Bull Sessions

By Boyatt Hart

Published on Apr 12, 2016


This series will feature the bulls, Terry and Luther, from my story "Two Bulls for Damian" in the Adult Friends section. Through a collection of episodes that won't necessarily flow in the same linear fashion as that story it will track their deepening friendship as well as Terry's growing self-acceptance as an atypical gay man in the 1970s. Although I don't take requests (write your own stories, please) it's nice to know if I'm reaching an audience, so feel free to send me an email if you enjoy it.

I'm grateful to the kind folks at Nifty Archive for giving us this forum to share our sexual adventures and/or fantasies and strongly encourage you to donate to them by going to http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html. If you're reading and not giving back then you're robbing yourself when you get right down to it.

I give permission only to Nifty Archive to publish this and respectfully ask that you read and leave it here rather than repost it to any other of your favorite online forums for sexual content.

BULL SESSIONS by Boyatt Hart

Episode 1 - Terry's Big Night Out

The weekend following our threesome with young Damian my fuck buddy, Luther, went out of town to visit his son. So I screwed up the courage to pay a visit to Old Eighty Eights and see it for myself. Having no interest in another younger playmate I would be there strictly to sample the aged beef.

I hit the garage as soon as I got home from work that Friday and spent about an hour pumping up with lighter weights at higher repetitions to get all of my contours suitably rounded out. Then I showered off and picked out some work clothes that I thought would look attractive in an older man's eyes. I chose light gray slacks and a burnt orange sport shirt.

When I arrived at the bar at around ten till eight there was plenty of parking. Luther had been right in his description. It was an old clapboard two-story building in what once had been a thriving downtown retail district, but was by then attracting a lot of older gays with its inexpensive property values.

I walked into an almost empty bar. The bartender, a stocky man in his forties I guessed, and two fellows at the lone occupied table looked me over suspiciously. I walked up to the bar and ordered a beer.

"I think I'd remember the likes of you being here before. You sure you're in the right place, big fella?" he inquired in a cautious tone but with a disarming smile.

I smiled back at him and said, "Pretty sure...young and slender does nothing for me. I have it on good authority that this is where the older gentlemen congregate. Did I hear wrong?"

He laughed and gave my shoulder a slap, "No, sir. I reckon you heard right."

He drew my beer and pushed it toward me as he stuck out his hand, "Name's Phil. What's yours?"

"Terry," I replied as I took his hand and shook it.

"Sorry if I sounded a little suspicious there, Terry," he said looking relaxed, "You'd be surprised how many guys have no idea what they're walking into when they come in here and if there's any trouble it kind of falls to me to handle it. Pardon me for saying but...you don't exactly 'look the type'...and wrangling with a guy your size is way above my pay grade."

"Wrangling is the last thing on my mind," I assured him with a smile and took a sip, "well...you know...that kind of wrangling."

He laughed.

"Seems a bit slow for a Friday night," I observed.

"Business will start to pick up around nine when Everett gets here and starts to tickle the ivories," he said and then asked, "You hungry?"

"Always," I replied calling his attention to the size of my belly.

"A couple of friends of mine run a great little Italian place two doors up called Luigi's. You might want to grab a bite there and come back. We should be gearing up for our usual Friday night by then," he suggested.

"Thanks," I said, "sounds good."

I stepped outside after fairly downing my beer and spotted the rather small sign I had missed on my way in. I walked down and managed to get seated at the last available table. I was looking around at the clientele and noticed quite a few man-and-wife couples amid the tables of all men.

Then I spotted a smartly dressed, handsome, portly man I judged to be in his fifties, sitting by himself like me. His nicely tanned skin was smooth and perfectly set off the most gorgeous close-cropped head of silver hair I thought I'd ever seen. The strong jaw line of his plump yet square face was decorated with a short, well groomed beard the same stunning shade of silver, and when he flashed his pearly whites in a smile to his waiter my heart nearly skipped a beat.

Soon my waiter approached to take care of me and I got caught up in that business, hoping my eye candy wouldn't disappear before I could get another look at him. As my waiter walked away I caught sight of the man again and saw that he was smiling at me. He raised his glass of red wine to me so I waved at him, feeling as though I'd been made, then tried not to stare but with little success.

Midway through my meal I saw him settle his bill and stand to leave. I put him at about 250 well-built pounds and maybe 5 feet and nine or ten inches in height. He took another look at me on his way out and flashed that beautiful smile at me as he wound toward the door. I waved at him again and then finished my meal, thinking about him the entire time.

At a few minutes past 9 I paid my bill and headed back to Old Eighty Eights. I could hear a piano getting louder as I approached, skillfully delivering some show tune I recognized but couldn't name for the life of me. Show tunes have never really been my thing.

