Bus Stop

By Robert Case

Published on May 28, 2017


I own everything about this story. Please don't publish it without my consent. Thanks. I owe a lot to the content of this chapter to some kind readers who offered great feedback. Thanks you guys! Feedback and comments are welcome.

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Part Three

The next day, Tyler walked to the bus stop a little later than he'd planned. The weather was shitty, and he'd ended up talking to his mom longer than expected, so the bus was there, and he just barely made it. He saw Blade already sitting in the back. Their eyes met, and Tyler smiled. Blade nodded, and Tyler sat down and started to review his report that was due. Without even thinking, Tyler let out a huge belch, eliciting a few laughs from some guys near by.

From the back, Tyler heard Blade say, loud enough so that everyone could hear, "Well brought up!" Then he paused for effect and added "Too bad you weren't!" Tyler turned around and everyone was laughing, Blade was smiling and gave him a thumb up. Tyler smiled to himself. He'd just won the admiration of about a dozen guys, and grossed out about the same amount of girls! Tyler passed Blade in the hallway between 4th and 5th hour. "What's up?" Blade asked. "School. Sucks, but whatever." answered Tyler. "Yeah. Usual shit. You comin' over later?" asked Blade. "Yeah, it's cool. I don't think I'll have much homework tonight, things are pretty light today."

"Cool. Later dude." With that, they bumped fists, and Blade turned the corner and headed the other way. Tyler was on his way to PhyEd class. Not his favorite, but he did fairly well, although he usually wasn't the first one picked, he wasn't the last either.

He quickly changed into his shorts and trainers, and had a few minutes before class officially started. Tyler noticed that the boys in his gym class were in all stages of sexual advancement, and although well along himself, he noted there was a few guys that were already shaving, and also a few that still kinda looked like little boys. One guy in particular stood out that Tyler noticed. He was in a few of his classes, and was painfully shy. He had bright red hair, and blue eyes, a wisp of a blond mustache, and he currently had very bad acne. Poor guy. Tyler knew his name was Harrison, but everyone just called him Red. "Hey Red." Tyler said. "Hey." he said back, without looking up, as he tied the laces on his trainers. Tyler decided to take a quick pee break while waiting for class to begin. The toilet was way in the back next to the showers. He walked in and remembered there were three urinals. Tyler chose the middle one, pulled out his dick and started a good yellow stream. It was cold in the room, and Tyler shivered. Moments later, Red came in and chose the urinal to Tyler's right. He pulled down the front of his shorts and pulled out a very nice, white uncut cock, surrounded by a thick bush of long red hair. Red's foreskin was not as long as Blade's Tyler noted, but neither was the length of his dick, but the red bush was very cool. Tyler decided to break every unwritten rule, and stayed when he was done pissing, and let his dick get boned up. Out of curiosity, he wanted to see if Red would get boned up too.

Sure enough, Red's cock expanded quickly, retracting his foreskin completely.

From a distance, Tyler could hear the other boys in the class still whooping and making noise, so he knew class hadn't started yet. He pulled on his cock, and looked at the door. Anyone could walk in at any moment and they'd be busted. They were both fully hard. Red was very slowly working his cock, because he didn't want it to seem that he was masturbating, even though Tyler saw a big clear drop of precum on his dick. Tyler too, instead of outright working it, just pulled it up and down very slowly, giving Red a good look at his cock. Tyler looked at the door once, then quickly reached over and grasped Red's cock. That's all it took. Tyler didn't even get a chance to move his hand up and down on Red's uncut dick before it started shooting. A huge quantity of cum started shooting out of the end of his dick, more than Tyler had ever seen anybody shoot before. Some even landed on the top of the porcelain of the urinal. Red put one hand against the wall to keep from falling, shooting spurt after spurt into the urinal, his breathing labored. "Fuck man, don't say anything!" whispered Red. "No problem, dude. Nice cock." Tyler put his own dick back in his shorts and tried to adjust himself so that his cock wouldn't show hard,wiped his hand off on a paper towel quick, and walked back up to the front where the gym teacher was taking role. "Tyler?" The teacher bellowed. "Here" said Tyler. No one had even noticed he was gone. "Harrison?" The teacher said. "Red?" he yelled. "I saw him in the bathroom. He'll probably be right here." said Tyler. "Here!" said Red, hurrying up, bright red from embarrassment. The rest of the class was a bore, and Tyler went through the motions playing floor hockey. He got close to Red a few times, but Red wouldn't look at him. At the end of the class, as Tyler was changing back into his regular clothes, he noticed a big wet spot on the front of his black gym shorts. He smiled to himself, "That was pretty cool. Another uncut dick, too. I'd like to see that one again sometime, maybe a little closer..." and he laughed to himself for being a dork. After school it was raining, and when Tyler got on the bus, Blade was already seated. Tyler sat down, and Blade pulled his ear-buds out. "What up?" asked Blade.

