Bus Stop

By Robert Case

Published on May 13, 2017


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The next morning I walked to the bus stop as usual. When I got there, Blade was already sitting on the wall, listening to music.He raised his hand and said "Hey! What up?"

"Nothing. School." I replied.

"Yeah. Fuck that! Oh well. How was last night after you got home? Your mom yell at you or anything?" Blade asked.

"Nah. I made supper for me and mom, then we watched TV a while. Nothing special. I told her I met you." I said.

"What? What did you say?" he wanted to know.

"Just that I met a friend at the bus stop, and that we hung out for awhile. She said she was glad I'm making friends."

"Oh, OK. Yeah, that's about right." Blade put his hand up and we high fived, with that the bus came, and Blade sat in his usual spot, and I sat in the middle as usual. I had some reading to catch up on, so it was no big deal.

After school, we ended up sitting next to each other again. I could smell him, just like yesterday, and I boned up.

"Dude. Look." I said, as I pointed to my crotch, so that only he could see.

"Fuck dude! You're gonna get me going!" Blade smiled. "What are you doing tonight?" he asked.

"Well, I really have to work on a report that's due tomorrow. I could come over for awhile... but I really shouldn't. What do you think?"

"I was gonna go to the skatepark tonight, and show off for my loser friends anyway. We can hook up tomorrow afternoon if you want." he said.

"Yeah, I'd really like to. As you can tell... " I giggled, referencing my hard-on.

"Cool." Blade paused for a second. Hey Tyler!" Blade asked.

"What?" I asked.

With that, be blasted a big fart, and started laughing. "You are such a dick!" I said. " Jesus, you should have that checked out!" I laughed and punched him in the arm.

"Ow!" and he punched me back.

"Ow! Shit, that one hurt" I laughed. We were both laughing, and tussling in fun, when we heard the bus driver shout.

"What's going on back there!"

"Nothing!" we both said at the same time, and broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Knock it off! Don't make me stop this bus, or I'll come back there and slap you so hard, your mothers will feel it!"

"Oh shit!" I said to Blade as I tried to calm myself down.

"Tyler." Blade said.

"What?" I asked. With that, I let one rip. I hadn't planned on it, but there it was.

"You're learning, ya dork!", as he let another one go again.

"Gross!" I laughed.

We tried to keep it down for the rest of the ride. I'd look over at him once in awhile, and he'd make a face, once he lifted up his arm just enough so I got a good look at his pits.When we got off the bus, Blade high-fived me and said "Later dude!" and walked towards his house.

I started working on my report as soon as I got home. I wanted to do a good job on it, so I was pretty intensely studying when I heard a knock on the back door.I got up, opened the door, and there was Jake, from next door, holding a sheet pan. I looked up at him, and smiled, and invited him in.

"Hey man. My mom made lasagna and had a bunch left over, and she wanted to know if you guys would want it?" Jake asked.

"Dude! That's fucking awesome! Thanks!" I said. I took the pan from him and set it on the counter. "How ya been?", I asked. "I haven't seen you around much."

"Yeah, pretty good, on the JV team at my school, but coach thinks they might switch me up to varsity, but I gotta keep my grades up, too. I was wondering... you're pretty good at algebra, right?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, I'm in AP math this year." I answered.

"Do you think you could help me out a little? I'm having a hard time figuring some stuff out."

I thought about my report that I was working on, and figured I had maybe an hour more to work on it. It would be at least another hour or more before my mom got home. "Sure, I can look at it with you. Go get your homework, I'll see if I can help you out." I told him.

"Cool! Thanks Tyler, I'll be right back!" with that, he loped out the back door. I hadn't seen Jake for a few months, at least. He was still a freshman like me, but he was super tall. He wore the same dorky shit I always saw him in, a basketball shirt, and silvery athletic shorts, with hightops, but I know his school made him wear a uniform with a tie for classes.

He came back, and knocked on the door again. I rolled my eyes. "You can just come in, you don't have to knock.", I said.

