
By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Apr 18, 2000



Burglars! bawdypen@hotmail.com (Authoritarian / rimming)


Mark and I were so disappointed we went to bed without having sex. This was supposed to be the first day of our vacation, but the damn car broke down. We had made all the preparations: work, mail, paperboy, etc. Now it looked like we would have to wait another week before starting out. We planned to drive East, taking in the Grand Canyon and sights between here and Iowa, where his parents live. So we just crashed early.

Around 2 a.m. I woke Mark. "Did you hear something?" I asked, excitedly.

"Hunh, what?" he asked.

"Someone's in the house!" I shook him.

"Really?" he sat bolt upright.

"Sssh! Get the gun and follow me." We creeped out of bed and made our way down the hallway, Mark brandishing the gun we reluctantly bought last year. So much crime had been going on in our neighborhood. Suddenly, we heard voices.

"Yeah, Skip, these faggots won't be back for a couple of weeks. They won't know what hit them! Check for silver. Faggots always have silver."

"Sure, Phil. How about the VCR?"

"Yeah, get that too. Put it in the van. TV's too big, forget that."

"Hey, Phil! How d'you know they're faggots?" asked Skip.

"Peeked in the window last week, when I was casing the joint. Saw 'em munching on each other's cocks right there where you're standing. Had one of them porno flicks playing on the VCR. Man, they was cocksucking like crazy. Even saw 'em scarfing on each other's assholes. Can you believe that shit? Real cocksucking perverts, those two!"

"Wow!" cried Skip. "Wish those two creeps were here right now, man. We could make 'em suck us off, then bash 'em up real good. Pound their queer heads in."

Mark and I shivered in fear at the words we heard. Then Mark turned to me and whispered, "Joe, that's those two young punks from down the street. I told you they were the ones ripping everybody off."

I took a deep breath. "We'll see about that! Got your gun? Let's teach these punks a lesson they won't forget!" I turned on the lights, flooding the room. Shocked, the two teenagers froze, wide-eyed.

"Well, good evening, boys," I said brightly. "Guess you didn't expect to find any perverts at home tonight, did you?"

"Ah, say..." started Phil, apologetically. Then, more aggressively, "FUCK YOU QUEERS. We were just leavin' anyway. Let's go Skip!"

"Ah...Phil...he's got a gun!"

"Hold on boys," said Mark. "You're not going anywhere. We could shoot you right here, DEAD, and be completely within our rights. You're goin' to jail! Call the cops, Joe!"

"Ah, hey," cried Skip, waving his hand back and forth. "Don't call, OK? Can't we work something out, here? We're on probation. Now that we're 18, if we get caught again we go to prison. Please, man, I couldn't take prison. I'm too small and not that strong. All the fags would be...sorry, I mean, well you know what they do to young guys."

"Yeah, buttfucking and all that!" offered Phil. "Juvenile Hall was bad enough!"

Skip looked at Phil, curiously. "You mean you were cornholed, too?" he asked.

"Hell, no!" cried Phil. "It's just that I heard about other guys. Damn, you were, hunh? You never told me."

"Ah, no...no...I just heard about it too." Skip tried to cover himself. "I mean my roommate was fucked by these guys, five of them. Had to suck their dicks, too. They were really tough on mm...him."

I looked at Mark and winked. They were both good looking guys and just oozed sex appeal, in that exaggerated teenage macho manner. Just petty thieves, probably stealing to buy dope. I doubted they were very dangerous. I made them turn and patted them down for weapons, being sure to grope here and there, quite obviously.

"Hey! Watch your hands, man," Phil cried, then snorted huskily, "You like that, hunh? Yeah, bet you'd like to gobble my big piece of meat, wouldn't you?"

"Kid's getting nasty, Joe. Better make that phone call."

"Hey, man, I'm sorry," apologized Phil quickly. "It's just that I'm not used to having a guy's hands all over me."