"Not much. I don't have any homework. There's that. You?" said Tyler.

"Aww, I gotta start a paper for my World History class. Maybe you can help me go over some ideas later."

"Cool." "We just have to submit a paper with some themes. Shouldn't take very long. Hey, that was an awesome burp this morning! Bring it up again, we can vote on it!"

Tyler laughed. "I can't make myself belch. If I do, I might barf!" Blade laughed too. "I can't either! Uncle Mike can burp and talk at the same time. It really grosses out my mom!" "I've seen kids do that. Gross!" and they both laughed. "Hey," Blade asked. "What'd you do after school yesterday?" Tyler remembered his encounter with Jake and smirked. "Nothing."

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" laughed Blade. "I -- I'll tell you later. You probably won't believe me." said Tyler. "This ought to be good! Well, I have something to tell you for later too, but you probably won't believe me." Blade mocked. "You're a dick!" laughed Tyler.

"You're a dick!" Blade paused. "And you smell like one too!" "Ha! You wish!"

"Ha! YOU wish!"

"Well, maybe I do. What you gonna do about it?!" said Tyler. "This!" With that, Blade let out a small fart, which convulsed them both into laughter. When the bus arrived at their stop, it was pouring. Blade shouted, "Are you coming over?"

"Yeah!" Tyler shouted back. "OK, let's make a run for it!" They made a mad dash the block and a half to Blade's house, but by the time they got there, they were both soaked from head to toe. Blade shut the door behind them, and turned on a lamp in the living room. "Damn! Look at you!" said Blade, laughing and trying to catch his breath. "You look like a like a drowned rat! Take your clothes off." "You don't have to ask me twice." shivered Tyler, and started taking off his soaked shoes. "Leave those by the door. Everything else you can give me, I'll throw them in the dryer."

"Everything?" winked Tyler. "Don't be a dork. Follow me." said Blade. Tyler walked behind just enough to admire Blade's nice ass. They walked into the small kitchen, and in the back was the washer and dryer. Tyler could smell Blade's manly smell. "Fuck, you smell good!" Tyler remarked. "Not so bad yourself today, ya dirty fucker. Bet you didn't shower after gym class, did you?" Blade said as he removed his stinky wet socks.

Tyler looked at Blade's naked body and started to bone up as he removed his boxers and wet socks too. "Nobody uses the showers at school. You know that!" They were both completely naked. "Some guys do, usually just the jocks though. Let's go to my room. You want a Mountain Dew?" asked Blade. "Sure, thanks!" "I have to piss like a racehorse. How `bout you?" "Yeah." said Tyler, as Blade rummaged in the refrigerator. "OK. Here, grab your soda." They headed down the hall to the bathroom. Blade flicked on the light. Tyler was going to wait until Blade was done, but Blade said, "Piss with me. It'll be fun."

They put their sodas on the sink, and each took a place opposite the other. Blade pulled the skin back on his cock, and started a full stream. Tyler started pissing too, mingling their pee together. They both sighed at the same time, then caught each other's eye and started giggling. Tyler finished first, and shook off the last drop, and Blade pulled his skin forward.

They grabbed their sodas and went into Blades room, and sat on the bed. Blade grabbed his pack of Newports and lit one with his Zippo, then fluffed up his pillow and laid back on his bed.

"So tell me what you were going to tell me that you think I'm not going to believe." said Blade, as he sighed and exhaled a cloud of smoke. "OK. Well, remember how whenever we were talking the other day about Jake, the guy that lives next door to me that plays basketball all the time? Well, he came over last night." said Tyler, as he laid next to Blade.

