Bus Stop Stud

Published on Jun 2, 2015



The story is a fictitious work that depicts sexual encounters with partners not using condoms. As always, please be safe and take precautions. Meanwhile, enjoy the story.

Bus Stop Stud (By Jason Moore)

I first saw him at the bus stop on my way home from work. It was one of those early fall days when the temperature made it seem like mid-July. I was working the late shift this week, but even in the dim light of the night, he stood out like a shining beacon. He was wearing some khaki shorts and one of those Under Armour shirts that snugly fit his torso. What really caught my attention was his phenomenal physique. He had the well developed arms of someone who spent a lot of time lifting weights. His massive chest was barely confined by the fabric of his shirt. I was instantly in lust mode as I sat at the red light and ogled him. Suddenly he looked my way just as the guy behind me honked. He was wearing a ball cap pulled low so I couldn't really see his eyes, but I swear I saw a smile crease his face just as I turned to look ahead to see the light had turned green. As I drove ahead, I glanced in my rear view miror and saw that he was watching. When I finally got home in bed I had a wild jack off session dreaming of that hot stud plowing my ass into oblivion.

The very next night, there he was again. This time he was wearing a wife beater and some blue jeans. The white t-shirt seemed to glow in contrast to his dark, mahogany skin. Once again the light turned red as I approached the intersection. This time I was the first car at the intersection, but fortunately I got a good view of him in my side mirror. I wasn't sure if he knew I was watching him, but he was facing my way and that hint of a smile appeared again.

Over night the weather took a drastic turn as a cold front rolled in. There was about a 20 degree shift in the temperature. On my way home that night I saw him again, only this time he was wearing a long sleeve sweat shirt with a dark blue, vinyl coat. I was in the inside lane and as I pulled to a stop behind a large SUV in front of me, that hot stud was just a few feet from my passenger side door. As I glanced at him, I saw he was watching me intently. He had that same ball cap on and reached up one hand to tip it as if to acknowledge me. Then, surprisingly, his other hand grabbed his crotch as he flashed a wicked smile. He had quite a handsome, rugged face, with luscious, kissable lips. Then, for the second time that week, the guy behind me honked to let me know the light had changed. That sexy stud began to laugh as I pulled away.

The rest of that night and the next day I couldn't get him out of my head. Hot day dream fantasies occupied most of the hours. As I was leaving for the night, the weather took another nasty turn with a heavy rainstorm. Even with an umbrella, I got soaked just running to my car. As I was nearing that intersection, I could see him huddled next the the bus stop sign. He was in jeans and a sweat shirt and was holding a magazine over his head. I could clearly see he was getting drenched. That is when I made the decision to stop and see if he'd want a lift. Slowing down and stopping right by the bus stop sign, I lowered the passenger side window and leaned over.

"Hey buddy, looks like you could use a lift," I said as he looked my way. "Wanna get out of that rain?" I added.

There was a brief moment of awkward silence as if he was sizing up the situation and considering his options. Then, suddenly, he ran toward my car.

"Sure, buddy, I'd appreciate that," he said as he flung open the door and jumped in.

He had a deep voice that sounded super sexy. He tossed that magazine on the floor board.

"Man, thanks for stopping, dude," he said. "I thought I'd drown out there," he added as he reached out his hand to shake mine.

"Name's Eric," he said flashing that winning smile as his strong hand clasped mine in a very firm handshake.

"Kyle," I said introducing myself.

Those hot, lust filled fantasies flashed through my brain as he shifted in his seat and pulled on the seat belt.

"Well, thanks, Kyle. How far you heading?" Eric asked.

"I live in the West End, about two blocks from the Carlton Hotel," I answered as I put the car in gear and eased back into the inside lane.

"Cool. I'm not far from there." Eric said. "4200 Castlebury."

"Castlebury!" I exclaimed. "I usually hop on the highway up ahead then get off at Castlebury to cut over Langford to the West End."

"Small world," Eric replied.

We talked all the way down the highway. Eric had just started working for a printing company about two blocks away from that bus stop.

