
By dog

Published on Dec 14, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is Fiction. I.E: NOTHING HERE IS REAL. :) if it looks real, it only means you need a doctor. :D ok, have a nice day.

Summary: An unexpected visitor. :)

Thank You Notes: To my first reader, Colleen, :D Thank you. :D To Jay and Archane, I've lost touch with the both of you. Hope you're reading this and knowing that you've been missed. :C [pouting] To Mandi, Thank you for the info. To Kuanyim, Thank you for reading. :) To Chris, Thanks for the cute greeting card. :D it made a difference to my day. Thanks. To Cindy. :D thanks for understanding the difficulty in being a writer. :D To Summer Lewis, who wrote too fast for your story. What you've written is just bones dear, ;) put some meat on the skeleton.

The usual: Ton, Jam, Keith, Clive, Francis and James, and Jon. Thanks for being my friends. :D this story is written for you. :D

The unusual: Lanze, thanks for helping me on the previous stories. :D am grateful. And also Chrissy who had read my story. Sorry for not replying, I hope you're still reading this.

Most unusual: To Em, who had posted my story in her website without telling me. :) it's flattering. Please give me a mail. ;)

The new friend who likes to be called Locke. :D Thanks for being you. :D

Busta 15

"HONEY I'M HOOOOMMMMEEEE!" shouted Superman, arms open about to grab anyone he can. Which means no one cos' we're all out, so another prove on 'Humans-are-weird' theory formulated by Busta. :)

"Shut up!" said Justin, pushing Joey's head then running away before Joey can grab hold of him.

"Kids," I mumbled and grumbled, then my body rumbled with the shaking of my Master's body as he laughs at them.

"Hey don't mess up my place." Shouted me Master to the two over-grown kids. Then putting me down on the soft cushioned sofa, "There you go." He announced and walked out to help Lance into the house. Technically, after today's doctor's check-up he should be ok, but the guys still like to pamper him just to make themselves feel better. And how do I know about this? ;) Me Master very smart man. :D

I patted the cushion till it suits me then settled down quietly. 'Sigh, this is life.' I thought, remembering the hard and funny smelling cushion in the hospital. 'We spend way too much time there,' I shook my head then look at my paws, 'My poor beautiful fur is suffering from it.' I licked my paws and ran it over my head. [sigh]

The door opened and in came Lance [the sick one] JC [the sick one's boyfriend] and...'HUH?' I stood on my legs and looked at this stranger. He's a human boy, yellow hair [blond], big saucers blue eyes and with a very familiar looking smile.

"Hey guys, look who I found." Shouted Me Master, his hands on this boy's shoulder and pushing him into the house.

Justin and Joey popped their head out of Lance's bedroom, [they were arranging the bed so that Lance can rest better] then both raised their eyebrows.

"Hey Guys," said the kid, grinning and waving his hands to my two surprised fellows. [Yes, mine. My fellows] ;b

"Aaron! What cha' doing here?" asked Justin walking out of the room and approaching the boy, his forehead holding a small frown, suspicious or disbelieve, I can never figure that out.

"Imagine my surprise when James pointed him out." Said JC, guiding Lance to the seat, though Lance doesn't look weak enough to need any guiding.

"Where did you guys find him?" asked Justin and pushing the kid towards the seats.

"He was at the house opposite to mine, I went over and picked him up. It's lucky I got there cos' Mrs Fletcher didn't like people asking stuffs." Replied me Master.

"Um, guys." The kid waved his hands to get attention, "You know, technically I'm still here. Could you guys, like NOT talk about me like I'm not here?" said the kid in a sarcastic 'Are you guys idiots or something' tone.

I stumbled beside him and started sniffing him, you see, good guys give off good smell, bad guys gives off bad smell. Though, my fellows all give off different smell. Me Master smells like 'Master-I-will-bow-before-you', Joey smells like beer and women, Justin smells dumb and strangely enough, JC smells like Lance and Lance smells like JC. [Shrug] Dunno, don't care. Anyway, as I was sniffing the kid out he looked to me and gave me a small smile and I know [without needing to identify the smell] who he is. "You belong to the crazy dude that swung me around right? You two got the same smile."

"Hey," said the kid, smiling and picking me up and gently rubbing my head. "Is this Busta?" he asked someone.

"Yeah this is Busta." I answered cockily, then purred in content when he started scratching my ears. 'Sigh' :)

"Yeah, that's Busta." Replied my Master affectionately.

He lifted me up, grinning and gently swinging me from side to side, making my head shaking. "Hey Busta, I'm Aaron, Nick's brother. Aww, you're soo cute."

