Business Before Pleasure

Published on Dec 20, 2022


Business Before Pleasure Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Is it better to say, "The baby spilled the milk by accident."  Or the "The Baby spilled his milk on purpose.

It turns out "By" is the grammatically correct preposition to use with "accident" not "on".

Clapper has his dick in Bron's wife on purpose.  He is screwing her on purpose.  I watch as Zima squeezes Clapper's ass cheeks guiding him to thrust himself into her over and over.  They are raw.  I know it.  Clapper isn't using protection.  I keep thinking the weirdest things.  I once told Clapper that he could never embarrass me.  I guess the challenge has been set.

I feel pregnant just thinking how many times Clapper has raw-dogged Bron's wife.   Or maybe that's just me sick to my stomach.  At this point, I don't even know.

It was one of those moments in life where you want to pretend like maybe you didn't see anything.  Maybe I'm seeing shit.  You know.  My doctor did say I was developing cataracts and I remember I was so embarrassed to ask him what the fuck a cataract was so I just nodded and pretended like I knew.  Maybe this was that.  You know?  Maybe the cataract was causing me to see my best friend betraying one of our childhood friends by fucking his wife in our new office.

That had to be it.  Right?

"Give me that big dick, Clarence, yes, damn I love it.  I love you, baby," she is screaming out at the top of her lungs.

She's overdramatic.  It's at that point I realize Zima has missed her calling.  She should have been a porn star.  Her hair is tossing around her face.  Her moans are loud and extra.  Clarence must be doing a great job ramming that cock of his into her but you would think she was getting the best dick in her life.  And I've seen Bron's dick so I'm sure she was used to it.

I also notice one other thing.  Cataracts don't affect sounds.  No.  Clapper was laying the D on Zima and it was literally driving her up the wall.

"Clap, you got to be shitting me right now bro," I state.

It sounds like a weird thing to say and it just feels weird coming out of my mouth.  I can't believe I have to do this.  I just feel exhausted at this point.  I don't want to have to do this.  I don't want to have to confront Clapper about this.  This was not what I wanted to do with my afternoon.

"Oh fuck!"

Seeing their faces when they get caught having sex in the middle of our new office is ridiculous, to say the least.  I look at Clapper and I'm just turned off.  I can't believe him.

He's pulling his pants.  Zima literally covers up her crotch with her blouse.  Her tits flail as she runs and ducks into the closest bathroom.  I'm not concerned with Zima though.  I knew she wasn't shit.  I knew she was capable of something like this.  Zima isn't what hurt.  What hurt was Clapper.  He stands there for a moment, halfway not even trying to hide himself.  Halfway not even trying to defend himself.  He doesn't even give me a look.

"I know what you're about to say," is what Clapper responds.

His face is red.  It's completely flushed.  Clapper has always had some really light freckles but those are all completely covered up at this moment.  I just lean up against the wall.  This is worse than anything I could ever imagine.  Right now, I almost wished it was Romelo.   I almost wished I didn't have this fucking level of being stuck.

"Is this why you didn't want me to tell him anything?" I ask.

Clapper bites his lip.  His words are tripping up.  He's like a kid who got caught failing math after his mom spent hundreds on tutors.  There is no reason for this.  None at all.  Not at least, at first.  He doesn't even try to defend himself.  He's just standing there.

"I'm sorry," Clapper states.

I want an explanation.  Of all people...Zima?  Really?  Clapper was no mediocre guy.  He could get can get any girl out here.  He was a goddam Ken Doll and everyone knew it.  I stand there feeling like shit.  Zima has locked herself in the bathroom.  She refuses to come out.  She's been caught red-handed and just like the bitch she is she's letting Clapper take all the heat.

"How long?" I ask him.

I'm short with him.  I'm short because I'm disgusted.

"Too long," he states.

"This is where all your savings went isn't it?" he asks, "This is the girl whose been taking your money.  Money that you should be using to fight for custody of your son."

"I would go visit.  Those company trips I told you about.  I was really going to see her," he states shaking his head, "We tried to stop it.  A million times.  I'm the reason she dragged him away and left.  And it just ...continued."

"So it's more than a fuck?"

He nods.  Silently.

I shake my head.

" couldn't do BETTER?"