I walked in and saw the place was starting to liven up. When I looked to see who was at the piano I was shocked to see my eye candy on the bench, then heard someone sing out, "Gonna wash that man right outa my hair!" along with the tune he was skillfully playing. I found a seat at a table for two close to the piano and feasted my eyes on him, feeling completely comfortable doing so given the nature of the place.

"So that's Everett," I thought to myself.

The place continued to fill up as he played, seeming to not notice that I was there. In spite of the friendly atmosphere I could sense eyes on me and assumed I was still the object of some mistrust, but I was enjoying the show too much to care. Then at 10:15 Everett announced he would take a short break and, to my relief, made a bee line for my table.

"I'm Everett," he said offering a thick, strong looking hand.

"Terry," I said as I took it and enjoyed his firm grasp.

"Can I buy you a drink, Terry?" he asked.

"Whiskey sour, thank you."

"Good call...that's my drink, too," he said with a smile as he left for the bar.

He returned with the drinks and set mine down on the table, "May I join you?"

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

We sat making small talk for the next fifteen or so minutes and I was struck by how easy he was to converse with. When he stood to go back to the piano he told me he hoped I would still be there when he was done. I assured him I would.

It seemed Everett's attention was all that was required to put the other patrons at ease with me. The clientele ran the gamut of physical and personality types and, just as Luther had told me, there were a few younger guys, some pretty rough around the edges.

Several nice looking men began making their way to my table and introducing themselves. Soon I felt right at home and found myself acting as though I had been frequenting the place for years, making small talk and joining in when I could on the sing-alongs that broke out.

At a little after midnight Everett thanked everyone for pitching in and pulled the cover down on the keyboard. By then I had been sort of adopted by a group of men who were unabashedly running their hands over me and commenting to each other on their various discoveries. Everett then made his way over and slipped a hand up onto my shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

He signaled that he wanted to say something to me privately so I leaned down enough that his lips were to my ear and he softly said, "My house is a short walk from here. Care to join me for another drink?"

I slipped an arm around his substantial shoulders and pulled him close to me as I said, "I thought you'd never ask."

"Be right back!" he said with a wide grin.

He quickly went back up on the small stage area, collected his tip jar and went to the bar. He counted out the money and tipped the waiter who had seen to his needs throughout the night while I bade my admirers goodbye.

"Ready?" he asked as he rejoined me.

"Since I first laid eyes on you at Luigi's," I responded.

He laughed as we exited to their mock expressions of disappointment and walked to his place.

"I hope I didn't stare too much at Luigi's," he said as he took my hand in his, "You just cut such an imposing figure...so big...strong looking...masculine...I couldn't help myself."

"Not at all! In fact, I was hoping the same thing. You're such a strapping, handsome man that I couldn't keep my eyes off you, either," I confided.

"Thank you," he said with a smile as he squeezed my hand in his.

At age 32 I had never held hands like that in public, but with him it felt so natural I didn't give it a second thought. I was pretty sure that, with the the two of us constituting over 500 pounds of solidly built man, we were safe from harm.

We walked a few more short blocks as I told him what a splendid pianist he was and how much I had enjoyed Eighty Eights. Soon he stopped and opened the gate of a small wrought iron fence surrounding the small front yard of an older home that bore a striking resemblance to my paternal grand parents'. I almost felt familiar with the place already as he ushered me through and then led us inside.

It was a work in progress, but the restoration was being done with care to preserve the architectural details of its era. He was also succeeding in smartly decorating it with the same approach, but being careful to ensure that it felt comfortable and not like a museum.

"This is beautiful," I said as he showed me around.

"Thank you," he replied with a smile.

"It must be costing you a fortune, though."

"Not really," he said, "Up until my parents died a short time apart a couple of years back I was a carpenter. My inheritance was enough to allow me to retire early, so I followed nature's call to this part of town and lucked into this little fixer-upper. It's been a big job but I've been able to do it all myself so far. And what little is left that I still want to do looks like I'll be able to finish by myself."

"That explains why you're so well built," I said as I ran my hands over his thick chest and shoulders, my loins tingling at the feel of him.

"Speaking of well built," he sighed as he reciprocated, "Some of the men I used to work with were big, burly brutes like you and it used to make me miserable being so close yet unable to touch them. By the way, it's even nicer than I imagined. How about that drink...another whiskey sour?"

"You bet," I replied.

He led me to his den and indicated I should sit on his sofa, then stepped behind the bar and quickly mixed our drinks.

I sat on the middle cushion so he would have to sit next to me if he didn't take a different chair. He brought them over and did just as I'd hoped. We toasted and then he set his drink down and slipped an arm around my shoulder as he stroked my beard with his other hand.

"Such a handsome beard...soft...with your strong jaw it reminds me of Steve Reeves' beard in those old Hercules movies," he said.

I chuckled and patted my belly, "I've been called a lot of things, but never Steve Reeves."