"Oh, OK. I wasn't sure."

"Let's sit over here in the kitchen. Let me see what you're working on."

He opened his book and his notebook, and started showing me algebra stuff. It was pretty basic freshman stuff, so I told him to sit down, and I pulled up a chair right next to him. As he was explaining what his problem was, I got a good look at him. Besides being extremely tall for his age, I noticed his chest was much broader than I'd remembered. He also had a bit of sideburns that hadn't been shaved yet, and a few long hairs on his chin. His legs touched mine under the table, and I could feel they were very hairy. It would seem he had grown up since he asked if I had pubes when we were 12!

I looked at his homework, and explained how to solve the formulas. It seemed a light came on, so I explained what to expect for the next day's work as well. He was genuinely grateful, as he breezed through the problems while I watched. "Awesome! Thanks man, I never could've done that without you!" he said. Jake pushed back the chair with his feet, and put both his arms behind his head to stretch and crack his neck. I noticed he had a forest of armpit hair. "You know much about girls?" Jake asked me.

"Not really. Does anybody?" I said, and we laughed.

"Well, there's this girl that goes to St. Mary's. Her name is Brittany. She's super pretty, and she's got the nicest tits, and she smiles at me all the time, and when I see her after Mass, she'll come up to me with her friends, but I don't know what to say, and then I'm afraid that my thing will get hard, so I don't really talk to her, and I think she's gonna think that I don't really like her, but I don't want her to see that I'm getting a boner in my school trousers, and..."

"Whoa, slow down there! You get a hard-on just talking to her?" I asked.

Jake said "Yeah, I get hard all the time, and it's really embarrassing. I get hard in school, I guess all the guys do, but I get hard just thinking about her, and then I try to do my homework, but it won't go down, and I don't know what to do!"

"Why don't you just go take care of it?" I asked.

"What do you mean? Take care of it? How?" he asked.

"Jack off."

"You mean masturbate?" he asked, looking shocked. "I never... I mean, it's a sin, so I haven't ever... do you actually do that?"

"All the time", I said. "I usually do it after school when I get home, but I didn't today because I was working on a report."

"Father Wasner says that masturbation is a sin." Jake said, and in a churchy voice started "He spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the Lord's sight; so he put him to death also.""Well, all I know is that it keeps me sane, it feels really good, and I don't want to get hard in school all the time." I told him. "You mean to tell me that you've never jerked it?"

"No. I don't know how. I mean, sometimes, I rub myself on my bed, and it feels nice, but I don't want to commit an avoidable sin." Jake looked uncomfortable, and was trying to sit with his legs crossed. "Shit, I'm hard now!"

"Well," I said. "I can't speak for Father Wagner ---"

"Wasner" Jake interrupted.

"Whatever" I continued. "But I'll bet you anything that he probably jacked off when he was our age. Everyone does it."


"Yes!" I told him.

"Will you show me how you do it?" he asked. Jake was so serious! "Please?"

I sighed. I didn't want to seem too enthusiastic, but the truth was, that I was getting boned up thinking about it too. Honestly, since Blade had told me a few stories about his encounters, I wanted to share one with him for the next time I saw him... probably tomorrow!

"Sure" I said, "But what about Father Wagner, uh Wasner?" I didn't wait for a reply. "Let's go into the living room, OK?" I figured it would be easier in there where we could sit next to each other. It was darker in there, and the sofa was deep and comfortable.

"OK." Jake said. I could tell he was at that place where your mouth goes dry and your heart makes it feel like it's gonna jump out of your chest. If we were gonna do this, I figured I'd try to make it as positive an experience as possible for Jake.

We went in the livingroom. "Here, sit next to me on the sofa, OK? Try to relax. I can tell you're nervous. It'll be fun, and make you feel a lot better, I promise!"


Jake sat on the sofa in the middle. I sat next to him on his right. I could see he was really hard, as his athletic shorts hid nothing. I asked him "Are you still hard?"

"Yeah" I could tell Jake was blushing.

