Business Ethics

Published on Jul 13, 1997



Business Ethics

James ran his tongue down the inside of Terry's thigh, matting the dark, wiry hairs with his saliva. Terry strained against his bonds, but to no avail.

"MMMMmmmmmffff!" Through the gag, that was all James could make out.

Terry was tied to the top of his desk. Ties and stockings everywhere. James smiled.

"You know," he began, "you DID ask me to do this. You remember, don't you?"

Terry nodded as much as he was able, a wild look in his eyes as he realized James wasn't going to give him his release.

James looked at the swollen evidence of Terry's lust, bobbing in the breeze from the air conditioner. He reached up with one well-manicured nail and scraped along the ridge of flesh under the head. Terry moaned. James chuckled, deep in his throat.

He reached behind him and pulled a feather out of the ornamental arrangement on Terry's desk. Terry's eyes widened as he realized James' intent, and he tried, wordlessly, to stop him

His thrashes cut the fetters deeper into his wrists, his ankles . . . he stopped.

Slowly James drew the feather along the soles of Terry's feet -- the muscles of his calves, and up his legs. He began twitching . . . helpless in the face of James' dominion.

James reached Terry's scrotum, and moved the feather away. He relaxed for a moment, then tensed as he felt the light touch against his navel.

Moving the feather up his body, James circled his nipples, pebbled with his lust. A careless brush with the feather had drawn droplets of his lubrication along his skin, and the feather was damp with his juice. Terry watched as James' rough pink tongue gently rasped the traces of moisture off of the feather, drinking in his musky taste.

His eyes closed as a thin film of sweat sheened its way across his chest and forehead. His penis bobbed with the thrill of fresh blood infusing the flesh.

James a small vibrator out of his discarded briefcase and began to tickle the edges of Terry's asslips with the tip. Terry moaned once, loudly, and shut his eyes again.

James struck him. Gently. On his penis.

Terry's eyes opened in shock and reaction as James grabbed him by the hair and moved his face into position.

"No, sweetheart," he said gently. Mockingly. "You're going to be a good little boy, and eat me."

James removed the gag, quickly placing his hot, swollen cock into Terry's mouth -- effectively concealing his moans and whimpers.

He began to ride Terry's face. Slowly, with relish.

While Terry's tongue lashed the head and shaft of James' cock, he reached into his briefcase again and pulled out a string of beads. While Terry could not see his motions, he carefully lubricated them, and held them out of sight.

He moved away from Terry's face, wadding up his shirt again and stuffing it into his mouth.

Terry looked at him -- questioningly -- as he moved down his body, his auburn hair brushing his chest.

He felt James' fingers, then his lips brush the head of his penis. He went rigid, then began to twitch, trying futilely to bring on his orgasm. It was an attempt destined to fail.

"Ah - ah - ah," James said, quickly grasping the root of his shaft in a grip designed to slow orgasm, "you can't do that TOO soon, now, can you?"

Terry shook his head in impotent denial, whimpering through his gag.

James leaned down, gently running his tongue over Terry's testicles -- the fine, leathery/satin of the skin pulling up tight as his saliva bathed them. The wiry-fine hairs coiling and stretching with the motions of the muscles underneath the sack.

He reached out with one well-lubricated finger, inserting it into the tight, hot ring of Terry's anus.

Terry's back arched as he began his orgasm.

James reached up, clenching his penis barely in time to stem the flow.

"You bad boy," he said, smiling. "Now I'm going to have to take more drastic measures."

Reaching once more into his briefcase, still careful to hold the beads out of sight, he pulled out a cock-cage with a pressure ring. Once on, Terry would feel both the pressures of cage and impending orgasm, but he would not be able to complete the orgasm. He was helpless -- at James' mercy.

James smiled as he fastened it on Terry, one-handed.

He moaned, shaking his head rapidly.

"Not tight enough?," James asked solicitously, pretending to misunderstand the head-shaking that was increasing in speed. He cinched the straps tighter, giving a wet, purple sheen to the crown of Terry's shaft.

Terry screamed into the makeshift gag as the tell-tale bobbing of his shaft indicated he was TRYING to cum, but the cage wouldn't let him. The pleasure/pain was nearly making him weep.

James reached down again, ensuring Terry's readiness with his finger, before sliding the six-foot-long silk strand with the beads into his tight, hot ass.

Terry's muffled scream echoed in the small room as he began to try to shoot again; but as before, his aim was thwarted, and he was even more frustrated.

James lowered himself slowly onto Terry's shaft, feeling the swelling stretching him, scraping the walls of his ass as he clung to Terry's bucking, rolling chest.

Terry's legs thrashed, one breaking free of the silk tie James had used to hold it to the oak desk.

James reached down, playing with the base of Terry's cock and his tight, swollen balls as he came, splashing his seed all over Terry's chest and neck.

Finally, as Terry's voice became hoarse through the shirt, James released the bindings around his cock at the same time he began pulling the beads out of Terry's ass.

Terry stilled for a moment, then began flailing with renewed vigor as his pent-up orgasms were finally released.

Wave after wave of cum sped into Jame's waiting ass, bathing the walls, flowing back down around Terry's still-swollen shaft to puddle in his groin. Jets of semen smashed into James, pushing him to another orgasm, adding to the puddled come on Terry's body and desk.

They lay sated.

James leaned down, and removed the shirt from Terry's mouth.

They kissed, long and deep, their tongues twining around one another's.

James bent, slowly, to untie Terry's hands, feeling Terry's turgid meat slipping out of his abused ass - a soft thunk as the cock-cage hit the carpeted floor.

When Terry began to sit up, James took his still-tender, swollen penis in his hands.

Terry gasped, his hands going to James' shoulders.

James smiled.

Opening his mouth, he licked his lips and began to swallow Terry, pulling away only long enough to ask, "so, sir. Do I get the raise?"

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