"Seems our guests want to make some kind of a deal, Mark," I said. "Actually, I kinda feel that the reason they're still breaking the law is because they secretly want to go to prison for some of that hot cock up the butt. Not to mention the big black ones they'll have to lick on and suck that hot juice down their throats!"

"Oh, god," moaned Skip, "Do something, Phil, please. I don't want to go to prison!" His eyes were watering up a little.

"Hey, come on, guys." Phil was gesturing wildly, shuffling from foot to foot, pleading in a butch manner. It was rather endearing. "Let us go and we promise we won't ever do it again. And we'll...ah, we'll do some work for you. You know, wash your car, some handywork, anything you want, okay?"

"First..." said Mark, approaching the boys and pointing the gun directly at their crotches. "First, you agree to make a full confession on videotape. We lock up the tape and if there's any more robberies around here--if anyone even thinks you guys might be involved--we take the tape to the police."

"Hey, man, that's okay!" they both agreed. "You guys are alright. And we promise that we'll never do it again, right Skip?"

"Right, Phil. Never again."

I knew they would agree and had already started to set up the equipment.

"Just to make sure you don't try to jump us, or try anything funny, take off all your clothes. Pants, shorts, tennies. Leave your shirts and socks on. We'll film you from the waist up." I couldn't resist the socks. Naked teenage boys with white sweatsocks on doesn't get any sexier.

"Aw, gee. Do we hafta strip? We won't try anything funny, honest." Skip was a little nervous.

"Barebutt. Or we'll call it off!" I warned.

Reluctantly, they started to strip. Skip was more hesi- tant, but Phil was more resigned.

"Okay, we'll do it," said Phil. "Guess you guys want a free look anyway, hunh? Long as you don't touch."

"Look, Bozo," pointed Mark. "If we wanna touch, we'll damned well fuckin' touch! Now drop those pants!"

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!" said Skip, quickly dropping his pants, embarrassed at having no shorts on. Phil didn't wear any either, but he didn't give a shit. He just whipped them off and stood there with his hands on his hips, trying to keep his cool.

"Shit, I don't care. If you guys wanna blow us, go ahead. Just let us get the fuck out of here, willya?"

Skip looked at Phil, amazed at what he was agreeing to.

"Don't be in such a hurry, hotshot," I said. "Besides, what makes you think we'd want to suck on that little weinie of yours anyway?"

He blushed and stammered, "Well, it gets a lot bigger!"

"You trying to talk me into it, Phil?" I asked, teasingly.

"Ah, no. Shit no. It's just that..."

"Besides," I approached Skip. "Your friend here seems to have the meat in the family." And he did, as least soft. Skip had a real fine cock. Pretty and fat. I reached down and twiddled it a little, causing it to involuntarily jump at the touch. He stood there bravely, gritting his teeth.

We made the boys sit together on the floor and taped them admitting to breaking into our house for the intention of stealing valuables. I then took the tape and put it into the safe. Popping in another tape, I proceeded to the next step. "Can we go now?"

"Not yet," said Mark.

Their shoulders slumped. Skip spoke first. "Are they really gonna blow us, Phil?"

"Relax, asshole. You'll love it. At least we'll get to leave."

"You should be so lucky," I taunted. "Now we're gonna make another tape just to make sure of your promises. You might not worry about going to jail, but you're damn well not gonna want your parents to see THIS TAPE!"

"OH NO!" cried Phil, dejectedly, getting a feeling of what was about to happen. "You're gonna make us do filthy things, right? Make us suck YOUR DICKS, aren't you?"

"Oh, man, oh, man, oh man!" Skip was really agitated now, tears starting to well up in his eyes. "Please, don't make us do that! I just can't, I can't!"

"WE WON'T DO IT!" Phil said, adamantly. "That's bullshit. Just send us to jail, go ahead!"

"SO YOU CAN SUCK BIG BLACK ONES?" I threatened viciously. "Have them pounding up inside those cute little buns of yours, stretching your assholes wider and wider until they rip them? Three, four, five guys, one after another, night after night? Gulping down that hot juice? LICKING THEIR BIG BLACK BALLS?!" My threats were giving ME a hardon, but I kinda hoped these boys were prejudiced just enough to be sufficiently frightened. I needn't have worried. Even Phil was now on the verge of tears.