"Let me see." I said quietly.

"You said you were gonna show me how!" Jake exclaimed, almost reluctant.

"I will, don't worry. But you have to take your dick out, OK?"

"Well, are you gonna take yours out too? I thought you were just going to explain how to do it." Jake said.

"Sure," I said. "But it's easier to show you than try to explain it. Let's do it at the same time. Ready?"


I unzipped my jeans, and stood, and and dropped them to my knees. Jake just lifted up his butt, and pulled down his shorts to about mid thigh. There was an athletic supporter that had seen better days. Ripped in a corner, I could see his ball, and his dick was bulging to be released.

"That too, c'mon." I urged, as I pulled down my boxers so I was exposed. Jake looked at my dick in wide-eyed surprise. He pulled down the supporter, and there was his hard dick, in a forest of reddish brown pubes just around the base, that fanned out around his balls onto his upper thighs. His dick was smaller than mine by at least an inch, and curved up a bit to a shiny head that was already slick with pre.

"Jeez!" he exclaimed, "You've got a big one!"

I didn't say anything to that. "Lay back, and watch. Try to copy what I'm doing, but don't go too fast. When it starts to feel good, let me know. I took my dick in my hand, and encircled it with my right hand, moving it up and down very slowly. Jake followed in suit, his tight balls almost disappeared.I tried very hard not to go too fast, like I usually do, so that I could give as much pleasure to Jake while he watched, as I knew that this was all very new to him.

"You should take off your shirt", I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"You'll be glad you did, trust me." I said, and took off my own shirt. I laid back and started to work on my cock again. I watched Jake watching me. He was breathing real hard. I noticed he had just a few little hairs around his nipples. My mind flashed to that time so many years ago when the same amount of tiny hairs sprouted above his cock. He was holding his dick very tight. "How does it feel?" I asked him.

"It's OK." he whispered.

"Here, let me show you what feels really good." I told him. I reached over with my right hand and touched his cock. "No, don't... " he exclaimed.

"It's OK dude. Relax. Let me show you what feels good." he reluctantly moved his hand away, and I started working his dick very lightly up and down, with a bit of a swirl at the top, to get his precum to slick up my hand a bit, then down again. I knew he was very close. I slowed down. "How's that feel?"

"Really good." he croaked.

I grabbed his left hand, and put it on my dick. "Here, you do mine, and I'll tell you how you're doing, OK?"


Jake took a very firm grip on my dick and started going up and down. I wasn't feeling it. "Not so tight. Like this", as I lightly worked his cock nice and slow, with a very light touch.

Jaked slowed down, and relaxed his grip. It started to feel much better."That's it! Now keep going, nice and slow. I'll tell you when to speed up, OK?"


We worked each other for just a few minutes, and Jake was releasing a lot of pre-cum. I could tell he was getting close. His technique was improving, and I could feel myself building up a good load. "How's that feel now?" I asked him.


"Yeah, you're doing real good. Now speed up on mine just a little." I whispered.

Jake started bucking his hips. I knew it was time to get to his first cumshot. "Faster!" I whispered. Jake started going up and down faster and faster, as I worked his cock. I could tell he was gonna blast any second.

"What the fuck!" he exclaimed, as his first cumshot literally shot onto his face and hit his lips. He stopped jerking me, but I kept going on him, pulling shot after hot shot of cum out of him. "Keep going! I'm almost there too!" I urged him. He started jerking me again, quicker than before. "Oh yeah! Almost there! Ugh!!" I said, as I started to shoot onto my chest, and covering his hand in my cum.

I stopped jerking him, but held onto his cock, waiting for the last few pulses as I gently squeezed on it.Jake looked at his cum covered hand, and at all the cum on his chest, and all over his pubes. He licked his lips and tasted his own cum, then licked his hand, and tasted my cum. "How does it taste?" I asked him.

"Alright I guess. Wow." He lay back, totally spent. "Gross!" he said. "Is there always so much?"

