Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Oct 5, 2021


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is both consensual and nonconsensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)



Tracy continued hustling but he came to my bed twice over the next week. The sex was wonderful, but he was still under age and it was much too early to ask him to move in with me. Alright, of course, I realize he was already living with me, but that was only at Buffalo Bob's direction. I assumed Bob could change that in a minute.

Bob behaved himself for the next lecture, except for that left hand which was always busy. I wondered if there was ever a time when he wasn't at least half hard? His uniform was always snug jeans, cock off to the left, tight wifebeater, unbuttoned long sleeve shirt tight around the biceps, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows.

After every class I had a moment with my three assistants to go over any quick directions or questions they might have. While Bob always left immediately, this day he stayed until we were through.

As we finished and I picked up my briefcase, Jerry walked down to Bob's seat and just stood there for a moment. Bob sat for just a moment longer while Jerry waited, and then he leisurely got out of his seat. I could see it was deliberate, he was showing his power over Jerry. Picking up his backpack he handed it to Jerry. Then, clearly, as I watched, he put his hand on Jerry's ass and gave it a squeeze and a pat. Then, putting his arm around Jerry's shoulders like a good buddy they started up the aisle. With his briefcase in one hand and Bob's backpack in the other, Jerry was led out of the room.

I was watching and so was Claire and Larry and it was painfully obvious, to me anyway, that Bob owned him. There was no question that Claire and Larry saw what I saw.

"Je-sus" Claire said in disgust. "What a loser." I wondered who she was talking about, but I was pretty sure, from what I'd heard, she wasn't talking about Bob.

I tried to ignore this buddy-buddy relationship between them since there was nothing I could do about it anyway. I was well aware their relationship was not buddy-buddy but was master and slave. I was sure that this relationship was not going to have a happy ending, but I didn't feel comfortable doing anything about it. And besides, I always had to keep Bob in mind. I had a relationship with him too and ours wasn't buddy-buddy either. He is clearly always in charge, and I knew I didn't dare do anything that he objected to. In fact, I was pretty sure he simply wouldn't allow me to object to their relationship.

But that situation changed at me next meeting with my instructors. As we finished our meeting and they got up to leave, Claire stayed in her seat.

"Claire, what's up?" I asked.

"Jerry" she said, with an angry look on her face. Larry and Jerry were both at the office door but now looked around.

"What? Me?" Jerry said. Everybody looked at everybody else.

"Ahh, this doesn't concern me" Larry said, seeing Claire's angry look. "I gotta go." He walked out.

"Okay, what's this about" I asked. "Jerry?"

"Damned if I know. Ask Claire."

Claire was clearly steaming.

"Okay, let's sit down and talk about it" I said. Jerry closed the door and came and sat back down, as I sat down behind my desk. "Okay, Claire, let's have it. What's going on?"

"I had one of Jerry's students in my class this week" Claire said. "I told him that was not allowed, but after he explained that he had a scheduling conflict with Jerry's class, I told him he could stay. Jerry blew his stack."

"Professor, I don't know about this scheduling conflict," Jerry said, "but I know the Claire invited him to her class. She asked him to attend, and we know that's against regulations."

Oh, oh, I thought to myself. Was this about Bob? Could they both be...., ahh .... Involved with Bob? Was Claire somehow getting caught up with Buffalo Bob?

Claire continued, still steaming. "Jerry tracked me down after my "World Civilizations' class and stood there berating me in the hallway. He freaked out."

"I didn't freak out," Jerry said, "and I didn't say anything until he went to her class a second time. When I asked him about it, he said Claire put in a request for him to switch to her class for the rest of the term."

"You requested a change for him?" I asked Claire.

"Did you receive a request for a change, Professor?" Jerry asked.

"I was going to, professor" Claire said. "But I didn't think it was that important. The student had a scheduling problem, so I assumed it was okay."

"What scheduling problem?" Jerry asked. "Our classes meet at the same time just down the hall from each other." I looked at Claire for an explanation.