"I'm hoping to get on the day shift next month or so," Eric said.

The rain seemed to be coming down even harder and traffic was becoming quite slow and careful.

"Friday night," Eric then said. "Sure glad the weekend is here. You got any plans?" he added.

"Naw, I'm just heading home. Had tickets to the ball game tonight, but had to give them up. Probably catch the end of the game on TV, have a few Coronas, nothing too exciting. What about you?" I asked.

"Actually this is the first weekend in a long time I have nothing up. I was just gonna sit around and chill," Eric answered.

'Now was my chance," I thought to myself.

"Well, you wanna catch the game at my place?" I boldly asked.

There was an awkward silence, but I could feel him looking at me. As I glanced his way, that handsome face was now accented with that sexy smile. When I turned to look ahead again, I felt his hand land firmly on my right thigh and squeeze.

"Sure! I think that'd be great," Eric answered.

I thought my cock was gonna jump out of my pants. I know my heart skipped a beat as I manuevered my car into the slow lane to catch the Castlebury exit. At the bottom of the exit ramp Eric took his hand away.

"Hey, there's a Quick Trip up ahead on the right," he said. "Do you mind stopping for a sec?"

AS I pulled into a parking space up front, the rain continued to fall in sheets.

"Be right back," Eric said as he unfastened his seat belt.

I sat there with my wild fantasies running amok. The thought of having Eric all to myself was exciting. There was also that lingering fear that I'd just invited a relative stranger to my home. Just then, as if to break up the myriad thoughts rambling through my brain a loud crack of thunder exploded around me. Then I saw Eric coming out of the shop and high tailing it to my car. He quickly got in, soaking wet, and produced a twelve pack of Corona.

"Thought I could contribute a little something," he said with that sexy smile again shining at me.

"You didn't need to do that," I answered, smiling back at his rain soaked face.

In fifteen minutes I was pulling into my garage. I led Eric through the kitchen and started to cross into the living room. Eric stopped at that threshold.

"Man, dude, you got a towel or something I can use?" he asked. "I don't wanna track all this dripping water through your house."

"Don't worry, it's just water. There's some towels in the bathroom to the right down that hall," I said as I pointed across the living room. "Here gimme that beer and you can go dry off."

As I took the beer from him, Eric left for the bathroom. I shoved the twelve pack in my fridge and grabbed two of the ones I already had on hand. After opening them I headed into the living room and settled into the sofa. I turned on the TV and found that the game was in rain delay. "Damn, I should've known that," I thought to myself. I took a big swig of the cold beer and began to surf through some other stations. About five minutes later I heard the toilet flush. A few seconds later, Eric returned and stood at the end of the hallway. He had a large bath towel wrapped over his shoulders and was using it to dry his back. But, to my suprprise and complete enjoyment, he was only wearing a pair of tight, box cut briefs. His mahogany skin seemed to glow in the beam from the cannister light directly above him. His well developed body was on display like those paintings you see on a wall with extra illumination shining on them. His massive chest was smooth and accentuated by two brown, pert nipples. His taut abdomen looked like a real washboard with a small line of wispy hair from his belly button leading down into the top of his briefs. What caught most of my attention was the nice bulge protruding from those briefs. When our eyes met, Eric was again flashing that killer smile. I don't know if he caught my ogling or if he was just glad to get out of his wet clothes. Didn't matter, though. Eric was one very hot looking Adonis.

"I hope you don't mind, but I hung my clothes over the shower curtain rod to dry out some," he said.

"Uh... well... uh...No problem," I stammered as he began to walk to the sofa.

He set that towel on the coffee table and took the beer I offered him. As he continued to stand there another awkward silence ensued. I could actually see the outline of his huge cock barely contained under the thin fabric of his briefs. My fantasies of having my ass treated to a royal fucking resurfaced and I twitched my ass slightly on the sofa.

"The game's in rain delay," I finally told him as he took a big gulp of his Corona.

"Well, let's be honest then," Eric said, still standing beside me. "This is what you really want, isn't it?" he then added as he grabbed himself through his briefs.