He slipped his hand underneath mine and began firmly tracing my abdominal convexity as he said, "He'd look like a 98 pound weakling next to the likes of you. I've never seen so much muscle on one man before...that I could get my hands on anyway. I can't imagine how strong you must be! May I kiss you?"

I draped an arm over his paunch as I said, "Please do."

He took the lead. Placing both hands on my beard he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, the crow's feet of his fatherly face setting off the twinkle in his ocean blue eyes.

It was a dry kiss at first and felt very tender. Then I felt his tongue gently press for entry so I parted my lips and let it in. He explored my mouth with it in a way that was not necessarily more satisfying but decidedly different from the tongue fuckings I had grown accustomed to with Luther. I reciprocated and felt his arms go around my neck, hugging me tighter and tighter as the kiss intensified.

When we came up for air he rested back into the sofa with his eyes locked on mine.

"Damn!" he sighed, "You've got me hard as a rock!"

I looked down to see an impressive lump in the crotch of his slacks and boldly laid my hand on it.

"So I have," I said, feeling pleased.

I then took his arm by the wrist and laid his hand on my hardening member. I leaned back into the couch to give him easier access and he tested my girth as best he could with it still being clad in my trousers.

He ran his palm over its length and his eyes widened as he exclaimed, "Wow! You're big all over!"

I laid a hand over his and pressed down as I lifted my hips to make clear the effect he was having on me.

"Please don't think me too forward but it's after one o'clock already. Will you stay the night and share my bed?" he asked.

"What about my car?"

"It'll be fine where it is," he assured me.

I placed my hand behind his head and pressed his face to mine for a forceful kiss in response.

When I released him he smiled and we began groping each other. He sighed and moaned in contentment as he pressed his right hand to the firmness of my substantial paunch, slowly working it up onto my chest and then on up to my left shoulder, sinking his fingers into their muscular density at each stop.

"I've never felt anything like this," he sighed, "What a huge block of man you are!"

"You feel the same to me," I assured him as I groped and explored his slightly smaller but equally impressive build, "A lifetime of physical labor really paid off for you."

We continued freely groping and exploring each other until, by about 1:30, we had finished our drinks and he led me to his bedroom with our hard-ons straining against our slacks.

I undid the top button of my shirt and he quickly insisted, "Let me do that...I've been waiting all night to see what's under there."

I smiled as I dropped my arms to my sides and let him finish the job. He pulled my shirttail out and teased himself by slowly unbuttoning the rest of them, pausing to run his finger down the furrow between my pecs and over the exposed crest of my belly along the way.

When he'd unbuttoned the last one he peeled my shirt back over my shoulders and gently ran his hands over the contours of my prominent belly, pecs, shoulders and finally up over my mounded traps.

"It's all so beautiful...so manly..." he said with no attempt to hide his excitement, "like those big weightlifters on Wide World of Sports."

"Thank you," I said as I let my shirt fall from my arms onto the floor, "they're exactly who I look to for inspiration."

He reached up and tested the girth of my upper arms in his big hands, then ran them over my chest and belly some more and on down to my balls and rock hard cock. He immediately went for my belt buckle.

I took him by his wrists and stopped him as I said, "Not so fast...my turn."

He smiled and lifted his arms a bit for me to free his shirttail.

One by one I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, teasing myself as his masculine traits slowly revealed themselves to me. The coarse, silver hair that covered his head, lower face and forearms covered the thick chest that came into view just as generously. I pressed my hand to it and cinched his coarse fur up between my fingers, letting out a long, low whistle.

He grinned as I continued to reveal his modest but firm and beautifully rounded belly, covered just as luxuriously as his chest in that stunningly handsome silver fur. I undid the last button and helped his shirt to fall off him. He looked flattered my reaction as I studied the hour glass pattern of his body hair over his manly chest and paunch. It was thick and evenly distributed without obscuring the large dark brown nipples that had erected during the process of disrobing him.

My dick was beyond hard as I ran my hands from the bottom of his belly up onto his chest and took his erect nipples between my thumbs and forefingers to give them a solid tug. He closed his eyes and sighed. I let them go and ran my calloused hands up the smooth sides of his gentle V-taper, then slid them around his torso to discover the tactile treat of his equally furry back.

He inched forward and pressed his belly to mine, slipping a hand behind my head and pressing my face to his for another passionate kiss. I undid his belt buckle during the kiss and slipped my hand down his pants. He sucked in his belly to accommodate the thickness of my arm so as not to rip out the hook in the waistband of his slacks. I found his hard cock and wrapped my hand around it.

"Mmmmmm," I sighed pulling away from his kiss, "He's big ol' fat boy, isn't he?"

Everett grinned as I dug down deeper and hefted his impressive balls.

