
By dog

Published on Sep 25, 1999


Disclamer: all written in here is a fiction, not fact. it has nothing to do with the real stars/singers. Heck, i don't think Chris even have a dog. :p

My note:

JON! TONI! LOOK I'M ON NIFTY. hahahahaha.

ok i would like to thank both of them for their love and support. i would have not posted this story without them. :)

and i would like to thank Jonathon of Brian7. For being you. :)

To all those great people who wrote to me with all those encouraging words and replies.

Rob (the VAMPIRE guy) Rachel (who ESCAPES) Rick (THE ONE) [whom are all gread authors. :)]

Jimmy (the quiet and caring new friend :) LanzeRuleMyWorld(the Lanze guy. :) Fernando (the pinch guy. :) Jason (Mr. grin :) Matt (:) and sankofa.

ok before i begin my story, i have a small request. please get up and clap your hands....Yes. thank you. that was for David the Nifty guy. Thank you David. :)

ok now on with the story. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE PART ABOUT SEX.

It has been a month since the bathroom incident. Well nothing else happened after that, or nothing that I know of. Anyway, as predicted, my resting periods improved tremendously without those pesky lovebirds.

But what baffles me is their need and ability to hide their feelings from others. When master Chris is around or any other people are around, they let go of their hands and act friendly like strangers. I always bark in disapproval, but what do they know?

But it was nice looking at them smiling to each other. And it must have been blind for the rest of the guys not to know that they were in love. Although I always wonder about how they are going to do it, you know IT... SEX stupid! Well, tonight I'm gonna find out. ;p

Before nightfall, I creep out of Master Chris's room [he always leave's the door not fully close, will explain why in later segments] and hid myself behind this pot that was conveniently placed near Lance's room. I knew that if I don't move they would not know that I was there. Here it comes, the click of the door and followed by footsteps into the room. I quickly scrambled in and hid myself among darkness, finding the feet of the couch I hid under it and watch.

"James?" a questioning voice.

"Josh." A shy reply.

From my view, I could only see two pairs of feet that seem to come to one, and the noises of two human's kissing. Then a pair of feet was gone.

"Josh!" giggled Lance, "What are you doing?"

"Carrying my bride to bed," and the pair of legs move to the bed and stopped. Then within minutes, pants and shirt flew, unfortunately blocking my view.

I cautiously got out of my hiding place and climb quietly onto the couch and stop moving as I lay amongst the pile of clothing. I stared at the sight before me; JC was on his knees on the bed as his mouth stuck itself to Lance's cock.

"Josh! Oh Josh." Lance bit his lips seemingly to stop his lusty call.

JC smiled at his voice and looked at him, he moved up to Lance's welcoming arms " I like it when you call me," and gently kissed him, "you sound hotter than any other women I've ever had sex with."

Lance blush with that comment, and began moaning as he felt JC's fingers move from his cock down to his sensitive hole. "Josh?" He cried out and holds JC tighter in his arms when he felt JC's fingers shifted into his hole.

Well from my point of view, I was seriously holding my breath. 'Are they gonna do what I think they're gonna do?' I look at the hole and JC's dick. 'It isn't gonna be in, heck even I can't put myself It.' but I was wrong.

After minutes of fingering, Lance began begging. "Josh please don't tease me like that. Please fuck me."

"No." said JC and Lance looked at him in surprise and with a trace of hurt.

I breath a sign of relieve. 'Thank god for logic.' I thought to myself as I sank back on the pile of clothes.

JC looked into those worried eyes and could feel the slight deflate on Lance's cock, he kissed Lance on his forehead, "I love you baby, and I'm gonna make love to you." And he kissed Lance on his lips, his hands move to lift Lance's legs apart.

"Josh, I love you so much." Said Lance in relief, and a teardrop of happiness falls form his eyes. He lift his legs as wide apart as possible and lifted his pelvic up with this action.

"Oh no! They're gonna kill themselves." I hid my eyes with my paws.

JC looked at Lance and as soon as he found those green eyes looking back at him, he gently pushed his cock in.

At this moment, I close my eyes and prayed for them. After a series of "you ok babe?" and "Yeah. Go ahead." And a lot of 'they are crazy, stupid!' thoughts from me, there was silence. 'I knew it, they're dead now.' I berate myself for not stopping them but another voice came to my senses.

