Business Before Pleasure

Published on Dec 14, 2023


Business Before Pleasure Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Is it better to say: He could not feel any farther away?

Or should you say:  He could not feel any further away?

Farther is used when you know exactly how far something is.  You can see the finish line for instance.  You know just how much farther you have to travel.

Further is different.  It's that area of the unkown.  You don't know the distance if you use further.  It's a much scarier word.  How much further do I have to go?  It's a frightening word.

"Assautled me?" he asks.

I can't read him.  I'm wondering if he is going to hit me.  I wouldn't blame him.  I heard men died for things like that.  They were killed.  Or maybe he'll put me in jail.  Maybe I deserved it.  I had crossed a line and my whole life this had eaten me up from the inside.

"It started in the middle of the night.  We'd gone out to a bar.  You and me were chatting the whole night.  Clapper had a girl he was chatting it up with.  And Romelo had took off having his random mood swings.  And you got so drunk.  You were such a light weight.  And I took you to a car.  Thinking I was being a good friend.   As soon as we got to the car I got you comfortable.  We were waiting for Clapper to finish whatever the hell he was doing.  And the street was so quiet.  The night was so perfect.  You had your eyes closed.  You were basically passed out.  But when I checked I noticed you were hard.  Your dick print was I acted on it.  I lowered my pants.  I spit.  I climbed on top and I rode your dick in the car."

He couldn't feel further away after I finish my explanation of that night.  He leans forward and I block my face. I'm sure he is going to knock me out.  I'm sure he was going to kill me.  And maybe I deserved it.  I wouldn't stop him.  I'd happily die to make this moment right.

But instead of a punch, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"It's cool," he states.

I turn.

My eyes look at him and I can't believe what I'm hearing.  I had gone through every scenario of what would happen when I told him about the truth and this just wasn't one of them.

"You aren't mad?'

His eyes squint at me, "Bro.  I knew."

My mouth drops.  I just feel heavy in my skull.  I couldn't believe what I was hearing when he says what he says.

"You were awake."

"When I'm drunk I'm not completely out of it as it seems," he explains.

"Why didn't you stop me?"

There is a pause.  I'm the one who is shocked and confused at this moment.  The tables have turned.  I remembered that I rode his dick for just two minutes.  I remember Clapper running out.  A part of me always wondered if Clapper saw what was going on that night.  I felt so guilty that I had to get it off my chest.  That's when I first started writing in a journal.

And that's when he takes a step closer to me.  That's when Bron locked his lips.  Was he enjoying this?

"What if I told you that I knew you were doing it?" he asks me, "What if I told you I enjoyed it?"

"You're joking?"

He laughs, "First off I'm different but please don't ever try that with someone else. But yeah...I was curious.  I mean we were in college.  If I was ever going to have sex with a guy then why not do it with my best friend.  Sure I was shocked when you started, but I didn't stop you because I mean it felt good.  It was so fucking tight.  Honestly, I was pissed when you stopped."


That's all I can say.

What does it take things from here?  It was the scariest moment in my life and all in a few seconds it was completely erased.  What was even weirder was knowing that this man I had been so obsessed with actually didn't mind having sex with me.  Now he's standing so close.  Uncomfortably close and I just don't know what to say or do.  He was single when I did it.  What would he have said if I returned the next day?  Clearly, he said he didn't want me to stop.

"This is going to make things awkward between us, isn't it?" he asks, "That's exactly why I pretended to be knocked out.  I knew it'd get awkward between us.  Why open up about it now?  I'm not sweating it..."

"Zima found my diary and I was scared she would say something before I did."

"Ignore Zima."

"That's the problem.  I can't.  I think your girl is cheating on you."


And then weird.  This look of disgust almost.  It's almost like his reaction were reversed.  I expected him to expect that Zima was cheating and be mad about what I had done all those years back.  No.  There was no expectation here.  He was shocked.  He was beyond shocked.

"Why the fuck would you say something so hurtful about my baby's mother?" he asks.

"Hurtful?" I ask, "It's the truth.  I heard her on the phone.  And the worst part is I think she's cheating with Romelo."

"Yo get the fuck out of my face."

"Excuse me?"

I'm shocked.  He had turned on me, almost completely.  I had seen Labron snap.  The thing about him snapping is that when he snapped it was never really on me.

He's trying to walk away and I reach my hand out.  I try to grab him.  I'm desperate.


Labron jerks his hand away from me hard. He jerks his hand away as if he didn't trust me.  He jerks his hand away from me as if he didn't care about me at that moment.  When he looked at me I thought I was seeing a fucking enemy.

He's making a commotion.  I'm sure that's why Romelo and Clapper join us.  Clapper gives Labron a hard look.

"Yo don't fucking scream at him dude?"

"Or what?"

"Or I'll bust your fuckin' ass."

