Bug House category: older younger

By John Parker

Published on Jan 23, 2021



  • If you're on Nifty you know what to expect. This is totally fictional

and if any of these guys exist, I don't know them.

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I'm eleven years old, my parents don't love me, never did. My dad was borderline abusive, psychologically not physically. I wish he would have just fucked the hell out of me and loved me. My mother and father weren't demonstratively affectionate, but they had sex, loud sex, almost every night. I didn't know where all the noise was coming from their bedroom until a fourteen year old friend explained it to me.

We didn't have anything you could call a family life, and birthdays, Christmas and the like were just another day. I'd seen Christmas stories on TV, but they were as real to me as Mickey Mouse, maybe not even that real.

One evening mom served some dinner and I was going to take it to my room to eat it. We had a dining room, but never used it. "Where's Dad?" That could have gotten me a slap, but I asked anyway.

"He's gone." No son, no dear.


"Yes, forever, fucking forget it, he isn't your father anyway." She threw my dinner plate at the wall and walked off.

Most boys my age would be devastated, but for me this was just another pleasant day in hell.

Two days later I came down to breakfast with a new "father." He must not be a screamer like Jeff.

If anything changed it was for the worse. He hated me, I was afraid of him, and he didn't want me around. I eventually found out why. I had seen him fucking my mom all over the house. They didn't know it, or I'd have the shit kicked out of me, hard, Carl was a big man.

On my eighteenth birthday I finally got a present. "Billy," Carl said, "You're an adult now. Get your ass out of this house. You have a week, then I'll throw you out." It was my mother's house, but she was there when he said it.

I moved in with a close friend. I desperately needed love and he gave it to me, and my first experience with sex. I had never been happier in my life. I didn't know before what happy was.

I stayed with them for over a year, had a job at a hardware store, and paid what I could to the family. I actually had a real mother and father now, and they loved me. They taught me what love meant. Bruce had two twin beds in his room, but we never used both of them.

You knew this was coming. Bruce told me that his father had a new job and they were moving.

I asked, no begged, if I could go with them.

"I tried to ask, I even cried and my mom cried with me. Your dad and I love Billy, as much as you do, Bruce, well maybe not, but no he can't come with us."

They actually found me an apartment, which I could afford, but barely. It was furnished, but they gave me the other stuff I needed, sheets, towels and stuff like that. The first night Bruce stayed with me. It wasn't a secret to anyone. "We'll pick you up in the morning, son." At ten the next morning they picked Bruce up, we all said good bye's, Bruce and I actually kissed in front of his parents. "Mom" kissed me and "dad" gave me a warm hug. They were now gone forever.

Six months later I was laid off. "I'm really sorry, Billy. But times are tough right now. I've got to let two of you go, the other men have seniority, and they all have families to support, but one of them has to go too." I tried to find a new job, but it was hard times everywhere. I was evicted in two months and pretty much everything I had was gone. I lived on the street. I sold my body to eat, and eventually settled into a park known as bug house. We were a bunch of young whores who lived here, and spent most of the night being used. I woke up the first morning with a blanket over me that wasn't there when I fell asleep. There was a man sitting next to me. He looked a bit like Santa Claus. He had a red stocking cap, white hair and beard, close trimmed, not bushy. A red flannel shirt. No red pants, just jeans. "Isn't it a bit early for this?" I said. "Not for breakfast," he answered. He handed me a paper bag, it had a fast food egg sandwich, a potato cake and hot cocoa. "Who are you? If you say Santa Claus I know I'm still asleep." He actually said, "Ho, ho ho." "The boys here know me as Guardian."

"I'm," I started to say. "Don't tell me." "You wouldn't be here unless you knew what bug house is. I've got to fill you in on the realities of this place. It scourges my soul every time I have to tell a new boy about this place. If I could I'd take you all away from here, but I can't, there are just too many of you. All I can do is make sure that you all have a safe place to live, at least for a while."

"You're at the bottom of a deep hole, but if you really want to get out of it, God will help you."

"I don't believe in God." "Where do you think your breakfast came from?" "You." "No, I'm only his vehicle."

He finished by saying, "Keep your nose clean, bug house is right around the corner from hell, but jail is a lot closer." "I'm not afraid of hell." "How come you believe in hell and not God?" "I lived there for eighteen years, Guardian, until the devil himself kicked me out."

"Are you expecting anything back for this? If you are, I'm okay with it."

