Business Camp

By Sascha Meier

Published on Oct 31, 2015


This story is a work of fiction. All characters are older then 18. They have fun having gay sex. If gay sex is not allowed in your country, you should consider moving to another one. The characters are not having savesex, please use condoms while exploring your sexuality.

Business Camp

Due to a bad economy, 20% of the staff got fired. Now they were trying to increase the team spirit. So one of the idiots from the human resources department, thought that a business camp would motivate the employees. But what's the cheapest way to do that? well lets just put them in a crappy house together and call it "The Hiking Experience Camp" (Somebody actually got paid for coming up with this shitty name).

I already knew one of the guys i was sharing a room with. His name was Sam and he was working in the financial department. I worked in the marketing department. One day i found him on grindr, and from then on we used the coffee breaks for something other then drinking coffee.

We arrived in one of many shuttle buses, our room had three bed's two of them were a bunk bed. Ohh hell no, i thought to my self.

Someone else entered the room.

"Hello I am Paul" he said stuttering

He was a big beefy guy, also in his twenties.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Max" I said smiling.

"And this guy next to me is Sam" I pointed at him

"Hey" he said not even looking at him

"What a shit hole !" Sam said upset

"I will take the big bed" Sam snorted and threw his fancy travel bag on it

"That's cool" Paul sitting on the lower bunk bed

The bunk bed made a horrible sound.

"Sam this is not working, look at him he is huge and heavy, the fucking bed will break" i said to Sam

Paul flushed red like a tomato

"Sorry Paul, i didn't mean to ...."

"I don't care I want the big one, besides he said it was okay" Sam replied

"Sam stop being a bitch and give him the bed" I said quietly

"Okay" Sam said punching me in the gut

"It's all yours Paul" i said

"Thank you" Paul stuttered, not knowing what he just thanked me for.

Paul got up moving to the other bed. He must be from the construction department, he was tall and beefy.

Sam pinched my nipples knowing that I was staring at Paul's ass.

It was already kinda late, so we decided to go to bed. Sam was the first one using the bathroom, like expected. While Sam was singing along to some shity electro song, i tried to do some small talk with Paul.

"So you have been working here for a long time ?" i asked

"No i just arrived two hours ago" he replied

"No Paul, i mean at the firm " i laughed

"Ohh yes i have been working here since I finished my apprenticeship two years ago" he said embarrassed

"Okay cool" i said

This conversation was going no where, so i tried another topic.

"Your a big guy, girls must be really into you" i winked at him

He laughed

"Well actually they are rather scared of me, once my mom set me up with this nice girl and when i entered her room i stumbled and destroyed half her inventory." he said quietly

I almost fell of the bed laughing. Paul was flushing red again

"Sorry, i really suck at small talk" i said quietly

"Ohh it's okay at least your trying... so you have a girlfriend ?" he asked

"Ahm no i like guys" i said

"I like guys too" he smiled

"No, Paul you know i kiss guys and have sex with them" i said scratching my head

"Ohh i understand, my dad told me about that, he said those people are weird and i should avoid them" Paul said also looking out of the window

Well i deserved that. I thought to my self

"But i think your nice" he quickly added

Luckily Sam came out of the bathroom right this second. I wouldn't have known how to finish this conversation.

"Paul you can go next" he said walking passt him

As soon as Paul closed the bathroom door behind him, Sam got ride off his towel. Exposing his hard cock

"You like that ? Yeah you little bitch" he said jerking him self

"Sam, i just wanna survive this camp, leave me alone" i said laying down on my mattress

Sam just ignored my comment and jumped on me. He moved up to my face and started to slap his dick in my face

"Sam... Ouch my eye... Please i am tired" i complained

"C'mon Max just a little fun and then i will leave you alone" he whispered

"Okay, what do you want me to do ?" i asked

Before i knew it Sam started to position me. Basically he had me kneel on the bed, while he knelt behind me. Then he started to rub his dick between my ass checks. I just went with it, i was just to tired.

Suddenly Sam stopped.

I opened my eyes. Paul was standing next to the bed, with a towel around his waist.

"What do we have here" Sam laughed

Paul's dick was pushing against the towel.

Paul realized why Sam was laughing and ran back into the bathroom.

"Sam you idiot" i yelled

"What ? he was hard what did you expect me to say" he replied

I pulled my pants up and got up

"Paul it's okay nothing happened" i said knocking on the door

"Please go away" he said quietly

"Okay, if you wanna talk i am outside" i said walking away

"C'mon lets finish" Sam said jerking himself

"Fuck off" I told him

"Max don't pretend that your not enjoying this, he is totally your type, big, beefy and cute." he laughed

He was right. We both went to bed.

The next morning i woke up to a weird sound. I sounded like somebody gagging

"Ohh you learn fast " i heard Sam's voice

"Okay now take it deep" he said

Then i heard someone choke

"Fucking nice such a big mouth, just perfect for sucking dick" he added

My eyes sprung open and i lifted my head from my pillow.

There was Sam standing at the end of my bed and Paul kneeling in front of him.

"SAAAAMMMMMMM" i yellled

"What is it ?" he said obviously annoyed

"Are you mad ?" i asked

"Just shut up and let me finish this !" he said in serious voice

I just sat there and watch him.

Sam slowly pushed his dick into Paul's mouth, holding him on both side of his head.

"Good job" Sam moaned

Paul was on his knees, his boxers were pulled down and with his right hand he jerked him self, while Sam was slowly facefucking him.

"Okay, i am getting close... " Sam said quietly

"I'll make sure you swallow it all"

This was really hot and grotesque at the sametime

Sam started to breath faster and faster

"Okay here it comes" Sam whispered

Sam's dick was in Paul's mouth, i couldn't see anything.

But guessing from Sam's facial expression he must be filling up Paul's mouth right this second.

Then i heard Paul swallow, but not only once.

"Yeahh fucking drink that cum" he said, while Paul's throat still was moving

Then Sam did something that pushed almost over the top

"Don't move" he said

He pulled his dick out with one hand, put kept the head in Paul's mouth and then he jerked the last remaining cum into Paul's mouth

"Max, you wanna feed him too ?"

End of Part 1

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Next: Chapter 2

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