Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Sep 28, 2021


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is both consensual and nonconsensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.commailto:gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)


Now, how about that orgy that Jerry started to tell me about? His excuse for missing a class was that Bob set up an orgy with the two performing twinks and some wrestler guy.

After my next lecture I dragged Jerry to my office and demanded he give me a play-by-play.

"Now listen, Jerry, you need to realize how serious that was, missing a class. I haven't reported it so I'm supporting you, but this is not something I can allow. Anything you do reflects on me. You still haven't given me a legitimate reason for missing that class."

"Sorry, professor, but you know Bob. He takes charge, always, and when he does you can forget about doing anything but what he wants you to do. What he makes you do. When Bob takes over, you do what he tells you."

"Alright, I know Bob, but even so ...."

"He walked in at about three AM and got Rick and me out of bed. Rick lets me share the bed with him, so we were sleeping together."

"Not sleeping on the floor?"

"No, thank God. If Bob doesn't have anybody with him, he has either Rick or I as his bedmate. Bob doesn't sleep alone. But otherwise, Rick and I sleep together. Not that we have anything going between ...."

"Alright, I've got it. You're not fucking Rick."

"So, this wrestler guy, a real hunk, walks in and immediately takes a liking for Rick. I mean, those four guys walk into our bedroom and Bob rips the blanket off. As we're getting out eyes open, only just beginning to wake up, the wrestler guy says `Wow' and grabs Rick and lifts him up in his arms and walks out of the room. Bang, just like that. Rick wasn't even awake yet, and that guy was huge."

"One of the kids, evidently the one that sucked you off, jumps on top of me and starts slapping my face."

Wake up, wake up, wake up' he said. I'm so horny I could burst.'

"Hey, that's one of mine" Bob said with a laugh. "Don't get greedy."

So, they dragged me out of bed into the living room. The wrestler guy, his name was Ralph, had removed his shirt and was sitting in my easy chair with Rick on his lap. He had his hand in Rick's hair, holding his face to his chest, and Rick was licking away, worshiping the guy's bulging pecs.

`Strip me' Bob said and the two kids, evidently well practiced, had him down to the buff in about thirty seconds. Without a word, the kids came to me, and since Rick and I sleep in only our undies, they had me naked in about five seconds. Bob sat down on the sofa.

`Who do you want? Him or me?' he asked. The one boy, his name was Nester, immediately jumped on Bob and started kissing his neck causing Bob to start laughing. The other boy, Steve, stood there looking at me and thinking for maybe five seconds, and then jumped on the sofa on the other side of Bob and started kissing him as well.

"What a put-down" Jerry said to me. "But is it any surprise that Steve wanted Bob, even if he had to share with Nester?"

"Of course not" I said. "But anybody would go with you in a minute. But Bob? Well, Bob is Bob." I caught myself as I said this, realizing that I was supporting Jerry, telling him that he was hot.

"Really? You think so?" Jerry said, looking me in the eye from across the desk. I tried to backtrack.

"Ahhh, what I mean is...., well...., you're a good-looking guy. But ....,"

"Okay, professor, I got it" he laughed. "You're not making a play for me."

"Sorry Jerry. I didn't mean ...."

"Anyway, after that put-down, Ralph, the wrestler guy speaks up."

`I want him. Get over here runt.' Runt! But at the same time he said that, Bob pointed to the floor in front of him, so there was no question what I was going to do. I got on my knees.

`Hey man, you gotta share" Ralph said. "I've only got one."

Okay Ralph' Bob laughed. These two will keep me busy. You can have him." They were deciding my fate as I sat there on my knees. In retrospect, I wish I had stayed there.

Go' Bob said to me. Go entertain Ralph.'

"Like so many bodybuilders, Ralph liked to be worshiped and as Rick worshiped his chest, he had me down working on his toes. So, for the next twenty minutes or so I worked my way from his feet up to his massive thighs and back down again.

"Ralph was rough. Rather than let me worship at my own pace, he slapped me around, jerked my hair and stuck his fingers down my throat and constantly complained of what a shitty job I was doing. He did the same to Rick. He was not only rough, but he was mean, deliberately hurting us as he demanded our complete devotion. I knew I was going to end up with bruises.