I stopped my head from all the shaking and then raised my eyebrow and said, "Yeah and you're such a moron." ....hey, I did say it in a nice tone....oh come on, he swung me, made my head spin, it's a moronic behavior. And besides, ;b hehehe he doesn't understand what I'm saying. [Busta let off evil laughter and author cringes in embarrassment]

"Yeah he's a cute, whatever, now, what are you doing here? How did you get here? Are the rest of the guys here too? Where are they?" asked Justin, his hands holding the kid's shoulders.

"Gee, that's a lot to ask. Ok, let me think a bit. Hmmm," he said with a dramatic sigh, holding back the answers, generally making fun of DB.

Justin chuckled and shook his head, "My Bad, ok. I ask again, What are you doing here?"

The kid grins and said, "To see Lance."

"Me?" asked Lance in surprise, "But how...no one knows."

"Someone from the company told the rest of the guys what had happened, so I came and look for you." Said the kid, still grinning and saying it like it's no big deal. Which I think it's no big deal either.

"But why did you come, I mean why should...um," JC looked at Lance and Lance looked at JC, both not knowing how to continue the questions politely.

"They mean why should you care," I answer for them.

"You mean why should I care," Aaron looked at them knowingly, then grin and shrug his shoulders. "I care only because Nick's worried, and so were the others."

"Huh?" said Joey, totally lost in the equation, though this time, it looks like he's not the only one.

"Yeah," said the kid, shrugs his shoulders again, "I mean, they know. They were worried about you recovering, there's lots of um, talk about what had happened. Did a little prayer, but was still worried, couldn't come down cos' you guys are suppose to be at war or something." The kid scratch his own head, not really understanding the last part, then shrugs and continue. "So I came, since they can't come."

The guys were silent as the impact of the words sunk into them. The guys of BSB had cared about them; they wanted to come but were not allowed.

"I was right, it was about business." Lance said thoughtfully, stroking his chin in his thinker's mode.

"How did you get here?" asked me Master, finally.

The kid shrugs again [he shrugs his shoulder a lot] then replied, "By Bus."

"You took a 4 hour BUS ride to get here?" Justin shook the boy as he asked the questions.

"Easy," I barked at him, preparing to bite him if he attacks the boy.

The boy gulped and said, "Yeah...what do you expect? A plane? There ain't no plane getting here."

My fellows then groan and shook their head at the kid's statement.

'Huh?' I wondered, not really understanding. "I don't get it."

"Ok, ok. That's not important. Now, the more important thing is, did you tell Nick where you're going?" asked me Master.

"Um," the kid looked guiltily to the concerned faces surrounding him. "You see, I kinda had to catch the earliest bus, and um, Nick's still asleep and so was everyone in the house and um...well, I did left them a note." He said the last word hopefully, looking for some kind of redemption on his action.

Lance didn't say a single word when he suddenly stood up and went to his room, whilst JC got up and picked up the phone and then waited for a while before Lance got back with his organizer. After flipping for a moment he found he wanted pass it to JC who started dialing.

"It's ok," I barked, nuzzling the frightened kid neck with my nose, he in-turn smiled at me and rubbed his cheeks on my beautiful fur. Though the guys looked serious and silent as they waited for Lance.

"Hi. This is JC from N'sync, can I speak to Nick please...yes, thank you." Then he nods his head towards us. The room was still quiet as JC's waited for a full minute before speaking again, "Hey Nick, it's me. Look, your brother Aaron...yes, I know he's missing. He's here. Nick?...yes stop freaking out...I....Nick, now...NICK CARTER!" he shouted to the phone and we raised our eyebrow. "Are you listening? ...You are?...Good, now. Your brother is here." there was another long pause before JC continued, "He's in Chris' new home, you know the addy? Ok, see you in 2." Then he pulled the phone away from his ears and looked to Lance, nodding his head.

"So he's coming?" asked Joey, not understanding the 'mind-to-mind' talk that JC and Lance are having.

"Huh, oh yeah. They're coming." Then JC turned to look sternly at the blond boy, "You brother had been looking for you since morning, he was very worried. So whatever reasons you had for coming here, you'd have to apologize for your behavior and not do this again."

"Yes sir," said the kid in a small tone, pouting and almost sniffling.

"Hey, it's ok." I barked, standing on my high leg and trying to comfort him by licking his face.

"Hey it's ok." Said Joey reaching out and rubbing his head, "It's not really such a big problem." He said, comforting the boy by rubbing his back.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Justin about to protest and me Master covering Justin's big gap with his own hand. 'Dumb Blond'

"Now, did you get anything to eat before you left? I bet you didn't. Come, I'll make you a sandwich and some hot chocolate." Joey slowly coaching the boy to stand and then led him to the kitchen.