"Awww, shit, Skippy." He looked at his friend sitting next to him. "We gotta do it, man. We gotta do it."

Skip looked at him, sniffling. "Damn, Phil. If I hafta, I hafta. It's just that the worst part is having you watch me do it. I'll never be able to face you again."

Then I got the best idea of all. "Oh, you'll be able to face each other, boys. 'Cause you're gonna blow each other."

"WHAT?!" they screamed in unison, looking at me aghast.

"Hey, listen boys," I cooed, "nothing brings friends closer together than a little mutual cocksucking."

They kinda looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes. They looked disgusted, but for a fleeting second they seemed a little more pleased with this arrangement. Hell, this way they wouldn't have to suck on our old twenty-five- year-old pricks. That's what they think!

Getting the camera set up for a wider shot, we started in. Mark wisely, or perhaps a little sadistically, picked the most vulnerable to begin.

"Phil," he ordered. "Stand up. Skip you kneel there and start playing with his dick. Get it real hard!"

Silently, Phil rose and pushed his crotch toward his buddy, probably thinking this wasn't going to be so bad. He wasn't thinking ahead. Right now he was going to get a mouth around his dick and that sounded quite decent.

Skip reached out and tentatively took hold of the soft dangling cock. He pulled on it, fondled it, even wagged it around. Slowly, it started to expand. The circumstances were not exactly opportune for inducing erections, but remember, these were horny straight teenage boys. Even another guy's hand on their joint was more than they usually got. As it length- ened, Skip started to stroke it as comfortably as if it were his own, never taking his eyes off it. Of course, he still had a tortuous expression on his face. It had somehow frozen that way. Mark and I knelt down near them, being careful to stay out of camera range, and gave encouragements.

"Now," directed Mark. "play with his balls with your other hand. That's it. Now we're cookin'. That little weinie's really getting big and juicy, isn't it? Guess we underestimated you, Phil."

Phil opened his eyes and smirked down at us. "Told you so, cock...ah, cock-lovers."

It was getting very impressive, and Skip had it up good and hard, starting to stroke it faster.

"Lick the head, Skip!" I ordered, "Go ahead, lick it. Just run your tongue around it."

He looked at me, fearful, somehow wishing that it could be avoided. He only got stern looks from us, and turned to face the cock again. It was inches from his mouth. He looked up at Phil, his chin trembling. Phil looked down and gave him a slight nod of encouragement. Skip stuck out his tongue and started to lick the head of Phil's throbbing cock. And started crying. He didn't take his mouth away, but began blubbering as he licked around the cockhead. Mark and I looked at each other and smiled wickedly. I don't know about Mark, but I had a fat boner in my pants watching this display of innocence we were corrupting. It was delicious!

Phil was obviously torn. This wasn't his scene, but that hard cock of his was getting agitated. It wanted sucked. And watching his pretty friend's mouth at his cock was turning him on. He looked over at me. "You hafta torture him? He can't handle this."

We showed no concern.

He reached down and held his friend's head in his hands. "Don't cry, it's okay. Just do it and we can go home. Come on now, quit bawling. After all, it's MY COCK, Skippy. Your best friend. You don't mind sucking MY COCK, do you?"

I was rather enjoying this torture, but I wanted to get the show on the road. I reached over to the end table and grabbed a bottle of poppers. Putting it under Skip's nose, I directed him to breath in slowly. Then Mark took over.

"Now, Skip," he spoke slowly as the boy got immediately high. "Take a real good look at that beautiful cock. Feel it, stroke it. That's it. Slowly. Hot fuckin' piece of meat, isn't it? Yeah, feels good in your hand. Now take another lick. Fondle those balls and lift up that hard shaft and run your tongue up and down it."