"No, not usually, unless you're really turned on. But anyway, seems you know how to jerk off now, you did great. Let me get you something to clean up with." I got up and got some paper towels from the kitchen, and brought them back for him. "I jack off almost every day. Like I said, I think it helps keep me focused, and I don't get hard-ons in school as much, except when I think about how I want to jerk it later." I winked at him. "How do you feel?" I asked.

"Good! Sleepy! Like I just run a mile in like, four minutes!" He smiled shyly.

Jake cleaned himself up as best he could. He pulled up his jock and his shorts, put on his shirt, and turned to me and grabbed my hand and shook it, like we had just completed some business deal or something.

"Thank you for showing me that. I guess I should've figured it out on my own, but I sure appreciate what you done for me today." Jake said, all formal.

"Dude! What the fuck. It's no big deal. C'mere!" I pulled his hand into me and gave him a quick hug. My face only came up to the middle of his chest, and he awkwardly bent over to hug me back. "Here, let me help you out, you missed some. I don't want you to go back home with cum on your face!" I took one of the balled up paper towels, found a drier spot on one of them, and dabbed up a bit of cum that was on his upper lip. "There! Much better. Thank you mom for the lasagna, I can't wait to try it!"

"Thanks Tyler, for the help with my algebra, and... you know."

"Any time. It's what friends are for. Whenever you need help, let me know, OK?" I told him.

"`K" With that, he bent over and gave me a quick hug and was out the back door and on his way home.