"Fuck me Josh!" shouted Lance in a horse voice of pleasure.

"Oh baby, Oh James, you're so tight, so hot." Grunted JC as he moved slowly in and out of that tiny butt hole of Lance's.

I raise my eyebrows and was soon absorbed by the scene before me. Lance's face was fully flushed and his eyes shine with lust. Sweat can be seen pouring from both bodies and the movement began. With every trust there was a lusty grunt from them.

"Harder" begged Lance.

"Oh Baby! Ung. Ung. Ung." Grunted JC as he moved in and out and in and out.

Suddenly there was movement to the side on JC's part, as he shifted sideways while moving in and out of Lance.

"Josh? What the...oh god this is better. Oh.ennnngggghhh." Lance moaned as JC started to fuck him sideways.

The whole incident was a blur to me and, after lots of minutes of looking at their intense fuck it ended.

"OH Joshua, I'm cumming, I'm.."

"Lance OH god, oh.eng. Eng. Eng."

I saw JC and Lance both tighten their bodies together, and abruptly they stop. Now, I'm certain that they are both dead. Either dead or defected in the process of passing out toxic from the body. I wanted to weep for them, but as usual, in this department, I was wrong.

"Oh Josh, you were so good." Said Lance as he recovered his strength and kissed JC on his lips.

"You're the best love. Come on, let's get to the bathroom and I can give you an enema." JC kissed him back and felt his deflated cock pop out of Lance butt hole, then carry the younger boy in his arms.

"What's that?" asked Lance curiously as he place his arms around JC and felt him being lifted of the bed.

"You'll see." He smirked mischievously.

The shower went on and soon the sound of groaning could be heard from the shower. I was too tired and affected to see them bathing. I was surprise and very glad that they did not die from the experience, and was curious about how could one enjoy it, but I shrug at that thought for I'm no human. 'And after all, I bet they do this hundreds of time, and if they do they would have to die a hundred time.' I scold myself for my stupidity.

I sat quietly on the couch knowing that soon they would notice me. Either that or Chris would realize that I'm gone. This time true to words, the banging of the door came.

"JC open up. Busta is missing an Chris is pissed man." Shouted the voice, which I recognize as Joey's.

"Coming!" he shouted as he ran out of the bathroom with a bathrobe around him. From my view I could see Lance hiding behind the shower curtain. "Busta's not." he was about to tell Joey that I was not here till he saw me sitting on the pile of clothes grinning from one ear to another.

"Hey Chris, Busta's in here." Shouted Joey across the hall, "Hey JC get some clothes on."

"Busta!" shouted Master Chris as he lifted me off the couch. "I was worried about you."

'Halo Master Chris I just saw the most amazing thing in the world, do you know that you could put something as big as a carrot in your butt hole get really excited by it,' I said as I wagged my tail.

"I told ya' he'll be ok." said Justin in a cocky attitude as he looked to me and scoffed at me.

'Shut up Blondie.' I scolded back. "Gggrrrr"

"Em.JC whose clothes are these?" asked Joey as he entered the room and saw the piles of clothes lying all over the place.

'uh oh.' I looked at JC's face lose some of it's color.

"It looks like." Justin's face paled when he saw that it was indeed Lance's clothes.

'Big uh oh,' I look up to Master Chris as he looked at me curiously.

"It's mine." Whispered Lance as he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him.

The stillness of the room could be felt as each of the other guys tried to take in the information as best as they could.

"You're gay." Whispered Justin as he looked at his long time friend, "from MMC I never knew...How? What happen?" then he looked at Lance in an accusing manner which cause him to cringe in fear, and a tear fell from Lances' eyes.

"Don't you dare to say that. I am what I was made to be, I do not know why or how. But I don't care. And now, I'm in love with Lance, we're a couple and if you try to stop us, I'll quit N'Sync." He said in anger towards Justin and the rest of the guys. And wrap his arms protectively around Lance.

Then Master Chris did something that made me proud that I was his :).

"Hey Busta, what do you think of replacing them bigots?" he ask as he held me up to face level.

"That's the greatest idea. I'll replace Blondie, you just have to dye my hair red and my tail blond." I barked and wagged my tail.