"I was trying to be kind" Claire answered. "His conflict was with his teacher, with Jerry. He said...."

"Just who are we talking about here" I said, interrupting her. "Are we talking about ....?"

"Bob Martin" they both said at the same time. Beefcake Bob. Buffalo Bob.

"Bob told me he talked to you professor" Claire continued. "He said you understood his problems with Jerry."

"There weren't any problems" Jerry snapped. "There have never been any problems. And Bob is one of the better students. It's Claire that has the problem."

"Claire, did you invite Bob into your class?"

"Of course not" she said. "Jerry's making that up. Bob wanted out of Jerry's class."

"Okay, okay, we'll work this out" I said. "I will talk to Bob." Claire and Jerry both started talking at the same time, but I interrupted them. "Jerry, would you leave us now. I'd like to talk to Claire." Jerry gave me a questioning look, but then got up and left the room.

"Claire" I asked bluntly, "are you having an affair with Buffalo Bob?"

"Buffalo Bob?"

"Buffalo Bob, beefcake Bob, Bob Martin. Are you having an affair with him?"

"Professor, that's really none of your business."

"When it interferes with your classwork, yes, it is my business. Tell me why you want him in your class."

"Well, he says," now she was looking embarrassed. "He says Jerry is a fag and is having him do terrible things."

Claire" I said in unbelief. "you're telling me wimpy little Jerry is controlling Mr. Hercules, Beefcake Bob? I don't believe it."

"That's what he said. To get a good grade, he said."

"Why are you getting involved. Why didn't you come to me?"

"Professor, can I be very, very blunt?"

Ah-oh. Here it comes. I knew I wasn't going to like this.

"Of course," I replied.

"Bob Martin says I give him a better blowjob than you do."

Okay, so it was much, much worse than I expected. Evidently Bob had no compunctions about telling the whole world about our relationship.

"Bob Martin stays in my class" Claire said emphatically, looking me in the face.

"Bob Martin stays in your class" I said with a terribly embarrassed look on my face, unable to look her in the eye. Fate Accompli.

Buffalo Bob showed up that evening.

Not surprisingly, he was not alone. And also not surprisingly, one of them, the really, really hunky one, was wearing a collar, a slave collar.

Tracy and I had had a late dinner, a pizza and were sitting on the sofa watching TV. We'd shared blowjobs earlier and were now cuddling. Not necking, but just cuddling. And just the way Tracy likes it, we were naked.

There were three of them. Bob, wearing his snug running shorts and an athletic department tank. The hunky one was wearing running shorts identical to Bob's and a white muscle shirt made of nylon or something that fit him like a second skin showing a terrific physique with amazing definition. He was standing next to Bob which made him look small, but he was really built.

The third guy was just big, really big, as big as Bob. He didn't have the definition of a bodybuilder, but he was definitely into weightlifting. Obviously in the heavyweight classification.

"Hey, who's this?" Bob asked as he walked in and saw us naked with our arms around each other. "Oh yeah, the cute one. Tracy isn't it?"

"Yes sir" Tracy replied.

"So, you're still staying here. I forgot all about you." That was enlightening to me since for the longest time I'd been wanting to talk to Bob about Tracy, and now it seems he had forgot all about him living here. "We'll see about getting you out of here."

"Ah, Bob. Maybe ...." I started to say.

"This is my buddy Ralph, he's here on a wrestling scholarship" Bob said. "Ralph, this is my .... this is my professor I told you about, my asswipe." Bob and Ralph both laughed. "Asswipe," Bob repeated and laughed some more. "I've told Ralph all about you, and he wants to get it on with you. I'm sure you won't mind."

What? Bob was giving me to this enormous friend of his. Giving me to him. What the fuck. He says I won't mind?

"Bob. Listen to me" I said angrily as I stood up. However, I was embarrassed by my nakedness and tried to cover myself with my hands, which made me look foolish. "Bob, you can't ...."