"Nice...very big!" I sighed as I withdrew my hand.

I dropped to my knees and unhooked his pants at the waist, then unzipped him and peeled down his trousers and boxers till they dropped around his ankles. His fat, stubby, uncut cock stood at attention over a pair of balls that made his sac bulge obscenely as it rested against his thick, strong looking thighs. His ample pubic pad and wiry bush hid most of his length, but the head looked even bigger than mine. I pressed back on his pad and revealed nearly five inches of vein ribbed length that was almost my equal in girth.

He sighed as I kissed his pucker of foreskin and skillfully teased it with my teeth as I had learned to do from pleasing Luther. I then proceeded to lick the impressive orbs that strained against his scrotum, not as big as Luther's but clearly bigger than mine.

Looking up I saw Everett smiling down on me over the crest of his furry, perfectly proportional belly and then pressed my face to his densely furred loins, taking the full length of his thick dick in my mouth and sucking on it as I basked in his masculine scent. He placed a hand on the back of my head and fairly growled as he pressed me to him.

After a few minutes I pulled off him with a loud slurp, then slipped his loafers and socks off and helped him free his feet from the pile of clothing bunched up around his ankles. He was a visually stunning specimen of a man as I looked up to drink in the sight of him fully exposed.

He helped me to my feet and watched me lick my lips to savor his taste as he said, "Now...MY turn!"

Everett dropped to his knees and helped me out of my shoes and socks first. He then unzipped me and unhooked my slacks, letting them fall to my feet as he studied the hard-on straining in my briefs. Leaving it sheathed in my underwear he began teasing it with his teeth, working his way from the base out to the large spot where my pre-cum had soaked through. He pressed his tongue to that and teased my cock head with it.

"Mmmm," he sighed, "salty!"

Leaning back a bit, he gave my big belly one more thorough going over with both hands before slipping his hands underneath it and hooking his fingers in the elastic band of my briefs, peeling them down over my thighs and setting my drooling erection free. It lewdly bobbed in his face and he eagerly licked the droplet of pre-cum that had quickly beaded up in my slit.

"Holy mackerel!" he exclaimed, "This thing must be two of mine!"

He wrapped a hand around it and gently stroked me as he observed, "I've seen a few this big...but never on a man your size. On you it looks so much more...potent!"

He quickly stuffed the head in his mouth and hungrily knobbed me. I laid a hand on the back of his head and felt him slowly sink down on me, getting lost in the wonderful sensation of his warm mouth, until I heard him gag and felt him reel back.

He pulled my dick from his mouth and grinned up at me with saliva running down his bearded chin as he beamed, "Every inch a man!"

He then began peppering my balls with boyish kisses, the bristle of his close-cropped beard making me tingle. I pressed his face to them and the base of my hard-on. Looking down I saw my cock head come into view as it jutted off to the side from the pressure of his face against it. He finished by pressing down on my pad to expose my full length and running his tongue and lips up and down the sides of my dick.

"This thing's going to hurt in my ass," he said as he admired it.

"Only if you want it to," I said running a hand over his head.

"I do," he said with a blush, "Let's get a quick shower and freshen up."

I turned and bent to prop myself on his king-size bed while I finished getting my feet out of my clothes as Everett slowly got up. He reached under my butt from behind and cupped my balls in his hand.

"I want these completely empty before you get away from here," he sighed.

"Me, too," I replied as I took him in my arms and thrust my tongue in his mouth again, my hard-on jabbing into his big, warm genitals.

As we kissed I maneuvered my cock head to his and rolled his soft foreskin up over it to sheath us both. He let out a deep lusty moan as he replaced my hand with his and gently rolled his velvety skin up and down over my corona. He then stepped back and, when he turned to lead the way to his bathroom, I caught my first glimpse of the way his back fur fanned up from his hips to his wide shoulders.

"You're gorgeous!" I had to say.

He turned and stroked his fat, uncut cock as he said, "You, too!"

Once in his bathroom I marveled at the size of his walk-in shower.

"You thought of everything," I said with a smile.

He explored me with his hands some more and smiled as he replied, "Well...I do like my men big."

He opened the door to it and started the water running, letting it warm up. He then ushered me in and followed quickly behind. We freely kissed and groped as we lathered each other up, slowly savoring each other's contours and crevices.

After we rinsed he turned the water off, then stepped out and fished two extra-large, soft bath towels out of his linen closet. We dried each other off and he said I should make myself comfortable on his bed while he did one last job. I saw him take an enema bottle from his closet, then did as he said and waited for him to join me.

Soon he walked in and snuggled up next to me on his bed.

Running a hand over my upper body he rested his head on my shoulder and said, "Hell, I weigh over 245 pounds. I've never felt this small in the presence of another man before. May I ask what slab a of beef the size of you weighs in at?"

"274 as of three days ago," I said.