"I knew you would approve, ok then. Lance, JC when do we leave? What? Come on guys you are not gonna tell me that you don't want me too." He pouted.

"Thanks Chris, but you don't have to do this. Neither do you have to do this Josh," Lance looked up towards JC as his eyes filled with determination and understanding, "I know you really love to sing. I'll just quit and go back so that I don't..." a finger cut off he's words.

"I may love to sing, but my soul is with you. I could never be happy without you. If I stay here love, I'll feel like a caged up bird being force to sing even when I don't want to. You're the reason that made all this enjoyable," Said JC as he wipe away the straying tear that had fallen from his lover's eyes and smiled to him, then he turn to Master Chris, "but Lance is right man, you don't have to do this. I mean it will be tough and we'll be..."

"Even if we had to start all over again it will be worth it, because for the past 3 years you guys have become more than my friend. We're close like brothers and we should stick together." Said Master Chris with seriousness in his tone, "Besides, how will I ever live life without scoop and big Daddy around me?" he winked at them.

"You mean you're ok with this?" asked Joey incredulously.

"What do you mean by THIS?" his face turned from the pouted one to an angry one, "THIS are our friends, THIS are the people who were there for us when we need them. THAT is the Lance that grab a flight all the way form here to Australia to buy that stupid collectors' item of the superman mug, just because you were have sleepless nights about it. Do you remember? Or have they got abandon like the mug that was abandon in your house storeroom?"

Then he turned to Blondie, "what about you? The nights you cried over girls and families, who was there for you? Who was there to fixed up all your worries and fears. It's not me and definitely not Joey, so who is it Justin. Which of your friends were there for you?"

Master Chris took deep breath and sigh, "Just look at them, they are happy and they are in love. How could we break that up? What rights do we have to break them up? What kind of friend are we to request that?"

I hate to break the momentom but I bark my approval at Master Chris's speech. 'You're wonderful and they're stupid.' and I was rewarded with Master Chris's smile.

Joey backed away from Master Chris's words then sat back to think about all of that was said. He look towards the two figures that stood near the bathroom. Lance was still crying a bit, while JC was trying to hold back the tears. Finally, he got up and walks towards them. "I'm still your friend and you guys are still my brothers, but I need time to adjust to this.I hope you guys could understand, it's difficult to see my brothers fall in love with each other... but I still love you both." He said this and pulls the guys into a hug.

I look up to see that the frown on Master Chris's face had somewhat disappeared.

Justin just stood there looking at them, "I'm...I'm gonna go to my room." with that he left the room.

"Blondie!" I barked in disapproval and felt a hand on my head, the frown on Master Chris's face has returned.

"He hates us." Whispered JC in a hurtful tone.

But before anyone could comfort him, Justin popped his head into the room, "Em...just in case...em... I don't hate you. I just need to think about it."

"Well, don't hurt your brain doing It.," said Chris in a joking manner.

Everyone chuckled at this thought and Justin too laughed, he looked at JC and Lance then quietly left the room with Joey following behind him.

Lance hold JC in his arms, "He'll get through." He whispered in a soft tone as he hugged rubbed JC's back.

"I hope so." Said JC as a single lone tear fall from his eye. "I really hope so."

"I know so." Said Master Chris as he went for a group hug, of course putting me down on the floor first, then he releases them. He turns to me and," Come on Busta, back to my room now. You've created enough trouble for the day by being here."

I hung my head and tail down as I left the room, 'he's right, if it was not for me, no one would found out.' I berate myself.

I think Master Chris saw that I was repented or something, because after he wished them good night, he picked me up in his arms and gently rubbed his chin on my head.

'I'm sorry,' I wined and looked at him with a look of regret.

"Hahaha, how could I stay mad at you when you give me that puppy look?"

"Woof." I barked and wagged my tail in happiness.

"But," I stopped wagging my tail when he said that word; he smiled at my action.

"But you must promise me not to be such a perverted dog anymore. I promise I'll get you a bitch to fuck soon so don't go peeping on no one."

I blush at the thought and cover my head with my paws and Master Chris laughed at me all the way back to the room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. --DLS author of Brian and me. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BE NSYNC

Next: Chapter 3

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