"I told him you wouldn't mind, but even if you do ...." He laughed again. "I don't think Ralph will care."

"Oh, he's a cute one" Ralph chuckled. "He'll do fine."

"LISTEN" I shouted, and then remembered Bob's edict about being shouted at. "Listen, Bob, please" I said softly. "You can't just walk in ...."

"You, Tracy" Bob said interrupting me. "You can join....," he turned to the kid on the leash, "what was your name?" `Finn' "You can join Finn and me and we'll have a threesome." He stepped forward and gave me a shove, pushing me out of the way and sat down next to Tracy, almost on top of him. Giving a tug on the leash, he pulled Finn down on the other side of him.

I just stood there looking stupid, totally shocked as Bob got comfortable. Suddenly I had a big beefy arm around my throat as Ralph grabbed me from behind, pulling me in tight behind him.

"Feel that honey" he said as he banged his crotch against my ass. "And I ain't even hard yet." And yes, I felt it, a good sized tool banging against my ass. "Yeah, I'm big all over."

This was all happening too fast. As always with Buffalo Bob, it was one shock after another, with no recovery time.

"Listen" I squealed. Actually, I squeaked because the guy was strangling me. "Hold on, hold on, hold on. BOB, BOB" I yelled. Yes, I started yelling, but I had to get Bob's attention.

Ralph cut off my voice by tightening his grip around my throat. "You are a pretty one, just like Bob said, and you're a feisty one too" he chuckled. "I like that in a guy. You want to wrestle first? It'll be fun." He rubbed his crotch against my ass a couple times and then let go.

I grabbed my throat and gasped for air, until I was able to speak again. I didn't yell. "Bob, please Bob, you can't do this." I looked over to him and saw that he had already removed his tank top and had both boys kissing his chest.

"Bob ain't doin this. I am," Ralph said as he picked up the coffee table and moved it aside leaving a large space in the middle of the room."

"Bob, stop and think" I started pleading. "What are you doing here. You can't ...."

"Tell him to shut up" Ralph said.

"Asswipe, shut the fuck up" Bob snapped. "Ralph ain't never had a professor and I told him you were a good lay. So shut up and go with the flow."

"Bob, you can't mean this" I begged.

"Where's your duck tape?" Bob snapped. "Go get it." His order became meaningless since Ralph grabbed me by the throat again and dragged me down to the floor, me sitting between his legs.

"Don't talk honey. I won't hurt you" he chuckled in my ear. "Not much anyway. This is going to be fun. I've screwed a couple of my high school teachers and I had one of my coach's but I ain't never had a professor. And you're prettier than any of them."

What could I do? Like it or not, it was happening. I could raise a fuss, but this guy would probably enjoy it, and I knew damn well it wouldn't change anything.

I was going to get raped.

Good, bad, or indifferent, I was going to get raped. I could only hope Ralph was not mean and maybe if I went along with him, he wouldn't get too rough. It was going to happen anyway and maybe I could keep him happy and not too brutal.

For the next half hour/forty-five minutes Ralph wiped up the floor with me. I knew absolutely zero about wrestling, so he had his way with me. It was painful and I knew I was going to be sore for days, but I could tell he was going easy on me.

Ralph was having fun, chuckling in pleasure almost the whole time. I know nothing about wrestling, so I didn't even try to do anything to him. I just let it happen and he treated me like a rag doll, tossing me around as he put me into hold after hold. Ralph is enormous, with muscles even bigger than Bob's but just not defined. He's just .... big.

It was painful, he made sure of that, but only once was it excruciating: he had my arms and legs all tangled up in some way and held me there until I screamed. When he let me go, he kissed me on the cheek and gave me a lick. "Just a taste, honey" he said sweetly. "Just a taste of the pain so you'll remember me." I had no doubt I'd remember him.

I wasn't paying attention to what was happening on the sofa, but I did get occasional glimpses. Both boys were totally focused on Bob every moment, and he had their mouths and tongues and hands constantly busy covering every inch of his body. One mouth on each side of his dick seemed to be a popular position. Also, one front, one back seemed to be popular.

