. That's all! And I decline his invitation." Explain Nick "Awwww little Nicky broke his heart." Chided Howie, "how will he ever recover?" Howie sobbed a little sob before he broke to laughter. "That's it! You're dead!" Nick jumped to get Howie. The situation was a mess, it looks like a tumble and as usual, Master Chris couldn't resist and soon joined in, followed by JC or was it AJ first or maybe Brian. 'Well at least I'm safe.' I thought to myself, cos' the only one not involve was my carrier, Kevin. :) And minutes later, the game, which these humanoids are fond of, is over and everyone got back to their respective seats. The good news is that the tension has been broken and everyone looked more relaxed now. "So Nick, tell us, how did you manage to get into Kevin's good books?" ask Joey as he sat on the floor panting. "He was never in my bad books." Protested Kevin as he sat back on the couch. "Yeah, but you never did wanna talk much with me even after I become friendly with you, I know." Nick hold out his hands to stop Kevin's explanation," you wondered what's up with me and didn't want to spoil the friendly mood that was up there. I had thought about that." Nick smiled. "You grew up." Said Howie with a wide grin that says he's proud of Nick's action. "So?" question Joey. "So the chance came when Stephen Gately decided to come out." replied Nick. "Stephen who?" ask Joey in confusion again. "Stephen Gately, a member of the Boyzone band, the one that sang 'No Matter What'. They're famous in Europe and Asia regions. He announced that he was gay, cos' apparently someone was about to sell his story to the press, thus he decided to tell the fans himself, they were quite supportive about it." replied Justin. I hate it when no one doubts his intelligent. "grrrrrr" I growled, but from the corner of my eyeball I saw me Master narrowing his eyes and staring at me disapprovingly, 'ok I let you go...for now!'. I grumbled and settled back on bushy's lap. "So what?" ask Joey impatiently. "So the day he came out to the world, I called their management to send our support for his actions." Smiled Nick. "He said ours but being young and impatient, he forgot to ask any of us." Said Brian. "Well, I was sure you guys would agree." "But Kevin flipped! Remember! He stormed into the room and went straight to me and ask if I was the perpetrator." AJ shook his head in disbelieves. "That's because most of the time, you will be the one getting us into crazy stuff... ok this was not crazy, but you would do stuff without getting everyone's opinion first,...but I wouldn't have imagine it was you Nick." Said Kevin. "Yeah, did you remember the scene?" Howie ask towards Brian who nods his head, "when Kevin found out, he was shock, surprise and he looked like he's gonna cry and he just rush out of the room. While Nick turn to AJ and THEN ask if what he did was wrong, and you Bri, you had to run out to get your cousin back. For the final finale, come guys let's do an enactment here." Encouraged Howie cheerfully, while the rest of the guys too cheered them up. As Kevin got dragged up to position, I was placed on the table, "guys this is ridiculous." Said Kevin as he shook his head. "No it's not! Come on, we gotta do this properly, and no mumbling Nick." Ordered Brian. "OK let's get things started people, come on you can do it." "Ok,... here I go," Nick took a deep breath and looked at Kevin and started, "I did it because you're more than a friend Kev, you're like an older brother I never had. So I want you to know that I'll always support you no matter what. I love ya' bro" then they came to a hug. Claps surrounded and voices of laughter filled the room. "Crazy humans!" I barked in happiness and jumped up and down with joy. "Hey Kev, you're suppose to cry when he say that!" shouted Howie. "Shut up!" laughed Kevin. "Yea' that's soo crappy" I barked incoherently, then."opps." I felt my butt hit something and I turn to look, 'now I remember!' "GRRRRRRRRrrrr." I growled at the box. I think that got the happy people's attention. "What is it Busta? What's wrong with the box?" ask Master Chris. Then JC made the mistake of wanting to take it, I growled at him, when he backed off I kicked the box to the floor. Was it a boom or was it a crash or both? I can't really decide, but the next thing I know, the room was filled with smoke and funny smell. And I was hastily grabbed around my tummy. "What the fuck.smells like acid." Said Howie. "Justin don't touch the thing, everyone get away from it till the smoke settles down." Instructed Nick. Everyone covered their faces and moved a few feet away from the area, while I was held tightly in Master Chris's arms as he tried to soothe me. "It's ok Busta, it's ok. Good dog." But I continued to growl, partly out of anger and partly out of fear. I think it was about 10 minutes later before the smoky stuff settled down. And Nick was the first one to pick the box up and he whistled. "Wow, this is good." He said, "Guys look at this, when you lift the box up, it will trigger this little button, which will cause the fire- cracker to pop and that will burst the miniature bottle attached to the side.look at the paper that got burned away, that stuff was acid." "What's so good about that? Josh would have been killed." Snapped Lance angrily. "Hey I'm ok," said JC as he wrapped his arms around Lance that still looked angrily at the box. "Let's call the cops." Suggest Brian, " did anyone of you saw this deliverer?" "No, we came out and we just saw this box on the floor." replied Nick. "Hey there was this guy that had passed by us remember?" ask AJ, "he's about 5'10" brownish hair, can't really see the face but wearing baggy stuff. Remember?" "AJ you just described the most typical American wear attached to a vague look and that WOULD help" said Brian sarcastically. As they busy argue among themselves, Master Chris had the decency to take the box from Nick and place it in front of me, "recognize it Busta?" he asks. "Yeah! Jordan the flower boy!" I hissed and growled. "The next time you smell this, growl at it and I'll know. Ok? Good dog." He whispered to me as he sat down to wait for the argument to end. I look at him questioningly, "let's just wait for them to make the decision, too many cooks spoil the broth." He whispers in my ear. Knowing me, I didn't get it so I barked very loudly till everyone in the room turn to Master Chris. "Is he ok Chris?" ask Brian in concern. "I think he's got too much excitement for the day, let's just leave and let him rest." Suggest Justin as he looked at me [surprise] worryingly. Then a chorus of OKs and good night and stuff came by, and lots of patting on my head and Justin being Justin did something different, he pulled up my lid and I growled at him and he just laughed and left. Lastly, Lance being Lance place his hands on my head then ask Master Chris," do you think he's really ok, I mean he hurt his head this morning then he got shocked and now this, shouldn't he see a vet or something?" "The day I see a vet for anything will be the day you turn green like the real cucumber you really are." I barked irritatingly at him. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine by the morning." "Ok if you say so." "He say so!" I barked, 'gees I just saved this guy's favorite carrot and he goes around and send me to Dr 'I'm-your-greatest-nightmare?' "Night Busta and thanks for saving Josh." He said and he leans in and rubbed his cheeks on me. "Ok well, if you put it that way. I forgive you. Good night too." I barked warmly, wagging my tail, reminding myself that humans are not very smart. As soon as Lance left I was spun around and I found myself staring at Master Chris's angry stern eyes. "[Gulp!] Yes master?" I barked uncertainly. "Busta!" I nod my head and barked. "Good dog!" he said, and smiled at me, "Today's a good day." And he placed his chin on my head and hugged me tightly. 'Whew!' "You're weird master, happy weird." I barked and smile with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok the end of this part, if you want to comment, curse or just plain wanna talk to somebody, do mail me at the add stated above. :)

Next: Chapter 9

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