Bus to Bathroom

By Mark Pennington

Published on Apr 2, 2002



Hi, I'm the author of the (currently) 2-part story, Eating at the Apple, found in the encounters section. While much of those stories are true (names changed, dates changed, etc.) the following story is totally true. This took place in my junior year of high school and forever changed my life.

=========================================================== From the bus to the bathroom, a first time experience.

I knew I was bi for quite some time. I had limited success with girls so far, mostly kissing and petting in a dark theatre. My usual sex partner was my right hand with old "lefty" thrown in for variety.

I'd found that from time to time the images I conjured in my fantasies were male. This bothered me for a couple of reasons: I lived in a pretty small town and homophobia ran rampart. Also, I wasn't what I considered to be cute. I was overweight (chubby) and recovering from teen-age acne. I was scared to make the first move for fear of getting pounded and was pretty sure nobody would put the moves on me. Imagine my surprise when that very thing happened!

I was riding the county bus home. I'd walked down to the local bookstore after school and didn't feel like walking the additional 3 miles or so home after that. I got on and a kid I sort of knew was in the back. He called out my name so I made my way to the back of the bus.

Chuck was ok looking; a bit on the chubby side like me. His complexion was better than mine. He had a raincoat spread out over his lap and grinned at me when I sat down next to him.

I don't remember what we initially talked about but Chuck very quickly turned to conversation to sex. He asked me if I'd ever been with a guy before. I told him I hadn't. He then showed me that his pants were unzipped and his hard cock was sticking out of them underneath that raincoat. He asked me if I wanted to fool around. I couldn't talk. I just nodded my head.

Chuck spread the raincoat out so that it covered both our laps. It seemed an unnecessary precaution but it made me feel more secure. Then he took my hand and placed it on his cock. For the first time in my life I was holding someone else's cock!

It wasn't very big, but it was quite hard. I discovered I loved the feel of it in my hand. I ran my thumb over the head and enjoyed the spongy, silky feeling. I started stroking him as Chuck reached over and began to rub my throbbing cock through my jeans.

I probably would have kept going had Chuck not stopped us. "Right now, the bus driver isn't sure what we're doing back here but he's been looking a lot. Let's take the next bus stop and finish this off somewhere private," he whispered.

I agreed. I'd have agreed to just about anything at that point. We got off the bus and looked around. Our choices were pretty limited. There was a grocery store, a gas station and an elementary school near by. My house was closest but my mom was home and my dad would be home soon. We headed for the gas station and snuck into the men's room and locked the door. I leaned against the door for good measure.

Chuck and I hugged, our crotches grinding together and I kissed his neck and cheek. Our lips met and opened. As we French kissed, we helped each other to push down our pants and underwear.

Soon Chuck had both our cocks in his hand, stroking them together. This felt wonderful but I wanted more. "Suck me," I begged.

Chuck dropped his coat on the floor in front of me and then got on his knees. He looked up at me with my cock resting against his lips. Then his tongue darted out and licked around my cock-head, down the shaft, around the base and then back up.

At first, he only took the head into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. He cupped my balls in his hands and began to slowly take more and more of my rock-hard cock into his mouth. I knew I wasn't all that large compared to other guys I'd seen, only about 5 - 5 1/2 long but fairly thick. Chuck had no problem with taking my entire cock into his mouth and throat. This obviously wasn't his first time!

After a while, I could tell I was building to what promised to be the most intense orgasm of my life. Chuck pulled my cock out of his mouth and jacked me off like crazy while he squeezed my balls with an almost painful intensity.

I came more than I had ever cum before in my life! It seemed to go everywhere. My knees got weak and I'd have fallen if it hadn't been for the door behind my. Chuck apologized for not taking my load in his mouth but I didn't mind.

Chuck got some paper towels and helped me clean up. I offered to take care of him but he suggested another time and place, somebody could come with the key to the bathroom and catch us there pretty easy.

So, we went our separate ways. Chuck called me at my house that evening. I tried to explain to him that I couldn't talk about anything but I figure he was stroking himself as we talked and wanted me to provide him with details about what we would do next time we got together.

My father was listening in the other room and totally freaked out. I got the crap beat out of me and joined the Navy to get the hell out of town as soon as it was legal for me.

Chuck and I got together a couple of times over the years. I don't know where he is now but I wish him well.

As always, I welcome your comments.


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