
By John Smith

Published on Jun 19, 2013



This story is completely fictional. Names, characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material, or are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page immediately. Please read at your own risk.

"Mine next! It's my turn!" Aaron shouted as he strutted forward and grabbed the kid by the back of his hair. The boy winced in pain, but managed a few more bobs on Jake's pale, up-curved cock before turning and taking Aaron's throbbing black dick in his mouth.

The kid was a rosy faced, effeminate, 14 year old freshman, and he'd been abused since his first day of high school.

His knees hurt from kneeling on the concrete floor of the gym storeroom, but he endured it because he knew if he fought them and tried to stand up again, they'd beat the shit out of him.

"Uuh." Jake groaned as a rope of jizz erupted from his cock and splattered against the kid's face and hair. The boy felt the hot sticky goo hit his nose and forehead, but didn't acknowledge it, he just kept sucking on Aaron's swollen cock head while Jake shot three, four, five more loads of sticky cum all over his face.

"Clean this shit off." Jake grabbed the boy's hair and yanked him off Aaron and shoved his pink cock head back into the boy's mouth. Jake milked his stiff boner, pushing the remaining jizz out his piss slit into the boy's mouth.

"Swallow that shit faggot. Open your mouth, show me your tongue." The boy swallowed and stuck out his tongue and showed it to Jake.

"You're a good faggot boy." Jake said.

"Hold up, you ain't done yet." Aaron pulled the boys hair and jerked him back over to his own cock again. "You gonna suck this cock till I nut in your mouth, got it?"

The boy nodded and opened his mouth so Aaron could go back to fucking his face.

He could feel Jake's cum starting to drip down his face and started to wipe it away, but Aaron stopped him.

"Don't touch that spunk boy. I like it there. That way you know you're just a spunk boy. You our bitch boy and we can do what we want with you."

"Got it faggot?" Jake backed him up.

"Ain't that right Ty?" Aaron shouted.

"That's right man." Ty replied, in a lazy Southern drawl, distilled through 5 generations or poor white trash.

Aaron's black cock slide back and forth through the boys parted lips until he grunted and pushed the head into his mouth, launching a spray of cum against the back of his throat. The boy didn't move as Aaron's cock dumped the rest of it's thick load onto his tongue. He just swallowed the acrid spunk then opened his mouth to show Aaron it was gone.

"Yeah, that's a good boy. I know you like to swallow it, don't act like you don't."

"Yeah he likes it, look at his face." Ty had stepped up to stand in front of the boy. "And lucky for you, my nuts are full too."

He dropped his jeans and underwear and grabbed the boy by the back of the head and smashed his face into his dangling cock and balls. Ty lived in a trailer park about a mile from the school and judging from the funk wafting off his nuts he hadn't showered in days.

The boy took Ty's long, limp dick in his mouth and sucked as it quickly grew hard.

"Suck it! Suck it faggot!" Ty shouted at him.

Ty pulled his stiff cock out of the kids mouth and smacked the kid hard across the face with it, splattering Jake's remaining cum all over his cheeks.

"You like that, don't you. This is your master, you do what he wants." The boy just shook his head in obedience. "And you suck his balls too, boy" The boy took Ty's hairy, smelly nuts and gently sucked on them before Ty rammed his cock back into his mouth.

"Stand up, take off your clothes." Aaron commanded the boy.

He ignored him, but then Aaron smacked him hard across the back of his head.

"Take off your mother fucking clothes." Aaron growled.

The boy stood up and took off his shirt, but as he started at the top button of his shorts he stopped. Tears began rolling down his cheeks.

"Don't fucking cry boy." Ty got in his face. "Drop 'em!"

"I can't." Cried the boy.

"Fucking do it!" Jake screamed at him.

"Don't make me take off my clothes." He started to sob.

"Take em off." Aaron smacked his face, "Or there's gonna be more of that shit."

The freshman dropped his shorts, then his white briefs. He tried to cover his privates, but there was no hiding his erection.

"Don't cover that up." Ty said, "We know you like it. We all got dicks here. We can all see. We got four dicks here, but only got one mouth."

"And just one pussy." Aaron added.

"And just one pussy." Ty seconded.

"Just one pussy." Jake grinned.

The boy felt weak and powerless as the three upperclassmen crowded around him. Ty was 19, and should have graduated, but had been held back. Jake and Aaron were both 18 year old seniors and played football. Any one of them could have easily beat the shit out of the scrawny freshman. Together they were going to destroy him.

Ty put his hands on the kid's shoulders and pushed him back down on his knees.