I say it loud enough for Zima to hear.  I want her to hear.  I want her to fucking hear what I think about her.  Clapper was too good for her and so was Bron.  She was trash.  Plain and simple.

"You going to judge me?" Clapper asks, "Because we all end up fucking with people we shouldn't.  Please don't forget the married man you slept with.  Don't forget Vicorio.  Look.  I'm not trying to argue.  I'm wrong.  I'm dead wrong.  I'm sorry..."

This had made things so much harder.  Romelo I was willing to throw under the bus.  Not just throw under the bus.  I'd go pick up kids from school.  Loud ignorant kids.  I'd hit him with the bus again.   Romelo I would drive backward over make sure he was dead, drive forward again, go get some gas and throw him back under the bus.

Clapper I couldn't.  I just...couldn't.

We stand there.  Two best friends who had clearly been fucked up in our love lives.  We were in our 30s and we still hadn't gotten it right.  There was no hope.

The door opens and out she walks.  It's more than a walk of shame.  Maybe she heard it got quiet and thought I left.  When she sees me she just seems humble as all fuck.  That strong look she used to have is gone.  It makes me realize Clapper must have told her that she had nothing against me.  I knew Zima she would be so much more confident if she thought my journal was still hanging over my head.

"Are you...going to...say anything?" Zima asks.

This woman has no shame.  There is no apology.  There is no explanation.  All she cares about right now is whether I am going to say something.

I look over at Clapper, "What do you think?"

Clapper doesn't return my stare, "You got to do what you got to do.  I'm not going to make you choose between Labron and me."

"Clarence, you can AT LEAST try to convince him?" Zima responds panicking at that moment as though Clapper is the one who is betraying her by not wanting to keep their little secret.

"You can relax,' I state, "I  tried telling Bron that his wife is a hoe.  That clearly didn't turn out well.  So I'm not going to do it again."

It was foul.  I knew it was but this was Bron who clearly chose to believe that ignorance was bliss.  It was literally him who got mad at me, cursed me out and looked at me like I was an enemy because I told him about his relationship.  He chose to support his relationship and that was his business at this point.  There was no way in hell I was going to put myself out there again, especially not for Clapper.  Clapper may have been wrong in this situation but we were close.   He was still one of my closest friends.

Clapper wasn't going to make me choose and because of that, I was willing to let him save face.  Because he was right.  We all needed this business.  Good or bad.

"Thank you," she states, "Thank you so much.  Thank you a million times.  Well.  I two have a lot to discuss so I'll myself out."

"Zima?" I interrupt her as she starts for the door.

She turns.  Her face looks like she dodged a bullet.  She literally was wiping the sweat from her brow.

"You are going to go home.  You're going to break up with him..  You're going to tell him you need your space and that the two of you are going to split custody of Athena.  If you don't follow these rules, I'm going to tell him everything.  Either way, this marriage that you have with Bron is over."

The weirdest thing happens.

At first, Zima looks uncomfortable.  Her forehead wrinkles up like she has to take a shit.  She opens her mouth like she is about to say something.   And then she closes her eyes and when she opens them...nothing.  No emotion.  No anger.


She just turns and walks out.


I stay in the office after that.  I have so much to do.  Clapper offered to help but I couldn't be around him.  I don't know what it is.  I just couldn't do it.  I couldn't be fake.  So I asked for my space.  There is so much to do though.  So fucking much and that's when I hear the footsteps coming up into the blank empty space.

I turn and there is Romelo.  He's standing there looking over at me.  He crosses his arms when he sees me.

"Clapper called me.  Said you need help.  Said you have a busy day ahead of you..."  he states.

I think about how I sent Clapper away.  I don't know what I said to him.  I just couldn't deal with him.  Not today at least.

I am reluctant to speak to Romelo, "Did he also tell you that I probably owe you an apology?"

Romelo seems actually confused, "No he didn't mention that.  What is this?  Some type of trick or something?  You got the cast of Punk'd hiding somewhere?"

I roll my eyes, "Punk'd Melo?  Really?  You're giving away you're age."

"Well you're older than me so what does that say about you?" he asks laughing and walking over.

The office space is so empty right now.  We are just at the beginning and we are so close to the edge of everything falling apart.  Things were holding on from a thread.  It would be so easy to let it go right now.  Maintain the friendships that I could maintain and cut everything else off.  But I had no fallback.  Everything relied on this.  So yes.  I had to make things right with Romelo whether I wanted to or not.