I was left behind watching Joey smile and charming the kid to a smile to. 'That's my Joey,' I thought and smiled. You see, he's a doer, not a thinker...um, the disadvantage about this trait is that...um, well, if anything goes wrong he's the first one to freak out. [shrugs] He's human. :b

As soon as Joey and the kid is way out of sight Justin pulls away from me Master's hand and scowls at him. Me Master shook his fingers at the DB, "Ju, he's not your brother. It's up to his brother to scold him not you."

"Damn glad it's not me. If Jon did what he did, I will," Justin scowls further, then growls and turns his fist in opposite motion like he's opening a bottle. Then almost suddenly he stopped and frowns worriedly, then quickly plucked the phone up and started dialing.

Me Master chuckled and shook his head as he sat down beside me.

"Who's he calling?" I asked the smiling guys around me.

"Hey mum, it's me....Yeah, no...no, Lance is fine....No, mum, you can talk to him later....No later mum, is Johnny around? Yeah...yeah, could you put him on the phone please...yeah mum, it's important....No, no it's not serious, just wanna touch base with him...Yeah mum, yeah... Ok. Thanks." Justin waited and paced whilst he wait, his hand on his hips as he walked about. The rest of the guys were smiling at him, amused by his behavior.

I shook my head out of following his pattern of walking around the house then asked, "Why's he walking around the house?" and since me Master didn't give me an answer, I'd have to assume that it's one of those human things again. 'Weird.'

"Hey Johnny," the walking DB stopped and grins to the phone, then chuckled, "Yeah, you and what army."

The smiling guys around me simultaneously looked at each other and mouthed, 'Don't call me Johnny!' then grins to each other like they had accomplished something great.

'Huh?' I wondered intelligently.

Then Justin stopped grinning and ran his hand through his hair, as if confused by the conversation. "Yeah...what?...Yeah, he's here....yeah, um, sure." Then placing the phone on his hips, blinking and frowning, looking up to us before looking towards the kitchen, "Aaron!"

"Yeah?" Aaron's asked, his body quickly followed the answer he had shouted.

"It's um, Jonathon," Justin said, raising his eyebrows, shrugs his shoulder to show his confusion and passing the phone to Aaron, whilst hovering around him.

"So that's how he knows how to get here." said me Master, smacking his fist to the palm of his left hand, and smiling.

JC was the next one to understand and nods his head, then started explaining to his 'lost' boyfriend. "Aaron knows Jonathon and Jonathon knows what's going on here, and that's how Aaron knows how to get here cos' Johnny must have been the one to give him the add and all." he said it loud enough to explain the situation to the rest of us.

"Oh," I said, then went back looking curiously at the kid who's talking to the 'funny thing you put on your ear and mouth and talked to someone very far away'. [AN: in human terms, phone.]

"Yeah, found them....Yeah your brother's not too happy...no...Yeah, Lance looks ok...No I don't have to go back, Nick's coming for me.... Yeah, I'm screwed but at least he doesn't have to brood around and wait for someone to call and tell him Lance's ok...Yeah, I agree it's worth it....Your bro?" then taking a peep at Justin, "Yeah, he doesn't look too happy...You sure?...yeah ok, wait a min." then passing the phone to Justin and quickly moving away.

"Yeah?...Yes you've got a lot of explaining to do...Being 13 doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, you've gotta be responsible for you words." And JC snorted to those words, which Justin scowls at him, "You're right, that's why you should learn from my mistake....No I ain't gonna scold your friend...yes, I swear I wouldn't bite his head off...no he's not." Then holding the phone away and looking at Aaron, "You're scared of me?" then shaking his head from any answers as Aaron looked to the ground and shifted his legs around. "Ok, I swear I wouldn't scold him for his recklessness, I'll leave that duty for his brother....Yes, I'll be nice to him...no I'm not going to forgive you for giving our address to him...no I will not promise not to tell mum, you need to learn from this...I'm your big brother, I CAN do this...no I do not hate you...No!...Johnny? Johnny? Oh, come on don't ignore me....No, I really don't hate you....Johnny?" After a long pause, Justin shook his head an! d grins and said, "Yeah Johnny, I see ya' in a few ok. Yeah, ok."

"What did he say?" asked me Master curious as to what will make Justin stop his rambling.

Justin smiled then chuckled and shook his head, "He said, as long as I don't hate him, it's ok."

Joey chuckled then said, "You've got the backbone of a mush mellow."

