Built for Purpose

By Firey Pheonix

Published on May 17, 2021


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This is my first story, please send feedback good or bad to fireypheonix1212@gmail.com and if you have any ideas on where this story could go then feel free to email those over too. This is a mini chapter depicting the final few days of 001 and 002's personal relationship and sets the scene for chapter 4 of "Build For Purpose" which is coming very soon.

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Built For Purpose

Chapter 3b -The Beginning Of The End

It had been nine days since 003 had been in my office. I hadn't heard from him since and I didn't want to. I couldn't bring myself to feel sorry for the prick, he was happy enough to use and abuse when the leather boot was on the other foot! He had made his introduction and apologies then left and that was that. My life had changed just as drastically as his compared to what it had been less than a month ago.

I was now living in an apartment near the courthouse. After my branding, I had decided that there was no way that I could hide my new markings from my wife so three nights after my visit to the parlour I sat her down and told her I needed to leave. I told her that I wasn't in love with her anymore, that she could have what she wanted and I wouldn't contest the divorce settlement. She cried, I cried and the kids were heartbroken when we broke the news to them.

I'd seen the girls regularly since and seen my soon-to-be ex-wife a couple of times. She hated me, and she was right to do so but it was better this way. There was no scandal for the public or press to get their teeth into compared to what could happen if my new `status' was found out.

This decision was vital to ensure my immediate survival. I'd also heard from anonymous almost daily, it was mainly to taunt me and use every opportunity to remind me of his power over me.

I still hadn't cum, obviously, but was now in the stage where I was waking up throughout the night with my cock straining in my cage. My hairless balls were the biggest and heaviest I could ever remember them being.

HD and I had been for full body waxes and had been issued with a detailed 5 days a week workout regime which we did at different gyms. And were now plugged every single day. We were also not permitted to shave our faces and were both sporting a decent starter beard by now. Master had also started texting at random times demanding proof of our compliance too. He was really building up quite a dossier on both of us on top of everything else he already had. Because of that and work, we hadn't seen much of each other but we had spoken every single day. Neither of us had mentioned the kiss and the comfort and joy we had both felt from it. I knew that he had left his fiance for pretty much the same reasons that I'd left my wife. Luckily for him, there were no kids involved. Just two very pissed off parents who had sunk a lot of money into deposits for wedding services so he'd pretty much been disowned by them too. When he told me this I was preparing to ask him if he wanted to move into my one bed apartment however he mentioned that he'd signed a 6 month lease on a two bedroom place across town near his office so I kept quiet.

I'd had been announced on the news that a private security company called `Bluewater (Private Security) Corporation' had bought the site of the abandoned state prison on the outskirts of the county so this was likely to be the site of my Master's new venture. It was due to go live in just 3 months. There were rumours that around 200 workmen had been working around the clock for the last week to retrofit it as a state of the art detention centre capable of housing 100 inmates in each of its 6 wings. And at a taxpayer funded cost of around $35,000 per inmate per year that's a lot of money flowing into my Master's bank account. And that's just the legitimate income, I have a suspicion that there will be extra getting in there somewhere. I was a little jealous that I hadn't thought of a scheme along those lines before!

`Bluewater' was a well-known paramilitary and private security company, they had their hands deep in the pockets of those in local government and congress - maybe even the current administration. I had tried to find out all I could about Bluewater's parent company using any of my connections in the city council and local government but everything led to a dead end. There was shell company after shell company and company directors with no history older than a few months. Master had insulated himself well. The prison had been rubber-stamped due to overcrowding, so while this new centre is slated to be state of the art, it was also a minimum security facility designed to control the inmates in comfort. I was sure it was designed this way so that the white collar types who would eventually call this place home would be more easily controlled, making them ripe for the picking and the guards could easily have their pick of any inmate at any time without much fight back.

My work life had pretty much returned to normal and it was nice to have something else to focus on. I had some annual leave coming up which was meant to be a family holiday to Hawaii. Obviously I was no longer going so my wife was taking her dead beat whore of a sister instead. I didn't like the idea of my impressionable young kids spending so much time around someone like that, but hell, who was I to talk? Right? I was not looking forward to being alone with my thoughts twenty-four hours a day and not seeing my kids for 18 days.

On Friday, my last day at work, I received a text message. It was a link to a secure website. Once I was back in my apartment and I had poured a generous glass of whisky, I clicked on the link.

It took me to a very basic looking webpage which read;

You are now the full property of the `Bluewater (Private Security) Corporation'. As such, the following conditions are now in place:

All human and civil rights, liberties and freedoms are hereby


It is not permitted to have or retain any of its previous sexual

limits. This is a departure from your experiences at the hands of

the AAE brotherhood.

It will obey any instruction from any board member, administrative

colleague, militia member, their partners, paid employees or

volunteers or other actors from the Bluewater Corporation without

delay or hesitation.

All personal property and belongings will become part of the

Bluewater (Private Security) Corporation holdings. This includes,

but is not limited to, property, vehicles, bank accounts, stocks, any

other financial holdings, clothing, books, jewellery and electronic


Bluewater (Private Security) Corporation lawyers have drawn up paperwork for the transfer of ownership for all items covered by point 4.

Its presence is required on Monday 10am. The address will follow by text.

Fags must bring the following items;

its primary phone & charger, all password/passcode restrictions must

be removed prior to arrival

Any laptops, tablets, kindles, spare/secondary phones, landline

phones, internet router, Alexa/Google Home/Apple Home devices and any

other communication devices capable of sending/receiving messages or

calls, internet access and attaching to a data signal. Provide

chargers or mains power adaptors where appropriate. Ensure all

passwords have been removed where possible, or provide the passwords

for all admin accounts where the operating system requires password


All keys for its home, car, workplaces, club lockers, safety deposit

boxes and storage lockers. Each key must be labelled.

