Built for Purpose

By Firey Pheonix

Published on May 10, 2021


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to real people or clubs are purely coincidental. This is my first story, please send feedback, good or bad, to fireypheonix1212@gmail.com and if you have any ideas on where this story could go then feel free to email those over too. I hope you enjoy the first installment of "Build For Purpose".

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Built For Purpose

Chapter One - The Proposal

Let me introduce myself, my name is Avery St Clair - Judge Avery St Clair from the Harris County Criminal Court here in sunny Texas. I've been a judge for 5 years which is quite an accomplishment for a 37 year old. I'll not bore you with my professional history. I got where I am because I knew to read between the lines, do what I needed to do, kiss the right asses and, because, I know the law. The good, the bad and the ugly... and I know how to break the law and get away with it. A rising star within the Republican party, some have said the US Supreme Court is in my future, maybe even a bid for the White House.

Honestly though, I'm not sure if I want that. For now, I'm happy where I am and I'm very happy with what I'm doing. I'm not a bad looking guy, I'm no Brad Pitt or Channing Tatum but I do okay. I have 2 children, both girls under the age of 10 and a wife of 12 years. I'll tell you more about them later if I need to. They really don't have anything to do with my story. That sounds really callous but all I mean is that although I love my wife and family as much as someone like me can love anyone, they don't play an important part in the story.

To explain where I am now, I'll need to recap how I got here. I had only been a judge for 6 months when my best friend from law school dropped by the courthouse one scorching Tuesday afternoon. I saw him slip into my courtroom and quietly take a seat in the last row of the gallery. He watched the proceedings to the end of the day and hung about until my courtroom emptied. Harry Dullies was invited into my private chambers and as he entered I was hanging my robe on a hook behind the door. We shook hands and gave each other a bro hug. After a few minutes of the niceties, I sat down behind my desk and motioned for him to sit.

"What can I do for you HD?" I asked, using his Harvard nickname.

He didn't meet my eye instead choosing to focus on the nameplate at the front of my desk. He inhaled sharply and when he exhaled it was staggered as if he was cold. He was obviously nervous. As his hand went up to ruffle his jet black hair I could see that he was trembling slightly.

"HD, you're making me nervous here. Just spit it out. Are you in any sort of trouble?"

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was just a few seconds he started to speak, "Dammit, ok" takes another deep breath, "I've been sent by one of the old group to have a talk with you." without letting me interject he sped on, "it appears that one of the guys wasn't being honest when he agreed to destroy all of those videos of us from law school."

I could feel the colour draining from my face, my mouth was agape and I could hear my heartbeat and I'm sure if HD had been paying any more attention to my reaction he could have heard it too. He hurried on;

"He emailed me and is promising to use them unless you help him. He's setting up a private prison in the county and wants you to provide him with inmates through your position on the bench. His idea is that each inmate will take on the roles and responsibilities that we did back in the day."

At this point I think my heart finally stopped for a moment, and the cold shiver of terror was working its way down my spine. I wanted to stand but wasn't sure if I could. Eventually I recovered and composed myself enough to speak. I sat forward, elbows on my desk and told my old friend to look at me. He didn't so I repeated myself and our eyes met.

"That was meant to be behind us. Behind all of us. I'm not that guy anymore. Neither are you. I'm a sitting judge for fucks sake! I cannot be a party to black mail!" My temper rising, I jumped out of my seat, walked around my desk and perched myself in front of my old best friend. "What's your part in this... in this... plot?"

He looked up at me and I could see his eyes were watery. "Nothing," he said, "I'm just the messenger." He went on to explain that he had received an email from an anonymous service detailing the plans and had a video and 2 pictures attached as evidence of their existence. HD told me that he didn't know the identity of the sender and that the video included him too so he was in the same position as I was. As he told his story, I could feel the anger and resentment build up inside of me, I loathed the position he had put me in but quickly realised that my friend was not at fault.

"Who's the guy with the videos?" I asked taking a deep breath to steady my breathing and try to appear more confident than I felt.

"I told you I don't know. Avery, what the fuck are we going to do? The sender said that it would be better coming from me and that I might help keep your anger at bay."

He fished out his phone and showed me the email.


I need something and you are going to help me. I have secured finance to start a private security company and work has commenced on the construction of for-profit prison. I need inmates. You will reach out to our old friend Avery St Clair and get his help with this. I want inmates ranging from 18 to 40, good to average physical condition with at least 6 month sentences. I don't care how you get them, just ensure it happens.