"Open your mouth, I wanna blow." Ty said matter of fact.

The boy opened his mouth and tilted back his head as Ty furiously jerked his long cock. The first load landed directly on the boys tongue. The second hit him in the eye. The third and forth landed across his lips and the fifth hit low on his chest.

"Suck it, clean it off." Ty said in a cool parental tone, guiding his cock back into the kid's mouth, "That's a good boy."

The boy was sucking the rest of the cum out of his dick and barely had a chance to swallow before Aaron hooked his hands under his armpits, hoisted him to his feet and pushed his face against the wall.

Aaron growled into the boy's ear, "I knew I was gonna turn you out the first time I saw you." Aaron licked the back of his neck, "I been watching you."

Aaron pushed the boy forward, bending him over, but the boy resisted.

"No, please don't. No!" He squealed.

"Quit moving around." Aaron grabbed the thin, boney boy by the back of the neck and pulled one arm behind him rendering the him powerless.

"Please don't. I don't want to do this. I really, really don't want to do this." His pubescent voice cracking in between sobs. But Aaron's cock was stiff again and starting to poke the back of the boy.

"Get me the lotion." Aaron called out to Jake, who brought over the thick body lotion. The smell of coco butter filled the room as he smeared the thick stuff all over his cock and the boy's asshole.

"Please, I've never done it. I don't want to do it like this. It's going to hurt."

"Quit moving around and it won't hurt." Aaron aimed his slick dick at the boy's tight clenched asshole and pushed.

"Ahhhh!! Stop!" But the boy knew it was too late. Aaron's cock felt like a sword piercing his ass. It was happening and he couldn't stop it, he just tried to relax and breath.

"Damn!" Aaron swore, " This dude's asshole is tight."

"Give it to him man. Fuck that's hot." Ty said stroking his stiff dick.

"How's it feel?" Jake asked

"Feels like my dick's in a mother fucking vacuum cleaner. Shit is tight."

The boy was bent over, his hands against the wall for support, his erection diminished to a limp, numb nothing. All he could feel was the burn in his ass and Aaron Washington's black cock working back and worth in his rectum. Aaron started quickly thrusting in and out of the boy.

"That's how to fuck." Ty said, getting excited. "Let me get some of that."

Aaron pulled out and the kid didn't even bother to stand up, he just waited for Ty to grease up his dirty redneck cock and push it in. Ty's cock was fatter and a good two inches longer than Aaron's, and it burned like fire as he was penetrated again, but the boy bit his lip and took the whole length with barely a whimper.

"Ohhh... sweet Jesus, this it hot." Ty panted, "Fuck pussy.. this boy's asshole is hotter than any bitch."

"No, that ain't true. Ass ain't better than pussy." Jake said.

"You sure about that, you try this out and tell me that again." Ty pulled his long dick out of the freshman and slapped the boy's bare butt. "You holding up alright?"

"Yeah." the boy whimpered, still bent over, his face sticky with tears.

Jake came up behind the boy, looking nervous, like he was buying a car he wasn't sure about, "There ain't even no hair on him."

"He's a freshman dumbass. Don't worry, he can take it." Ty sighed, frustrated.

Jake was nervous, his dick only about half hard, and it took a few attempts for him to pop it into the boy's tight hole, but once he did he let out a groan, "Ahhh... this is unreal."

"Better than pussy?" Ty asked.

"Better than pussy." Jake confirmed, giving him a thumbs up.

"You ain't even fucking him. Give it too him." Aaron coached him along. The tight wet ring of the kid's ass brought Jake's dick to a full, hard erection and he pushed it in, grinding his nuts against the kid.

"Take that faggot." Jake smacked the boy's ass and laughed. Despite all his bravado, Jake had never popped his cherry. Not sure what to do, he started to fuck the boy in imitation of his favorite porno, hard and forceful, pulling out his cock all the way and slamming it back in to his nuts.

The kid cried in pain with each re-entry, but eventually his ass started to give up tension and the anal ring just hung open, a wet, puffy, open hole for Jake's eager cock. The pain eased off as his ass became numb.

"This feels so fucking good I don't know how long I'm gonna last."

His virgin cock could barely contain it's load.

"I can't wait no more. Shit.." Jake grabbed the boys shoulders and squeezed down on him. "Goddamnit." His cock jumped and blew it's gooey sperm up the boys asshole.

"Fuuuuuck. My cock fucking hurts." Jake pulled his wet, wilted cock out of the boy.

"Alright I gotta do this, get outta my way." Aaron took Jake's place behind the boy and pushed his dick up the boy's ass.