"Listen, Romelo...I overreacted.  I want to apologize for accusing you..."

"Did anything happen?  Anything I should be aware of?"

If he doesn't know about Clapper and Zima then maybe it's for the best.

"Just me being a bad friend."

There is a pause.  I didn't trust Romelo.  I treated him like shit.

"I should be apologizing," he states, "Whether you believe it or not...I really was thinking about you when I had sex with your guy.  I just felt like you could do so much better.  That day you caught me with Pharaoh, you got a text remember?"

"Melo I don't need to talk about happened in the past."

Melo isn't taking no for an answer.  He comes closer hitting my shoulder to get my attention, "Just entertain me.  You got a text right?"

"Yeah I think so.  Something about a late water bill that needed to be paid that day."

"It came from a 770 number?  Didn't it?"

"What the?"

"Did it come from 770 number.  A number you didn't have?"

"How did you know that?" I ask.

Melo pauses, "Because I was the one who texts you.  I wasn't lying.  I wanted you to catch me with Pharaoh.   I'd seen him out so many times.  I knew he wasn't right for you.   I picked up Pharaoh at a sex club."

"Why the hell wouldn't you tell me that?" I ask.

"Because you wouldn't have believed me.  How many times did I try to warn you about the dude?  How many times and you always cut me off?"

He was right.  He had a reason, but plot me catching him teabagging the guy I was with.

"You still went too far Romelo.  You went TOO fucking far."

I was getting pissed again.  I didn't want to get pissed over this.  I needed to let this go.  Somehow I needed to find a way to put away this resentment I had for Romelo.

"And I'm sorry.  I have always been so protective of you.  Feeling like you are too innocent to see the dogs in this world.  Hoping that if I became a bigger dog I could keep them away.  I was wrong.  And I'm sorry."

We are silent in the office.  I've never had this kind of heart to heart with Romelo.  After what happened with Clapper I was coming to a realization that my group of friends was more fucked up than I cared to admit.  But somehow we were still around each other even after all these years.  If I could forgive Romelo than maybe there was a chance for us after all.

"We start over," I finally break the silence, "That starts with this company.  Pull up your sleeves.  We are spending the rest of the day getting office supplies, talking to marketing companies and looking up possible supply companies to manufacture the beauty creams."

That was the peace treaty.  There it was.  All the shit from the past I was hoping we could get over right in this moment.

Romelo nods, "I'm with you, friend.  We're in this together."


I arrive home late.  It's been a busy day.  Romelo and I had drinks after.  It was bonding time between us.  Romelo had lots of times to bond with Bron when they were out getting drunk in college chasing girls or with Clapper because they both were really into sports.  It's nice for me and Melo to finally have that one on one time with the thing we had in common.  We both wanted this business to succeed.  By the end of the day, I'm exhausted, to say the least.

It's almost midnight when I finally get home.  I don't know what I expect but I know what I see when I open the door.  I turn to my right and I see Bron.

He's sitting there in the darkness.  And then I hear it.  Whimpers.  Slow steady whimpers in the darkness.  It almost tears my heart apart because I know what he's crying about.  And it's even worse because I have to sit here and play dumb.

"What's wrong?"

"She left me...she took Athena and she left..."


I walk over to him at that moment.  I'm shocked when Bron literally starts crying right in my chest.  Bron wasn't emotional unless he's been drinking and it's really rare that he drinks.  The fact that he is emotional now and comfortable enough with me to show his vulnerabilities is beautiful.  Some people honestly believed a guy who looked like Bron had no weaknesses.

"How did this happen to me?"

"People think men like you aren't supposed to hurt.  You have this perfect model face and this ball player's body.  You're supposed to be blessed beyond belief.  And I've seen you, Bron.  I've seen you put up that front for so long like everything is alright and if anyone threatened that you got mad..."

He shakes his head, "You're talking about me going off on you.  I'm so's just..."

"I don't need an explanation.  Because I know you're sorry," I explain to him, "I know you didn't mean it.  You left Philly because shit in your relationship was going bad and you didn't want anyone to notice.  You want to protect your image so bad.  I can see it.  Your overly perfect outer appearance is what attracted a woman like Zima in the first place.  She saw your clean cut and she thought you were just ballin' with lots of money.  She saw your face and thought how hoes on Instagram would be jealous of her.  The image attracted the superficial and that's what you got.  That's what you'll always get if it's just skin deep."