The boy followed his directions, as if in a trance. His own cock was rapidly rising out of his crotch. "Yeah, sweet boycock," Mark continued. I gave the kid another snort. "Now grab that lovely hard cock, Skip, and suck it into your mouth. That's it, take as much as you can. Doesn't that taste good? Yeah, boy, suck on that muther! Now you got it." Skip was bobbing his head.

Phil was looking down at his friend, slowly pumping his dick into the willing mouth. Amazed at the transformation, he looked down at me, wondering what was in that bottle that caused his friend to begin gobbling his prick like that. "Wow, man," he whispered, "what is that stuff?"

"You'll find out," I grinned.

He smirked again, but this time, perhaps, with a little curiosity and anticipation. He had to be wondering if THE STUFF was going to make him enjoy it as much.

"OK!" Mark ordered. "Now change places."

Somewhat reluctantly, Skip released the cock from his mouth. He looked very embar-rased and said nothing. But his cock was hard and he seemed eager to push it at Phil when his friend knelt down.

"Hold on, asshole," Phil growled, "I'll suck it. I can take it like a man!" Still the macho attitude, he started to get cute. He looked into the camera and waved. "Hi Mom!" Then he grabbed Skip's fat cock and shoved it into his mouth. Choking and sputtering, he continued to move his mouth up and down. If he was going to suck cock, he was damn well going to suck cock! But it was a sad demonstration. He was completely mechanical and heartless.

"STOP THAT!" ordered Mark.

"Whadda you mean, stop!" asked Phil. "I thought I had to suck his cock. Whadda you guys want, anyway?"

"Don't you get it, dipshit?" asked Mark. "We're trying to teach you desire. Now take a good look at his cock. Do what he did. Hold it. Stroke it. Play with it. Give him a snort, Joe."

I held the bottle to his nose. He breathed deeply, more than he should have, and reeled slightly. "Oh, wow, man. WHAT A RUSH!"

Skip smiled, knowing what his friend would soon experience. Mark coaxed, "Now, Phil. Take a better look. See the beauty. Feel that mancock. The power. The hardness. The majesty. Put your face in there and SNIFF HIS BALLS. Breathe deeply and enjoy the smell of your friend's hot crotch. That's it. Now run your tongue over his nuts. Yeah, slurp on 'em. Lick those fucking balls, man!"

Phil was moaning now. He buried his face in Skip's crotch, lapping at his sweaty balls. He reached around and grabbed the boy's ass and pulled it closer to him. "Gotta suck it, man, gotta suck it!" He was obviously amazed at the sound of his own voice, because he looked up sheepishly at us, then smiled in recognition. He held that fat cock in his hand, in readiness, then looked at the camera again. He was flying high. "Fuck you, Dad, I'm sucking Skippy's cock and it tastes damn good!" He waved the stiff cock towards the camera. "Wanna taste, you bastard?" Then he dove on the cock and started moaning as he slurped and slobbered all over it. He ran his tongue around the head, then sucked in the shaft and repeatedly stuffed it far into his mouth and back out again.

Mark and I were slowly removing our clothes, not wanting to miss the action. Skip had his eyes closed and was licking his lips. "Oh, so good. Yeah, suck it Phil, suck it, baby. Oh, man, I'm gonna blow soon."

"STOP!" cried Mark, pulling Phil off the cock. "Not yet."

Both boys slumped on the floor, exhausted. They reluc- tantly stopped the action, as ordered, but knew instinctively that more hot stuff was coming.

We were naked now, and the boys finally noticed it. "So," smirked Phil, halfheartedly, kinda smiling, "you've turned us into perverts, now you're gonna get some for yourself, hunh?"

"You bet we are!" I answered.

Phil looked at Skip. "Well, fuck, buddy. Whadda you think? Crazy isn't it? I don't know what that shit was, but I sure can't pretend I didn't enjoy blowing you. And you can't either! I felt that hot mouth of yours on my joint. You can deny it if you want, buddy, but you liked it, didn't you?"