"And that's when he tied us up.

"He had brought a bag of goodies with him which included ropes. Getting us on our knees at his feet with two mouths on his cock, our hands tied behind our backs, he started reaching over and beating our asses.

"Hey, professor, I'm into muscles. I love it when Bob has me licking his beautiful body, and I would have loved licking Ralph's body as well. And I'm not averse to rough trade and I love it when a hunky guy dominates me. But I'm not into pain. Bob's forceful and I'm into that, but I don't want my partner to deliberately hurt me.

"Anyway, Ralph worked us over for an hour or two and ended up fucking both of us and leaving us totally wasted. He was obsessed with getting his ass licked and had one or the other of us jammed in there the whole time. And he was never satisfied, berating us and slapping us around and even sitting on us. Oh, it wasn't completely bad, I mean, I love bottoming for a demanding top, but this guy was merciless, and while I loved worshiping that big body, he was just a little too sadistic for me."

"Jerry' I said, looking across the desk at him, `this is all fine and good, but you still haven't explained why you didn't make your ten o'clock class. Ten o'clock."

"Professor, how could I go to class when I was tied up?" he said in exasperation. "And I had bruises showing. It would have been embarrassing to go to class looking like that. And besides, it was after five o'clock before we even got to bed so it was almost ten o'clock before we woke up. And the first thing Ralph did when we woke up was to tie us up and fuck us again."

"What about Bob?" I asked.

"I guess he had those two kids climbing all over him, but I didn't see much of it. He did get up and go to class, in fact he's the one that ushered them into Claire's classroom. Listen, professor, I'm really sorry this happened. Bob is the one that set it up and I've talked to him, and he actually apologized. So, it won't happen again, I promise."

"Okay, we'll go without a reprimand this time, but you understand you're on notice, so I expect nothing less than perfection from you from now on."

"You've got it professor. Thank you. Any more fun and games will definitely take place on the weekend, not during the week."

"Fun and games" I asked. "You've got something planned?"

"Well, kinda" he said hesitantly with an embarrassed look on his face. "Ralph is coming over this Friday."

"What?" I said, almost shouting. "Are you fucking kidding me? After what you just told me?"

"Well, it wasn't really that bad. Okay, so he's rough and very demanding, but I loved worshiping that amazing body of his, and no way around it, he is very exciting. That was the most exhilarating sex I've ever had. And Rick's on the same wavelength, it was his idea to ask Ralph to come back."

One thing that really annoyed me was Bob's habit of name calling. He started out calling me teach' which was very rude. Then he went on to coach' and even baby'. For God's sake, I m his teacher and he's my student and he's calling me `baby'. Of course, I realize it's in the midst of sex and I suppose it's a sign of endearment, but even so.

And then there's asswipe'. I mean, how gross it that? And he calls Jerry dipshit' and Jerry was told to call him DF, `dipshit fucker'.

Yes, I find it annoying, but what can I say, that's Bob. And knowing what I do about Bob (which is almost nothing) it could be worse. Bob doesn't seem to have an off switch, he just does whatever the urge is of the moment and whatever pops up in his head, without a thought of any consequences and with little or no consideration for the participant.

But Buffalo Bob was in control, and he was going to do whatever the hell he wanted too. And here we go again: he was damnably exciting. Not knowing what he was going to do next was scary, but it was also exhilarating. I'd never imagined going through something like this, with someone like Bob, and I was absolutely captivated. I was hooked.

Bob stood up at the end of my next lecture, again doing it before I had a chance to announce a question-and-answer session.

"Teach, ah...., dip...., I mean, Jerry. Jerry keeps criticizing my term paper and I haven't even got past the outline." He had big grin on his face and of course he did that on purpose, almost saying `dipshit'. "You approved my subject: health and athletics in the sixteenth century, and I haven't found much information on it. And Dip...., I mean Jerry hasn't been much help." His grin got even bigger, he was enjoying himself.

"Jerry" I said. All three assistants always joined me at the end of a lecture anyway, so Jerry was already coming up.

"Bob, maybe we should discuss this ...." Jerry started to say.

