
By dog

Published on Oct 29, 1999


Disclaimer: This story has nothing to do with the real lives of the celebrity mentioned. It's a fiction story.

Author's note: Jam and Ton and Jon, thanks for being my friend. And, thanks for taking the time out to read this story, I know all of you are busy with your story so thank you. :D Fern, didn't hear from ya' hope you're story's coming out soon. :) To Trevor, thanks for liking this story. Do give more feedback. :) Rick [The One] and Matt [search and rescue] thanks for reading, very flattered. :D Fred, if you're reading this, well hope you're feeling better and don't go smashing anymore stuff. Ok? Lanze, thanks for the help. :D To all the above mentioned people thanks for writing to me, it's very encouraging. :) And to all the other people who did not have time to write back, but did read it. Thank you for reading. :)

Thank you David for posting this. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Busta-BSB

"IT'S A BIG BIRD!!!" I barked I ran after it, I passed by the benches and I Jump! And then BOOM! It felt like I had slammed myself on a wall thing.

"Hahahahaha!" laughter could be heard behind me as the guys caught up with me.

"Hey Chris, why didn't you get a leash for that dumb mutt?" and as usual that would be DB, "He could seriously hurt himself."

"He's not dumb," said Master Chris with a grin as he affectionately picks me up and rub my nose with his thumb as I whimpered, "you ok Busta? I bet you think that is a bird or something didn't ya'. Well, It's a plane, the one we took before, remember?" his grin is infectious and soon I was grinning back.

"I was IN the big bird?" I scratched my head then suddenly recalled that thing they call plane. "Well you can't blame me, cos' I didn't see it from the outside. I was in my little home." [AN: cage] I gave him the puppy look thing. :)

"Is he ok Chris, I mean he's awfully quiet," ask Lance in concerned as he approached me.

"I'm ok Lance." I replied, which once more he did not understood.

"Yeah I think he's ok, he just hurt his little nose." Said Master Chris with a cute tone as he gently rubs my nose with his thumb. I just wagged my tail in delight.

"He's wagging his tail, it's a good sign." Said Red one in a know-it- all manner.

"Wagging tail mean's he's excited over something, not necessary happy." Argued Justin the DB. Well, not so DB, but still a B.

"Let's not argue over this, we have to get to the arrival area to get the guys." Said JC the peacemaker.

Somehow they all agreed to that and I was carried all the way to some place with chairs around. I must admit, the view up here is much clearer than the view below.and the air smells better. 'Humans have all the fun.' I thought dejectedly to myself. I guess I sent off some vibes of sadness because the next thing I felt was Master Chris's hand on my head and his smile to me.

They sat on the chair waiting for the boys from the backdoor or is it street to arrive. As soon as we're seated, Justin got hooked up to his little toy in his hand and was scribbling away. [AN: Palmtop] I think he's writing to the writer of that story that tells ya' not to say anything. He's obsessed with it. Meanwhile, Lance is sitting beside Master Chris who was holding me in his arm whilst JC is in conversation with Joey.

"You ain't suppose to hold hand, em leg in public!" I barked at Lance as I look to see that their legs are touching.

"Does your nose still hurt Busta?" ask Lance in a kind manner.

"Well, if you put it that way I guess you two can hold legs in the public, just don't make it a habit." I barked as he took me from Master Chris's arm and gently rubbed my swollen forehead.

"So how are you and JC doing?" ask Master Chris

"We're ok. He's very.nice." Said Lance as he blush with the last word.

"Nice? Is that all you can manage? Hmm, I better tell JC what you think of him." threaten Master Chris with a devious smile.

"No I mean, he's great. I mean. We're great and em." he blushes with the last words and grinning at the same time.

"It means it's non of your business and keep your teasing away from my shy boyfriend." Said JC as he intervenes and smiled at Lance affectionately as Lance blush to a deeper shade of red and grin wider.

From the corner of my eyes I see Joey seem to cringe at JC's words so I barked at him, "What's your problem Joey?" and that got Lance's and Master Chris's attention, Joey quickly wiped the frown off his face and replace it with a smile.

"I ah.I gotta go to the gents, it's my stomach. Ate too much." He said as he got up and dashes off.

"Liar!" I barked. Joey never had stomach problem, and he's got the strongest stomach that could even take caviar when they couldn't.

Lance and JC looked at each other and signed.

Master Chris took the distress me back to his arm and stokes my head, "He'll come around, he just needs a little time to see that Lance is actually a blond version of Lois Lane." Said Master Chris with a wink and a smile.

"I hope so Chris, I hope so.I don't want to lose my friend." Said Lance in a sad tone, not really getting Master Chris's joke.

"Well, at least curly came to our side." Said JC as he looked at Justin, who was grinning to his screen, "though he seemed a little bit distant."

"He's definitely on your side." I barked and smile, 'I know something that you don't.' I continued grinning under Master Chris's hand.