"Yeah. I don't know how I'Il feel tomorrow, Phil, but goddammit! My cock's still as hard as yours and I wanna cum. And I don't care how. I wanna suck you again, shithead, I'm so fucking hot! I guess these guys want blown too. And I guess we gotta do it."

They looked at us and down at our stiff cocks.

Skip continued, "I don't know what you did to us with that stuff, but I can still feel it a little. You guys got nice cocks, too. I guess I wouldn't mind sucking on them. Hell, I want to suck on them, don't you Phil?"

"Yeah," Phil replied, reaching over and handling Mark's cock. "I'll take this one, right here. You take the other one."

They both swooped down on us and stuck our cocks in their mouths. Skip grabbed mine, licking around the head, then suck- ing on it like a baby at a nipple. He seemed quite contented, and unaware of what Phil was up to, because he seemed quite surprised when we soon found Phil on his feet, the gun in his hand.

"OK, faggots, now we're in control. Get up Skip and get the tape outta that camera!"

"Damn, Phil, I was really enjoying myself." He caught himself, and stammered, "I mean...well, hell, I wasn't bull- shitting before. Cocksuckin' ain't that bad. Especially yours, you dork! Now we gotta stop, and you'll probably hold all this against me, won't you?" Then he yelled in frustration, "AND BESIDES, I still haven't cum yet! Put that gun away, cause I'm not leaving til one of you THREE blows me!"

Phil was flabbergasted. He stood there with the gun in one hand and his hard cock in the other. "Man, this is all real, isn't it?" He tossed the gun onto the sofa. "I wouldn't snitch on you, buddy. I liked yours too. Don't make much difference, anyway. They still got the other tape."

Mark nonchalantly rose and patted Phil on the butt. "Don't take it so hard, Phil," he laughed. "The fucking gun isn't loaded, anyway. Nice ass!"

"Bet you'd like to lick it, wouldn't you, pervert!"

"Oh, I'm gonna lick it, Phil," Mark said confidently. "I'M GONNA LICK YOUR ASSHOLE OUT REAL GOOD. I'Il bet it tastes real sweet. I'm gonna suck on it. Joe's gonna suck on it. And Skip's gonna suck on it, too!"

"FAT ASS CHANCE!" cried Skip.

"No, Skip, it's not a fat ass," I corrected. "It's really a super fine ass. Turn around, Phil, show Skip your hot bum!"

"Why not," said Phil, turning slowly, feeling up his own buttocks. "Never had my butt licked before. You like it, Skippy?" The idea appealed to Phil, obviously.

"Don't get smug, Phil," I warned. "We're serious about this. Don't forget the other tape. You're gonna put your tongue on Skip's butthole, too. And you're gonna lick on it and put your tongue right inside, smartass."

"Hah! Not without a loaded gun, I'm not!"

BANG! Mark had retrieved the gun and shot into the ceiling. "Just kidding, boys. It really was loaded!"

This shook them up a bit, but Phil was much too smart. "Put it away, dickbreath. We got your number. You got something on us, right? You can make us do anything you want, right? But I know you're not gonna shoot us. 'Cause you're too ni...cause you're pussies!"

Something was happening here, he almost said NICE. I was slowly figuring it out. Phil was still pushing his macho bull- shit, but I had caught him checking out the chamber when he held the gun. He knew it was loaded. He also knew that if they took the upper hand, the sex might stop. He correctly figured out that we weren't about to harm them, we were much too hot for their bodies. But he had to make Skip believe they were trapped by our blackmail. Good thinking, you horny little devil!

"We gotta go along with them, Skip."

"Yeah, sure Phil," he said sarcastically. "I wanted a blow job, but now that it seems you're gonna get your asshole licked, you're all for it!" Then he laughed, and shook his head in amusement.

Phil laughed too. He turned to us, "Look, guys, I think we're ready to stop playing games, and start PLAYING GAMES. Our dicks haven't gone down for an hour. We're so fucking horny we're willing to let you guys teach us everything nasty you can. We probably won't ever do it again, but tonight we'll try anything. Right, Skip?"