"All muscle, belly, cock and balls, too!" he said giving my package a squeeze, "Hold me, please?"

I rolled over enough to partially pin him under my belly and wrapped my other arm around him. With an ease that surprised even me I rolled onto my back again and hoisted him up on top of me.

He laughed like a kid as he straddled me, sinking back until the length of my hard-on settled into his butt crack, and said, "Damn, you made that seem easy!"

"It was," I confirmed as I wrapped an arm around him and pressed him to my bulk while reaching down to press my dick into his furry crack with my other hand.

He giggled as he ground his butt against it and said, "I want to suck that thing, then sit on it and let you take me for a good ride."

"We'll get to that," I said, beginning to get that he wanted me to be in charge, "Right now I want to enjoy the feel of your cock and balls on my belly."

I slid my other arm up onto his furry back to take him in a bear hug as he ground them against me.

"Mmmm, yeah!" I sighed, "Like that...feels good!"

I pulled him up to my face and kissed him again, then let him slide back down till my cock snuggled back into his crack. He sighed and laid his head on my chest, kneading my shoulders.

"Just say when, big man," he cooed.

We lay like that for several more minutes while I savored the feel of him and then I said, "Whenever you're ready."

He scrambled off me and put some pillows up against his headboard.

"Sit up here where you can see the show I'm planning for you," he said with a grin.

I scooted over and propped myself up on the pillows as he moved to the foot of the bed. Then I spread my legs so he could get between them.

He crawled on his hands and knees till he was in position and then rested on his elbows with my dick in his face. He pushed it up into my view from underneath with a single finger and licked the pre-cum from my slit, licking his lips with a satisfied smile.

Next he pecked the head with a kiss and licked his lips again, then wrapped a hand around the base and began noisily thumping my dick on my belly. With the final thump he pressed it tight against it and waggled it from side to side a few times, smearing an arc of pre-cum in the belly fuzz above my navel.

"Look at that! The head goes up past your belly button!" he exclaimed and then rose up to lick my pre-cum from it.

Everett then sank back down on his elbows and angled my hard-on at his mouth. He opened wide and went down on the head from an angle that caused his lips to stretch out on my girth, his eyes locked on mine. My belly shook as I chuckled at the sight he was making of himself and he reached a hand up to rub it, careful not to obscure my view.

"Such a pretty sight!" I said as I folded my arms behind my head, causing his eyes to twinkle.

Slowly but surely he stuffed his mouth on me until his lips reached his hand. He then let go and went back down on both elbows so that only his mouth held my rigid member. Taking care not to gag himself on me again he slowly pressed his gullet to my leaking cock head and then began gently bobbing up and down, sucking just hard enough to make me break out in chills but not hard enough to bring me to orgasm.

I watched appreciatively as he skillfully worked his mouth over my cock. At one point his eyes slowly closed and he nursed on it like a baby on his mother's breast, noisily slurping as he gently tested my hardness with his teeth. I heaved a deep, approving sigh and stroked his hair again. He moaned in contentment.

He kept that up for a good long time and then I felt him take my balls in his hands. I bragged on him for keeping his hands off my dick so I could watch him sucking it.

He opened his eyes and locked his gaze on me as he began lengthening his stroke until only the bulbous tip of my cock was between his lips before sinking back down on me all the way to his gullet, making sure to keep his lips stretched out on me. It was difficult not to cum with the show he was putting on.

Our groans were getting loud as he slowly increased the velocity of his downward strokes, eventually banging his gullet on the firmness of my cock head. I clenched the bed covers in my fists as he fellated my ever stiffening organ with expert precision. Time stood still as I watched him, my eyes glued to the performance he was giving me, until I suddenly realized that I had no choice but to fill his mouth with my seed.

"Here comes my load!" I panted.

I tensed up and proceeded to feed him a gusher as he madly swallowed to keep pace with it. He stayed on it until it was completely spent.

My balls had drawn up tight enough to comfortably fit in one of his hands and when I was done shooting he pulled off, then leaned down to kiss them before saying, "What a load!"

"Yeah," I said, "sorry. I meant to stop you before that happened, but it felt so good I just got lost in it. I'll bet if you shove your dick in my mouth and slap my chin with your balls for a while I can get hard enough for you sit on me like you wanted."

He grinned and climbed up on me until his butt was resting on the top side of my belly, then with one hand on his headboard he peeled his skin back and aimed his fat chew toy at my open mouth with the other. I relaxed under him and let him sink down on my face until his belly was pressed to my forehead and his balls lay against my chin. He then moved his hand up onto the headboard with the other one to prop himself up.

He slowly set his hips in motion as he said, "This won't take long as worked up as you've got me."

I slid my hands up onto his furry belly and thrilled to its firmness as he humped my mouth, his big furry ball sac so warm and comforting as it slapped and rolled around on my chin. I moaned my contentment as he vigorously took his pleasure in my constant suction.