When Blade got home from the bus stop, he headed for the bathroom and pulled out his cock to piss. As he pulled the skin back, he could smell himself as his piss hit the water. Damn, he said to himself, that's nice. When he was done, he went into the kitchen to grab a Dew, then headed towards his room, popping the top of the soda, draining the can. A quick smoke break while he chilled on his bed for awhile, then he stuffed his smokes in his pocket, grabbed his board and headed out to the skatepark. When he got there, the place was packed. There were little kids with helmets and pads and worried looking moms, and the older kids would take a turn for a while, but mostly just hung out. Blade took his shirt off, as a few of his buddies had also. Noticed one guy, had a smiling shark tattoo on his right bicep. Another kid had a tattoo as well, but it was shitty, and said `Justise will Preveil'. Blade inwardly rolled his eyes and said to himself `what a dumbass'. The little kids started to leave, and soon there were only a few of the older boys. Blade really worked up a sweat, got some applause a few times, then he slowed down and decided to take a smoke break. `Justise will preveil' asked him for a smoke. "Sure, whatever. What's your name, dude?" Blade asked. "Justin." The guy said, "but most people just call me Justice." "Blade" Blade said. "Hey Justice, what up?" Blade said, as he lit the cigarette for him. The guy wasn't bad looking. A few inches shorter than Blade, he had long blond hair, blue eyes, and Blade noticed he had a chipped front tooth. His chest was well developed, and there was a pretty nice looking trail of hair up to his navel. Justice wore over-sized long shorts that had been men's slacks at one time, cut off at knee length. His plaid boxers showed prominently. Pretty much a variation of all the kids that were skating right now. Blade enjoyed his smoke while he watched the guys do their stuff. Blade felt he needed to take a shit. There was a public restroom at the far end of the park, through some trees, and kinda far back into the woods.Blade grabbed his board, pitched his cigarette and walked back to the john. It was suddenly quiet, and the tall pines made Blade calm. The toilet had been built in another era. A simple cement block pit toilet, the men's side was on the left. A wood wall stood out about 8 feet from the entrance, and separated the sexes. Inside, the smell was almost overwhelming. Upon entering was a simple trough against the back wall, and next to it, one stall. The plywood walls of the stall were scrawled with graffiti, and had turned dark brown with age. Blade noticed dates that were literally years old begging for hook-ups and crudely drawn body parts. As he entered the stall, the door screeched on its spring hinges. No lock. Whatever. He undid his pants, pulled down his shorts and sat. With a big sigh, he felt the first one going, then with more pressure, more came out. A satisfying splash when it hit the bottom. Ahhh... Nothing better, he thought to himself. He laughed to himself, remembering yesterday, and how much fun he'd had with Tyler. Tyler was cool shit. He's quiet. I like that. He's got a nice dick, and he licked my ass... Blade boned up a little, and pissed a long stream down the dark hole. The continuous splash was nice, and Blade finished pissing, and examined his cock. There was a little cheese, but not bad really, and the smell in the toilet was stronger than the smell of his cock, mostly, but Blade could still smell his dick a little, and the shit that he just took. There was a kinky pube stuck on the end of his dick, which he pulled off and examined. Blade noticed a hole about the size of a softball in the wall about waist level that had a clear view of the trough. Just then, the door to the toilet opened, and Blade could see through the crack that it was Justice. Justice boldly looked over the door into the stall. "Hey Blade. What up, bruh?" He asked. "Takin' a healthy shit, what do you think?" Blade answered. "Gross." "Yeah, whatever. What are you doing in here?" "Gotta take a piss." Justice moved towards the trough. He simply pulled his shorts and boxers down in front, and in a moment, started pissing. The sound of his piss splashing could be heard as it hit the trough, then dropped to the water at the bottom. Blade took a quick look through the hole. He was surprised to see that Justice was very well endowed. He hadn't really thought about it, but he hadn't pictured Justice with a big dick. His long cock hung low, and Blade could see a nice thick bush of very curly light brown pubes above it. Justice let out a long, high pitched fart. "Bonus points." Blade said. Justice laughed "Fuck yeah, bruh." Blade grabbed some paper, wiped, looked at the paper, took a little more, wiped again, then satisfied, looked through the hole again. Justice was shaking the last few drops off his dick. Blade decided to take a risk and said. "If you shake it more than three times, you're playing with it." "Not if you play with it for me." "Is that a challenge?" Blade asked. "Whatev, bruh." Justice said. "I'm just doin' what comes natural." "Challenge accepted, dude." Blade pulled up his shorts, and opened the door to the stall, and walked up to the trough next to Justice.Justice stood holding his cock in his left hand, but was not doing anything with it. Blade waited to see what would happen. "Aren't ya gonna touch it?" Justice asked quietly. "Only if you do mine." Blade replied. "Let me see it." Blade whipped out his dick, and held it in his right hand, slowly pulling back the foreskin. He was already getting fully hard.Justice made the first move. He reached over, and pulled the foreskin all the way up, then back down again. Blade shivered, and grabbed for Justice's cock. It was heavy, and started