"Aw, shit! Right, Phil. Let's do it all, buddy. I'll even lick your stinkin' butt. We'll never do it again anyway, right!" Phil didn't answer. "Right, Phil?"

"Whadda I look like, a mindreader? You just said you'd lick my butt," he teased, "if you're real good at it, how do I know I won't want you to do it again?"

"Just for that," Skip pointed his finger at Phil, "you're gonna do it to me FIRST!"

"Oh, no, asswipe! The rules have already been set down. You're first!"

"No, buttlick, you are!" Skip retorted.

Mark and I just looked at each other and shook our heads. We had lost control a long, long time ago. We had created monsters in our midst. We had on our hands two horny teenagers who were experiencing things they had never even imagined, and were obviously eager to get on with it.

"LISTEN," I took command, shouting over their arguing. They both looked at me as if they just remembered we were in the room. "Do you guys see what's happening here? You don't want to admit it--even though you did when you were high--that you both are hot for each other bodies. You're probably in love! Don't say a word. Do everything we tell you to and we promise you'll have one fucking fantastic time. Mark, light up that joint over there. You guys, get down and play with each other's dicks. Make sure you don't cum."

The boys looked at each other, said nothing, and slowly dropped to the floor. They sat opposite each other and started fondling one another's hard tools, looking directly into each other's eyes.

We passed the joint to their lips. Before long, we were all quite high. The boys were still looking at each other.

I leaned close and said softly, "Don't squeeze those dicks, just lightly feel them. Run your fingers up and down. Feel the balls. Notice how beautiful your friend is. He's a really hot looking guy. Now look at each other's lips. Imagine what it would be like to kiss your friend's mouth. Hot luscious lips. Probing tongue. Now get closer. Feel your buddy's hot breath. Go ahead, press your lips to his. That's it, closer. Kiss him, you fool!"

We watched as the boys slammed together, eagerly, in a trance, and started sucking frantically on each other mouths. They let go of the cocks they were holding and wrapped their arms around each other and started really making out. Mark and I were overjoyed. We reached down and took over the job of keeping those throbbing cocks at a fever pitch. Then we reached back and fondled their hot buttocks, very lightly running a finger up and down their asscracks. They broke their kiss, looked down, and each grabbed one of our cocks and stroked them. Then they went back to mouth sucking.

After a while of this, Mark broke them apart. They were panting for breath. He gave them another hit off the joint. Then after it had reached their heads, he said, "Skip. Tell Phil that you love him." Skip jerked his head toward Mark, started to protest, but said nothing. He turned back to Phil and said, "I l-love you." The words seemed to thunder through the quiet room. "Damn, I really do love you!"

Mark continued, "Phil, tell Skip that you love him."

"I think he already knows, Mark," Phil said slowly, slightly slurring his words. "I love you, Skippy." Then as if coming out of his trancelike state, still staring his buddy directly in the eyes, "You shithead cocksucker, I've always loved you. Didn't you know that? What am I saying? I didn't even know it! Well, maybe I did, deep inside."

"Me, too," Skip agreed.

I jumped up and clapped by hands together loudly. "OK, now you juvenile delinquents know where you stand. Enough romance for now. You're both beautiful, supremely loaded, and you've got great roaring hardons. Time to suck and fuck and rim and felch!"

"What's felch?" asked Skip.

"Never mind that for now, it's just an expression. You two lay on your sides and get in a sixty-nine. Lick his dick. You're in love. Time to explore those hot bodies of yours. Discover the wonders. Do as I say." I went on in a soft encouraging monotone. "Forget your cocks. Spread your buddy's cheeks and get your face down there. That's it. Look at it. Ever notice how pretty an asshole really is? Now smell. Don't be afraid. Take in that hot sweaty aroma of your lover's asshole. You love him...you love him all over! You love the smell of his cock, his balls, his asshole. You love everything about him. That's it. Now kiss that little pink hole! Kiss it just like you kissed his mouth. He's kissing yours. You kiss his. Now taste it. Run your tongue over it. See what your lover's asshole tastes like. It's alright. It's your lover's asshole. If you want to lick your lover's asshole, lick your lover's asshole. Fuck what anyone thinks. It's hot, man! It's nasty! Make him feel real good. He's making you feel real good. That's it, guys! You're getting into it now."

