
By dog

Published on Oct 14, 1999



Disclaimer: this story has nothing to do with the real life of the celebrity mentioned, it's all fiction.

Note: Dear Jam and Toni, this story is for you. :) Because you're the best friend which one could ever have in life. Thank you. :) Dear Jon, this story is also for you. Be happy and Be brave. Things will work out, I just know it. :) To Lanze, to all of ya' reading out there, Lanze write the most beautiful love below. :) and I appreciate the help given in this story. Thank you. :) [oh and if the real Lance is reading this, you can mail to me and I'll introduce you to him. ;)] Dear Rachel (escape and choices) thank you for writing in, I'm glad you're reading, and take care. :) Finally to Fern, Mr. Pinch. Since this note is short, I think I can afford to do this. [Throws a pie at Fern!] YOU'RE IT! lol. ;b

Thank you David for the space. :)

Dum di dum. I trotted to my left and enter a room covered with tiles, passing by Blondie. "Halo dumb blond guy!" 'Aha! There you are!' I found the newspaper spread out on the floor. I position myself carefully and "eeennnnnggggg.. AH!" I shake my butt for a while and quickly leave the pile of toxic I had created. :b I was walking back to the bedroom when I pass by Mr. Blondie again, 'there he goes.there he goes again, running through my brain and I just can't contain the feeling that remains'. I hum to myself as I passed him. I pause for a moment looking at him, it's been days and all those emotions are getting to him. 'Busta TO THE RESCUE!' my brain decided as I jump on the sofa and sat beside him. Looking at him, "Yo! Stupid! You ok?" I barked. "What?" he turn to look at me in surprise and. 'And there goes the glass.' I thought as I watch it fall slowly to the ground. "SHIT!" Justin, the dumb blond, hastily wipes the wet water off himself. He removed his wet shirt and tried to get the wet stuff of the carpet. "SHIT! SHIT! WHY ME! Why me!" "Gees calm down its only water." I barked at him, but he ignored me and continues to wipe and wipe. "You look very pathetic like this." I barked again. "Shut up! It's all your fault. Now beat it!" he shouted at me. I quickly got to my feet and ran off, but not before I stuck out my tongue at him. 'Big deal' :P. As I approach the bedroom door, I felt myself being lifted of my feet. "Halo Master.em I didn't do nothing." I look guiltily at my Master Chris the greatest of them all, and as usual being extremely kind hearted. He just smiled at me and then frown at Blondie. "He's been crazy for a very long time." I whimpered to Master Chris as he looks on. "Tomorrow we'll go to the park, do you like that?" he ask as he looks at me with a smile. "YES! I loooovvvveeee to play. :D." I barked happily and gratefully. "And we're taking Just boy with us." He continued as he enters the room laughing at me as my voice reduces to a grumbled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "MASTER WAKE UP! IT'S MOOOORRRRNNNNIIIIINNNNGGGGG!" I barked as I jump up and down from him. 'I may not like Justin, but that's a bad reason to forgo playing', I reason to myself continue to jump on his tummy. "Ok ok, I'm up already," he said as he yawn off his sleepiness, his tube like hair falling all over his eyes. "Gees you're a happy fellow aren't ya'" he lovingly held me in his arms and wrinkles my forehead by rubbing my head. "Now go out there and wake Justin up while I clean up and then we'll go and play." "Duh! Wake Justin up? But Master, he's a lunatic in the morning, I'll be killed, I'll become hotdog." I whimpered in his arms refusing to move. Knowing my hesitation, he got up and walked out of the room. Placing me on the floor in front of a big door [all doors look big to me. :b] and then open it and with a push of his feet, I was in Justin's room. I hear his footsteps walking away from the room and I know that there's no way out of this. I look around trying to decide on the best method to wake him up..'Aha! Got it! hehehehehe' ;p I jump to the bedside table by first jumping on to the chair beside it. 'Halo black thing with flashing red thing.' I smile to it, then I use my paw and hit it! "A LITTLE BIT OF MONICA IN MY LIFE, A LITTLE BIT OF ERICA BY MY SIDE, A LITTLE BIT RETA'S ALL I NEED, A LITTLE BIT TINA'S WHAT I SEE. A LITTLE BIT OF SANDRA IN THE SUN. A LITTLE BIT OF MARY ALL NIGHT LONG, A LITTLE BIT OF JESSICA HERE I AM, A LITTLE BIT OF YOU MAKES ME YOUR MAN" "WHAT THE FUCK!" Justin jumps out of his skin as music bounce of from the black thing. 