I knew Clapper.  He got crazy when it came to me.  It had to do with the stereotypes involved in me being gay.  Clapper felt like I couldn't speak up for myself or that I needed constant protection just because of my "fragile" sexuality.   It was ridiculous.  Hell Labron had been guilty of it too, recently with Vicorio, but that was all out the window at this point.

The two get in each other's face.  I know shit is going to go down.  I grab Clapper, "I can handle this on my own."

"He needs to step back," Clapper states, "He can save all that tough shit.  We're all grown ass men now.  Labron ain't bossing no one around.  Not anymore."

"What the fuck is the problem here?" Romelo asks, "Everyone needs to calm down.  We are all friends."

"Calm down?  If I listened to our so-called friend, that would mean you were FUCKING my wife."

Bron spits the words as though he can taste the lie in his fucking mouth.

Romelo looks over at me, "You told him that?"

"Where's the lie?"

Romelo laughs.  He looks over at Bron, "I told you he was in love with you.  Didn't I?  I told him he was obsessed with you.  He's just trying to break up your relationship."

"You told him that?"

It's clear why Bron is so upset.  Romelo has been poisoning his mind this whole time.  He's been turning Bron against me.  He's making Bron think I'm some love-stricken little kid trying to break up his relationship so I can have Bron for myself.

Then he does it.  He does one of those Romelo smirks. One of those confident smirks that make me want to punch him.

"Why else would you make up such a lie?" Romelo asks.

I don't know what comes over me.  I just lose it.  It's me this time.  I reach over and I punch Romelo.  I punch him square in his jaw.  I think both Clapper and Bron are shocked when I do it.  Maybe now they'll stop looking at me like am so goddam fragile.  Romelo is shocked when I hit him.  I cuff my fists wondering if he's going to retaliate.

He just laughs, "Fuck this..."

Clapper calls out to him, "Romelo!  Fuck guys...he's walking out the company."

"Let him go," I shrug.

"We need him," Clapper answers.

"Didn't you hear what I just said about him?"

"And I am supposed to just take your word for it?" Bron asks me.

It hurts.  It hurts so fucking bad.  No proof.

I had no fucking proof.

"I'm not lying..."

There is silence at the next moment.

"Where's the proof?"

Fuck.  That was the hard part.

"I don't have any," I tell Bron.

He looks over at me, "Am I just supposed to go on your word?"


He shakes his head.  With that, he just storms off.  Bron is pissed.  I can see it in his eyes.  It's so clear at that moment that I did it.  I finally ended up ruining my friendship with Bron.  When I finally finish what I'm saying I lean up against the wall.  Clapper looks over at me.  I can tell he's pissed.

He just walks off.  Just like that.

I look over at Clapper.  He has this huge "I told you so" expression on his face.  And he's completely right.  I shouldn't have done this.  I shouldn't have interfered and now everything was in jeopardy.


His tongue ripples through my cheeks.  I can feel his body pressing up against mine.

"I didn't think we would make up.  Thought that argument was the last of it.  Maybe this is meant to be," he tells me.

It's that night.  After all the argument I'm shocked that I end up here.  It's almost morning.  We've been making love all night.  I'm in his bed and I feel his dick press up against the side of my thigh.  He gets hard.  He pulls his leg over my shoulder and slowly begins to slide in me.  His hard dick has an immense curve to it.  As he enters me with the uncut dick I squeeze onto the sheets pulling them up and biting on the pillow.


I was back in his bed.  Maybe it was a moment of weakness.  Maybe it was because I had ruined my relationship with my group of friends forever and I don't think there was any fixing it this time.

Either way, I was weak.  I was vulnerable and he had me in his grasp.

Vicorio dances in between my cheeks.  I look up and see that handsome face of his.  His smooth demeanor.  He is loving every moment of this.  He knows he looks good.  The only person I know that has a bigger ego than he does is Romelo.  I don't mind the ego.  There's something sexy about it.  There's something sexy about a man who knows what he wants and is confident enough to go for it.

His stroke is so hard.  The entire bed thumps underneath us.  He is holding on my dick, jerking it off angrily.  It feels so good that I can feel myself cumming.

"I'm cumming," I tell him.

I explode all through his fingers.

He continues jerking me off and like an idiot, my head rolls back to the headboard.  I straddling his waist between my thighs.  My dick thrusts forward into his hands.  The stick goo between his fingers is used to drain me completely.

He milks me until there is nothing left in me.;

And then he leans over and begins to suck the head, taking my semen into his mouth and swallowing every little bit.  I am so sensitive on the dick of my head that I laugh like a kid and push him off of me.

" taste so good," he states after drinking me up.

"You don't want to cum too?"

He shakes his head, "Nah.  I'm good.  I just want to make sure you're good.  That's all that matters to me."

