Built for Purpose

By Firey Pheonix

Published on May 12, 2021


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This is my first story, please send feedback good or bad to fireypheonix1212@gmail.com and if you have any ideas on where this story could go then feel free to email those over too. I hope you enjoy the second installment of "Build For Purpose".

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Built For Purpose

Chapter Two - And So It Begins

My eyes opened slowly the following morning, my head and heart were pounding. I was laying naked on my 4-poster bed having kicked the sheets off of myself at some point during the night. My wife was gone. I reached for my phone to check the time. Fuck, nearly lunchtime, I thought. I forced my head back into my pillows and just lay there as bit by bit the reality of my situation came back to me. The whole sordid ordeal of yesterday came crashing down on me. I rolled over onto my stomach, trapping my cock and balls between my thigh and the mattress but not caring in the slightest at the numb pain it caused. I just wanted the memories to go away. This couldn't be happening. What the fuck am I going to do?

My phone rang shortly after midday whilst I was still laying there trying to wish my new problems away, trying to deny it was even happening. I reached for my phone, seeing it was HD filled me with dread. I couldn't avoid this any longer. I forced myself into a sitting position and answered the ringing phone.

"Yeah?" my voice groggy after my night of whisky drinking. I ruffled my hair and stretched as best as I could as I listened to HD freaking out on the other end of the line. I let him rant, he wasn't saying anything new so there was no information there to jolt me awake. Eventually I yawned. "Fucking asshole... what? Am I keeping you awake?"

"Fuck off HD," I told him, "I'm just awake, had a rough night as you can imagine. "Meet me at the coffee shop on the west side of the park and we can chat about our options."

"There are no fucking options!" he screamed at me, "that's what I've been saying, all we can do is obey and maybe lose everything or not obey and definitely lose everything! Do you have a secret third option that I'm not seeing?"

"I need coffee, 20 minutes." I hung up, stretched properly and shuffled into the ensuite. Grabbing my cock I let loose a long pungent stream of dark yellow piss into the bowl. It seemed to last forever. I eventually flushed, washed, cleaned my teeth and got dressed into a smart pair of jeans, polo shirt and cashmere jumper. I shouted to the wife that I was heading out, jumped into my BMW and hit the road.

25 minutes later HD and I were entering the park, him with a large cappuccino and me with my caramel latte. It was obvious he needed to get things off his chest so I just let him speak.

"I'm sorry I ever got us into this. If I'd ever thought that this would have happened then I wouldn't have talked you into being the AAE's fag with me."

"Its not your fault, I wanted it just as much as you did," I told him, "even more so, and I was more enthusiastic, more eager and that's why I ended up as 001 and you ended up as 002! You're not to blame. Everyone in that group made a promise to each other. When we went our separate ways, the dynamic stopped. It was only every meant to be a bit of fun to let our hair down when the stress got too much."

"I know, I know, " he said, "but I still can't help feel responsible. We agreed to put the gay times behind us and be good christians, good republicans!"

I laughed internally, I might have put the gay away, I am a christian and I am a republican. But I wasn't good. HD didn't know half of the story. My pool, my car, my bloated bank account were all kickbacks from someone or other. Wealthy defendants, their families or companies, even the mob had given a donation or two to my coffers to carry my favour over the years.

The text alert tone pierced my inner dialogue and I reached for my phone. As I removed it from my pocket HD's phone also pinged to say he had a message. I looked at my phone, the message waiting there was from the same unknown number as last night; Enjoy your caramel latte.

My heart leapt into my throat, dread filling me up inside for the 10th time in the last 24 hours. I looked at HD who had the same look of dread on his features. "What does yours say?"

"I've to be at your office at 9am on Monday morning and this bastard has even told me what to wear!"

By now I was looking from side to side as if I was watching some sort of demented tennis match, eventually spinning a full 360 to see if I could see anyone who was watching us but I didn't recognise anyone and everyone I saw seemed to be focused on their own business. This was getting scary.

"What? He's told you what to wear? That's insane!" As if all of this isn't insane enough. "What are you to wear?"