getting very hard, quickly. Both boys turned toward each other so their cocks were almost touching, fully hard now. They explored each other's cocks, going up and down, feeling each other's balls, then back up again. Blade looked into Justice's face, but he was looking down at their cocks, fascinated. Justice bent over, and took a big whiff of Blade's dick. "Hmm, fuckin' hot, bruh." He said. He put it into his mouth and pulled the foreskin all the way up with his lips, and swirled his tongue around the skin in his mouth, then started sticking his tongue under the foreskin. As he was sucking, Justice reached under Blade's balls, and found his hole. He poked around with his middle finger, and gently probed the hole, then, taking his finger out of Blade's ass, he stopped sucking and held the finger up to his nose, savoring the smell. Blade watched as he could see a little brown on Justice' finger as he sucked it into his mouth. "Hmmmm!" Justice moaned. Blade involuntarily winced. "Gross, dude!" "That's hot as fuck, bruh!" sighed Justice. Justice started sucking Blades dick again, and put his wet finger back into Blades hole, getting it nice and wet. It was starting to feel really good. Blade pulled Justice up, and went for his big member again. Bending over, he put as much of it in his mouth as he could. Blade gagged involuntarily. "Jesus, that's a big dick!" Blade said, as he quickly recovered and went down on it again. Meanwhile, Justice was sucking two of his fingers and getting them really wet, then he reached behind himself and started playing with his ass, pushing his fingers in and out."You wanna eat my ass? He asked, and turned around. Blade could see that Justice's ass was very hairy, and his hole was brown and funky. Justice took his fingers out of his hole, and Blade stuck his tongue in, noting that it didn't really taste as bad as it looked. He started getting into it, getting the hole really wet. Justice was moaning and pushing back, opening the hole even more. "You want to fuck that hole? You want my dirty ass around your cock? I know you do, c'mon, fuck me with your funky uncut cock!"Blade stood up, and Justice turned so he could grab the trough with both hands. "Let me get your dick wet!" Blade put his cock into Justice's mouth, and he spit on it, getting it nice and slobbery. "Put it in nice and slow. I'll tell you when you can start going." Blade had to push down on Justice's back so that he could aim his dick at his hole. Pushing in, he felt resistance at first. Justice gasped, and said "Fuck!" with that, Blade's entire cock went in slowly, all the way to his pubes. "Now just hold it there for a second... ok, nice and slow."Blade did as he was told, and started fucking Justice's ass long and slow. He reached around and felt for his big cock, leaking, jacking him with the same rhythm. "You like my cock in your dirty ass?" growled Blade."Fuck yeah dude. Give it all to me. Go ahead and fuck me hard now!" Justice huffed. The sound of their fucking echoed in the small toilet. Justice's face was almost in the trough, as he grunted with pleasure. Blade grabbed Justice with both hands and fucked him like a dog."You gonna let me lick that cock after you cum in my dirty ass?" he asked."Fuck yeah dude, gonna make you clean it up!" Blade growled. Blade started going faster.You gonna spray your cum in my ass? You gonna give it to me? Huh?" "Fuck yeah, dude. You want it?" "Give me that load, do it!" grunted Justice. Blade reached under and wanked Justice's cock, and got his hand full of his leaking pre. "Here, lick this!" Blade said. "Yeah, let me lick that snot!" Justice said. Blade put his hand to Justice mouth, and he licked up his precum and sucked Blade's fingers. "Oh, fuck, you're gonna get my load! I'm cumming! Ugh! Ugh!!" Blade shot again and again into Justice tight ass. Justice tightened his hole around Blade's cock, and milked it. Finally slowing down, he slowly pulled his dick out of Justice's ass. He noticed it was disgusting. He could smell it. "Let me have that cock, let me see it!" with that, Justice turned around and sat on the cold cement floor and took Blade's dirty dick in his mouth. "Oh fuck yeah, mmmmmmm!" Justice licked and sucked, while jerking his big dick.Savoring, licking, sucking, Justice couldn't seem to get enough of Blades spent cock. "Mmm! Mmmm!" Justice came in a geyser, his cum going all over himself, the floor, and Blade's leg. He kept sucking and licking his dick until, true to his word, Justice had completely cleaned up Blade's softening member. "What the fuck dude!" "You ever fuck a guy before?" Justice asked. "Nope." "Well, I wasn't planning on letting you fuck me. I was just gonna suck your dick, but..." "Wait," Blade asked. "You were planning this? What if I'd said piss off?" Justice's easy laugh filled the stinky room. "Then I would've beat off here anyway. Either way, I figured I'd get to see your cock. Seeing as how you're uncut, I couldn't resist putting it up my butt. I haven't seen too many uncut cocks up close. Anyway, I beat off here all the time. A lot of the guys do. I've done it with most of the guys from the skatepark here." "Sick." "You're sick, ya perv!" Justice smiled. "Not as pervy as you!" Blade said, and smiled back. "True that, bruh, True that!" Justice laughed. "Whatever! Right? Hey, can I bum another smoke before you go?" "Yeah, sure. Here." Blade handed him the pack. Justice put one in his mouth, and took another and put it behind his ear, then handed the pack back. "Light?" he asked. Blade lit the kids smoke, and was about ready to go. So was Justice, their clothes back on and cleaned up. "Look, Imma get going, OK?" Blade said. "Sure, bruh. See ya `round." Blade grabbed his board and headed out.

Next: Chapter 3

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