I've asked him a million times what he saw in Zima and everything was superficial.  He'd say she was a nice person but he didn't really mean it.  That's just what people said.  He got with her because of her look.  Plain and simple.  She was a good look for a guy like him.  She was a trophy and he was supposed to be a winner.  He wasn't winning no more.

"You were probably right about that bitch," he states, "She was probably cheating.  You still think she was cheating don't you?"

He looks at me.  His eyes full of tears. He's hurt over this.  Real hurt.  I can see it all on his face.   Zima had done what I asked her to and now after it all, I realized what that look that I last saw on her face was.  It was a relief.

"It doesn't matter why she left.  She's gone. You can try to find a reason but trust me...girls like her were already looking for a reason.  An excuse to exit stage left."

"You're right.  She can go find another sucker..."

I smile, "That's the spirit.  I'll give you space.   Go get some rest man..."

"Actually I was wondering if I can sleep with you," Bron states.

Bron looks at me and I think I'm straight up imagining it.  Bron was sitting in the darkness.  In the fucking darkness.  His eyes looking at mine and they are so deep I feel like he's going to capture my soul.  My heart is beating so fast that I'm sure he can hear it.  My nerves are going.


"If not that's cool.  I just didn't want alone man.  I haven't slept alone for the longest time.  Usually, I have Zima or Athena in bed with me."

I pause.  Awkward is an understatement at this point.

"Yeah.  Yeah, it's cool..."


One day turns into two days.  Two days turns into two weeks.  It's been two weeks that Zima has been gone and Bron is still in my bed.  It's a Monday.  I wake up and he's been making his way closer and closer towards me every morning.  This morning his leg is touching mine.  This morning he's sleeping in his boxers.  He has no shirt on.  The sheets are pulled back and that's when I see it.  His dick is slightly out of his boxers.  I can see the tip peeking out.  His dick is amazing.  It's hard as all fuck. Most likely morning wood because I know Bron was a heavy sleeper.  I just stare at it for a minute mesmerized.

He hadn't minded me touching it before.  What if I did it again?  I look down at it.  My mouth is literally watering.  Damn this man was so fucking perfect.  Even laying down flat on his back his abs look like he is in the middle of a straight up everlasting crunch.  His v-section is so tight and small.  My breathing its irregular.

Out of nowhere my alarm goes off.

He wakes up quickly snapping and jumping and turning to me almost catching me staring at his meat, "Damn I hate your alarm."


"Morning sweetie," he laughs.

I wish he wouldn't play like that.  It plays with my feelings but fuck I like it.  I can get used to it.  I can get used him carelessly fixing himself, following me into the bathroom and standing over me as I brush my teeth.  I can get used to looking at his perfect face in the mirror as he could care less about my personal space and starts brushing his teeth right next to me.

I can get used to him shuffling his favorite 90s hip-hop song that we both know all the words to and both bob our heads in the mirror staring at each other at that good parts and raising our voices while gargling toothpaste.  I can get used to that shit.

"You should come to the office today," I state after rinsing my mouth, "We are starting to make progress.   We got our manufacturing unit in place.  We're still researching the best markets.  Clapper is taking care of all the legal details. We're going to start hiring soon.  You don't want to miss that."

"Man...this divorce..." he starts off.

He had just heard from Zima that she was already drafting divorce papers.  It had to be hard for him.

"I get it..."

"You're mad?" he asks me.

I shake my head, "No.  I'm fine."

"I'll make it up to you.  I promise," he states shaking his head, "I love how much you care man.  You're so perfect."

I laugh, "Don't kiss ass now man.  I said it's OK.  I know you're going through you're depressed.  I'll explain it to the others."

"I'm not kissing ass," he states, "I swear.  You're just amazing.  Guys like you shouldn't be single.  If it's up to won't be single for long..."


I go to work and I'm out of it.  I keep thinking about what Bron told me before I left.  I kept thinking about him saying I won't be single for long if it's up to him.  What the fuck does that even mean?  I'm sitting in the office.  We were at the table in the conference room because that's the only furniture we have in the office.