Its wallet, including all of its credit cards, bank cards and

membership cards.

Driving License and insurance information


Details of all its bank accounts including passwords for online

banking access and a printout of the last 6 months of transactions

Details and login credentials for all of its online storage services

such as iCloud, Dropbox, Onedrive or similar

Details of and login credentials for all email addresses including

personal, professional and kink related.

Details of any memberships including, but not limited to, country

clubs, magazines, online services, uber or other car services and

dating sites

All passwords for anything not covered by the above i.e. Apple ID or

Samsung/Android Account, Google Profiles, Facebook, Instragram,

Netflix and cellphone online billing accounts.

Details of any security providing protection of any property

including service provider and contact details, any contact centre or

account passwords and all alarm disarming codes.

A list of all male family members, friends or colleagues over the age

of 21

Fags will not bring:

Any additional clothing, footwear or underwear




Any food or drink

Any grooming products including hair brush/gel/lotions

It will be introduced to the entire staff of the new Bluewater Cypress Hills Detention Facility. Expect to stay no less than 7 nights.

To give it an idea of how many men it will be meeting, the organisational structure of the detention centre is as follows:

One administrative warden and his personal assistant,

One associate warden overseeing all 6 wings and his two assistants

A head guard in each wing.

The number of guards in each wing will be no less than 5 and will

reflect the number of inmates in the wing.

A doctor with 3 male nurses

A kitchen guard to oversee all meal prep.

Perimeter patrols of 8 guards

2 guards for each of the 4 watchtowers

2 guards for the entryway

2 administrative/reception staff

All other duties will be undertaken by the inmates including all laundry, janitorial and cosmetic maintenance.

All areas will be monitored with motion activated CCTV.

That's all you need to know.

Don't be late

I read over it, not really caring about what the make-up of the prison would be, but I had to admit that there were a lot of guards! I wondered if they were all in the know of just how the prison was getting filled. I guess I'd find out on Monday. This was intense. It was beyond intense and I wanted to be scared. I wanted to cry, or yell, or throw things or even just faint, but my cock wouldn't let me even if it did have dibs on the blood flow right now. As each work sunk into my brain it was reminding me that I really liked the idea, I loved my time in AAE - they were the best years of my life and a little part of me (the little caged part of me) was looking forward to getting back to it.

I was also really excited to see where this went and to see what happened between HD and me now that my marriage had been taken care of.

Referring back to the list, I pulled out the biggest suitcase I had and started dumping all my electronics into it, going from room to room and double checking that nothing covered by the list remained. About 90 minutes, or 1 filled suitcase later, my phone went. It was HD.

"Have you seen this 001?" I told him I had and I'd already started preparing things. By now it was 11pm on Friday. I'd also had half a bottle of Ghost Blue so basic functions were taking longer than usual.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me

"Great 002, fucking great. Lifes been turned upside down but feeling fuck...ing gr...eat..." I sang into the phone, "and its only gonna get better and you know why? Do you know WHY? Because I have you, the love of my life and the only one that knows me better than I know myself! I want you so badly and I can say it now. Loud and proud just like in the old days! Fuck it, fuck why we got here, fuck whoever is behind this, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it. Fuck em all. I don't give a shit any more." My rant over, I slumped into my sofa and waited for his reply.

"Do you need me to come over?" he asked.

"Nooooooooo, I have stuff to organise. And so do you. Come over tomorrow night in time for a takeaway and we will spend the night and Sunday together before seeing what awaits us on Monday. Good plan?"

"Good plan 001. And just so you know, you've always been my 001." he hung up promptly after that and I just looked at the phone for a whole minute before tossing it down on the sofa beside me. I finished another long swig of whisky and forced myself out of the sofa to get on with things.

By the following lunchtime I was up, been to the gym, got home and finished the lists of passwords and family members contact details making sure I'd left nothing out. I'd checked every point twice and I was confident that the list was as extensive as it was going to get.

I woke up at 7pm to the buzzer going. It was HD, I let him in and a minute later he was at my front door. I moved aside so he could enter, "Where's your stuff HD?", he looked at my apprehensively, "Down in the car 001, thought I'd drive on Monday. Can you call me 002 please, it'll help to have someone I love calling me that too instead of just the negative way I've been called that so far."

"Sure thing 002," I said, I leaned in for a kiss and was pleased that he kissed me back. And that was that, we fell into the romantic horny duo that we were many years ago. We ordered chinese and after we'd eaten we stripped off and shoved a movie on. We sat in each other's arms, slowly caressing each other, or playing with each other's cages or head hair. After the movie there was an intense foreplay session (couldn't do much else) whilst being very careful not to get each other too excited. We ended up shoving another movie on, but neither of us saw the end. We woke up with the sunlight coming in the open curtains. Sunday morning, last full day of whatever this was. It was lovely. It was familiar. It was sexy and it was.... right.

002 made me breakfast and we sat naked eating our turkey bacon and eggs, drinking our orange juice while barely taking an eye off of each other. I smiled at him. The first fully genuine smile I'd had in quite some time. Once we had finished, we showered together then let the air dry us as we sucked each other's balls and I rimmed 002. Finally we dressed and headed out. We got coffee and sat in the park watching the world go by, as happy as we could possibly be in that moment. His hand slid onto my knee and I let it rest there. It was such a comfortable feeling. That night we fell asleep in each other's arms with me as the big spoon and my little spoon snuggled in. I could feel his light breathing on my forearm as he slipped peacefully into a restful sleep. I watched him sleep as best I could, not wanting to move him. Eventually I dozed off too, wondering what tomorrow might bring.

Next: Chapter 5

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