Bull Love

By Todd

Published on Sep 6, 2007


I cruised home after my evening/morning with Zafar. Once home, I showered and got ready for work and thought about our first meeting two weeks earlier.

It was chance. I was on a business trip, dressed up pretty nicely, when it was time to go to an hour long seminar. Sitting next to me at the seminar was a rather handsome dark-skinned man. My first boyfriend was black so my attraction to dark-skinned men was always a part of me. We chatted during the seminar a bit and continued outside in the hallway of the hotel. Turned out he was visiting from DC just like me. I was instantly attracted to him. His features were very handsome, he was considerably taller than me and, though very quiet and unassuming, he projected a cool, confident image. What made my cock twitch was when we shook hands. Zafar asked if I'd like to continue our discussion over drinks. I said sure, but I'd go to my room first and meet him downstairs. I wanted to get out of my suit and into something more comfortable. When we shook hands, Zafar held on to my hand a bit longer than a straight man would, I knew it and the look he gave me confirmed it. Being single and having the customary bad luck finding a good top in DC, (seems like a town with 80% bottoms) I eagerly wanted to drink with him AND I wanted him to see my ass...that is to say my ass in some good shorts. Mother nature gave me a "bubble butt" that top men love!!!

We met in the hotel for drinks. I actually saw Zafar outside on the street smoking and I went to join him. I was relieved for smoking is such a deal breaker and if we both do it, it won't be a problem. We smoked and went in for a drink. Our discussion started with work then faded into the personal. It was established we were both single, me living in the burbs and him living downtown. After only a few drinks and conversation, he began to hit on me. I went to pee and when I returned his stool was closer to mine; he had ordered me another drink. As we talked, he made a point to lightly touch my arm or leg. I was hot as hell for him. Finally, when the opening was there I commented on being single...not finding any good MEN in DC to meet. Zafar agreed, though he was brand new to DC, and when he noted that "compatibility" was so important, I said, "Yes, I cannot find a nice guy in DC that isn't a "bottom". He said he had perused CRAIGSLIST for men when he moved and he also noticed the abundance of bottoms. He said, "Good for a top man like me, but the ads seem so vague and....". I dont' know what he said after that because my heart skipped a beat. I was thinking to myself, "Invite me to your room.....invite me to your room". As if he could read my mind, he asked me if I wanted to have one more drink with him in his suite. I stammered, YES.

We talked kind of awkwardly in the elevator until we got to his room. We each had a glass of wine and talked some more, this time he had his hand placed on my knee. He took my glass, leaned over and gave me a brief but full kiss on the lips. It was very passionate, we held hands.He led the way back to his bedroom, (he had a hotel suite with bedroom, sitting room, etc.). I sat on the edge of the bed and began to remove my shoes and clothes. He said, "How about a shower...get all nice and clean??". I said great and he started the water. He returned and stopped in front of me and while staring into my eyes began to undress. No fool about his body, he deliberately took off his shirt. I let out an exaggerated low whistle and he grinned. He then stepped forward and I reached out to touch him. He was very hairy and his skin very warm. I ran my hands over his abs, up to his cut pecs and down his arms to the ripped biceps. He reached down and pulled my t-shirt off. He put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled my face into his stomach. My hand was sliding up his leg when I came to the bulge. Even under his pants it was impressive. I ran my hand over it, kneading it to feel that it was real. His hand still on my neck, he pushed my head down until my face was resting on it and began to gently but firmly grind my face into his manhood. He let out a small moan. He stepped back and told me, "Unzip my pants."

I did so. I undid the button and pulled them down. When they were low enough, the cock I had gone through all of this to see sprang free. Trying to put into words what I thought when I could finally see and touch this massive rod is impossible. I had seen a long one or two in my day, but his thickness just floored me. I would learn shortly afterwards that he swelled to 9 inches long and a freakish 8 inches thick from base to mushroom tip. I looked up at him, he was grinning. "Don't; be afraid......I'll make real good love to you (I should mention he has a fairly thick accent). I soon had my pants off and he led me into the shower. Doing more or less nothing, I stood while he lathered me up with bar of soap. He slowly kept increasing the temperature while we bathed and it was soon pretty hot. It was while I was returning the favor and soaping him up that he leaned against me, pinning me to the shower wall and kissed me. His tongue entered my mouth to play with mine. IT had been over a year since I had had this kind of passion with a man, I was on fire.The soap rinsed off I began to respond to the excitement that was bubbling up in me. I started running my tongue over his body. I licked and sucked on his nipples, bit lightly on his bicep and kissed his abs. I got on my knees and licked up from his thighs to come to his balls. I had to really open my mouth to get one in, then the other. I ran my tongue under his shaft a few times, getting closer each time to the head. I opened my mouth and quickly engulfed the head, then slowly pulled it out. I did this a few times, but before I could think too much about what was I going to do to get more of it down my throat he turned around and offered me his very hairy ass ass. Running my tongue up and down the cheeks, I took a hold of them. When I tried to pry them apart, he flexed them shut. I tried to pull them apart but couldn't. He laughed and relaxed. I guess it was the water flowing over him that helped, but I did not think about it before I ran my tongue down his crack and gave his hole a few quick flicks.