"I got a new partnership!"  Romelo raises his hands, "Mary Lyons., founder of Lyon Ladies.  She says she'll carry the product."

I know I should be focusing.  It was important we open up multiple open partnerships.  More partnerships meant reliable options instead of just relying solely on one vendor.  Romelo has been working on securing Mary Lyons for a while.  He literally had to go up there and knowing Romelo he put on all the charm and won her over by flirting with her.  Still it was a win.  A good source of vendors meant risk diversification and competitive pricing.

Clapper is in the room.  I should have reacted differently because I know he knows me a little too well.  He's staring at my face and he's giving me a look.

"What's up with you?" I ask.

"Nothing," I respond.

Romelo laughs at that moment, "What's the issue with you two?"

I shake my head, "No issue.  I just need people to mind their business."

Clapper shakes his head, "I'm not in your business man.  Just concerned.  That's all.  I know my friend and you would be all over this business stuff.  Romelo just scored our first partnership and you didn't even blink an eye."

"Good job Romelo."

"Thank the smile," Romelo smiles at me.

"That smile is going to make us millions one day," I laugh.

Romelo actually was the perfect salesperson.  He was approaching handsome and slick as a snake.  Perfect guy to deliver our message.  This business was going to do big things.

I turn to Clapper hoping this is enough for him.  It's not.  He's still suspicious.

"So is it just us three?" Clapper asks, "Bron hasn't shown up since we opened this office?"

"He's going through some hard times.  I told you guys him and Zima are over.  He just needs space.  He's still whipping up the samples we need."

Clapper of all people should know why.  Sure I had saved Bron from the truth behind his break up with Zima but I felt Clapper should still be more sympathetic to Bron.  That wasn't the case.  There was still so much angst there and I just couldn't understand why.  Truth is I never did get an explanation from Clapper on why he cheated with Zima.

"I facetimed him this morning," Romelo states, "He said he'll show up soon."

"See," I point out defending Bron.

Romelo isn't done.  He looks at me slyly before adding, "You know what was super weird though.  He facetimed me from your bed.  I dunno if your room had more lighting than his or ..."

Fuck.  Just when I thought me and Romelo were cool again.

I see Clapper's face just go nuts with the judgment.

"You GOT to be fucking kidding me," Clapper states.

"Oh, you're judging?" I ask.

Clapper shakes his head,  "Why is he sleeping in your bed Nile?"

Romelo and Clapper both look at me.  I can't lie.  I had it written all over my face.  It sucked that Clapper knew me so well and it's almost like he's getting revenge for his bad relationship actions.  The tables have turned yet again.

"Yes.  Me and Labron have been sleeping in the same bed."

There is silence before all chaos.

"I KNEW IT!"  Romelo barks, "I knew he was gay.  I swear.  I always said Clapper is the only completely straight one in this group when I came out as bisexual.  No one fuckin' believed me.  I knew it!  I fucking knew it!  All those ass grabs he does with you Nile.  Ain't no fuckin surprise.  You can say "No Homo" until the cows come home.  Ain't no straight man sleeping in the same bed as another fully grown man when they got they own bed to sleep in. Period."

"We are just sleeping.  I promise you."

"Come back out from Wonderland, Alice," Romelo responds, "He wants your cakes.  And I'm not talking about them ol' nasty carrot cakes you make on Christmas that we all stuff in napkins when you're not looking..."

"Wait.  You said you LIKED my carrot cakes," I point out.

Romelo gets quiet.  Real quiet.  That crafty little bastard.  No wonder he always wanted to throw away the trash from the table.

"They're amazing it was" Romelo states lying between his teeth.

That's when I hear someone slam something on the table.  It's Clapper.  He's much more serious than the rest of us.  He doesn't find this amusing in the slightest bit.  I notice he has been holding my phone the whole time.  He slams it.  I look at him like he lost his fucking mind.

"If he wanted to be with you this whole time then why the fuck didn't he just let it be known?" Clapper asks, "Why the fuck was he married when we all knew for years he's been in love with you."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Read the text," Clapper states.

There is disapproval all over Clapper's face.  I grab my phone and start reading the text that he sent me.

It reads:









Holy shit.  Clapper was right.

Labron was taking me on a date...

To read the next chapter go to

Next: Chapter 7

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