"Nah, he's ok. He's happy and that's a good thing." Said Master Chris as he grins knowingly, "So what time will the boys be touching down?"

"In about 5 min time, they're here for an interview then they'll be off for a concert. If Brian didn't call last night, we wouldn't have known." Said Lance as he smile at Brian's request to "hang out" with them.

"Do you think we should tell them about us?" ask JC, and that question took Lance's smile off his face, replacing it with a frown.

"I think you should tell." I barked, 'good to have lots of allies now', I thought intelligently.

"You guys should think about it later. Let's get Joey and Justin, we have to go now. JC did you call the Limo up?" ask Master Chris as he stood up, carrying me with him.

"Yeah, they're already outside waiting for us, so we can leave ASAP." Said JC.

The next few minutes were boring for me as they waited, then I was placed on the floor because the guests of honor had arrived.

"Hey guys!" a shout came from Joey as he saw the first cap coming out.

"Hey Joey" "Hey Lance" "Hey Justin" "Hey JC" "Hey Chris" there were various greetings and hugging and words exchanged, it was a big confusion to me so all I could do was scrapple away from being stepped, then out of the blue. "So this little fellow is Busta!"

"Huh? What? Who?" I twirl around to look for the source of the sound and was suddenly lifted high up and then I faced a pair of blue eyes and a hint of blond hair, "do I know you?" I barked and wiggled in confusion and in panic. He swings me around and I screamed, "Help!"

"Nick don't swing him around like that!" a voice shouted and I was immediately grabbed away from the crazy guy and held tightly and to another unfamiliar arm. " He's too small to be swung around like that." Chaste the person.

"He's so cute." Another pair of hands took me as I struggle to get away.

"Let me see D," and I was again passed to another person, this guy looks scary. I couldn't see his eyes, only myself through the reflection of his glasses. "Chris why is he shivering?" asks the guy as he rubbed my cold body in concern.

"He's shivering?" the first crazy guy ask in surprise.

"He's got a rough life and he slammed himself on the glass earlier so I guess he's a bit shock, here pass him to me." I was gently placed in my master's arms where I tried to hide my face in his chest.

"Chris I'm sorry, I mean, I got dogs at home and they didn't get scared when I swing them. Sorry." Said the crazy guy in an apologetic tone.

"Yeah, we're sorry too, shouldn't have passed him around like that," said another voice. This time I was too shaken up to really differentiate who's who.

"I can't say it's ok, but don't do it anymore. He's different." explain Master Chris, "and don't touch him now. He may bite."

It's true, I'm was shaken up and I would have bitten anyone who touches me at that moment. I didn't know when they have started walking but they did and the next moment I gain my senses back, we're already backs in the lobby of the hotel. Someone [Justin] had loan Master Chris a jacket to cover me up so that the screaming of the girls does not agitate me further.

The guys had piled into Master Chris's room after they had barely settled in their own. I guess if I was not so nervous, I would have recognized their kindness for me.

"Will Busta be ok?" ask Lance in concern, he's my white knight, always concern about me. :)

"I think he should be ok, he just needs to settle his nerves in a bit." Say Master Chris as he removes the jacket from me then lied back with him arms around me as I continued refusing to look at anyone.

"Joey don't touch him yet, he wouldn't bite Chris because he's his parent but I don't think he's settled enough for you to touch him," said a voice.

"How did you know cuz?" ask another voice, I think it's the second guy that grabbed me.

"Remember the Tyke incident?" said that deep voice.

"Tyke.oh yeah I remember, he bit you didn't he." said second voice.

"Why did he bit ya?" ask DB who's on the side of the bed on my right.

"My the neighbors' dog attacked him and he went to a shock like Busta now. When I picked him up, he couldn't recognize it was me hence he bit me, but when Bri picks him, he sort of calms down." Said the deep voice.

"I'm sorry Chris, I didn't know it would be that bad." Said the crazy guy they call Nick.

"It's ok, I'm at fault too, I should have warn you about it." said Master Chris as he lean back on the bed with me still on his chest, "It's ok Busta, it's ok now." He said softly to me, but I was in some kind of trance as I look around uncertainly and my paws cling onto his shirt.

"So what can we do now?" ask the second voice, he looks like a big puppy.

"Why don't you guys go out and get dinner, I'll just hang out here with Busta." Suggest me master as he continued trying to calm me down.

"I'm ok now." I tried to say but it came out as a whimper. 'Even my own voice betrays me!' I berate myself. I didn't want Master Chris to miss out on the fun.

"Why not Nick and Bri go get some food back and we'll hang around here?" the deep voice suggested this, I took a peak at him, and he's pale-ish with dark hair and very thick eyebrow.

"That's good Kev but I'll go with Nick instead, if we let B go, he'll end up with lots of cheezy stuff." Said the another crazy fellow who's wearing sunglasses in the room.

"What do you mean by Cheezy stuff!" whiz, and there goes a pillow. Master Chris quickly took me in his arm and left the bedroom. I was glad because the minute we left there was a mock battle cry and I'm sure that came from Justin [the DB].