These inmates will take on the role that you both did back in law school. I already have a full complement of guards ready to ensure their compliance and servitude.

If you fail to help me then the pictures attached to this email and more will be sent to the following email addresses and released on social media.

This is no joke.

Your friend"

The email went on to list about a dozen email addresses. "Are these email addresses..." HD cut me off, "Yes, they are real Avery! I don't know how he got them but they're real. My mum and dad, my sister, my brother and sister-in-law, even my fucking ex is on there. 13 in all including the senior partners at my law firm".

"Some fucking friend," I said through gritted teeth. Scrolling down I saw the evidence and sure enough there was a clear as day picture of me taken at one of our party nights. In the photo I was naked and sporting a 8mm thick chain around my neck fastened with a 50mm padlock (it was always my favourite one to wear because of the weight), my generously proportioned dick was locked in a steel chastity cage with the letters AAE's SLUT written across my chest. I was the slut of the exclusively gay Alpha Alpha Epsilon Fraternity back in the day so I wasn't looking at the camera, I was solely focused on the cock in my mouth and the breeding happening in my ass. My blood turned cold. This was no joke.

I ushered HD over to the sofa and I sat next to him. I loosened my tie, I couldn't breath, I felt like I was going to suffocate.

"I can't do this HD," I said quietly. "I'm a Republican! Married, kids, career and if I get found to be helping this, this... asshole, then I could lose everything. Everything! You understand me?"

HD nodded and started to weep. He told me that he knew what was at stake and that he could lose everything too if these pictures ever got out. He told me to scroll down further in the email. After the picture of me there was a video clip. I pressed play and could hear the gasp escape from my friend. The sounds of heavy dance music filled my chambers joined by cheers and jeers from the many guys who were in the room. The video started on the guys hard dick. Thick, uncut and veiny, bobbing up and down as if teasing someone off camera. The camera slowly panned upwards to show a younger HD on his knees in the same collar and cage as me with the same wording on his waxed chest (he was a swimmer in school and rarely allowed himself to have much in the way of body hair, although this time the hair removal had been ordered by our Master - the head of AAE - Jeremy Viscotti. It was his dick at the start of the video). "Fag 002, what do you want?" the voice asked.

"I want your beautiful dick Master!" HD replied

"Louder," the voice instructed sharply.

Shouting now, "I want your beautiful dick Master!" Drunken cheers emanated from the phones tiny speakers, each one was a stab to my stomach. I was sweating now and, ashamedly, getting a little aroused. Adjusting my own cock being as subtle as I could I continued to watch.

"Beg me for it bitch"

"Oh wonderful Master, it is nothing but your lowlife faggot. Here only for your pleasure and use. You own its mind, body and soul..." came HD's voice, starting to recite the standard begging lines that we had been trained to say, "Please please give it your massive dick, it wants to show you how a good faggot treats its Master. It exists solely to serve its Superiors in Alpha Alpha Epsilon".

A small round of applause and cheers could be heard from the watching off-camera crowd as the Master gave the `suck me' hand signal and HD eagerly shuffled the short distance to Master's cock and engulfed it in one go. He always was a very talented cock sucker. That's when the video ended. We both knew it was a short clip of a much, much longer video from that night.

I looked at HD and said quietly, "What the fuck do we do now?"

He just looked at me, defeated and broken, "I don't know Avery, I just do not know."

We spoke for hours and eventually left the courthouse together at 9pm. We went our separate ways, promising to speak more the following day. When I got home to my 6 bedroom 6 bath Tudor inspired mansion, I apologised to my wife giving her some excuse about a case running long. The girls were in bed so I crept in and kissed both on the forehead before creeping back out and going back downstairs. I was asked if I wanted anything to eat by our maid Mia. I told her I had eaten at work and went straight to my study where I poured a large glass of Johnnie Walker Blue - Ghost & Rare. I slumped into my leather sofa and cried. I couldn't stop myself, the tears just flowed and would not stop.

After nearly half a bottle of my $300-a-bottle whisky, I dragged my demoralised ass upstairs at around 1am and crawled into bed. Thankful that at least tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have to work.

Just as my head hit the pillow, my phone screen lit up. I looked at it through half shut eyes. It was an iMessage from an unknown number. It was only 4 words yet these 4 words were enough to make me want to break down again.

"Welcome aboard fag 001"

Please send any feedback to fireypheonix1212@gmail.com. Should I continue?

Next: Chapter 2

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