Busmans Holiday

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Jan 24, 2018


Busman's Holiday 14 cajuncock

This is a work of gay fiction containing sexual acts between males. If this offends you please leave now. If you appreciate the stories on nifty please consider an ongoing contribution to keep this site going at nifty.org/ donate. Comments welcomed : jaskejr@Hotmail.com

My final day in Florence was spent touring and picking up gifts for people back in the US. I arrived at the correct train station on the outskirts of the city as instructed an hour before departure. My train was coming from Rome and had been delayed by an hour. I decided to have a light supper in the station buffet while I waited. So far Italy had been wonderful for me.

Finally, the night train arrived and I was settled in. The attendant in my car advised me that dinner would only be served for another hour. I took a pass on that meal and instead opted for a drink in the bar car. I wanted to get an early bedtime.

An hour into the ride the attendant came by to make up my bed. He informed me that the border crossing into France would be at the Franco-Swiss border. But that all passport controls would be automatic since he'd have my passport. I prepared for a peaceful night's sleep. For once I'd have no sexual adventures.

Arriving at the Gare de Lyon in Paris was chaos. It seems that an hour earlier the transit unions had called a strike to protest a new government policy. All public transit was halted. I managed to grab a taxi with another man who was headed for the Marais where my hotel was located. I got there just before 11AM. Once checked in I asked the clerk at the desk about the strike and discovered that it was a 48 hour halt. He assured me that the local area would provide me with plenty of opportunities for meals and that I might want to take the privately owned water taxi to tour the major sites. It was good advice.

I managed to tour a few of the prime tourist areas with little trouble. I did find a gay restaurant near the hotel for lunch. It was run by a very gay young guy. Being alone and a foreign tourist he gave me special attention. He sat on my lap to explain the menu and the daily specials. Wiggling his butt he did manage to get me hard. I'm sure that was his intention. He turned me over to a hunky waiter who stared down at my crotch as he took my order. The place had not yet filled with a lunch time crowd .

Finishing my lunch I walked down to the river to catch a crowded water taxi up to the main museums. I spent the afternoon touring the Louvre. By early evening I decided that I'd stop off for a happy hour drink at a well known cruising bar. Sipping my wine, I noticed customers heading down a set of almost hidden stairs. Casually I made my way over only to discover that the stairs led to the toilets. It seemed that most toilets were located down in the basements of restaurants and bars. This particular one was very busy with men standing at the long urinal displaying their equipment. I took a place in the middle and was rewarded with a good view of prime French uncut meat. I finished my business with a slightly plumped cock and returned upstairs for another drink.

Standing at the bar I was approached by one or two men who expressed an interest in my own equipment. A hand reaching for my still open crotch under the edge of the bar would check out my by now hard cock. I'd look up to see a man nod his approval. After a few minutes he'd be replaced by another man. Words were not spoken, just knowing nods. I soon grew tired of the game and left for my hotel only a few blocks away. On the way out of the bar I grabbed a local gay map. After a nap I'd plan my evening out.

The map had a pretty good listing of gay bars and places to eat. I managed to translate the codes for each type of location. I was particularly interested in the "naked bars". I made a plan that would allow me to plot a course through the various gay neighborhoods within walking distance. I changed into a pair of tight jeans and a tee shirt that would show off my toned body. Leaving the hotel I stopped at the front desk to ask directions to my first stop. The desk clerk gave me a not too subtle once over and smiled his approval for my look. Map in hand I set out for the first stop, a well known cruising bar.

When I walked in it seemed pretty empty. I sat at the bar and ordered a beer. Beer in hand I turned around to gauge the crowd of mostly older men. They pretended not to notice me. I did notice a pinball machine in the corner and decided to play a game while waiting. Behind the machine was a darkened hallway. Men would walk down the hall and disappear. I finished my game and followed down the hall.

There were a number of small rooms, lite only by small, red lights. I noticed that glory holes had been drilled into the sides of each one. Some of the men were standing around waiting for the action to start. I decided to get the ball rolling and walked up to a glory hole and unzipped. In a flash the booth next to mine was occupied. I fed my cock through the hole and was rewarded with a moist mouth sucking me. I felt another man's hand rubbing my ass through another hole on the opposite wall. I leaned back to give him better access. This went on for only a few minutes before I needed to leave. I didn't want to unload this early in the evening.

Around the corner from the bar was one of the restaurants I'd selected as a possible place for dinner. This one had a leather theme. The shirtless waiters all wore black, leather vests displayed well sculpted abs. Tight jeans completed their outfits. I could see from their attire what the specials of the day were. They all seemed very butch until they opened their mouths- queens. I glanced at the menu and ordered a dinner salad and a small jug of wine. The service was efficient. My salad and wine arrived shortly. I thanked the waiter with a pat on his firm butt. he giggled like a high school girl.