"I've never ever touched a boy in here for more years than you have been breathing. Besides I didn't give it to you, He did; and yes He wants something back."

I had been approached by a few pimps, but wanted to be on my own, this wasn't going to be my career. I kept most of the money I was given in a bank account, if I didn't it would have been stolen. Most of the other boys here lost their earnings to drugs. You wouldn't believe how many cocks I've had up my ass and how many quarts of cum I've swallowed. I may have been cold at night, but never went hungry. This place had two evening shifts. One just after sunset with men in suits going home after work, looking mostly for blow jobs. The other was after the bars closed at two in the morning, they all wanted to fuck. The night shift was more lucrative. I asked for forty bucks, sometimes men gave me an extra ten. Though having to endure the alcohol breath and the occasionally painful groping of a drunk, the pay was better, because they were drunk. One time a man gave me four c-notes, thinking they were tens; and drunk men can't count bills very well. I actually told some men they hadn't paid me and they did twice, honesty and ethics had nothing to do with bug house.

I kept trying to find a job, but had no luck. I had actually contemplated suicide, I couldn't keep living like this. I even thought of a variety of ways I could do it. I scared myself shitless, because I really wanted to do it. Eventually my body and my age converged, this was a boy park and I was now one hundred percent man. I didn't have many customers any more. Boys at bug house weren't friends, but Raphael seemed to be a friend to all of us. He was the most beautiful boy here, more beautiful than I could tell you. He could have men standing in line for him, but I never ever saw him with a man. Not that any of us paid much attention to each other's business. We walked to a fast food place for lunch. I offered to pay, but he paid. "Billy, you're dead meat at bug house." I don't know if you can kill yourself with a plastic fork, but I wanted to. I knew he was right, but I had no place to go.

The next morning I awoke to a wonderful smell. Guardian was there with a waffle house waffle with bacon. "Breakfast today, and this?"

"Got to talk to you Billy, but eat first."

Sticking a large piece of syrupy waffle in my mouth, I said," How do you know my name?"


"I like him a lot, aside from you he's my only friend."

"I'm guardian, Raphael is caretaker."

"But he's only twelve or thirteen!"

"If I told you the reality of it, it would blow your mind. Don't even ask." I finished breakfast and thanked him. "This is harder for me to say than it is for you to hear, I've got to ask you to move on. You were actually almost too old when you came, but you needed to be here. There are three young men coming in tonight and I need the space for them." How the hell did he know? He told me a place where I could go. "You can work tonight, but in the morning I need you to be gone." I made a few bucks with the early bar crowd then packed up to leave. It was going to take me almost an hour to get where he told me. As I walked out of bug house, Guardian was leaning on a vintage woody station wagon. "Need a lift?" He drove me to a place where homeless men lived, between and under two freeways. "I know you've been trying, but keep it up. He'll get you out of here before you know it." "Can I hug you?" "I never touched one of mine before, but you aren't one anymore." He wrapped his arms around me. I grabbed him in a death grip. He let me hold him until I couldn't any more. "Go in there, Billy, there's a man who needs to meet you." I loved Guardian, the only slim vestige of love in my heart, but he was scary. He knew things that there was no way he could ever know.

There was a fire burning in an oil barrel, it was the only light. A man said, "Do you want to come and lay with me?" "Not in the mood to get fucked, and you don't have the money." "Don't do that much any more. I was just offering you a warm body to lay against, hoping you'd give me the same." I felt guilty about how I treated him, but that's what men were to me for a long time. He was bigger than me, so I spooned into his lap. I took my blanket out. "Bug house?" "How did you know?" "A lot of those come through here. You hungry?" "A little." We shared a package of peanut butter cheese crackers. "Good night," he said. "I don't know how good it's going to be, but it's already a lot better than I expected." He didn't ask, but wrapped his arm around me. Men had been all over my body and I thought I never wanted one to touch me again, but it felt really good.

In the morning I woke up looking at him, and he at me. "Billy!" "Jeff!" we both said, "What the fuck are you doing here?" Part of me wanted to beat the fucking shit out of him, but the rest wouldn't let me do it. We shared stories. I found out that he didn't walk out on us, my mother drove him out. "We were in the kitchen, she had a large butcher knife in her hand. You go to sleep in my bed tonight and you won't wake up a man in the morning, if I decide to leave you alive." "I'm your father, Billy." "She said you weren't." "Your mom's cunt has had more men in her than you can imagine (I didn't even have to imagine my asshole buckled when he said it) she couldn't possibly know who your father was." "How do you know?" "DNA."