"I want to hear what teach has to say about it" Bob said, interrupting. "He approved it." Actually, I did not approve it, in fact I thought it was a poor idea, but I didn't know about Jerry.

"Actually, Bob, if you recall, I recommended you change your subject" Jerry said. "We talked about that."

"Did you?" Bob snapped at him. "Did you really? Why don't I remember that?" He was glaring at Jerry daring him to contradict him.

"Ah, Bob, if you recall...."

"I don't recall nothin" Bob snapped. "You didn't tell me that."

"Bob" I said, trying to get control of the situation, "maybe we can discuss this outside of ...."

"We'll discuss it right now" Bob snapped. "I want to hear from him." He just stood there glaring at Jerry. What, I thought I was in control of the situation? Think again. It's always Bob.

Jerry hesitated for a moment, then spoke. "Ahh, Bob. Ahh, I'm sorry, but I thought you understood ...."

"You never told me to change my subject, did you? Did you?"

The gauntlet was thrown down and Jerry was on the spot. I knew and Bob knew and maybe Claire knew something; we all knew that Jerry was Bob's slave. And Jerry was in one hell of a spot.

"No. No I didn't, Bob" Jerry said. "I guess ...."

"I didn't hear you" Bob growled at him.

"No Bob. I didn't tell you to change your subject."

"Bob, you can stay if you want to discuss this" I said quickly, trying to interrupt again. "Thank you, class" I said in dismissal. Some of the class members were already standing up ready to go, and with my signal everyone headed for the door. Bob stood there for a moment looking angry and then reached into his backpack.

He pulled out a black leather collar. Jerry's slave collar. I almost stopped breathing. Surely, he wasn't going to put that collar on Jerry here and now. Even Bob. Even Bob wouldn't do that with people around. Would he?

There must have been some signal between them because Jerry left the platform, stepping down, and walked over in front of Bob. Anyone not in the know would wonder why his head was bowed, and his hands were behind his back and why he was shaking. But I knew. Jerry just stood there not saying anything, and Bob didn't say anything either but was glaring at him. Claire and Larry and I and a few students were all spellbound as we waited to see what Bob was going to do.

"Let's go dipshit" Bob said as he handed the collar to him, took him by the arm, and started leading him out of the room. He didn't say it very loud, but I heard it, calling him dipshit. I don't know if Larry and Claire caught it or not, but they did look at each other.

So. Bob is completely out of control. He is in control of the situation, he's in control of Jerry, he's in control of me, and he seems to be trying to take control of my class, but he is out of control. I knew it and was very upset about it, but I also knew I couldn't a damn thing about it.

There were few if any options. I could report it to administration and have him expelled from my class, but that would be awkward as hell. What could I tell them? And it would also tarnish my reputation since I would be admitting I could not control a student. But even more than that, yes, I have fallen for Bob, but he is a loose cannon. I can't even imagine what he would do if I had him removed from the class, but I wouldn't want to face it.

My only practical option was to talk to him, make him listen to reason, but I'd been trying to do that for weeks and he never gave me an opportunity. Anytime when we actually had a moment when we could talk, he would shut me up. Obviously, he knew what I was going to say, to try to calm him down and stop his wild actions, and he was not going to let me do it.

My PhD never told me how to deal with someone like Buffalo Bob.

I arrived home just before six which is my usual time, and Tracy was sitting on the floor outside the door.

"What?" I said. "What are you doing here?" Tracy did not have a key to the apartment, but he had never needed one since he always arrived after midnight, and because of Bob's directive, the door was unlocked at night. He jumped to his feet as I arrived.

"I've been waiting for you" he said giving me a really big smile.

"I can see that" I chuckled. "But ...."

"I wanted to see you" he said, interrupting me. Stepping forward he grabbed my arms, jerked me around and pushed me against the door. He kissed me.

He really kissed me, aggressively, like it was his last chance on earth of kissing someone. He let go of my arms and put one hand behind my head controlling the kiss, and the other around me grabbing onto my butt. He jammed his crotch against me and there was something enormous in there and very hard. He was making humming sounds in his throat as he busily tried to jam his tongue down my throat.