"Ugh!" the boy grunted as the black cock stretched his ass open again.

Jake's cum lubed up the boys ass well and Aaron's fat black cock slide in and out with ease.

"Now this is how you do it, right here." Aaron took long powerful strokes then started power fucking the boy as fast as he could. He pounded him over and over again, riding the poor boy's asshole hard, punishing him.

Aaron could feel the cum building up in his balls but before he could let it go the boy collapsed to the ground.

"Goddamnit! I was about the blow."

The boy was curled up on the cold floor. "I'm sorry, I can't stand anymore."

"I ain't done yet." Aaron growled.

"I can't, my legs cramping. I'll do anything else."

Aaron waddled, bowlegged, forward, his cock leading the way, and stood in front of the boy. Without even thinking the boy got up on his knees and took Aaron's slick cock in his mouth. The taste of cum, ass and coco butter mingled together on his tongue.

"Taste that ass." Aaron tilted his head back and took a deep sigh.

The boy bobbed his head up and down, trying to get Aaron to cum, but Ty wasn't haven't it.

"I already got my dick sucked today. I'm gonna fuck." Ty announced before looking at Aaron, "You gonna fuck too." He turned to Jake, "You already fucked you don't count."

Ty took the boy and pushed his face down to the concrete floor so he was buckled over, his ass pointing up to the ceiling, and lowered himself onto the boy, plunging the entire length of his shaft into his ass with one quick motion.

"Aaahh!!" the boy screamed like a girl. Ty lifted up then dropped his dick into the boy's raw hole like a bomb. He did this several more times before turning back to Aaron.

"Time you finished up man."

Ty pulled his long cock out of the boy and stepped aside so Aaron could take his place. Aaron pushed his cock into the hunched over boy until his nuts were pressed against the boys backside. The warm inner flesh of the freshman enveloped his cock and within minutes his black balls started to fill again.

"Oh yeah, I'm about to nut.." he chanted, working his cock in and out of the boy, "It's gonna be big.. fuck yeah... this is big.. fuck.. FUCK!.." Aaron dug his nails into the boys soft skin, his nuts tightened up and he unloaded his seed into the boy.

"Ohhh... man. Fuck!" Aaron stood up his wet cock starting to sag. He high-fived Ty and strutted back to Jake.

"Dude, coach is gonna kick our asses, we gotta go." Jake pleaded.

"Shit, it's 4 o'clock." Aaron realized, looking his phone.

Jake and Aaron threw on their clothes as if nothing had happened, their minds now focused on practice, nearly forgetting the boy.

"Thanks for the ride, fag boy. Hope my dick wasn't too big for ya." Aaron said swatting the boy on the head. "You coming Ty?"

"Nah, I ain't cum but once."

"Finish up then bro, you don't want blue balls. I got him slicked up for ya." Aaron said over his shoulder, as he and Jake unlocked the door and let themselves out of the storeroom. As the door closed behind them Ty turned back to his victim.

"Just me and you now kid." His face turned more menacing than before, his black eyes narrowed like a wolf's and he licked his lips.

"Please, my butt hurts too bad." The boy pleaded.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna do it slow." Ty said, his voice slow and measured. But the boy just shook his head in defiance.

He spoke this in barely a whisper, just for the boy, "The thing is, I know you want a big dick up in you. It's all over your face. I can tell by the way you walk. The whole school knows it."

He walked toward the boy and offered him his hand, lifting his naked body off the ground and slowly turning him around. They boy was too exhausted to struggle and he allowed Ty to clutch him tightly. He was kissing his shoulders, caressing him, loving him, his long dick pressed up against the boy's back, his firm grip holding their bodies together.

Ty fingered the boy's blond hair and whispered into his ear, "It's ok that you're gay. Tell you the truth, I'd rather fuck a boy like you than any of these bitches anyway. So why don't you stop fighting it and just give it to me."

Ty's hands worked up and down the boy's smooth chest.

"All that other shit, that's for show. But now I want you to fuck me. That's right, it's all up to you now." He slid his hand down the boys soft, smooth ass and slid one finger into his raw hole. "Your cunt's wet now. I think you're ready to make love to me."

They stood in embrace, the boy lulled into submission. Ty positioned the tip of his cock against the boys hole, but didn't push forward. He took the boys hips and pulled the boy backward easing him onto his cock.

"Come on now. Back it up onto me.. That's a good boy.. Ease that hole right onto my dick."