"Blah blah," was Justin's reply as he picked a cushion and threw it towards Joey who easily caught it and the pillow fight began, with me Master quickly joining in. :b crazy humans.

As the two-hour mark approaches, the kid started pacing around and looking towards the window. "Don't wear my carpet our, I just bought it and Busta haven't enjoyed pissing on it yet." Said me Master placing the hot chocolate on the table and motioning the kid to him. "Joey made this." The kid chuckled at me Master's remark and eventually sat down, took the chocolate with both of his hands and started sipping it. "Can I try?" I asked, placing my paws on his thigh and wagging my tail, looking towards the drink with my begging eyes. But me Master picked me away from the kid, then placed me in his arms and gently stroke me. 'Maybe later,' I thought blissfully. After a very long silence the kid looked at me Master and asked, "Aren't you gonna lecture me?" Me Master smiled his knowing smile and shook his head, "You'll understand later." He said cryptically and sat back, quietly enjoying the peace in our home. The rest of the guys had sort of retired back to their rooms, Joey taking a bath, Justin taking a nap, Lance resting on the couch and JC calling up the management people to update them on what's happening. Then my ears perked up as I heard the screeching sound of the round rubbery thing on the box [AN: tire], "Someone's outside." I barked towards the window. Almost immediately, all the humans in the different rooms came out and stood expectantly towards the door. The door rang and shocking everyone out of their trance. Grinning to each other, they silently decided JC should open the door. The door opened revealing Crazy-Blond-Dude-that-Swings-Dogs-Around, and the rest of his gang. His eyes didn't register JC but looked around the room till it rested on the kid. "Run, he's gonna swing you." I warned, but too late as he strode pass JC and move towards the kid with a frown on his forehead. "Look, I can explain. OFH!" the kid was picked up and hugged tightly into his arms. There was again silence as we watch the scene before us. The tiny tremors of Nick's body, the silent tears, and the mumbles of 'Thank God,' as he hugged the kid. The kid too was silent and then sobbing as he mumbled back his sorry. "That was what I meant." Whispers my Master. ~~~~~~ "You shouldn't have run away like that!" "I..." "What if you get kidnapped?" "I was just..." "What if you get killed?" "But..." "What if you just disappear from the face this earth and we can never find you again." "Nick I..." "Where was your brain man!" Aaron got up the chair and shouted at the top of his voice. "NIIICCCK!" and getting his brother's attention, "Can I explain now?" "Yeah," said Nick. "This better be good." Mumbled tattoo dude. The rest of them just let out a sigh. "Ok?" Aaron looked around for anyone to say something, and when they were quiet he nods his head. "Ok good now, I came here to look for Lance." Aaron looked around the room with his bright blue saucer eyes anticipating some of these morons to say something, but they didn't so he cleared his throat embarrassingly and continued with his story. "I um, well, you know the other day when you guys were talking about these guys here?...I um..." he shrugs his shoulder, and shifted his feet uncomfortably. Me master smiled and then helped him out by asking, "Nick were you, like very worried for Lance and JC?" "Well, yeah, I was worried. I mean, all of us were worried. We've got the chance to wait in hospitals before and it's not fun." Said Nick. "And there were rumors around that Lance's dead and JC went crazy or something like that." Howie added. "Aaron," the mousy guy calls for attention. "Aaron, we know what you're trying to do....It's true that if Nick doesn't know what's going on with these guys here he'd most probably not be able to sleep." He hold out his hands to stop Aaron from interrupting before saying. "But you're missing the big issue here. Aaron, if you went missing...if you were hurt in anyway. Nick will not only be worried. He'll go crazy. Heck, he'd already lost his mind when he found your note, imagine what he'll be going through if he lost you?" The room was quiet as the small blond kid digest the information. I scratch the back of my ear and yawn and blinked in sleepiness. Before I drifted off to my sleep, I saw the kid silently walked to his brother and hugged him, saying his sorry. And Nick, in reply, hugged him back and said, "You're still grounded." ~~~ I stirred in my sleep, slowly waking up to the sounds of goodbye by the guys. Corking my ear I heard: "Hey Kevin." "Yeah?" "I heard you're getting married." [silence] "Um, I thought you're gay?" [long pause] "It's a long story and I don't feel like talking about it." "Well," [quickly replies] "It's ok. I mean, as long as you're happy." "Yeah." In another conversation: "It's really not JT's fault." "He's also grounded." [slight pause] "Can he be grounded in my house then? It's gets kinda quiet and lonely in your place." [longer pause] "We'll see" Busta fallen asleep.....ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz ~~~~~~

Next: Chapter 16

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