Before he could answer, his phone pinged again. Say nothing more

He showed me the notification of the last message and we both started to freak out! We hurriedly said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Was he listening in? Did he assume I'd ask the question; but how did he know that HD hadn't already told me? Fuuuuuuck! This is getting weirder and weirder!

Thankfully the rest of the weekend passed peacefully and I didn't get any more contact from HD or anonymous. Arriving at work at 8.30am on Monday, I could feel my mood worsen with every step I took towards the main entrance and my mood didn't improve as I went through security, or as I took the lift up to my floor or as I unlocked the door to my chambers. I slumped in my desk chair and watched the clock. At 8.58am there was a knock on the door, thinking it was HD I called for the person to come in. It was actually a courier that had a large box with him. I signed for it and using a pair of scissors I opened it up. Inside was another box and a folded piece of paper on which was typed in block capitals;


"Oh fuck..." I sighed, wondering, no dreading, what was inside. A few minutes later HD arrived. As he walked in I saw what he was wearing. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. He was wearing a tight purple and pink AAE wife beater top and tight sweatpants that left nothing to the imagination. And trainers without any socks. He looked miserable. He was obviously not wearing any underwear. I thought I was endowed with a thick 8 inches, 4-5 inches when soft but HD was bigger. We were both uncut which was something we had noticed in the changing rooms after swimming in high school since it was less common for American guys. Back then we were obviously checking each other out although neither wanted to admit it and that eventually led to lots of making out and fumbling about as only two inexperienced teens can do. We finally got the hang of things when the internet was more readily available in the mid to late 90s and by the time we both applied to and were accepted at Harvard we were pretty much a couple or at least friends with lots of benefits. Unfortunately we were both bottoms and both submissive so when HD came back to our dorm stinking drunk one night after a kegger at AAE and told me about the offer they had made to him, to both of us, we jumped at the chance and well, the rest is history. Needless to say we were both very popular within the AAE walls, and outside of them too! We took cock in our mouths and pussys each night, between classes, we even serviced some of the brothers during classes! We ran errands, cleaned and cooked for them and showered them! We were footstools, waiters, houseboys, domestic animals/beasts of burden and sexual toys. Basically we were owned by the fraternity and their brotherhood, we were whatever they needed us to be whenever they needed us to be it. We were in a situation of near total deferment, with each of the brothers taking a role in a different area of our control from what we wore, to our body hair, when we bathed and even had one of the Sirs we had to message to ask for permission to use the toilet. Our spending, our down time (with the exception of studying - the brotherhood was always respectful of that), our socialisation and more were always deferred to one or another of the brothers.

Anyway, back to the present day, my eyes fixated on his crotch, I could see the perfect outline of his 6 inch flaccid cock and the bulbous head, remembering the deep purple colour and how it always oozed precum that I loved to lick up. Our free evenings back in the frat (if we were lucky enough to have one, were spent licking each other's precum from our cages, or licking each other's assholes, balls and pits. But always ensuring we never got each other close enough. When I finally stirred myself out of my reminiscing I was hard in my boxers. I motioned for him to sit and showed him the note.

I opened the box and inside was 2 metal chastity cages and 2 metal padlocks without keys. My eyes gaped. It couldn't be, could it?

Lifting one out of the box, I turned it over so I could see the bottom and sure enough there was the mark. One cage had 001 and the other had 002 etched into the ring at the bottom. This was unbelievable. These were our cages from school. How the fuck did he get these? I wondered. Underneath was another note. HD grabbed for it and unfolded it.






HD read the note aloud but I wasn't surprised, I expected as much when I saw the cages. By this time I was pretty much resigned to my fate. I'd spent all day Sunday trying to think of a way out of this mess. And I'm an intelligent guy, graduating top of my class but there was just nothing I could think of. I was stuck. This was happening whether I liked it or not. The real kick in the ass was that under different circumstances i.e. take away the blackmail then it could have been an enjoyable trip down memory lane with HD and I getting to serve the old frat brothers again. HD must have been thinking about it too and had come to the same realisation as I had.