'Yikes blond alert!' I quickly jump off the table and brilliantly hid myself under the bed. "GET OUT FROM THE BED NOW!" he shouted in anger as he tried to reach for me. "You're crazy! I ain't coming out!" I barked back, looking for an opportunity to bite his finger. But before I could do that, I heard the door slam open and suddenly his whole hand got yank out. "HEY." I found out later why his voice trailed off, trust me, you never want to see Master Chris gets angry. Better crazy then angry. "Come on Busta, it's ok now." He whispered kindly, 'did I tell you there's God? :)' I slowly edge myself towards the familiar hand that immediately wrapped me up. "You ok Busta?" me Master Chris ask as he wrap me in his arms. "Yeah I'm ok now, Blondie is awake master. Aren't I the smartest." I barked in happiness at a job well done. "Awww you must be scared to death." He said as he holds me to his chest. "Em scared? Actually em. No Master Chris I ain't scared. Only scared when you get angry" I barked in confusion. "See what you did!" he said in anger to Justin. "But Chris I just." Blondie couldn't continue because of the stern look that Master Chris is giving him. "You scared him, for WHAT? Just because he interrupted your beauty sleep?" he shouted at Justin. "Em, master I'm actually feeling quiet ok." I barked as a part of me began to fear for Justin's little life. "I.I." Justin stammers obviously surprised and scared. "Here's the deal. I promise to take him to the park yesterday, but I have some important phone calls to make. So you're gonna take him there first, take his toys there and play with him." said Master Chris sternly. 'My toys?' I wonder curiously at the last time I had new toys. "Play ball with him, ok I got it." Justin said in relief. "Not play ball, play with this," Master Chris threw a bag towards Justin's bed. "Huh? What am I suppose to do with this?" Justin asks as he holds out a toy soldier. "WHEN WAS THAT MY TOY?" I barked in amazement. "Tell story with it. He likes it." said Master Chris as he rubs my head as I grumbled, "my toy?" "Tell him story?" Justin looks at me weirdly like I'm a freak or something. "Yah! Tell me story you stupid blonde." I barked back, I hate people to look at me like that. 'I swear I'll bite him when I get the chance to.' "GRRRRRR" "Yeah, tell him story. I'll leave him outside, go change your clothes and bring him out." said me master as he exited the room and sat me down on the couch. "But Master Chris I don't wanna go with him." I whimpered as I look at down and scratch my paw absent-mindedly on the couch. "Busta good dog. You go with Justin first, I wouldn't be far." He said in a pacifying manner like I was a child. "[Sigh] ok master." I resigned and sat on the soft couch waiting for Blondie while Master Chris went back to his room with a sneaky smile on his face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Minutes later) "Ok we're here." Said Justin with a sigh as he settles himself on the grass facing the waters with ducks in it. I panted as I stopped by his side, this is another reason why I hate him, he never learns to carry me. Because of my small feet I always had to run while humanoids stroll. "Ok em.go play.or something." He said as he pointed stupidly around him. The surroundings were relatively secluded with only old people taking their morning walks. "God I'm so unfit.well it's their fault that I didn't get to exercise' I reason with myself. I turn two round on the grass and sat down as I tried to catch my breath. "[Sigh] you really want me to tell you stories don't ya?" said Justin as he looked at me with those weird blue eyes again. "Wha. Huh what stories? Gees man what's your problem!" I barked at him with distaste, while still trying to remember how to work my lungs. Don't misunderstand I could run fast if I want to, but he's sporty Sync I could not out run his stroll. "Ok ok, I guess I owe you one for shouting at ya' this morning." He sighed, and took out the toys that Master Chris gave him and spread it out in front of him, "though you're one hell of a weird dog not wanting to play ball, but choosing to listen to stories." "Dumb blond!" I muttered under my breath. 'Help Master Chris.' I begged in my head, hoping that he could somehow get here early and get this humanoid away from me. "Ok let's see now, how should I start.hmmm, ok once upon a time there was a boy." he said as he pick a toy up and held it upright. 'A dumb blond' I thought as I looked at him and the dumb blond toy. "He's a very bright and smart boy who loves basket balls and all kind of sports game." He said as he grin and his chest swell with pride. 'A dumb blond' I thought as I rolled my eyes and wonders why I'm here. "And he loves him mum and his dad and his little brother." He continued as he smiles his stupid grin. 'An extremely dumb blond' I thought as I sat myself up and listen to his stupid story and giving him the *look* of sarcasm. "He lives in big house and he could sing very well." He said stupidly. 