The boy was unable to stop himself and allowed his hips to be lead back. Ty's big knob pushed open the loosened gape and edged deeper into him. Ty reached around and caressed the kid's nipples, then worked his way down to his cock.

His young, soft cock began to grow hard and sensitive again, regaining his adolescent length and thickness.

"It feels real good, don't it? Giving me your pussy?"

The boy felt guilt when he arched his back so Ty could better ease his long shaft into his ass, and guilt again when he pushed back without Ty's guidance. His shame was for giving in. Shame that despite the humiliation he'd suffered he could not stop his body from acting out the involuntary motions.

"You're doing good baby boy. Just let my cock sit in your ass a minute. We're gonna do it slow now"

For the first time in his young life, the boy had reached the point where all sense of self-control was gone, where doing the right thing didn't matter and all that is left is animal desire. He was in heat and needed Ty.

"I can feel you like it now. Your ass is real loose. Real easy. You ain't fightin it." Their bodies pressed together, Ty inside the boy, holding him in place.

The kid reached around and pulled his smooth ass cheeks apart to open up his sex and show Ty he submitted. Ty's eight inch organ felt like it belonged inside him, it made him full and complete, and he pushed his ass further back grinding until he felt Ty's heavy nuts resting below his hole and he knew that there was nothing left to give.

The boy could taste cum on his tongue, and it mixed with the gamey stink that filled the storeroom. He began moving back and forth humping Ty's cock, fucking him with his ass.

"That's right son, ride my dick." Ty braced the boys hips as the kid threw his wet, sloshing, ass back, over and over again, the repeated slapping making Ty's unkempt bush and furry scrotum wet with seeping cum and coco butter.

"Uh, uh, uh" the boy grunted with each deep push of his ass.

"Bend over, give me your ass boy. Come on, give it up, let me take over." He pushed the boy's face down and started fucking him back.

Ty grinned with satisfaction as the virgin boy gave up his ass like an desperate addict. His cunt was warm and buttery, broken in, moist with Jake and Aaron's cum loads. Ty's cock felt like a steel rod protruding from his body, the wet friction electrified him. The boy's fragile ass unable to withstand his stiff, pointed flesh.

Ty licked two fingers and reached around and placed them on the boy's slender, pointed cock head. He rubbed back and forth only few times before the boy stopped humping and gasped as his ass began contracting. The length of his rectum grew rigid and clamped down on Ty's thick cock in a series of rapid pulses, rippling down Ty's shaft. His ass orgasmed in an uncontrollable fury, biting down on Ty's cock like a hungry mouth trying to swallow him deeper down.

"Uhhhh.." The boy groaned almost in pain, as cum dribbled out of his dick and onto the cold floor. He panted, exhausted, waiting for the orgasm to fade. His ass, raw and pulsing, still hungry for Ty's seed, started humping back again.

"Fuck me boy, fuck me and I'm gonna cum in your ass.. You want that?"

"Yeah I do, I want your cum in my ass." The boy whimpered, breathlessly.

"Then fuck the cum outta me. Come'on now."

The boy fucked back at full steam and Ty started fucking forward, their bodies meeting with force until the entire length of Ty's cock began to tingle and swell, thickening up in the boy's snug hole, now impossibly hard, his balls buzzing as they retracted into a plump hairy basket.

He couldn't hold back the sperm any longer. When the seizure come over him, he slowed down and held on to the boy's hips binding them together so he could let his cock take over, jumping, as it splattered the boy's insides with sticky cream.

"Uh, Uh, Uh.." Ty grunted with each spit of his cock. He held the boy, panting, unable to move.

"Oh my fucking God.. Fuck me.." Ty cried, afraid to move his swollen, hypersensitive cock.

When he finally did he moaned, "Uuuuhhh... "

As he withdrew his cock, the boy immediately replaced it with a finger, eager to feel Ty's sticky load in his rectum, to know it was in there and the deed was done.

Ty didn't waste any time getting dressed. Careful to avoid eye-contact with the kid, he pulled his jeans up over his semi-stiff cock and left the storeroom without a word.

The freshman was left alone. A haze hung over him as he came down from the high and woke up to the reality of what he'd done. He wanted to magically teleport home, to his own room, to his own shower, and wash away the stink of the bullies that clung to him like a sticky slime.

A stream of semen dribbled down his leg and pressure built in his bottom. He was suddenly aware that all the sperm had built up in him and he needed to find the bathroom immediately. The toilet was forty feet threw the gym in the locker room, he just had to make it there before anyone could stop him.

He pulled up his shorts, threw his shirt on over his head, said a prayer that he would be made invisible, and made a run for it.

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