I finished my meal and paid. I walked to my next stop, a well known leather bar. Here the crowd was more of a bear nature- bearded, hairy men in jeans. I got a drink and found a stool in a corner. My tee shirt and tight jeans did attract a bit of attention. I noticed a sign for the toilet pointing down the set of stairs at the back of the bar. I decided that I needed to piss and walked down the steep metal steps. Looking around I saw no indication of the location of the toilet. But I did notice a sling and a screen playing hard core porn. I could hear muffled moans coming from a dark area. I followed the sounds only to find a cavern with a single red light on the ceiling. I saw groups of men huddled around the darker edges of the room. Some were standing around a single guy on his knees servicing the group with a good BJ. The moans of the men being services was a good indication of the skills employed by the men sucking.

In a far corner I saw a single pale ass. The tight ass of a younger man who was serving a large bear of a man. The sucker's pants were around his knees revealing a nice muscled butt. My own weapon took immediate notice hardening in my jeans. I unzipped to give my flesh missile space to air out. I walked up to the exposed ass cheeks. In no time my stiff tool found its target between those pale melons. As I positioned myself behind the sucking young man, I felt him push back to wrap his cheeks around my pre-cum dripping cock. I responded to his movements by pushing tight against him. My flesh missile soon found its target - his lubed hole. I pushed in gently, not wanting to disturb his attention from the man he was sucking. His tight ass muscles grabbed my stiff tool pulling junior in to his welcoming hole. The man being serviced nodded his approval so I picked up the speed of my hips. The moans of satisfaction let me know that my actions were well received. The bear must've gotten his nut off because he plunged one last time into the boys mouth before stepping away. This allowed the guy at the end of my cock to brace himself on the stone wall in front of him. He hissed a very loud "Yes!". It was a distinct British accent. I slowed my pumping, each time going deeper into his guts. Another man walked over to my leaning fuck buddy and whispered something into his ear. I heard a repeated "yes" in response. They kissed before the new man dropped his own pants to reveal another pale set of melons, ready to be taken.

Seeing the 2 sets of pair melons I made an instant decision. I would take both of them. I alternated fucking each one. Of course this little floor show attracted an audience of older gentlemen. Cocks in hand they stood around us watching me perform for my own pleasure. First one, then each of the others shot their loads onto the back of my 2 sex slaves. I withdrew before I could dump my load. I stepped away to replace my cock in my jeans. As I withdrew I was replaced by two of the horny bears. I went to the nearby urinal to empty my bladder before going back up the stairs. I didn't bother to zip up again. My bulge pressed against the denim giving the other customers a good view of my assets.

I finished my drink and left. I headed over two blocks to my first ever naked bar. I was primed for a night of action. I'd noted that this particular bar was a private club not required to close at the normal hours. I found the bar without a problem. There was a small brass plate on the door announcing the name and that it was a private, members only establishment. I rang the bell and was admitted. After paying my fee, I put all of my cloths, except my shoes into a plastic bag and entered into a new, unknown world with its forbidden pleasures. Surprisingly the room was brightly lighted. Of course, it really didn't matter everyone there was present for the same reason- lusty play time! Men stood at the bar fondling each other while pretending to hold conversations. In the darker corners I could see other men riding without shame on the laps of their partners. No one seemed to care who saw them. I got a beer and stood at the far end of the bar watching the interactions of the customers. A few glanced at me but no one made any attempt to approach the stranger at the end. I did notice bowls of condoms and lube packets placed around the bar. There were torn lube packets littering the floor, but few empty condom wrappers. i guessed that the safe option was just that- an option. The loud music drowned out the sounds of skin slapping skin. Up a narrow set of stairs I could see men bent over a railing with other behind them pumping away. I'd found my place for the rest of the evening. The hunky jock strap glad bartender seemed to be taking it all in without noticing any thing unusual going on.

Another drink appeared in front of me, when I gave the bartender a look he nodded to a tall, dark stranger standing down the bar a few feet away. I signaled my thanks for the drink. The stranger raised his glass in a toast. In a few minutes he strolled over to stand behind me. I stood somewhat nervously waiting to see what would happen. I felt his hand on my lower back and then it moved to the top of my butt. I moaned to let him know my pleasure at his touch. His hand moved down to my crack. I felt a lubed finger grease my crack searching. I arched a bit so that he could find his target. I moaned again when he found my opening. A single digit worked into me. I again moaned. The a second joined the first, then a third. He pushed in scissoring my opening to make room for something larger. Without removing his fingers he turned me slightly to face him. I got a look for the first time at his dusty face. He looked like a mixed race man. He was slightly taller and his face leaned over to me. His lips lightly brushed my own. I felt his hard cock brush against my hip. He nibbled on ear saying "I need to be inside you." I couldn't manage a reply only moaning my acceptance of my fate.

We'll have to see what fate brings our touring friend - he's lubed and ready? This is a work of pure fiction. It bears no resemblance to persons living or dead. It takes place before the horrors of AIDS so safe sex is not considered. But you must now play safe!

Next: Chapter 15

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