We looked at each other and I asked, "Who's going first?" With his eyes on the floor he muttered, "I don't care," yet still sank to his knees ready for me to feed him. "Ok," I said, "once I cum, you lock me then I'll lock you once you've cum then we will send both photos at the same time." He nodded his agreement. Such a pitiful sad little nod, I couldn't help but look at my old friend, he reminded me of a sad little puppy.

I walked around my desk while unzipping. By the time I was in front of him my cock and balls were out of re standing straight out from my fly. He looked at me with slight resentfulness and slowly opened his mouth taking all but the last inch into his mouth. He must have been suffering from a nervous dry mouth because I couldn't detect the slightest bit of saliva on my cock but my precum soon sorted that out. He was sucking me like a pro, just like I remembered and it didn't take long for me to have his head in my hands as I moved from being sucked to fucking his face. Slowly at first then speeding up. He seemed to get into it alot more too, like we were falling back into our old selves. He hadn't sucked me since the AAE brothers locked us up, so I was casting my mind way back to remember how his mouth felt. When we parted ways with the brotherhood we agreed that the gay stuff had to stop and that no experience would ever top the 5 years that we now had implanted deep in our memory.

He didn't once try to touch his own cock, we had been trained to only focus on the cock in our mouths or our pussy and never EVER our own. HD was doing a fantastic job and I could feel my cum building in my balls. It wasn't long before I was gasping and moaning getting closer and closer until, "Oh fuck yeah 002, that's it, keep it going, you're gonna get my load real soon!" I tightened my grip on his head and held it still as finally 7 heavy shots filled his mouth. Gasping, I fell backwards onto the edge of my desk, my cock plopping from his mouth. I was beat, I don't care what any guys says, there just is no comparison between getting your cock sucked and rubbing one out behind closed doors!

Before he swallowed my load he took a selfie with his mouth open, showing my cum inside. I hadn't even noticed if he had taken any more or if that was it. I stroked his hair, still out of breath trying to regain my composure. "Thanks fag, I fucking loved that." He smiled up at me half-heartedly, "Me too 001, just wish it was under better circumstances." So he had been thinking the same as me! As he rose to his feet he looked at his watch, "Hurry 001, we only have 20 minutes left and remember I'm not a quick cummer!"

I sank to my knees as he pulled the waistband of his sweats down. His hard cock sprang out and slapped on his abs. It wasn't until this exact moment that I realised how much I'd missed his 11 inch member. I eagerly took it into my mouth like the true fag I was at heart, swallowing it down until my nose was at his bushy pubes. He moaned loudly, maybe too loudly, but I didn't care as right now at this moment, I was in heaven. Inside I was 23 again. I played with his balls as I sucked his cock down my throat again, then letting it out almost to the tip before taking it back into my throat. I remember how much he loved that. And his continuous moaning told me that I wasn't wrong. When I felt his cock starting to tense, I heard the shutter sound of his phone camera but I kept going, slipping my hand round to his ass my middle finger found his hole. Seconds later it had slipped inside and that did it. He shuddered as his creamy load shot up his shaft and violently into my mouth, it must have been 10 or 12 spurts of cum. So much cum that it started leaking out the corner of my mouth. He removed his cock and took a picture of me proudly showing his seed pooling around my tongue. I swallowed it down and licked my lips.

"Quickly 001," he said, "we didn't fit your cage and we only have 3 minutes left. We fumbled with our cages and managed to force them on, its amazing how it all comes back to you after so many years of nothing. We quickly took another 2 photos and sent over 6 photos in total. Within seconds we got a reply. Not wanting to look, but also needing to know, we looked at the screen with some apprehension. When I saw the reply I was angry. No, I was livid, but even more than that I was disappointed. This stranger who was turning my life upside down, who could cause me to lose everything, who was pulling me in all these different directions had just replied with a fucking thumbs up emoji!

Cunt I thought, absolute cunt. HD and I just looked at each other and he left after muttering a timid "Bye 001". I went to dispose of the boxes and noticed a small business card in the bottom of the smaller one. We had obviously missed it. I turned it over and on the reverse was an address and a time with a hand written note this time, written in block capitals. 001 AND 002 TO ATTEND TOGETHER.

My bailiff was knocking at the door, I was due in court. I quickly thumbed a message to HD and headed out.

Next: Chapter 3

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