He grunted and growled as he powered into me. I slid my hands around to his furry butt cheeks and sank my fingers into their muscularity. He responded by drilling me with greater force.

"Keep sucking! Keep sucking!" he commanded.

I increased my suction for him, causing him to grow louder as he groaned and moaned. I felt my dick lifting up off my hip as he worked his magic.

Before long he let out a sustained growl and I felt his fat cock flex against my tongue. I sank my fingers into his meaty ass and pressed him even more tightly to my face as he flooded my mouth with his manly gift.

Everett pulled his dick out and smiled down at me as he milked one last glob of cum from his hooded cock head for me to eat. I took it and licked my lips, then touched them to the gaping slit in his swollen glans for a kiss while I savored his taste.

I hefted his fur covered balls in my right hand and gave them an appreciative squeeze. They were beginning to relax and spilled over the heel of my palm. I scooted down in the bed until I had them at my lips and, one at a time, I sucked them and thanked him for the delicious dessert.

"You're welcome," he sighed looking happy, "Your mouth felt great!"

He crawled off me and stared with lust at my straining erection as I proudly waggled it for him, acknowledging his accomplishment while I repositioned myself to be sat on. He then pulled out a tube from his nightstand. Squeezing a generous portion in his hand, he then handed it to me and crawled back onto the bed by my side.

Slathering my dick in the cool gel he said, "Work some into my hole."

I took my first look at what I would soon learn is a staple in every gay man's life...K-Y Jelly, it read. I squirted some on my fingers and began working one, then two, into his exceedingly tight sphincter. He moaned.

"Jelly, huh...not for eating I assume," I joked.

"We'll see," he said mysteriously.

He straddled me again and lifted his butt using my belly to steady himself with one hand while he positioned my cock head at his hole with the other. I could see his full sac swaying over my pubic pad from between his thick thighs.

"You have such beautiful balls...so big and furry!" I commented as I cupped them in my hand and hefted them.

"Thank you," he said as he eased down and I felt his hole slip over the bloated head of my stiff organ.

A deep grunt escaped him as he steadied himself on me with both hands.

"What a head on that dick of yours!" he said with some effort to keep himself stable, "Feels like a small fist!"

"Take your time," I said, "no hurry."

He started gently bouncing his butt on it, grunting and groaning and taking a little more each time, then paused again with maybe two-thirds of me in him.

"How much more?" he asked.

"About what you couldn't fit in your mouth," I told him.

"Okay," he said looking serious.

He set his square, beautifully bearded jaw and sank on down until he felt my balls on his butt cheeks, loudly grunting as he finished the job.

"Holy hell!" he exclaimed as he reached back and scooped my nuts up against him, "You've got a hell of a reach there! Feels like your cock head is poking my stomach!"

I laughed as I reached down with both hands to pat his cock stuffed butt cheeks, "Is that good or bad?"

"It's great!" he exclaimed, "Feels like I'm being bred by a prize bull!"

"Good," I sighed and humped up into him a few times.

He arched his back with his forearms planted on my belly as I bounced him on me.

He threw his head back as he cried, "Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h, FUCK!"

I stopped. He sat still for a minute and then began squeezing his sphincter on me.

"So thick," he sighed.

Next he tightened his hole on me again and began jabbing at my belly with his quickly hardening cock, his big warm balls rolling around on my pad.

"God! You feel good!" I roared out.

He smiled down at me and squeezed me inside him a few more times before spying his alarm clock, "Damn! It's nearly three o'clock, El Toro. You ready to breed this old cow?"

"Have at it!" I said.

With that he leaned forward and rested his forearms back on my belly, then began working his hole up and down nearly my full length. He began alternating the clutching of his tightly stretched sphincter between his upward and downward strokes. It began to get loud again as we grunted, groaned and growled in sexual ecstasy.

I reached out and took him by the hips, helping him slide his ass up and down over the full length of my cock as I thrust my member upward to meet his down strokes, forcing my cock head as deep up his bowels as I could get it. The beautiful man whimpered as I dug into him, but the look on his handsome face was blissful. His eyes closed and he gave himself to me...completely...eagerly.

Soon he needed no help pounding his ass on my rock hard cock and I took his handsome face in my hands as he sated his lust on me. I wanted to kiss him but couldn't bring myself to interrupt the incredible sensations his tight fitting ass was imparting to me.

I'm sure if we were being overheard by anyone that they thought we were in pain, and as hard as he was slamming his ass down on me he was no doubt feeling some. But he looked as though he couldn't get enough.

Up and down he went, landing his butt on my loins with a thud as he crashed down onto the base of my cock. He continued to alternate the clutching of his sphincter until it felt and sounded exactly like his butt was sucking my dick.