Zafar raised me back up for another kiss. He shut the water off and we got out to towel off. Taking me by the hand, he led me back to the bedroom. Following his nudge, I sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his large hands over me while he kneeled down in front of me and began to suck my cock. With no difficulty, he drew it all the way into his throat. It was like having my dick engulfed in silk or velvet. I sucked air loudly and moaned, pleasure tingling through me. I was beginning to really want to go down on his thick slab myself when he pushed me back onto the bed. I scooted back so I wasn't on the edge and he climbed up. Once there, he swung himself around so we were 69 with his mammoth tool above me. He never broke off from working on my cock.Hairy and very heavy, his balls were soon being dragged across my face. I began to nuzzle his big sacs while running my hands over and squeezing his ass. He soon was offering the underside of his tool and I ran my tongue up it, trying to fight the small amount of panic that was building inside me. I was worried that in this position if he started to pump his prick into my mouth I wouldn't be able to do much about it and would probably gag. I still hadn't been able to get around my gag reflex. But I didn't have to worry about it for long. Zafar rolled first onto his side and then his back, pulling me with him. We were now almost at the headboard and his enormous member lay invitingly beneath me. Holding it with one hand mid-shaft, I lowered my lips onto the head and slowly pushed it into my mouth. Just the beautiful mushroom shaped head filled half my mouth. The feel of it and its perfect shape against my tongue elicited a loud moan from me.

Zafar then did something that sends me to the moon. He moved his golden tongue to my pucker and started to lick my manpussy. I wasn't sure if he normally rims guys, but I had told him how much I liked it as a way of saying that I was sure I would probably liked getting fucked.

Meanwhile, I was attacking his cock like it was my last meal before execution. Again, I was in a trance holding and sucking this mouthwatering freak of nature, my mouth all over it. I would bob on the head for awhile and then greedily lick the shaft from one end to other. I wanted more than anything to take it to the hilt, but it was just too damn thick. A few times I did manage to relax my throat and get some of it down, but probably not more than half of it at any point (although at the time it felt like it was almost to my stomach). A tongue in my ass, a stupendous rod in my mouth -- I was in flat out ecstasy. After several minutes, I felt his finger, wet with lube, begin to rub my hole. It dawned on me he had carefully positioned us so he could easily reach the lube from the nightstand. The lube was still freshly cold, but warmed up as he swirled it around my rosebud. His finger then found the center and began to push its way in. At the first knuckle, he pulled it back out and started over. "That feel good?" he asked. I took his cock out of my mouth to answer, "Yeah, man, feels nice." He pumped it in and out and was soon at the second knuckle, then third, then the fourth. "Need to get better situated here." Zafar rolled off and I straightened out on the bed the correct way, lying onmy back. He got a pillow and put it under my hips. His finger went back to work on my asshole. Once he had loosened me up a bit, he switched to his thumbs. He took his time and never made an uncomfortable move. His thumbs worked my rosebud over for 10 minutes or longer. He then put a little bit more lube on my ass -- and a lot more on his cock. It was time. He got on his knees and put the head lightly against my hole.

Even after having those fingers opening my sphincter up, I wasn't entirely ready for his massive head to slip in. He teased me with it, sliding it deliciously over my hole. He would push it a little, then tease some more. He repositioned himself, with one hand lining up his cock and the other cupping my neck as he came down for a long, overpowering kiss. I was completely covered and restrained by his smooth, ripped, chocolate body. I could only move my hips a little. There was nothing for me to do but suckon his tongue snaking into my mouth and wait for him to sink the shaft into me.

I was rubbing the firm curve of his ass with the tops of my feet when again his hips pushed forward and the pressure ratcheted up on my sphincter. This time instead of withdrawing he simply paused. "Okay, baby. Better start pushing and you better push hard." I did and was rewarded with his head slipping into my ass. I gasped not a little (hey, you'd gasp too if a cock as thick as a can of shaving gel slid into your ass) and while the feeling of that head pushing in had been great, there was a lot of pain too. Yet, I didn't want to be a pussy and say something to wimp out. I slipped one arm around his neck, the other hand went to his waist (which was as high as I could reach), and squeezed my knees against him as more of it filled me. It took him about 20 minutes to get just over half his manhood into me.

He pulled back the third or so in me and then started to pump. The veins were so thick they were noticeable sliding past my sphincter ring. My legsrubbed his hips, feeling the butt muscles tense as he pushed in. I could feel his abs against my own stomach. I wanted to ride him at one point, so while his cock was thrusting up into me I could rub my hands on his hairy pecs. If only I lasted through the rest of his cock.It still felt more pleasurable than painful, but it was a close call. I reached down to feel how much was left and found only a few inches. My cock was limp at the moment, the discomfort had distracted me. "Fuck I can't believe you've got that much in me, don't know if I cantake..." My man let the next pump continue and the pain flared up. "Shit, shit shit!" I gasped as I was overwhelmed. He stopped and held it and I realized I could feel those heavy hanging nuts of his on my ass. He had it in. He had his entire tree trunk of a cock buried in my ass. In my mind I could see exactly what it looked like, with his dark cock stretching my pale hole wide open.