'You're talking about yourself ain't ya?' I looked at him and rolled my eyes, then from behind him, I saw my master and was about to get up and greet him when he motioned for me to sit. "Then one day he meets a girl that lives next door." When he said this, he bit his lips as if to stop yet wanting to continue. [Busta good at reading humanoid emotion.] 'That's a boy' I thought curiously as I look at the toy he picked up. "He fell madly in love with this girl who could not utter a single word but could only smile at him. The smile that was the most beautiful and enchanting smile in the world. And her eyes so full of soul, she's just.simply beautiful." said Justin as his eyes began to look glassy. 'That's a boy' I look at him carefully to look for sign of insanity. "They go out together and they played forever, they.they kissed. And the boy even asked the girl to be married to him when they grow up." There was a drop in his tone as he smiled a weak smile to himself. "You ask a boy to marry you when you're a kid?" I barked, then looked at Master Chris who had a frown on his face like I do. "But the dream broke when one day.they went swimming and.," he looked lost for a while as to what he was trying to avoid saying it but, then he continued with determination. "And the girl made the boy turn.turn to.to a girl.a fairy," his final words was a whisper. "Now how the fuck did he do that?" I asked nicely absorbed to his pain, though I was certain that he would not understand. "How?" he asks this time in anger. "Its called projection." Said Master Chris who came from behind. "What?." Justin jump away in surprise and fear. "He's in pain." I said as I move towards Master Chris side. "Projection, I guess the boy thinks that the girl is Cinderella or something then turns out that the girl was not that perfect and that cause the boy to change his opinion." He said in a nonchalant way as if sensing Justin's fear and trying to ease it. "Yeah, em something like that.is that normal?" ask Justin looking visibly relieved. 'Wow! You're smart master, now he really talks to yea' I looked at Master Chris with admiration. 'Though, I'm now very sure that he's a dumb blond, because he actually believes that you're don't know that he's cracked.' "It's normal, especially when the boy is in love. Using the simplest example, when we were young, we thought our parent was God because they control the time we watch TV. And we thought the class bully was a demon because he made our life miserable by simply breaking our favorite pencil into half. Even now, the fans thinks the best of us, they assume that we're saint and we could do no wrong because we're N'Sync..get it?" he asks in a curious manner. "Yeah, I guess so.."said Justin. "What do you mean by guess so? It is so!" I started grumbling at his stupidity. "So.how did the girl turn the boy to a girl again?" asked Master Chris in a non-threatening manner. "Well, the girl turned to be a boy and.and," Justin looked lost for words as he tried comprehend what had happen to him. I kept real quiet because I know it's important for Master Chris to get all the information he needs on the patient.though I must admit that he's getting good at this. "And because they are in love, the boy change to a girl." Said Master Chris trying to help out a little bit. "Not willingly!" he shouted in protest. "DON'T SHOUT AT HIM!" I barked in anger. Then reduce to grumbling when Master Chris puts a hand on me to calm me down. "Oh.then who change the girl to a boy?" ask Master Chris saying it in a curious tone. "The girl was a boy, it's just that.it's just that," Justin struggles to explain the weird situation. 'Of course the girl was a boy, you dumb blond! You just didn't see it, because you were in love! Just like what Master Chris has said!" I grumbled as I stare at Blondie, I hate people shouting at my master. "That the boy didn't realize it? Assuming, of course, that they both were young and puberty hasn't really set in yet. It would be natural for yo. em the boy to NOT know that she is a he.. And coupled with the fact that she cannot speak and.that Society teaches us.that boy Should fall in love with girls, it would be expected that the boy em.would assume that his first love is a girl." Master Chris explains helpfully. "So the boy is wrong? You're saying that she didn't cause him to change." He said accusingly. "The boy is wrong! No one could change a person to become anything without their own brain wanting it!" I shouted at his stupidity and this time Master Chris puts his hand on my mouth 'Dumb Blond' I thought loudly as I scowl at him. "I don't think anyone is wrong, it's honestly a misunderstanding and not to be dwelt on for too long. Not healthy for the mind." Master Chris smiled, "Now I think the boy has to really think about whether or not he has turned to a girl. Though, I'm pretty sure it's not the girl's fault, because the boy has to make his own decision." Said Master Chris in a matter-of-factly tone. "I still think the boy is wrong." I grumbled in Master Chris hand. "The boy is a bad person." Said Justin as he frowns in pain, seemingly about to cry. "You're a very mean person, how could you hurt your love one like that." I said with disgust as I jump off Master Chris's hand. "I can't say that. But I will say that the boy has a lot of thinking to do." said Master Chris kindly. I search for the toy that represents him and bit it in my mouth. 