Blade nodded. "He brought a pan of lasagna, and then he asked me to help him with his algebra. It was really easy stuff, but he's kind of a dork, but anyway, he seemed to get it, and then he asked me about girls." Blade said, "Did you tell him everything you know?" and laughed. Tyler went on. "He said he gets a hard-on every time he talks to this one chick, and he didn't know what to do, so I asked him if he jacks off, and he looked like a deer caught in the headlights."

Blade asked, "You mean, he said he doesn't? I thought everyone fuckin' did."

"Me too," continued Tyler. "But I guess some priest at his school said that it's an avoidable sin or something like that, so he'd never done it before, and he asked me to show him how." Blade snickered. "This is the part where you think I won't believe you, isn't it?"

"Do you want to hear the rest of the story or not?" Tyler asked in mock anger. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I wonder why he didn't just ask his priest. I hear they're into that. What happened next?" "We went into the living room, and I told him to take his shorts down. He was already hard as fuck and throbbing. He isn't very big, which kinda surprises me because he's like eleven feet tall."

Blade stubbed out his cigarette, and started absently playing with his nut sack. Tyler was already completely hard, and the shiny head of Blade's cock was showing. "I took my pants off, and started stroking really slow, to kinda show him, right? And he's like, doing it wrong, like too hard and too fast, plus he almost freaked when he saw my dick. So I grabbed his dick and started jerking him really good, and I could tell he was getting into it, so I took his hand and made him jack my dick too."

"No fucking way!" said Blade. "Yeah, so I made him take his shirt off, and he's really getting the hang of it because his jerking is getting me really close. He started tweaking out and shot all over the place, and even got some in his mouth, and then I started cumming all over too. He had a mind blowing cum. And then he tasted it!"

"Shit! Is this for realz?" Blade asked. He was fully hard now and slowly jerking up and down. Tyler nodded. He could smell Blade's crotch, and couldn't wait any longer. Tyler bent over Blade's dick and put it up to his nose, and took a deep whiff. Blade asked, "Did he freak the fuck out, or was he OK?" Tyler continued to fondle Blade's cock.

"He was OK, once he came down and cleaned up. Mmmmm... He shook my hand, but I made him give me a hug." Tyler chuckled, and then stuck out his tongue out to taste Blade's balls. "Of course, he came good. You're a fuckin' natural at this shit, dude." Blade took a deep breath and let it out slowly, whispering, "Motherfuck that feels good."

"I want to smell you. I don't know why, but your smell really turns me on!" whispered Tyler, as he fondled Blade's nipple. Tyler slowly licked up to Blade's tit, then moved over to his hairy pits. "Mmm, fuck!" he sighed, and sniffed deeply. Tyler noticed that Blade's cock was pulsating and dripping. He moved down, and slowly pulled the skin all the way back. He was overwhelmed with lust with the odor of Blade's cock, and licked around the head, then finally went all the way down on it, then slowly back up again. Blade was moving around and groaning. "Oh fuuuuck!" he whispered. Tyler licked and sucked on Blade's cock until he was almost cumming. "I want you to cum in my mouth!" Tyler said. "I want you to cum too!" said Blade.

"I will, you can make me cum after you cum in my mouth, OK?" Tyler said. "I want your cum. Cum for me, I want to taste it." With that, Tyler worked on Blade's uncut cock, not too fast, making it last, pulling the foreskin up and down slowly with his mouth, lightly playing with his balls, and caressing Blade's thick dark bush, then wiggled his finger down to Blades tight hole. Tyler sped up a little, but kept a light touch. He could taste Blade's pre-cum in little spurts, and could tell that Blade was going nuts, and was right on the edge. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuuuck!" whispered Blade. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, take my load, take it, take my fucking cum!" "Mmm-hmmm!" Tyler groaned, not taking his mouth off of Blade's dick. "Ohhh, fuuuuuuck!"

Blade bucked, and fired volley after volley of his hot cum into Tyler's mouth.Tyler continued to hold Blade's cock in his mouth, as he squirted the last few spasms. Tyler swallowed it all, then gently cleaned the cock in his mouth until Blade was absolutely, fully spent. Blade pulled Tyler up. They looked each other in the eye, then their mouths met, and they kissed deeply. Blade reached for Tyler's hard, leaking cock. "God damn, you're fuckin' hot, dude!" Blade whispered.

