Busmans Holiday

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on May 4, 2022


Busman's holiday 17- the beach cajuncock

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The action in the hotel's bar left me well filled and very satisfied. I returned to my room, showered and fell into a deep sleep. The sun shining through the window woke me. I grabbed my cutoffs and went to find breakfast in the small room off the lobby. At the long, common table I noticed three other men. Each one was similarly dressed in cutoffs and t-shirts. We greeted each other as we sipped our strong coffee. Our conversation drifted to our backgrounds and adventures so far. One man was Danish. He spoke English. Another was Irish. Our conversation soon moved to our sexual adventures. The two were a couple who lived in Denmark. They told me of their times in Dublin and Copenhagen. They were quite open about their relationship and the many men they had shared in their travels. My cock grew hard as they spoke of the men they had met over the five years that they had lived together. I was the first American they had met. They asked if I had been to the nearby gay beach? I confessed that I had not. They had planned on going that afternoon and invited me to join them. I accepted their offer. We arranged to meet at the lobby in 2 hours. I returned to my room to clean my entire body in the shower making sure that I was prepared in case I got lucky with my new friends.

We met at the approved time and headed for the train station. Before boarding for the 40 minute ride to the beach we bought supplies in the central station's mall. The ride was scenic through the countryside. Once we arrived it was a short hike to the nude beach. The gay section was through the woods and dunes. I did notice a number of naked men on the way. They were actively engaged in pairs and larger groups. Jock, the Irishman, winked at me before explaining that such activities were common there. We walked for another ten minutes before reaching the sandy beach. Before us lay dozens of naked men all staring at us, the new arrivals. We spread out our towels and applied sun lotion to our naked bodies drawing more attention to our stiffening cocks. My two friends began making out with each other. Many eyes were focused on them. I casually stroked my own cock. I looked around at the men staring. Most were average with a few standouts, muscled types. I was tempted to talk to them but my poor language skills held me back. Jock and Carl broke apart, their evident hard cock in plain sight. Carl suggested that we take a dip. The water was ice cold! I quickly retreated leaving them to frolick in the sea. I saw some men laughing as I wrapped myself in a towel. One, a blond, came over to talk. He knelt down next to me, his long, uncut cock nearly touching the sandy beach. He asked with a slight accent, "I bet you are not from here?" Shivering, I told him "Yes, the US." He sat down next to me saying "Here let me rub your back to warm you a bit? It takes a while to get used to our water." I looked at his clear blue eyes before speaking "I guess you're Dutch?" His smile was wide as he told me that he indeed was from the area. His large hands rubbed my back going lower each time. He stopped and turned me to face him. He whispered "There are better ways to warm you, ones far more enjoyable. Shall I show you? Perhaps take you on a tour of an area less windy?"

My cock had recovered from the dip in the sea enough to get hard. He looked down saying "My, my you Americans sure do have a big stick." I mumbled a thank you and you're not bad yourself. He stood giving me a hand up. He pointed to various landmarks along the water. We walked in the sand before heading back into the dunes and the forest. It was a more sparsely occupied area with soft shore grasses underfoot and tall sea shrubs, taller than his six foot height. He stopped and turned, pulling me to his muscular body. I did not resist his kiss. As his mouth captured my own, his hands explored my lower back heading for my ass. I moaned at the feeling of his finger as he rubbed my crack. I pulled back saying "I want to do it but we have no lube." He laughed and walked over to a wooden box attached to a post. He reached inside pulling out a packet of lube and a condom. Holding them up, he asked "Is this what you need? As you can see, I'm up for the job already." I looked down to see the pink tip of his long, thick cock pushing through his foreskin. I fell to my knees with my arms stretched out inviting him closer. Smiling, he walked over to feed me a monster Dutch cock. I was glad for all of my other experiences as I took it to the root elicting a deep moan from him. As I suckled on his tool my hands roamed to grasp his balls. I felt the soft blond hair that covered the large orbs. He held my head in place gently thrusting in and out of my mouth.

After a few minutes he pulled away and asked politely "Can I fuck you? I think that you are one of the most handsome men I've met. I need to feel your smooth, tight inner muscles massaging my cock." I quickly dropped to all fours exposing my needy entrance to him. He needed no further instructions. Like a well bred stallion he rammed his weapon in the target in one long thrust. I yelled out at the initial pain. But in minutes that turned to a supreme pleasure. He rode me telling me how much he enjoyed my body. I moaned my own feelings of pleasure. I told him never to stop, never leave me empty. Our cries and moans were only drowned by the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. For the next minutes of joy, I imagined my life as his mate serving his every need. He leaned to my ear and asked "Can I give you my Dutch seed? I so want you to have something of me to carry inside you." My reply was "Yes, please, yes give me all of it deep inside me." His hands grabbed my shoulders as he sped up his thrusts. I myself knew that this Dutch man could take me anywhere he wanted. I was his slave, the slave of his mighty cock. He screamed out "Here it is, you will belong to me." One deep thrust and I felt the throb of his cock as he filled me with his seed. Throb after throb racked his body filling my guts. He fell on my back breathing hard and kissing my neck.

After a while we separated. He pulled me up for a kiss and told me his name, Claude. I gave him mine and asked where he lived. He laughed saying "Amsterdam, of course. I fly for KLM." We walked back to the beach and my two friends. I introduced them all. Claude sat for a while talking with us before heading back to catch a flight that evening. We left soon afterwards. Dressed and on the train Jock and Carl asked me what I thought of men in Europe. I told them that I wished I could stay forever among these men. My adventures had taught me that gay men could be truely free at least here. Claude, along with Joick and Carl had exchanged contact info. I knew that I had made new friends, ones whose memories I shared.

Next: Chapter 18

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