As he squeezed at the base of his big cock, I could see the mushroom head edge up higher toward the waistline of his briefs. Eric then began to stroke and squeeze the full length of his cock through his briefs. Meanwhile, without answering, I had moved forward so I was now sitting on the edge of the sofa. My face was inches from that luscious crotch. Eric than placed the fingers of both hands into the waistband of his briefs and lowered them down to his knees. As he straightened up, I got a full glimpse of his beautiful cock. It had to be ten or so inches, cut, and had a huge mushroom head just waiting to be licked.

"So, come get you some, Kyle," Eric then said.

His hands were now on his hips, standing there akimbo, like some offering to the Gods. I got down on my knees before him, grabbed the base of that hefty cock, and began to tongue and gently kiss it's full length. It felt plump and warm in my hand,. As I opened wide, my lips clamped down around the soft mushroom head and I gently munched on the tip of his cock. My tongue licked at the piss slit several times. When I finally took more of him into my mouth, Eric let out a low moan.

"Yeah, that's it Kyle. Mmm, that feels so good," he said as I began to more hungrily work his cock.

I found myself wanting to please this man fully knowing the pleasure that also awaited me. My mouth and hand were soon working over time on Eric's delicious cock. It was responding to my oral attention, too.

"Spit on it," I heard him say.

"Good boy," he then said as I spat out a copious glob of saliva. "Yeah get it good and wet."

I ran my lips and tongue over the length of his swelling cock. When I took him in again, Eric placed a hand on the top of my head, running his fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, baby, suck that cock," he encouraged as our eyes met.

Steeling my resolve and taking a quick breath, I pressed myself forward. As the that big cock head hit the back of my thorat, I turned my head sideways. I fought off my gag reflex as that huge cock began to slide down my throat. Eric's hand applied more pressure to my head and soon my face was pressed tightly against his crotch.

"Oh shit!" Eric exclaimed. "Damn, baby, that feels so good," he moaned as his hand held me tight against him, wiggling my head.

When I pushed myself off, his cock sprang free coated with my saliva from tip to base. I grabbed him with both hands and began to jerk him off.

"Is that what you want?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah, Kyle, you keep that up and I'm gonna be shooting my load on your face," he said.

With both hands he then grabbed my head and directed me back onto his delcious cock. For several minutes, Eric face fucked me. I was drooling out the sides of my mouth as he fed me that monster cock in an ever increasing tempo. We were both moaning in delight. His manly scent and virile presence only increased my willingness to pleasure him as much as I could.

"Yeah, suck my cock," he said. "Yeah, baby, just like that. Take my big, black cock."

Suddenly he pulled himself free, placed his hands under my armpits and lifted me up.

"You need to get more comfortable," he said.

He began to undo my tie and as he got it undone, he slipped it from around my collar and placed it around his neck. I then reached to undo my shirt buttons, but Eric grabbed my hands and pushed them away.

"No. Let me," he said.

Our eyes were now locked onto one another as he undid my shirt, pulled it free from my waistband, and shoved it back over my shoulders. As it fell to the floor, he tugged up on my t-shirt and I allowed him to lift it over my head. Our noses were nearly touching as he reached down and undid my belt, then slipped that off. He undid my zipper and the button of my slacks. His fingers slipped under the elastic of my briefs and with both hands he slid my pants and briefs down past my hips. HE then knelt down removing both my shoes and socks. He grabbed the waist bands of my briefs and slacks together and pulled them down, allowing me to step out of them. Tossing them aside he stood up again.

"You got a nice body," he commented.

"Thanks," I replied.

I remember thinking that was quite a compliment coming from that muscle bound stud before me. We stood there several seconds while his hands then moved up and down my arms, then onto my chest, and finally coming to rest on my shoulders. When those hands caressed my face. Eric pulled me to him. Our lips met in a soft, almost tentative kiss. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders as that kiss quickly became heated and passionate. His taste, that devouring mouth and warm, wet tongue were sending chills through me. Slurping, moaning sounds filled the room. Eric had one hand now on the back of my head when his other hand slipped down my back and went down to grab an ass cheek. His other hand quickly followed and he soon was grabbing and massaging my ass.