Even when he finally fucked Finn, he had Tracy diligently trying to worship his ass.

When Ralph finished tossing me around the room and having his fun with me, he lifted me in his arms and carried me to my bedroom. I was sore, very sore everywhere, he had done a good job of spreading the pain throughout my body.

"Get ready, honey. I'm going to fuck you." He went into the bathroom, and I heard the toilet flush, and the water run. Obviously, he was leaving the preliminaries up to me, so I grabbed my bedside cream and got busy.

"Strip me" he said as he came back into the room. He had kicked off his shoes so he was only wearing a t-shirt and shorts with the school logo. I pulled his t up and off and then got down and pulled his shorts off. He was wearing a well-used jock strap, but left it on and lay down on the bed.

"Okay, professor. I've shown you what I can do, now you show me what you can do. Get over here." I got on the bed next to him. "Skinny guys like you love my body, so get going. Worship." He lay back, put his hands behind his head closed his eyes, and left it to me.

I said Ralph was big, big muscles everywhere, but not as sharply defined as Bob. But he wasn't fat. His stomach may not have been rippling with muscle, but it was flat. I don't ordinarily go with muscle guys because I want to be the top and I figure they'll overpower me, but I admire them. Just like all the other gym bunnies at the gym, I envy the big muscle guys because I know what it takes to build those herculean bodies. I envy them and admire them, but I don't want to take them to take me to bed.

So, yes, I admired Ralph's big body and knew he deserved to be worshiped. And since I was damn sure he wasn't going to give me any choice anyway, I got at it. I rubbed my hands over that big chest and shoulders and arms getting a good feel, followed it up with kisses, and then some tongue. Ralph didn't react in any way to my worship, so I assumed I was doing okay. This went on for five minutes, maybe longer and then he rolled over.

"Get your tongue up my ass" he ordered. "Bob doesn't call you his asswipe for nothing. Get at it."

Was there any point in objecting? I knew better. I started licking his ass.

"Oh shit, I love this" he said. "All my twinks lick my ass, it's my favorite, but I ain't never had a professor." He reached back and grabbed my hair and began jerking my head around. "Come on man, get in there. Worship that ass hole." He banged me on the back of my head and then jammed my face in tight. "Come on asswipe" he growled at me. "Get you goddamn tomgue going, and suck on it damn it, suck on it."

I don't know where this came from but suddenly, he was becoming violent, and then it got worse. He rolled over and sat up and with his hand in my hair he jerked me up in his face.

"When I tell you to fucking suck my ass, you damn well suck my ass." Looking my in the eye, he spit in my face hitting me just under my left eye. Then he hit me, slapped me, hard. "I don't put up with no pussy-footing. You do what you're told."

I was licking his ass, at least I thought I was. But evidently not aggressively enough for Ralph. As he rolled back over on his stomach again, he rammed m head back down to his ass. Believe you me, I dove in like there was no tomorrow. I started licking and sucking and kissing all at the same time, trying to do anything to give him pleasure.

"Get in the hole you little shit" he snapped. Pulling his cheeks apart with my hands I dove in and started sucking and trying to get my tongue into his hole. "Saliva, get it wet" he ordered. I coughed up saliva and kept aggressively sucking and working my tongue constantly.

He didn't say anything for a couple minutes as I frantically worked on him. Then "yeah".

Finally: `yeah' he seemed to be satisfied.

He sat up and pushed me onto my back. "That was so cool" he said as he got on top of me, "having a college professor sucking my asshole. I owe Bob for this one." He hooked his jockstrap down below his balls, sat on my chest, lifted my head and stuck his dick in my mouth. "Get me hard."

I already knew he was going to be huge, and it was. It filled my mouth and he said it wasn't even hard yet. I couldn't even imagine what It was going to be like when it did get hard.