I began to wonder where his reserve of energy to maintain such strenuous activity was coming from until eventually I felt myself edging toward the precipice of impending orgasm. When I could hold off no longer I roughly grabbed his hips and slammed him down onto my thick base, my raging hard-on flexing like mad in him as it spat my load into the depths of his battered chute.

Everett suddenly yowled as his ass clamped down on my cock one final time and I felt his belly start sliding against mine on a gooey film of semen he'd shot just as my orgasm had begun to subside. He collapsed down onto my bulk and sank his fingers into my traps.

"Deepest fuck I've ever had! Your dick even made me cum again!" he gushed.

"You were amazing!" I said as I hugged him to me and kissed the top of his snow-capped head.

He lifted his butt and I slipped from his hole. He rolled off me and angled himself beside me so that I could see my load running down his huge, sagging scrotum as it bounced out from between his thighs.

He then proceeded to pop my flagging erection into his mouth and sucked the remainder of my load from it.

"Looks like that jelly's for eating after all," I teased him.

He chuckled as he hungrily tasted himself on me and when he was done I managed to find a position from which I could lick his balls and ass crack clean of my deposit.

Afterward I resumed my position on my back and he snuggled up under my arm. He sighed as he began massaging my belly while nursing on the nipple of my right pec, vigorously teasing it with his teeth. I flexed it a few times causing his head to bounce.

He giggled like a delighted boy and, without even lifting his head from my nipple, said, "Steve Reeves should be as lucky as me...you're the real Hercules!"

With that he rolled over and I snuggled up to his back spoon fashion. We drifted off to sleep.

At around 11 a.m. I awoke to find Everett nursing on the head of my morning hard-on.

He pulled my cock head from his mouth and smiled up at me as he said, "Morning, Herc. I woke up about ten minutes ago with this thing buried in my butt crack. Just wanted to tell him 'thank you'. Hope you don't mind."

"Not a bit," I said as I pushed his mouth back down onto my dick and began gently fucking it, "I think he's saying 'you're welcome'.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm", Everett sighed as I worked his mouth on my cock.

"Does it still taste like your ass?" I asked.

"Mmmm-hmmm," he confirmed as I continued fucking.

"Good...enjoy," I sighed.

"Mmmm-hmmmm!" he sighed.

After a few minutes I pulled my dick out of his mouth and hefted my balls to his lips as I said, "These are full of cum again and time's on our side if you'd like to try for a longer ride."

"An offer I can't refuse," he sighed with a smile.

"Then get in doggy position at the edge of the bed," I instructed as I got up and went for his K-Y.

He quickly obeyed and I got us lubed up for the festivities. My cock was rock hard and I pressed the rubbery head to his hole, teasing it as it instinctively contracted against me in response.

"Throw it at me with everything you've got," he insisted, "I want to feel how strong you really are!"

"Just remember, you asked for it," I said as I pried his hole open and felt it slip over my corona.

He sighed and there was a catch in his breath as I slowly sank into him until my balls snuggled up against his perineum. He tried pulling forward, away from my penetration, so I slipped my hands between his belly and thighs and firmly tucked him back up under my gut against my thighs. He whimpered a bit.

"No running away," I told him.

"Sorry," he said.

I let him adjust to me for a minute then slid out all but the head and slowly fed it back to him balls deep again. He tensed up.

"Easy, now. Just relax," I instructed him.

I waited till he loosened up again and then repeated the procedure with slightly more force.

"Easy! Easy!" I reminded him when he tensed up on me again.

I did this a few more times until his pained grunts subsided and I sensed his chute was forming to me.

"Okay, I'm going to try working up a rhythm now...stay with me. You ready?" I asked.

"I'm ready, I think," he responded, sounding a little uncertain.

"Be sure," I said, "As good as your chute feels on my dick there's no backing out once I get going."

He hesitated and then said, "I'm ready...I'm sure."

With that I started slowly but rhythmically feeding my hard-on to his hole from head to base. He was noisy but he stayed with it and never hinted that I should stop. I picked up the pace a bit. He got a little louder but still hung in with me. I rose onto the balls of my feet to make my penetrations more straight on and then picked up the pace again.

He was surprised by my force at first but settled into it and quieted down a bit as I steadily drove into him. After a while he was purring and I suspected he might be ready to let me cut loose and hammer his butt for real. I tested him by picking up the pace one more time, occasionally pulling all the way out before driving back in. He whimpered some more at first but found his bearings soon enough. I sank back in balls deep and rested for a minute with my hands in the small of his back.

"Alright, now I'm ready to throw this at you with all I've got," I said matter-of-factly as I pushed his butt down to get my feet flat on the floor again and ease the strain on my calves.

"Holy hell! There's more?" he asked sounding genuinely surprised.