And they were. Both boys were now licking like crazy up and down each other's asscracks. I was watching Phil rimming Skip and Mark was watching Skip rimming Phil. We were both jacking off, wishing we were licking those hot teenage holes. In time, in time.

"Take a shot of poppers. Now, when I say go," I continued to direct, "spread that sweet-tasting butthole open and ram your tongue inside. GO!" And they did. I could only see one side, but Phil pulled Skip's bum open wider and shot his tongue inside. He slurped like a madman, tongue-fucking his buddy, driving his rigid tongue in and out.

The same had to be happening at the other end, because Mark was coaxing Skip. "Good butt licking, Skip. Now SUCK ON HIS ANUS! Suck those lips. You guys never did anything so hot and nasty in your fuckin' lives! SUCK ON THOSE SWEET LOVELY ASSHOLES!"

Then shortly, because of the writhing and moaning, I ordered, "Now, QUICKLY, get on each other's cocks. Suck your buddy's delicious cum right up from his balls. Taste it and swallow it. It's the most delicious drink you've ever had. Shoot in your lover's mouth! SHOOT GALLONS!"

Their beautiful teenage bodies shook in violent orgasm, each boy spurting load after load of hot sperm down his buddy's throat. They gulped and sucked for more. Mark and I fingered their moist assholes, causing them to shoot even more. And still they sucked. We pulled them apart and plugged their mouths with our throbbing cocks. They both wanted more cum to drink and were grateful for fresh loads. And did we give it to them! If they'd taken any longer to come, we would have shot all over them. Watching them was such a turn-on, we were going crazy!

We all four layed back, exhausted. Then, talking to the ceiling, Skip said exasperatedly, "Damn, Phil, don't you ever clean your ass?"

Phil sat upright. "Wow, Skippy, I'm sorry. I didn't exactly plan on this, you know. Besides, shitlick, you could have stopped!"

"Yeah, I know," he replied slowly, still looking straight up. "But I was so hot and loaded," he laughed, "I didn't give a fuck! And your tongue felt soooo good up my hole!"

"You know," said Phil absentmindedly, "My favorite expression to you has always been Kiss my ass! Now I know why."

I spoke up. "Mark, I think the beasts are tamed."

"Naw," he said, bending to kiss Phil's cock, "they're still ANIMALS!"

We all laughed. Phil looked at Mark. "Well, are you guys happy now? You've made us into first class faggots!"

"Not quite yet. You guys remember buttfuckin'?"

"Ouch!" Phil grimaced with a smile. "Hmmm. I think I'd kinda like shoving my big dick up Skippy's ass."

"Bullshit, Bozo!" I said. "You guys can suck and fuck together for the rest of your lives if you want to. We might never see you again. This is our show, and we're taking your cherries! You're not getting off with a couple of blowjobs."

Phil and Skip both blushed, realizing that in their passion they had sucked us off unashamedly. Nothing more was mentioned about their Juvenile Hall experiences. No true confessions were forthcoming and we didn't press it. Truth might ruin fantasy.

"Besides," I continued, "you guys will probably fuck it up. We know how to initiate you so that you'll really enjoy it. Now get up side by side on your knees and stick your butts in the air. We wanna taste 'em, too!"

Apprehensive, but compliant, and still remembering how good a tongue felt in their virgin holes, our burglar boys moved together and did as directed. They stuck those still moist assholes up in our faces as we knelt behind them. Mark winked at me and smiled. We grabbed their cheeks and spread them wide.

Their bodies were very tense, their assholes constricting tightly, afraid of the unknown. A tongue was one thing...a guy's hard cock was something else. Some nasty talk would soon loosen them up.

"Not bad!" I said, "How's yours look, Mark?"