The heated passion between us was growing in leaps and bounds. Eric then moved his hands between my legs and, with some slight help from me, lifted me up. I wrapped my outstretched legs around his torso and my arms tightly around his neck. I could feel his thick cock in the crack of my ass as my own cock pressed into his tight abs. He kept holding my ass with one hand and pressed his other into the small of my back, pulling me into him.

"Yeah, this is hot," I mumbled between tongue swaps.

That kiss and the feel of his body melting into mine had me hard as a rock. I closed my eyes, my mind was reeling. It was like I was transported to another place where all I could experience was arousal and ecstacy. I didn't want this feeling to end. I'm not sure how this happened, but at one point I opened my eyes and we were in my master bedroom with Eric was lowering me onto the bed. We manuevered rather quickly and Eric was soon on top of me. His strong body, his taut searing flesh, pressing firmly against my nakedness. Our foreheads met and it seemd his eyes were looking through me. We kissed deeply again as I wrapped my arms around him. Eric then pulled away from that kiss, staring deep into my eyes.

"Can I fuck you?" he asked.

In my present state, I merely nodded my head yes and Eric's lips met mine again. In the throws of another passionate kiss, I felt his hands move down to grab beneath my legs. He then knelt up and pushed my legs up into my chest. With his hands now on the backs of my thighs, his face dived down for my ass. As that wet tongue met my puckered hole, I groaned in pleasure. Eric began to lap furiously at my ass. When his fingers splayed my ass cheeks apart he dug his tongue inside of me.

"Yeah, eat my ass," I begged in sheer pleasure.

After several minutes, Eric got up and rolled me over onto my stomach.

"Yeah, this is a pretty ass, man," I heard Eric say as his hands again massaged my ass cheeks.

I felt him moving into position. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Eric had his huge cock in hand and was soon guiding it to my waiting ass. With the tip of his head, he rubbed my puckered hole. Eric then spat a couple of times into my ass crack and onto his cock. Then, as his cock head pressed against my opening, I grabbed a large pillow and buried my face in it. I winced at the initial pain as his cock began to push inside of me.

"Yeah. Sweet ass," Eric said as I felt more of his cock worm inside of me.

"Ugh....oh shit!" I grunted as my ass was being stretched wide by his rigid shaft.

"Relax, baby," Eric encouraged. "I'm only half way in."

Laying there in painful exhileration, my mind began to spin, my eyelids fluttered, and a tingle ran from my ass and up my spine. As I felt his loins press into my backside, Eric lay down on top of me, pinning me to the bed. He slipped his arms beneath me and his hands grabbed my inner thighs. The feel of his hot, warm flesh against me was wonderful. That hefty cock was now buried up inside of me to the hilt. I was in awe that he filled me so completely. As he lay on top of me, I squirmed my ass slightly. My face was buried in the pillow again as I felt Eric's face right beside mine. The warmth of his breath on my cheek and neck sent another shiver up my spine.

"Ooh, yeah, baby. Your ass is so fucking hot," he moaned into my ear.

"Shit! It feels soooo good," I muffled into the pillow.

AS I turned my face sideways toward Eric, our lips crushed against one another and he jammed his tongue deliciously into my mouth. I sucked him in. That's when he started to fuck me in earnest. Slowly at first. Barely pulling out before shoving his full length back inside me swollen ass. We were both moaning in pleasure as Eric slowly, steadily picked up his tempo, sending my ass into nirvana with every deep, full plunge. His head was again beside mine. I could feel his heaving chest and his warm breath escaping in gasps.

"Shit! Shit!. This is one fucking sweet ass," Eric moaned in that low, sexy voice.

"Yeah. Fuck me, stud. Fuck me. Harder! Harder!" I exclaimed as I raised my head from the pillow.

Eric then propped himself up with his hands beside my chest and soon was plowing in and out of me in a flurry of mind blowing action. My cock was rigid and straining, my balls boiling to release a huge load of cum. Just as I thought I was going to blow my load into the sheets, Eric pulled free. and got up on his knees.