"You used to be a successful business man, Jeff, an asshole with regards to me, but you paid all the bills and fed us pretty good. We've got to get you cleaned up and get you a job."

"I can't, Billy, this dump is all I have, and I don't have any money."

"It's going to take some money and a lot of stamina. I've got the money but you've got to get the stamina."

We got him a nice job, he needed me to provide the confidence he'd lost. We got a small apartment very small, he needed an address. We shared a bed, but for sleep was all. He hired me into the firm two months later. It was nepotism, but we didn't share a name. I was a quick learner, but he covered my ass when I made some stupid mistakes another boss would have fired me for.

"We're moving, Bill. My father died and left me pretty much everything, I was an only child." "I didn't know I had a grandfather." "Consider yourself lucky." I took that as he had the same stretch in hell that I did, which explained a lot.

One day after work he told me had to do something. "Are you going to be home for dinner?" "Probably not."

I woke up in the morning early, and Jeff was obviously distressed. I woke him and he said, "I had to do it, for both of us."

I didn't push it. Two months later a couple of cops came to our house. "Step out here Mr. Jennings, we have a warrant and if we need to use it it won't be pretty." Jeff left in cuffs.

"What is going on?"

"You may be next."

Jeff had murdered my mom and her current fucker in her bed.

I was told at the trial that I didn't have to testify because he was my father, I did anyway, dumping everything on the jury except what my dad had done to me. I included bug house and how he had saved me from that life, even though I had actually saved him. When I left the stand, all the women in the jury were crying, and so was I.

The judge said, "Mr. Jennings you haven't entered a plea, if you don't I'll have to render judgement. I stood and said, "Guilty, Judge."

"The jury will retire to determine the sentence." Murder one was a capital offence, that I also killed the man too didn't really matter.

The jury came back in ten minutes. They looked incredibly dower. "Do you have a sentence," the judge asked? I was afraid the father that I'd only know for less than a few months, I was going to lose forever.

"Yes, Judge."

"Please give it to the bailiff."

"Before I do, Judge, we have something to say. We wanted to acquit, all of us. We all know he's guilty, according to your directions we can't do that."

The bailiff handed the sentence to the Judge. "Please stand, Mr. Jennings. You will be remanded to the penitentiary for twenty years to life, the minimal sentence the jury could have given you. I'm amending it to probation after ten years, pending good behavior."

I fell on the floor crying and screaming thank God, thank you God. I still had my father. I came close to be arrested, but the Judge didn't say anything. When the marshal came to take my dad away, I walked up to the gate that separated the gallery from the court. I reached out my arms to my dad, the marshal pushed me back. Let him in, the judge said. We shared a warm hug for a long time. It would be years before we ever did that again.

I visited him at least twice a week. I hated that glass panel between us, but we touched hands through it. One day two of us came in.

"Don't mean to be rude," dad said, "but who the hell is he, only family and lawyers are allowed in here."

"This is Bruce, dad, he's family, he's your son in law. We're married."

"You're a lucky man, Bill."

"No, I'm the lucky one, sir. Your son is a beautiful man, and I love him dearly."

"Ditch the sir, I'm Jeff."

I put my arm around Bill "Is dad okay?"

Either one of them or both of them came to see me, often.

One day I was brought to the viewing room, it was Bruce, but then Bill came in carrying a baby boy. "If that's my new lawyer, Bill, I think I'll pass. How did you get him in here, and why?" "Meet Jeffrey Daniel Parker-Jenkins, he's your grand son, he shares the names of our fathers."

My dad broke into tears. The officer came over to see if he was okay. "I've never been happier in my whole life," he said.

Even though he wasn't eligible for parole, he was released under house arrest in just under five years. The officer brought him home. He had a bracelet on his ankle. "Where do you want me to put this. Mr. Jennings?" "Ask him."

I told him, anywhere you want. He put in the front closet, bolting it to the wall. "If you get more than a hundred feet from this, Mr. Jennings, you're back in jail."

I hugged him, then Bruce came in with our son. We all hugged, and dad loved his grandson like I never knew, but I had gotten over that.

Dad became a house husband, we let the maid go. It took a couple of months, but Bruce and I finally got him into our bed, and not just to sleep.

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