"Well," he said, anticipating the direction I was going in. "I got the shitty one, but I see Skip's cleaned it real good with his tongue." He took a whiff. "Smells just right, now. A little hair around it, and the ring is kinda dark with fat lips. Looks real tasty, though. How's yours?"

"Pink and hairless. And ripe for fucking!" This caused Skip's hole to involuntarily twitch. "Now it's winking at me, Mark! Skip's mind might be apprehensive, but his butthole's just craving having something big stuck up inside. LET'S EAT 'EM!"

We dove into those sweet morsels, causing moans from the boys. Our slurping tongues immediately put them temporarily at ease. We ate and ate, licking and sucking those juicy teenage bungholes like crazy. Mark and I had been faithful to each other for years. This was a special treat, sharing these boys.

Mark turned to me, breathless. "THIS IS ONE HOT FUCKING ASSHOLE, JOE! Phil's pushing it out at me, opening it right up!"

"I can't help it," said Phil, quietly.

"Stick your finger in there, Mark," I said. "I want a taste."

Mark eased his finger into Phil's asshole, all the way in. He twitteted it around a bit, then slowly drew it back out again and held it out to me. It was clean, except for Phil's ass juices, and I sucked it into my mouth, running my tongue all around it.

"Now," said Mark, retrieving his finger and putting it back into Phil's twitching hole, licking it all the while, "let's have a taste of Skip."

But Skip was still quite tense. I ran my wet finger over and around his hole and started to penetrate it.

"Ow!" he cried.

"Damn, Skip. Loosen up." I slapped his ass, hard.

Phil looked over at him, his eyes glazed. "Go ahead, buddy. Let him in. It feels good, honest."

Phil's words were magic to Skip. His anus immediately relaxed and sucked my finger right in. He moaned as I moved it around in circles, slowly expanding the hole. When it was loose enough to be sure he would welcome having it put back in, I withdrew it and offered it to Mark.

"Here, lover, you think your burglar boy's butthole tastes good, suck on this! He's sweet and luscious."

Mark held my finger up stiffly and ran his tongue up and down, then sucked it into his mouth.

"I'm not sure," Mark said, teasingly. He pulled his finger out of Phil's ass and tasted it. "I'll stick with this one!"

For the next ten minutes we teased those holes. Rimming 'em, finger-fucking 'em, rimming some more, sucking on our own fingers, and each other's. When we had the boys gaping and moaning, we flipped them over, threw their legs back and readied for the plunge. We squatted down and pointed our dripping cocks on target, sliding them around the holes, making it all slippery, then shoved in.

"SONOFABITCH!" cried Phil.

"You alright, Phil?" asked Skip, more concerned about his friend than the 8 inches I was driving into him.

"Are you kidding, man?" he said breathlessly, "This feels incredible. How about you?"

"Feels pretty good, I guess. Would you have believed this morning that we'd be here like this, having two faggots fucking us up the ass!"

"Not in a million. Kiss me while we get fucked." And the boys moved their heads together and made out while we plowed their asses. We shot loads up their assholes, then bent down and sucked them off. They were still kissing while they unloaded their hot juices down our throats.

"Well," I offered, after the boys had dressed. "I hope you guys won't be burglarizing any more homes now that you see what the penalties can be."

"Shit!" said Phil, sheepishly. "I think Skip and I are going to be sucking and fucking too much to have time for that bullshit." He grabbed Skip's Levi-covered ass. "I can't wait to get in there!"

"The way you were carrying on," smirked Skip, "it's my cock that'll be up your ass most of the time!"

Phil laughed, and said honestly, "Probably...probably."

"Come by again, guys, and you can fuck us." I promised.

Mark thought he was teasing when he said, "Remember now, our loads are up your holes. If you get home real quick, you can suck 'em out. That's felching!"

Instead of being shocked, they looked at each other questioningly, giggled, and rushed out the door.

We headed back to bed.

"You know, Mark, we just found the solution to juvenile delinquency. Maybe we should write the President!"

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

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