"Flip over," he said, "I'd like to see your face when I breed you."

I quickly comlpied. As I lay back in bed, Eric grabbed my legs and hoisted them up. I got a chance to see his huge cock again, amazed that it looked to be about tewlve inshes now and almost as thick as a beer can. I remember thinking that I couldn't believe I had that monster buried up inside my ass. With his hands holding onto my ankles, my legs spread wide apart, I ogled the magnificent body of that muscular black stud ready to plunder my burning ass again. Small beads of sweat were forming on his brow, thick neck, and his massive chest looke dlike it was covered in a fine mist. I watched him press forward. His cock entered me once more. He drove it deep inside again. My ass welcoming him back like a sailor's wife welcoming home her man from a long haul at sea. As he began to pull out and push back into me in those slow, steady plunges he grabbed that backs of my thighs, pinning my knees to my chest.

"Damn, your ass is so fucking sweet," Eric said as our eyes met.

It didn't take long until he was plowing away at my aching ass like some human, fucking jackhammer. It felt like the entire bed, frame and all, was bouncing up and down in time to his overpowering rhythm. I braced myself the best I could against Eric's strong, driving thrusts.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Fuck me. Fuck me good!" I gasped.

My balls were now fully loaded and ready to explode. I began to feverishly jerk my cock as my body squirmed and writhed in reaction to Eric's phenomenal. powerful fucking.

"Shit! I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum," I wailed.

A huge blast of cum shot from my cock onto my chest and stomach, follwed by several other spurts. My head was spinning in delirium. I could not believe the total pleasure I was feeling, not just from my orgasm, but from the way Eric's cock totally filled me, ravaging my ass, treating it to one hell of a hot fucking. Eric continued to plunge relentlessly into my swollen ass as my orgasm subsided. He then slowed his pace some, leaned down, and began to lick up my cum from my chest and stomach. His hips were grinding slowly, side to side and in circular motions, filling every nook and cranny of my stretched ass. When he cleaned up every drop of cum, Eric straightened up and continued to fuck me in that slow, agonizingly pleasurable motion.

"I'm gonna cum, too, baby. I'm gonna breed your pretty white ass," Eiic said, smiling down at me.

"Yeah, give me that nut, baby. Fill me with your fucking load," I told him.

Eric then lay down on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his lower back as our foreheads met. Our lustful, gazing eyes told us both that this was exactly what we both wanted. What we both needed. When our lips again crushed into each other, and our tongues began that luscious dance again, I tasted my cum.

"Mmm, this is one sweet, tight ass, baby," Eric then told me.

His head now pressed against the side of my neck and his arms wormed beneath me to grab my ass cheeks once more, I wrapped my arms around his strong back, pulling us in tight together. Eric began to hump his hips. Within seconds he was plowing away at me in that same fast, furious motion.

'How long has he been fucking me?' I thought to myself. His stamina and power were just what the doctor ordered as far as I was concerned.

"I'm gonna cum.' I'm gonna cum," Eric said again.

He quickly lifted himslef up. Then with one powerful thrust, Eric shoved his full monster cock deep inside of me. He arched his back as I reached around to grab his taut ass cheeks. Eric's warm load was now spewing into my bowels. The jerking of his mighty cock in syncopation to every powerful blast of man juice. With the last throbbing jerk, I could feel the gooey load - cum to douse the flames of my burning ass. Eric then collapsed into me. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders. His massive, heaving chest pressed into me. The contact of our naked flesh and the sensations of this hot fuck session were swoon worthy.

"Oooh, baby, that was one hot fuck," Eric said as he inhaled a deep breath, then returned to a normal mode of breathing.

After a quick, but deep kiss, Eric pushed himself up. When he pulled his spent cock from my ass, I immediately got up on my knees before him and took him into my hungry mouth. Tasting his nut and sucking him dry.

"Yeah, baby, clean my cock," Eric encouraged me. "How's it taste?" he then asked as I pulled that plump cock from my mouth.

"Delicious," I answered, running my tongue around my lips.

To be continued................

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