"Come up here, and sit on my chest."

Tyler scooted up and placed hard cock right up to Blade's face. Blade pulled Tyler close, and pushed his nose into Tyler's pubes. Blade went lower and sniffed Tyler's balls. They were hot and sweaty, and had a delightful musky nutty scent. Blade licked up, and got the head of Tyler's dick in his mouth, savouring the pre-cum on the head. Blade reached around and grabbed both cheeks, and pushed Tyler's cock into his mouth. Again and again, he made Tyler fuck his face, until he could feel his dick twitch. Tyler's breathing got quicker. Blade took the dick out of his mouth and told Tyler in a low voice to turn around.

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't know..." Tyler stammered.

"Do it! I want to see your hole."

Tyler flipped around so that his ass was now facing Blade's face. Blade noticed that Tyler had a slightly dirty butt, when he spread his ass open he could see a brown streak over his smooth pink hole. He rutted around like a pig in his ass sniffing and licking his hole. Tyler gasped in pleasure.

Blade pulled Tyler down, so that he was now literally sitting on Blade's face. Tyler noticed that Blade's cock, now in front of him, was again hard and throbbing. He slowly played with the foreskin, bringing it up all the way, then lightly pulling it back, he was rewarded with a nice squirt of precum, all the while feeling Blade's tongue in his ass, opening it. Tyler bent all the way over, and stuck his nose under Blade's hot low hanging balls. He trailed his tongue lower and lower until he could smell the funky scent of Blade's hole. Blade lifted up a bit so Tyler had better access, and spread his legs. Tyler stuck his tongue out, and twisted the black hairs around Blade's hole, then plunged in. His cock was now on Blade's chest, and he started slowly bucking, creating a wonderful feeling, as his dick found a rhythm on Blade's chest hair. Blade's cock was rubbing gently on Tyler's smooth chest, with both their tongue's jabbing into each other's hole, licking, sniffing, tasting. Both moaning into each other now, going faster, their cocks almost touching. Each thrust mashed their tongues into the other's hole.

Tyler panted "I'm gonna cum, oh fuck, that feels so good! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, oh fuck yeah, eat my hole, oh fuck!" Blade stuck his tongue into Tyler as far as it could go, and felt Tyler's release, as his anus tightened again and again on his probing tongue. As Tyler was coming down, Blade started to buck up again and again, pushing his hard cock against Tyler's chest. Tyler pushed his tongue into Blade's hole and felt him start to cum, squeezing his tongue, as he had with Blade. Their cum mingled in a huge puddle on Blade's chest. They both held still, each time Tyler throbbed his cock, he could feel Blade do the same. They hugged, ass to mouth, mouth to ass, both taking a last satisfying whiff, and they both sighed. Tyler got up and turned around, so that they were face to face again. Blade's mustache and little goatee were covered in ass juice and spit. Tyler felt around the floor until he found something to wipe up with. A sock. A fuckin' crusty sock. "Give me that!" Blade laughed, grabbing for it. "Get your own!" giggled Tyler as he wiped his face off. Then he handed it to Blade, who wiped up his face a little, picking whatever was left of the cleanest, driest part left of the stinky sock. He threw it on the floor. The puddle on his chest started to spread and drip down his side, which kind of tickled.

They enjoyed a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Dude," started Blade. "I didn't even know something like that was even possible! Shit!" "Fuuck!" breathed out Tyler, still slightly out of breath and sweaty. "I've done more shit with you this week than I have my entire life. You said earlier that you think I'm a natural, you really think so? Or were you just saying that?" Blade said, smiling "You know that TV show I'm gonna be on where I show the world my amazing smoking dick? You can be on the same show, with your amazing talent of being able to make anyone cum." "Ewww!" Tyler laughed. "I don't think my mom would like that too much!" They both started laughing at that. Blade got up unsteadily, and poked around the floor and found a t-shirt. It was the one he had on the day before at the skatepark. It reminded him he wanted to tell Tyler about the day before, but not before he cleaned up a little and lit a cigarette. He also remembered that all their clothes were in the drier, and were likely done by now. "Tell me what you were going to tell me that you think I'm not going to believe." Said Tyler. "Dude, you're not gonna believe this shit!" Blade said, as he lit a smoke.

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