Weird.  I'd never had sex with Vicorio without him wanting to cum as well.  Vicorio just keeps looking at me after saying that.  It's weird.


"Nothing.  I don't think I ever realized how handsome you were," Vicorio states.

I get up at that moment.  I start putting on my clothes.

"Where you going?" he asks.

"Uh...busniness.  I got to go looking for office spaces for my business."

"No need.  I got you a place."

"Excuse me?"

"It's the least I could do.  I know my wife is investing in you.  I still have access to her accounts.  What're a couple more dollars a month going to do to rent you a location."

"You've got to be kidding me?"

"Nah.  Here.  I'll email you the details."

I look over at Vicorio.  I was beyond confused.  He was being nice.  A little too nice.

"What's the catch?" I ask him.

"The catch?" he states licking his lips, "Stay here with me."

"What you mean?"

"Sleep here with me...until the afternoon.  I just want to hold you."

I'm surprised.  This is definitely not Vicorio.  I guess he really was done with Waverly.  It's weird when I lay back down on the bed and Vicorio holds me.  He holds me tight.  It's clear that he's feeling something this time.

But the weird thing.  The fucked up thing about it is the tables have turned.

While Vicorio was falling for me...I felt nothing for him in return...


We have a meeting the next day.  Everyone is supposed to show up.  We are supposed to look at the new office space that we have picked up.  Only Clapper and I end up showing up.  We get to the office space and it just seems...awkward to say the least.

The floorplan was very spacious.  Spacious to say the least.  It had 6 offices, conference room, large open area, and 2 restrooms.  I take out my phone and start walking around taking pictures.  I realize I'm the only one doing it.  The place is nice.  Vicorio did a really good job.

"It's a decent start," I state.

Clapper nods, "Yeah.  It's cool."

I look at Clapper.  I can see it written all over his face.  There is an issue.  I know him way too long.  I love Clapper.  He's my best friend and I know when my best friend is in pain.

After a few seconds of awkward silence he mutters the words, "Just say it."

"I'm dead broke."

I shake my head.  I knew where this was going.  He kept talking about giving all his money to his girl.   Things were rough for him with this separation.  Then there was Jr.'s custody case.  God knows how much money he was putting into that.  Clapper had always been good with money.  He's always had savings.  Shit was hitting the fan for him for real and it looked like he was desperate.

"You want me to make up with Bron and Romelo..."

"You have to.  You don't have any proof that Romelo is cheating with Zima," he states, "And I have to keep it 100 with you.  You look stupid."

"Stupid.  Wow."

"I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't tell you," he states, "Everyone is looking at YOU crazy.  We all signed that contract.  All of us need to be here.  You need to make this right so that we can actually do this business the right way."

He pauses.

"We can do it without them.  No one told them not to show up."

"No.  We can't," he states, "And I love you to death.  I swear I do, but you NEED to go make things right.  You need to keep the peace."

So it was on me?  In the end, even Clapper wasn't taking my side.  I look at him at that moment.  He was right.

I had to go make things right.  I had to.

I leave the office at that moment.  Clapper was going to spend time getting the office together but I knew he wanted me to work on Romelo and Bron.  I didn't know which one was going to be harder.  I hated Romelo right now and I had this sick feeling I was right about him and Zima but I needed to make peace with him.

Then there was Bron.  I loved Bron but I'm so disappointed with the fact that he didn't believe me about Zima.  I'm so disappointed that he had ignored my text since our argument.  It was clear he didn't believe me.  It was clear he felt like Zima and Romelo could do no wrong.   Bron was always closer to Romelo than Clapper and I.  Romelo was that devil who always used to lead Bron to make horrible choices.  And sometimes Bron was a little too trusting.

I get halfway home when I reach for my phone.


I forgot it at the office.

I turn back.

When I get back to the office it's dark in there.  Real dark.

"Clapper...I left my..."

I stop talking.  I see Clapper with his pants down to his knees.  His butt is showing.  I'd know Clapper's butt anywhere.  I always used to tease him because he had the biggest bubble butt I'd ever seen.   He's fucking someone.  I'm annoyed.  I hadn't even been gone 30 minutes and this guy was already fucking christening the office.

"Really?" I ask him.

That's when Clapper turns and he throws himself back.  He's shocked.  I hear him scream aloud, "FUCK!"

His dick is dripping wet.  He'd came just when I interrupted them. Flickers of his semen drop on the floor but not all of it.  Some of it was left in the person he was fucking.

And then I notice who it is he was fucking.

All of a sudden I notice why it is Clapper has been so broke.  I thought him always complaining about giving all his money to his girl meant Jr.'s mother.  No.  That wasn't his girl.

"Damn," she states.

I just shake my head realizing everything is changing when I see Clapper has been having an affair... with Zima...

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Next: Chapter 6

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