He was mostly hard already however, so it didn't take long. After only a minute or two he got off my chest, stood up and removed his jockstrap. Then he took the damn thing and stuffed it in my mouth. I was horrified. Bending over me he gave me a big smile and two gentle slaps on the cheek.

"I don't want to hear you screaming" he said and laughed. He got back on the bed, lifted my legs, and took aim. I was expecting the worst, but in fact he was gentle. He went in slow and easy, pausing to let me adjust as he went. As you can imagine I had greased the hell out of myself and had opened myself up with three fingers. I was ready.

He was gentle, right up to the end. Just steady fucking, banging gently against my butt with each thrust. When he finally got hot and began to get near his orgasm he got rough. Grabbing my ears and twisting them he slammed into my ass eight or ten times and screamed as he fired. I don't know what the deal was, pulling my ears but luckily he didn't hold them long.

When he was finished, he pulled out, dropped my legs, and lay down on top of me, all three hundred and fifty or so pounds. When he finally stopped panting, he rolled off of me and stood up.

He put on his t-shirt and started for the door. "Next time we'll work on that ass licking. I have found that a bit of unpleasant persuasion can do wonders to improve a guy's performance." He laughed and winked at me. "With a little practice you could do it the way I like it." He walked out of the bedroom.

Next time? And `unpleasant persuasion'? Not something I want to deal with.

I put on a bathrobe and went into the living room. Bob was still on the sofa and both boys were on their knees at his feet with their faces in his crotch.

"Take that silly thing off. It makes you look stupid." Not what I expected him to say, but no big deal, I removed the bathrobe. "That's better. You ain't bad for an old guy" he laughed. "In fact you look pretty good when you're naked, but no dick for you tonight. I already had me two cute boy asses and I've got plans for Tracy."

"Ah, Bob, about Tracy." I thought this might be a good time to tell him that making Tracy move was not urgent.

"Yeah," he answered. "Tracy is going to sleep with me tonight. Finn has to go home but I saved him for you. He'll give you a quicky before he goes. He sucks ass like gang busters but ain't worth shit sucking cock. He's got nice ass though and he's all loosened up. You'll like it. I'll be busy with Tracy so consider it a gift from Buffalo Bob, your beefcake student." He laughed, and I guess it was funny. He'd caught on to the Buffalo Bob and Beefcake Bob names I'd given him.

"Bob, it's late and I've ...."

"I don't mind at all. Buffalo Bob. Rough and tough superhero Buffalo Bob. I love it."

"But Bob, it's late and I can't ...."

"Are you trying to piss me off" he snapped. "I'm giving you a gift for God's sake. What the fuck!"

"Bob, please listen to me."

"You listen to me" he almost screamed. "Get your ass over here on your knees. Right now." He was angry, very angry, so I jumped. The boys were still there licking his cock, so I had to grab Tracy and push him aside. But it wasn't more than five or ten seconds, and I was there at his feet.

He grabbed my hair and jerked me up in his face and just looked at me. Just staring into my eyes with an angry look on his face. This went on for an eternity, maybe a whole minute.

"Jesus, you can be so stupid. You must be the dumbest college professor on the planet." I didn't say a word, I didn't dare. I knew what was coming, and it did. He hit me, hard, bring tears to my eyes. A very hard slap. I controlled myself and didn't yell but it hurt like hell.

"Say it" he growled into my face. It took me a moment to figure that out, but there was only one possibility.

"I'm sorry. I'm ...." He hit me again, hard, on the other cheek.

"Say it again."

"I'm sorry." He just stared into my eyes, which were dripping with tears.


"I'm sorry" I repeated again. And waited.

"You are so stupid" he said softly in disgust.

"I'm sorry, Bob" I repeated for the fourth time.

"Get over to that chair and give Finn a blowjob, and Finn, don't go easy on him. Tracy and I are going to bed." He pushed me back out of the way, grabbed Tracy by the hand and walked down to the bedroom.

Finn had a big smile on his face as he stood up. "I guess you're not going to fuck me after all."

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkid stories'

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Next: Chapter 10

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