"Let's just hang out here till the they get back to earth ok?" he smiled and said to me and he continues to cuddle me in his arms.

I barked a small bark to show approval, then I smell an unfamiliar smell approaching and I quickly hid my face again.

"Hey Chris, we're gone ok. Bye Busta." The voice called out, it was crazy guy two.

"Bye Chris, bye Busta." Said the second voice and I heard a door slam and then I saw a pillow flying by missing them and hitting the door.

"Damn they were fast!" said a voice as he sat down panting, it was the third guy that had hold me and say I was cute. :)

"Did you get them?" ask Joey as he flop down to the floor beside Master Chris's chair.

"Nah, they're too fast for me." was the reply.

"Maybe you're too slow Howie." Teased JC.

"Not again" I whimpered, and this time someone took notice.

"Guys I don't think Busta enjoys seeing us acting as kids," said the bushy eyebrow fellow.

"We're not acting kids, we're still young. You're the old one." Teased the big puppy guy.

"Old I may, wise I am." He replied with a high and mighty tone, "but asides that, how are you guys doing? And how long have you two been dating?" ask the bushy fellow to the couples.

There was silence, little curious me decided to peek out to see what's going on. Joey had frozen in his position, Justin looked surprise and the couple looked very white. I look at Master Chris who just raised his eyebrow in amusement.

"How did you know?" Joey asked.

He smiled and says, "little things that I got from the airport till we got here AND, it takes a thief to know a thief." I saw his gaze last falls on Justin who now looks like a piece of paper, very pale, and very scared. But Joey's reaction was worst.

"You too?" he said in a disappointed tone, which was not lost to the people and dog in the room, "I mean, em I didn't know." He tried to remove the negativity in the room.

I look back at bushy and all I could see was a compassionate look, he turn to the puppy guy who smiled back.

"It's ok Joey, it took me and Nick a hell of a long time to understand too." Said puppy guy.

"You and Nick.so Howie was ok with Kevin? I mean AJ I wouldn't be surprise, but you're ok with it, with us?" ask JC.

"I'm ok with it, with you guys will all," the guy with pony-tail smiled, "there are better things to do in life than to carry the hate around me and I'm always better at making friends then enemies. So I'm ok with it."

"Wow! I guess what the tabloid say is true, you're a peacemaker type of guy," say JC he said with a grin, I could see the tension being relieved from the two of them.

"And he's nice, like you master." I barked my opinion, but regret it immediately.

"YOU'RE BACK!" shouted the puppy-guy excitingly and I quickly turn my face away from him, and the rest of the guys laughed at him. "What did I do?" he whine.

"Sorry man, I think it's your Jim Carrey face," explained Master Chris as he tried to get me to look out.

"So em, Kevin, when did you know that you were gay? And how did they come to know about it?" ask Justin in an uncertain voice. But, I perked up at this piece of info and looked out to the group.

"I knew since I was 13, I um, had a crush on this cute guy in my class. But I didn't dare do anything about the crush, I was too shy." He said as he blushes a little.

"Aww, that's too bad, but don't worry, I'll pass you the secrets of getting the man of your dreams latter," JC said with a smile as he turn to hug the already blushing Lance.

"Hey I was the brain of that plan!" I bark in protest, then quickly turn my face away when I saw the raise of eyebrow from the puppy-guy again. He's nice but I'm not in the mood to make new friends now.

"Stop pouting Brian." Said Kevin with a laugh, "and JC I'll take your offer up." He said with a devious wink, and Lance blushes again, "ok back to the question," he said before Justin could ask again, "the guys found out around mid-October last year."

"What happen then?" ask Master Chris in curious tone.

"We were watching a news broadcast when Howie had noticed that Kev' was crying." Replied Brian

"Yeah, he was tearing up and I saw the news then I just ask him if he's gay, which was a mistake because that brought more tears in his eyes and everyone noticed him." explain Howie.

"What were you guys watching?" ask Lance.

I could see their face turn to sadness and regret and finally Kevin spoke up, "The news on Matthew Shephard's death."

The room became quiet to the answer, JC's hands instinctively pull Lance to his arms as they comfort each other. Justin had this sad and lost look on his face, even Joey kept very quiet. I looked at Master Chris who gave me a weak smile, I couldn't stop myself and I barked, "who's he?" 'Well I was confuse' I think my barking got them out of their trance as they sat up and looked at me, which cause me into hiding again.

Then a small laugh, "I think he's asking who is Matthew." I stared at the voice and found ponytail looking back at me with a smile.

"Is that right Busta?" ask Master Chris as he lifted me up and hold me to his eye level.

"Well if it's last year's news how am I suppose to know?" I mumbled and pouted and the room laughed at me, 'humanoids are mighty boring creatures' I thought to myself.

"Matthew is a gay college student who got killed because he was gay."

Next: Chapter 7

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