He started to pump, keeping most of his cock in. The pain was almost as bad as before. "It willfeel much better now" He kissed the corners of my eyes, which were tearing up. He started pulling it almost out and pushing it back into me. Soon he had a nice, steady rhythm and I began to think he was going to cum soon. My cock sprang up at the thought. He let out a moan. I began to push back against him, being careful not to slam his cock too deep. Our two stomachs where slick with sweat, his abs rubbing my cock in a just fantastic fuckingway. I couldn't hold out anymore and decided if I let him know I was about to cum it might trigger his. "Fuck...Yes!.... Yes!" I then had one of the most powerful orgasms of my fucking life. And he kept right on fucking me. I was too spent to care for a minute, the last of my cum dribbling out of my shrinking cock.

He stopped and I thought I was going to get a break. "Time for mine. Roll over" He pulled out and got on his knees while I numbly rolled onto mystomach. I was starting to come back to earth and wondering if he would give me a break. The pillow really put my ass in the air. I waited too long to say anything - he quickly slid his cock back into my ass and began to pump. Slow, deep thrusts. He leaned down so I could feel his breath as he said, "God, Tom, it's heaven inside you". Zafar was laying on me, his hot, sweaty muscles against my ass cheeks as he pumped this huge dark snake into my bowels. Like a pair of man tits, his incredible pecs were on my back. He got back on his knees. He pulled it out all the way a few times, then slid the head and shaft back in. That is my favoritepart of getting ass-fucked, the feeling as the head buries itself into my rose bud. He got my hips in those strong soft hands and began to plow steady and deep. The strokes were getting faster and I realized with amazement that while there was still that semi-discomforting feeling of needing to take one enormous dump (say, like a 9 by 8 inch dump), it nolonger had any of the sharp pain. In fact, it was almost like getting a massage on my sphincter at this point. This had to have gone on for a good 10 minutes, this steady, fast pumping of his cock into my butt. Then there started to come a few really hard, deep thrusts that brought back some of the pain (whenever I read about guys getting fucked by horse-cock guys that don't mention the pain, I figure they either left out the part where they got fisted before or are just bullshitting. Unless you are really tall, no one easily takes 9 or more inches of pipe without some prep. Trust me.) A wave of pre-orgasm shivers ran through me. It didn't hurt that my hard cock was being rubbed against satin pillow sheets. I started to cum and actually said out loud "knock me up, make me yours.....".

My orgasm was subsiding and I was trying to figure out way to stop my over sensitive dick from rubbing on the pillows anymore when he tensed up. His cock pumped several times in me as he let his sperm fill me up. He kept his tree trunk deep in me and held it there. With his body locked over me and his hard cock in me, it was like being engulfed by muscles. Knowing my sexual cycles, I knew I could have another orgasm (my third) right away. Before too long he was sure to start going limp, so I nudged him onto his back. When I had difficulty getting enough space to work hiscock to my ass he gently took a hold of me and lifted me up. I guided his cock to my completely gaping hole and he set me down on it. He let go when my knees could take over. With my hands on his pecs, I sat down on his cock. Mine was still hard from the last session. Like riding a horse, I was soon pumping his hardening dick with my butt. My hands rubbed his cut torso and it wasn't long before I had to grab a hold of my cock with one. Sitting, I pushed all of his cock back up my ass as I started to cum. Less than 10 minutes after starting my cock was spurting onto his hairy torso.There was a delicious feeling to his cock sliding out of my ass. A second load of love shot from Zafar up into me. I dropped to the bed and thought about the momentous moment I had just had. Before long I wasasleep, awaking when the room started to brighten. We tried one more time, but I was too sore in the morning. We smoked and talked the morning away.

I had to return to my room and dress for the day's activities. Zafar had the same kind of day ahead except that he was scheduled to stay in NYC one more night whereas I was checking out that afternoon. As I dressed and prepared to leave his room, strangely paranoid that I totally had this "fuck of my life" air about me, I fumbled for words, "Maybe we should meet in DC when we get back"....

He faced me, put his hands on my shoulders, french kissed me like we were lovers of 20 years and said, "Absolutely. And, if you want, you would be welcome to bring your bags here after checkout if you wanted to stay one more night in New York....with me".

"Okay..." was all I could muster. I went to my room, my asshole very sore, the smell of cum everywhere and wondering if this guy was for real?? It seemed like a dream. Reality set in, though, when I realized my hole was gaping and for the first time in my life I had bareback sex with a stranger. Maybe he wouldn't be a stranger for long.

Write me at onmyback4mike@yahoo.com. This is a true story of two men finding love.

Next: Chapter 3

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