"A lot more," I said, "Give me your wrists. I'm going to use your arms for reins."

Without hesitation he held his arms back to me. I took them in a grasp that was far short of everything I had but firm enough to let him know that there was no turning back and there was definitely no pulling away from the force of my fuck.

I pulled out and rammed back into him using his arms to smack his butt against my thighs at full penetration. He yelped, but he didn't complain...so I did it a few times more. Soon I was being greeted with lusty growls so I cut loose and drilled him like that for all I was worth, feeling my balls draw up as my hardness pounded his bowels into mushy submission. He was getting louder and louder but the sound was of a man having the time of his life so I stayed at him.

My groaning crescendoed to match his as I powered through my first orgasm, spilling my seed in copious spurts as I kept drilling his tightly clutching sphincter. Once I knew I had safely endured that with my erection intact I set out to demonstrate my endurance and had his ass slapping my thighs like the ticking of a clock.

His groaning gradually turned into ecstatic moaning as I showed him no mercy. I had never fucked anybody with the full physical force I was capable of before and watching my dick ram this strapping man's furry, muscular butt I quickly grew to like it. Having spent as much time as I had on the business end of Luther I knew full well the thrill he was after and that he was getting exactly what he wanted from me.

At long last I felt my balls start to tighten up again and knew my second load would soon be joining the first in his tenderized anal depths. I drove in balls deep and held still until I gained control over my impending orgasm.

I remembered him saying he wanted to know how strong I was so I set his wrists free and leaned forward, slipping one arm around his waist and the other around chest and lifting him up. I then managed to turn around with him still on my cock and seat us on the edge of his bed.

"Good God!" he exclaimed in amazement.

"Strong enough for you?" I asked.

"Hell yes!" he shot back.

"Alright, then. I'm on the verge of a second load and if you want it you're going to have to milk it out of me," I told him.

"I want it!" he confirmed as he braced his hands on my knees and started bouncing his ass on my dick like a man possessed.

After less than a minute of watching his broad, furry back working and muscular buttocks in action I had to give it up to him. I grabbed his hips and slammed him down onto the base of my cock one last time, spewing my load up his thoroughly pulverized chute.

When I figured it was entirely spent I lifted his butt off my dick. I swelled with pride when I saw that his hole was still wide open and my cum was freely rolling out of it. Quickly cupping my hand under him, I caught it in my palm.

We were wringing wet with sweat as I watched him turn around and spy what I held up for his inspection in my hand. Eyeing his awestruck expression I smeared the catch over my flagging hard-on while he hungrily looked on.

He quickly knelt between my legs and proceeded to suck my dick, massaging my belly with both hands as I lay back and closed my eyes, my chest heaving from exhaustion. My cock head was aching as he vigorously nursed on it but I couldn't bring myself to interrupt his fervor.

When he was done he kissed my balls and I sat upright with arms akimbo, my furry belly resting against the insides of my upper thighs. Still on his knees he looked up at me and wrapped his thick arms around my protruding gut, peppering it with kisses.

He then slowly rose to his feet and sat on my knee, folding his arms around my neck. I slipped my right arm around his back and turned his face to mine in my left hand, filling his mouth with my tongue and tasting our fuck juice in it. I looked at his clock and saw that nearly forty minutes had elapsed.

"Was that what you had in mind?" I checked with him.

"No man has ever fucked me like that...tested my endurance like that!" he proudly confirmed as he nuzzled my beard.

I chuckled as I wrapped my other arm around him, "You alright?"

"Never better," he sighed as he pressed his bearded cheek to mine.

"Good...me too," I said, holding him on my lap and pressing him against me as I pecked his cheek with a kiss.

"Let's clean up and I'll cook us some breakfast," he said as he slowly stood and reached back with his right hand to massage his burning hole, "I'm sure you must've worked up an appetite after that!"

We did as he suggested, not bothering to dress after our shower. We ate a leisurely breakfast and capped it off with another long make-out session, deeply kissing, passionately groping each other's naked body, and sucking and chewing on each other's nipples.

"I've never been fucked by a man who could lift me before, much less while keeping my ass stuffed on his dick the way you did," he beamed as he ran his hands over me.

"I had a feeling you'd like that," I said with a smile as I stroked his handsome beard.

"You definitely got my attention with it, strongman!" he bragged on me.

As much as I enjoyed his passionate kisses, the cuddling of his big furry body against me and his boyish fascination with my muscular bulk, by mid-afternoon I had to leave.

When he opened his front door for me to walk back to my car he said, "I hope this isn't the last time I'll see you, Terry."

"I'm sure it won't be," I said, pressing his face to mine for a Luther-style tongue fucking, "but next time you're going to fuck my ass, too, handsome."

"Anything you say!" he said with a grin as he followed me out onto his porch and watched me walk away.

Next: Chapter 2

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