I was surprised at his aggressiveness, but I was loving it and returning the kiss as aggressively as he was. I let my briefcase drop to the floor and put my arms around him, and we kissed, on and on and on, right there in the hall in front of the door to my apartment.

When he finally broke the kiss and started kissing my neck I finally spoke. "Don't you think we should go inside?" I said with a chuckle.

"Don't matter to me" he murmured as he kept kissing my neck. "I'll do you right here."

I laughed aloud. "Whoa, whoa, let's go in. What will my neighbors think?"

"Who gives a shit" he said as he stayed pressing me against the door, his hard-on pressed tight against my hard-on.

"Alright, already" I laughed. "Alright, alright." I put my hands against his shoulders and pushed him away. He grabbed my belt and started unbuckling it. I realized he was deadly serious and couldn't wait, he wanted to fuck right there in the hall. I turned, trying to jerk away and got the keys out of my pocket. "Tracy, Tracy, stop."

Before I even got the key in the lock, he already had me unzipped. I tried to push his hand away, but he wasn't having it. He grabbed my underwear (my sexy bikini underwear), and almost tearing them, pulled them down under my balls. So here I am, standing in the hallway in front of my apartment with my very hard dick sticking out.

Tracy dropped to his knees and took me in his mouth.

Tracy is a pretty boy. A common enough description. A young boy, with gorgeous youthful features: sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks, extreme good looks without a blemish, tending to the feminine. Feminine in a sweet boyish sort of way. Tracy has all that and a body to go with it that would put some bodybuilders to shame. Tracy is spectacular. And he's got my dick in his mouth.

Tracy is husky, heftier than me, and at the moment he had me pressed up against the door and wasn't letting me move. I finally got the key in and even turned the knob, but Tracy had both hands on my ass holding me there against the door while he was doing wonderful things with my dick.

This was crazy, but I was so fucking turned on. I just stood there gasping. I mean, maybe if you had the most gorgeous young kid on the planet sucking your dick you might not want to stop it either.

I finally put my hand against his forehead and pushed, hard, because he wasn't going to stop.

"Tracy, wait, wait" I said as I turned the doorknob and tried to pull the door open. Tracy was still trying to get at my dick, but as I pushed and finally got him to move a little as I started to open the door. "Inside" I said. "Tracy, inside. Let go."

I finally got his attention because he let go of my ass and stood up. Pushing me back against the door, forcing it to close again, he kissed me. Actually, it more like slobbering all over my face.

"Okay, okay" he said as he pulled back. He was actually shaking in excitement. Hell, so was I, as I finally got the door open. Tracy grabbed my briefcase and pushed me, sending me sailing into the living room. He was on me almost before I could turn around, aggressively kissing me again.

Kissing me and pushing, I back peddled until we arrived at the sofa, me falling back with Tracy on top of me. I was sitting back while he was on his knees with his butt on my lap. He simply wouldn't stop kissing and, of course, I was loving the hell out of it.

But finally, finally he stopped to take a break and pulled back. He sat there, that glorious youthful face and dazzling smile just inches away from me, looking me in the eye. I mean, shit, I was about to shoot.

"Professor," he said softly and sweetly, as he was still panting and out of breath. "May I fuck you?"

Did I say I was a top? Bullshit. I wanted this kid, and I wanted him right now, and I wanted him more than anything else in the world. And what is it with this sweet kid? He asked, he didn't demand.

"Absolutely, yes" I gasped out still shaking with excitement. I pulled him back into the kiss and we went at it for another ten minutes or so.

And then, and you would have guessed it, he stood up, pulled me to my feet, and lifted me into his arms. You have to stop here and picture this situation from my viewpoint. This kid, this flawless beautiful young boy, lifting me, a college professor, into his arms and carried me into my bedroom. With the excitement of the moment, I wanted to cum, but thank God I was able to control it and not ruin everything.

Tracy carried me into the bedroom and put me on my feet next to the bed, and then pushed, making me sit on the edge. Then, stepping back he started to strip. Kicking off his shoes, he started slowly pulling up his t-shirt, rubbing his fingers over his abs as he went and tweaking his nipples as he pulled it higher. When it was off, he gave me a quick `most muscular' pose. Getting at his pants, he turned and wiggled his ass in my face as he pulled them down. I knew he liked sexy underwear, and these were damn near invisible. They were a faint blue color, but they were some almost see-through synthetic material that molded itself into his crack, and as he turned back, it was molded around that big bulge as well.

