Busmans Holiday

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Nov 24, 2017


Busman's Holiday 11


Ok, if you've gotten this far you know the drill. This is a work of gay fiction, It is the property of the author and may not be reused without his written permission. Now sit back, unzip, grab a rag, and enjoy.

Busman's Holiday 11


I woke slowly the next morning. I'd had a good night and fell soundly asleep. I felt a warm body spooning against my back. For a few seconds I wondered who it might be. Turning over I saw a sight that any horny man would jump at- the university student. I must've left the door unlocked when I fell in bed. Somehow he'd found his way back to my room and his discarded cloths. I kissed his cheek softly. His arm tightened on my chest. He mumbled a few words in German before opening his eyes. A smile came across his face. He pulled me into his body. I felt both of our stiff cock press against each other. I knew that i had to send him away, but not before one more fuck of his handsome body. I rolled him onto his stomach and without any preparation plunged my hard cock into his well used hole.

He moaned in a very satisfied way as I pumped and pumped into his soft tunnel. He rose to his knees, giving me better entry. I grabbed his hips and fucked him without any mercy. His low moaning soon turned into a lustful moan of desire. I felt his ass muscles grip my cock as he shot his morning load. This sent me over the edge filling him one last time with my cream. We fell onto the bed and the puddle under him. I guess we slept for an hour o so before I woke. After showering together and dressing I took him out for breakfast. It was the least I could do for the great time we'd had.

Over breakfast I explained that I'd be leaving on the evening train for Italy. It broke my heart to see the look of disappointment on his face. There was nothing we could say or do. He thanked me for taking his virginity and showing him the full side of gay life. He hadn't imagined that he could receive that kind of pleasure. We exchanged contact information knowing that there was little chance we'd ever see each other again.

I went back to the B&B to check out. I felt a sudden loneliness as if I'd missed an opportunity. After checking my bags into a locker at the train station, I toured some more, wrote and mailed a few postcards home. Before I knew it time to report to the train had arrived. I needed to be at the station half an hour before departure to secure my reservation. After checking in for the train, I went to the store in the station to buy a bottle of Sekt, the local bubbly. I thought that it might come in handy in order to sleep on the train.

I boarded the train, stored my bags, and when we'd departed, the car porter came by to remind me that dinner was included in my fare and that I needed to reserve for the meal. I chose the last sitting at 2230 thinking that fewer people would be in the dining car. I asked the porter if it was possible to ice the bottle of Sekt. He brought me a small tub of crushed ice.

I left for dinner a few minutes early. I did not now how to dress so decided that a good pair of jeans and a dress shirt would do. The dining car staff sat me at a table by myself, explaining that my dining companion would be another male. I sat nursing a glass of very good German wine when a tall, blond very handsome man in about his late 30s was escorted to the table. He was to be my dining companion. We introduced ourselves and ordered our meals. I offered to share the wine with him. He accepted graciously. Over the meal we talked of his job and my travels. Shyly, he asked if I'd found enjoyment in my German stay. I replied that it had more than satisfactory and even opened my eyes to a new aspect of the culture. He was curious as to what I meant. I explained that the European attitude to sex was far more open than in the US. We switched to more casual topics for the remainder of dinner. Over post dinner cognacs he made some sly comments on the open attitude of Europeans to all kinds of sex, including gay sex. It confirmed my gaydar that he was cruising me. I invited him back to my compartment to share the bottle of Sekt. The ever watchful car porter brought 2 glasses as soon as we settled. He smiled knowingly at both of us.

My new friend, Carl, thanked him with a wink. As soon as we were alone, Carl reached over to put his hand on my thigh. I responded in the same way. Soon the touching had turned into a passionate kiss as our hands moved over each other's body. In no time we'd taken our shirts off and were making out.

We were interrupted by the car porter offering to convert the seats into a bed. He worked quickly, finishing and smiled at us. Carl tipped him and at the same time groped his crotch. The lights in the car were dimmed for sleep as Carl and I removed our reaming garments. Both now naked we fell into the bed our bodies tangled in lust.

Naked, Carl was a sight to behold. He was taller than my 6 foot height. Blond hair formed on his chest, falling down past his belly button reaching to his sculpted pubic bush. Below hanging there was a set of hairless balls. His proud, thick 10 inch cock, uncut like most Europeans, was a good 10 inches of eager man pole. And eager I was to taste him. I fell upon his body, licking my way across his chest, sucking on each nipple, and moving down to those hairless balls. I sucked each one as he moaned loudly. I finally devoted my full attention to this pride and joy. I nipped and sucked my way up his pole until I reached the skin covered large head. Using my lips I moved to skin back to get access to the now leaking tip.

Carl pulled away, reaching for his pants. He pulled out a small container, opened it and took out 2 small pink tablets. I hesitated and looked up at him. He assured me that they were not Viagra but a stimulant that would enhance and prolong our enjoyment. We each took a pill with the remaining sekt. The affect on me was instant. I felt my desire surge. I needed him in any way he wanted to take me.

And take me he did- over and over again in every possible position in that small compartment. I surrendered my body to him to ravish. Over what seemed like hours but was less than an hour, he was able to deposit 3 loads into my love tunnel. His forceful action caused me to have 2, hands free orgasms. Carl curled up to me, both on our sides and his 10 inches planted firmly inside me. I fell asleep contented.

During the night, Carl must've slipped from my bed back to his own compartment. But I did not awake alone. The car porter was on his knees felching all of Carl's loads from my bowels. He was doing such a good job that I awoke moaning. He stood when finished and I looked back over my shoulder to see a well built young man, not more than 20 years old. His thinner cock was stiff with a slight bend upwards. Without speaking he pushed me onto my stomach and pumped that cock into my bowels. The bend hit my g spot sending another climax rushing onto the sheets. He only took a few minutes to reach his own pleasure.

He quickly re-dressed in his uniform before telling me that washing facilities were available at the end of the car and that he'd bring me a light breakfast when I was ready. It was only 2 hours until we reached Florence so I quickly washed up paying particular attention to my rear. I returned to my compartment to find the bed made back up and a tray with coffee, juice, rolls, and cold cuts on the table waiting for me. After eating I repacked may bags to await our arrival. As the beautiful Italian scenery past by I thought of how lucky I'd been on this trip to Europe.

When we arrived at the station in Florence, the porter helped me with my 2 bags. I tipped him generously and thanked him for a pleasant trip. Here I was in the heart of renaissance Italy. Standing in front of the station I could see the first of the beautiful churches that the city was famous for. I was looking forward to a week here in Tuscany.

Ok, our American hero has arrived in Italy prepared for new adventures. Remember that you should send nifty a donation to show your appreciation for the pleasure that stories like this one have given you- nifty.org/donate.

Next: Chapter 12

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