Busmans Holiday

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Apr 25, 2017


Here's the corrected copy of Busman's Holiday 8

Busman's Holiday 8

Ok and move for more of the holiday adventures. The usual warning applies:

if gay scene between consenting males offends you- leave now. If you are underage or it is illegal to read gay material where you live- leave now.

This story is the property of the author and may not be used with his written consent. If you enjoyed the story-#1- grab a tissue to cleanup and consider an on going contributin to the site at: nifty.org/donate.

Ok gab your favorite rag and read on at your own risk. __________________________________________________________________________ Busman's Holiday - 8

The sounds and smell of the dark room added to my already horny state. I was in a Berlin leather bar, in the lower level sex room. I no longer cared about that. All I wanted was pleasure.

A hand reached out and unbuttoned my shirt. I felt a warm tongue suck on my left nipple. I moaned at the sensation racing through my body. Another mouth began to pinch my right nipple. My mind was racing with the excitement of the men attending me. My hands reached out to feel a stiff cock, bare and dripping pre-cum. Unknown hands were working on my zipper and soon had my pants around my knees. Poppers were pushed under my face. I leaned in to take a deep breath from the open bottle. My head began to spin from the intense hit of the poppers. My mind drew a blank as hands were rubbing up and down my ass crack. A slippery finger found my hole. I felt lube being pushed into my tunnel.I knew what was coming but I was uselss to resist.

As my mind drifted into various states of consciousness, I felt the small brown bottle again being pushed under my nostril. I breathed in deeply, hoping to again feel that glorious high. A shot glass was put to my lips. I drank the strong liquid greedily. A fog settled over me as I realized that my shirt was pulled from my body. A feeling of floating came over me until I realized that my body was being lifted by unseen hands and carried to a mattress covered platform in the center of the room. Without ceremony I was placed face down on the dirty mattress. Rough hands pulled my mid section up to a kneeling position. I saw a naked man move in front of my face. He again offered the strong poppers and the shot glass. I accepted both willingly. Rough hands grabbed my hips pulling me into a submissive position. Instantly I felt the tip of a hard shaft pierce my ass hole. It was not a gentle ride but one made nessary by need for release. My mind again shut down as my body opened for all takers.

I woke when a bright light was turned on. I was still in a bit of a stupper from the many cocks that had left my throat raw and my hole sore. Looking around I saw a muscled man in tight rubber shorts and a leather jacket wearing work boots. "Sorry mate, the bar has closed." he gentle said in a strong Aussie accent. "You'll have to get dressed and go home." I looked at the mattress and saw that my cloths had been neatly folded next to me. The man who I recognized as the bartender walked over to me, " Here let me wipe that cum off of your body before you dress. It sure was a hell of a party down here from the looks of the empty lube packets and shot glasses." When he finished cleaning me up, I dressed and stumbled up the stairs. He followed me a minute later, turning off the lights. Once in the bar, he pushed a cup of strong coffee towards me, saying "You might need this before you go out the door." I sipped the bitter coffee and watched him clean the bar. Finally, pulling my head together I asked "Did you have me too?" He laughed, "Nope, I was too busy filling shot glasses with Jaeger and refilling the bowl with lube packets. Though I wouldn't have minded a crack at your handsome body." I relaxed somewhat knowing that at least one man had not used my body for his release. He came over to stand in front of me placing his elbows on the bar. He looked seductively into my eyes, whispering "We open at 1700 in case you're in the area and would like to have a round with me." I nodded and muttered ok. Changing the subject, he asked where I lived. I told him the name of the gay guest house where I was staying and he wrote it on a bar card. "There's a taxi stand at the end of the block. They'll get you back, just give the driver this address." I thanked him and walked to the line of cabs.

Within minutes I was back at the guest house. I let myself in and climbed the stairs to my room. Once in the room I decided that a good hot shower would be ideal to wash off the remnants of my night's adventure. I returned to my room and fell face down on the bed. Sleep and exhaustion overcame me

I woke hours later when I became aware of another person in the room. Moaning I sat up and saw that the young Turkish room cleaner was just finishing my room. Focusing, I saw that he was dressed in tight gym shorts, trainers,and a wife beater that displayed his hairy arms and chest. He was going commando as I saw a thick, brown, cut cock's tip hanging down one leg. Seeing me awake, he mumbles "Sorry to disturb you but this was the last room to clean." I made an effort to stand, he rushed over to help. His cock swayed in the loose shorts. He grabbed me around the waist, with his hand just on the top of my naked butt. I stumbled back,grabbing at him for suppport. I managed to grab his shorts pulling them down. He moved around in front of me to pull me up. His dangling, now semi hard cock was directly in front of my face. I leaned forward catching his meat tool in my mouth. He let out a moan but did not pull away as I sucked him to his climax. Finishing, he hurredly dressed, left the room only to return in a minute with a tray containing coffee, juice and a sweet roll. I thanked him still tasting his Turkish load in my mouth. I must remember to leave him a big tip for the use of his big tip.

I spent the afternoon touring around Berlin. A little after 1700 I returned to the leather bar. I was the only person there. But my cute, muscled bartender was behind the bar cleaning and setting up. He looked up and waved me to a seat at the far end of the bar. I ordered a beer which he promptly brought. but he didn't place it in front of me. Instead he took it to the darkended end of the bar, " here you go mate." he said in that sexy Aussie accent. I moved to the end only to find that it was the open end. He smiled as I sipped my beer. The hot aussie brought over a shot glass and set it in front of me. "Hair of the dog and all that." he said shyly. I downed the shot as he watched. He came around from behind the bar. I noticed that from where we were standing he had a good view of the doorway.

He wasted no time. Kissing my neck he unbuckled my pants and pulled them down just below my balls. The sound of the zipper of his rubber shorts was the only thing disturbing the silent bar. He dropped to his knees and pulled open my butt cheeks to get a view of the target of his search, my hole. I felt his tongue kiss and lick my crack before he pushed it into my pucker. I moaned and leaned over the bar to give him better access. My hole was wet with his salvia and he stood with his hard cock now nestled in my crack. "Ready for some Aussie cock?" he whispered into my ear. My response was to nod and push back against him. That was all the invitation he needed. I felt the monster sized cock head open me up and I welcomed the intruder gladly. He worked his tool around inside of me finding my joy spot. Each time he brushed against it I moaned loudly. Unable to control my body I finally shot off on the side of the bar. My ass muscles tightened around the invader setting off his own climax filling me with his load.

We stayed connected for some minutes before he pulled his now soft cock from my hole. "Thanks mate that was the perfect way to start my night." he handed me some napkins to wipe up the cum dripping from my hole. Finishing my drink, I thanked him and stood to go. As I headed to the he said "It was my pleasure to serve you mate." ___________________________________________________________________________ Ok guys that was the part 8 of the adventure. Hope you enjoyed it and didn't mess up your keyboard too much. Comments welcomed;jaskejr@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 9

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