"Stand up professor" he said softly as he took my hands and pulled me to my feet. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and then started undressing me. Yes, I am one of those professors who always wear a tie and jacket, so it took a while before he got me completely naked. And, yes, I was wearing sexy underwear, maybe not as sexy as his.

Tracy loved sucking on my cock through my underwear, so I was surprised that he stripped me naked. He obviously had other plans.

When he got me naked, he dropped to his knees and took me in his mouth again. I hadn't gone soft, but I hadn't stayed completely hard either, but it didn't take Tracy long to fix that. It was only a minute before I was completely hard again.

Taking hold of my waist, Tracy turned me around and pushed his face into my ass. I felt his tongue hit my hole and start wiggling. There is this about getting your ass licked. The feeling his stupendous and just the idea of getting your ass licked is mind-blowing, but the sad part is you can't see it. This stunningly beautiful boy who could put Adonis to shame, had his face jammed up my ass and I couldn't see it.

But I could imagine it. I had a clear image in my mind of that pretty-boy face licking my ass, and that image was almost as exciting as the actual feeling of being licked.

Tracy was not a slacker. He believed in being diligent as he went at it, giving me the royal treatment. Could I say, making love to my ass? Because as well as sucking and licking my hole, he covered every inch of my ass with soft kisses. At one point he used his hands to pull my cheeks apart, but otherwise it was only his tongue that was working my hole.

This went on forever, at least fifteen minutes. I was in heaven.

"Lie down, professor" he finally said, and as I lay down on the bed he got between my legs. Reaching the bedside table, he pulled out a tube of cream, he seemed to know where it was, and got to work. He put my legs on my shoulders slightly lifting my ass as he started working the cream. He was gentle as he worded one and two, and even three fingers into my hole.

I just couldn't get over how beautiful he was as he sat there looking me in the eye and smiling.

"Thank you, professor," he finally said. "I've been dreaming of this for weeks." That was a surprise to me. He was lusting for me? I had no idea.

Sliding forward he lined himself up and pushed. It wasn't bad, it wasn't bad at all since he'd done a great job of preparation. But, in truth, I didn't care because I wanted this boy so bad, I could hardly stand it. Even if he had me screaming, I knew I would love it.

But I wasn't screaming, the feeling was wonderful. Tracy went slow and easy at first, working his way into me. Certainty, I knew he had to be experienced; of course he was since he was a hustler. He was making very sure that it was my pleasure as well as his own, and I was loving it.

Tracy was in no hurry, and I was surprised at his control. He could get to a high point, and get me there too, and then draw back and slow down, and then do it all over again. It was wonderful.

I don't know how long he fucked me, but I think it was getting on toward an hour.

All that time that beautiful young face was looking down at me, with an enormous grin. I was blessed.

When he came it was even better. I can't even describe the sheer ecstasy that showed in his features as he moaned softly and fired into me. His intense pleasure was so clear and pronounced that it added to my pleasure, just knowing what I was doing to him.

When he was done, he stayed in me, fully hard, and jerked me off. He was gentle about that too, but I was so far gone that it only took a minute or two.

"Can we order Chinese?" he asked as he lay next to me on the bed. "I've been dying for Chinese."

So, we showered together, and at his insistence, we stayed naked and cuddled on the sofa. He grudgingly let me put shorts on to receive the Chinese, but I had to take them back off immediately.

We fed each other right there on the sofa, sometimes deliberately dripping it on each other. Me, the cleanliness freak, I didn't think twice about it.

I was in love. Alright, so maybe I should call it infatuation. I guess you could call the love I had for Buffalo Bob a crush, not real love. But I was in love with Tracy, for the moment at least, and I knew I was in trouble. I still didn't know how old he was, he wouldn't tell me, but in the worst-case scenario, I imagined he may have been as young as fourteen. Yes, I'm in trouble.

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkid stories'

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Next: Chapter 9

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