'DIG DIG DIG'..'COVER' and I sat on the pile of dirt as I wait for them to finish their conversation. I didn't miss anything, because Justin actually kept very quiet and so did Master Chris. "So.now what?" ask Justin as he breaks the silence. "I guess now you have to decide about the later part of the story, and also.maybe decide when you'll tell the boy's BEST FRIENDS his experience so that they can all STOP worrying about that little boy who stares at his cup all night in pain." Master Chris said the last words with a sigh, showing his concern for Justin. I look at the DB [Dumb Blond] to see what his reaction will be. The DB looked like he has been shamed and dare not look back at Master Chris. "And the boy has to learn that his friends will be there for him no matter what he had done or what he will do in the future. And he should learn to make use of his friend's ears when he feels troubled by things." Master Chris continues then turn to DB and smile at him, " I don't think I'm that bad a listener am I?" "Em. No Chris you're not, thanks." He said the last words with gratefulness, "and I'll.I mean the boy will seriously consider about telling the other's his story.he just needs some time." "'Tis kewl. Just don't shut yourself out like that ever again." And they pull to a hug. I look at them and thump my feet on the dirt below me, gratifyingly. Smiling smugly to myself. "So does this mean that Busta doesn't really like to listen to stories?" ask Justin, as he looks to me, with a trace of sympathy. Master Chris laughed and looked at me, "What do you say Busta? Do you like to listen to stories?" as he picked me up in his arms. "I like to listen to gossips better than stories and I like it better if it's from you and not from some DB" I grumble in his arms. Master Chris laughs at my whining, "Come on let's head home, than you can eat and we'll play ball after that." He carries me in his arms as Justin began to pack up the toys. "Hey, where's the other toy?" he ask searching for it. "Haha, most probably buried by Busta." Said Master Chris as I blush in embarrassment. "How did you know?" I barked and hid myself in my paws, as I hear Master Chris laughing at me. :b "He hates me doesn't he?" Justin said as he laughed along, " and I never knew why. Hahahahaha." As Master Chris holds me, I thought about what a great person he is. Within a short span of time, he had manage to get Justin back to.well almost normal dumb blond. My heart swell with pride to have him as me master. "Maybe if you carry him once in a while, he'll like you." Said Master Chris as they walked back. "Yeah, carry me. I dare ya'" I said thinking of the various ways I could bite him. "He needs the exercise, you guys carry him way too much." He said with that smile as he looked at me. "You're just frighten of me." I barked in distaste, then ignore him and continued to think about what a great person Master Chris is. "No he doesn't he's just the nice weight, don't be mean." Said Master Chris as he slapped Justin's arm. "Hey, I'm not mean. I like dogs too, heck I know more about dogs than you do." he said as he dodge the slap. "Well since you like him so much, next time you have a story to tell, you should tell Busta. At least, you let it out of your system." Said Master Chris "But master." I started whining and he started stroking my head again, it always calms me down when he does this. "Is this Dr Chris that I'm talking to now?" he smirked. "Hahaha. Yeah I guess you can say that." Master Chris laughs, " I guess the degree I got was useful after all. So take my advice and start talking." He said the last words sternly. "ok, I get it. So what's this toy-story thing called Doc.?" Ask Justin in a curious manner. "It's called "Sand-box" theory, it's popular in Japan, although I'm surprise that you actually tell the whole story." He said. "Yeah I guess Busta was a good listener after all." Justin said as he smiled at me. "Hey I didn't volunteer so don't thank me." I grumbled under my breath. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Night) 'I need to piss.' I rolled up and started walking to the tile room. and happily, DB is not up today. :) he's actually asleep. I was about to continue my journey when I heard a sound from the other door at the place where they feed me. [AN: kitchen] I move quickly to that area and was in time to see a piece of paper being slipped into the house. Then footsteps going away before I could even barked. 'Damn the window for being too far!' I cursed. I look at the paper which as this: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lance, Hey baby! Just droppin' you a quick note to explain this little gift. It seems the more effort I put into writing this, the harder it becomes. I love you more than words will ever be able to express and I can't fathom being able to describe that love to you on paper. The present is just a thank you for being in my life and I hope ya like it! I just wanna make you happy. Know this, I love you now and I always will ~ you will forever be in my heart and I hopefully in yours... the more I see you the more I know for certain I couldn't live a day without you in my world! From the depths of my soul, I love you, I need you more than I need to breath and mere words will never be able to illustrate how strongly I care for you, you are soo special a million I love you's could never BEGIN to describe how I feel about you. I know I've already said I love you about a million times but know that it's sincere, true and straight from my heart to yours. Simply stated: You are my world, my everything without you I would cease to exist, just curl up in a ball and die. You are such a beautiful person, and so sexy too, heh heh. (And you thought I was just gonna die of seriousness) I can't wait to have that gorgeous body all to myself, be seeing ya soon love! Luv Ya from Now 'Til 4ever (And Then Some), ~//~ Jordan ~//~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Jordan?' who the fuck is that? Deciding that I didn't like the letter nor the smell of it, I..:b and then went off to bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(The next day) "Busta!" "What? Who? I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it. I'm innocent till proven guilty." I barked in surprise. "Gees Lance, S'up?" ask Master Chris in surprise. We're all in the eating room and I just got in when I was shouted at. Master Chris quickly picked me up and tried to hide me from Lance. "What did I do?" I grumbled in Master Chris arms. "What did he do?" ask Master Chris as he dodge Lance's attempts to get me. "He pissed on a note that was given to me by JC." Said Lance. "I what?" I was surprise, heck I mean, that note do not smell like JC's smell. It smelled bad. "And you're holding it? eewww!" said Joey in mock disgust. "It's not his." I tried to explain, but naturally, the human brain have not advance well enough to comprehend intelligent creature's language. "How do you know that it's his?" ask Justin as he looked at the already dried up yellow piece of paper. "The name is eradicated.except for a Jo it's all blur." "JO for Josh. It's from Josh and I know it, look there's even a single white rose outside the door. Who else can it be?" said Lance as he looked at me in an accusing manner. 'Damn it! I shouldn't have pissed on the name!' I berated myself. "come on Lance, it's only a note. You still have the flower.and JC. You could get him to write you again.." Said Master Chris as he tried to reason it out for me. "Yeah, it's only a note. And it's smelly already, throw it away and get JC to write another one for ya' or don't you guys say enough of those mushy stuff already." Said Joey in a teasing manner. Lance was surprise by Joey's willingness to joke about JC and him. it shows his willingness to accept the couple. "Yeah Lance, you still have the white rose.I bet it means his purest love to ya'" said Justin with a comforting smile. "And Busta has to watch what he eats. Cos' Whew! That stink!" and the guys all looked at me and laughed. I grumbled a bit, but was still bugged by the whole situation. 'I'll get ya' next time.' I promised myself. "Hey guys we gotta move now, or we'll miss the plane." JC's voice called out from the front door as he return from his little walk. Lance walked quickly to his side then stopped before hitting him, and then almost shyly yet beautifully from my view, they wrap each other together. I saw the movements of lips and the smile on their face. Looking around me, I saw the guys all had a small content smile of their own as they watch the two couples. And I'm glad that plan B worked well. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ok that's it. thank you for reading. Have lots of fun in life and smile always because life's too short to be mopping around for. :)

Next: Chapter 5

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