Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Aug 31, 2021


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is both consensual and nonconsensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)



Now what?

I'd let myself get carried away with lust for this kid and now it was paying dividends. Somehow, I had to get control of this situation, but I didn't know how. And besides, I pretty much knew that it was way too late for that. It would be easy for me to say I'll cut it off, but did I believe for a minute that Bob would go along, that he would agree? There was no doubt about it, Bob was in charge, not me. I'd let it happen and now it was out of my control.

But, at the very least, I had to talk to him. I had to reason with him. Yes, he was an arrogant vainglorious individual, but I hoped he might listen to reason. I hadn't done anything wrong or illegal since Bob was of age, and he hadn't done anything wrong either. There was nothing illegal about him using me and abusing me since I went along with it. Jerry said he'd been raped at first, but I questioned that because he seemed to be going along with it now. So, there was nothing specifically wrong with what was happening between us, but Bob was such a loose cannon and completely unpredictable.

So, I wasn't worried so much about my job, but I worried about my reputation. And my reputation was what gave me this job in the first place. And I wasn't on tenure.

I didn't know how to get hold of Bob, but I knew he'd eventually get hold of me, so I just waited. It was three days later when he showed up at my apartment.

He had Jerry with him.

Jerry was on a leash.

I had carefully prepared my speech that I was going to deliver to him. I'd done almost nothing for the past three days except organize and define what I was going to say to when he arrived in my apartment. I was not going to be angry; I knew angry wouldn't work. I didn't dare act angry with him, but I was going to be firm. He had to understand that this couldn't continue, at least not the way it had been going. There had to be some rules and he had to accept some guidelines. If he wanted a relationship, he had to understand that we, the people around him including me, had feelings and he had to accept some limitations. I knew where I was going to stand, what I was going to do with my hands, and I had every single word prepared.

It all went out the window when Bob entered with Jerry tagging along behind on a leash and wearing a slave collar. I was standing in front of my easy chair when they came in, but I was speechless. Just standing there with my mouth hanging open.

They were both wearing skimpy running shorts while Bob was wearing the sexy shirt with the sleeves torn off which was mostly unbuttoned. Jerry was wearing an old once-white T-shirt with a rip by the collar. His hair was tussled, and he looked disheveled, like maybe Bob had already worked him over.

Bob snapped his fingers, pointed to the floor and Jerry immediately dropped to his knees.

"Yes sir" he replied to the unspoken order.

I was still standing there like an idiot, frozen in place as Bob walked up. Without a word he looked me in the eye and hit me, slapped me.

"Yeeooh" I yelled because he hit me hard. He gave me a shove, pushing me back down in the chair, grabbed me by the neck and bent over so we were almost nose to nose. He was angry.

"I told you to never yell at me" he growled and gave me a shake with that hold on my neck. One hell of a shake rattling my brain. Then he slapped me again with the other hand. "I - WILL - NOT - REPEAT - MYSELF - AGAIN." He shouted each word distinctly and forcefully into my face. He was furious.

It took me a moment to comprehend what he was even talking about, and then I remembered I'd shouted at him at the end of the class period, telling him that was enough'. That's all? Is that really what he is angry about? That's why he's hitting me? Because I said, that's enough'?

"Bob" I started to say, wanting to plead with him. He was really angry, and I wanted to give him assurances that I was sorry, that it was only because of his actions that caught me unawares. My speech about guidelines was forgotten and I just wanted to calm him down.

"Shut your mouth, you little shit" he snapped. "I don't want to hear your faggoty voice." With his hand on my throat, he pulled me from the chair and gave me a shove and I back peddled halfway across the room before gaining my balance. "Get on your knees" he shouted. Believe you me, I dropped to my knees because clearly, he was so angry, he was almost out of control.

He sat down in my chair and just glared at me, not saying a word. From what I had seen and suspected about Bob, his being such a hunk, I guessed that he would be a volatile personality because he was accustomed to getting his way and expected people to kowtow to him. That was understandable, but to be this short tempered was beyond belief. He really had to be treated with kid gloves.

Nobody moved and nobody said anything, like, forever, at least ten minutes. I could almost see the steam coming off Bob's head from his anger, but gradually, over the next few minutes he physically began calming down. Visually he relaxed and settled back in the chair.

I glanced over at Jerry several times, but he wouldn't look at me. He had just a stoic' look on his face, as if: this is just the way things are'.

Finally, Bob stood up and walked over to me, looking down at me. I was still on my knees, and they were hurting, I wanted to get up.

"Alright, so you made me angry" he said calmly. "Nothing upsets me like someone yelling at me, but even so, I'm going to apologize because obviously I over reacted. I'm sorry. Now it's your turn."

It's my turn? What? What did he want? He just stood there looking me in the eye and waiting as I milled it over in my mind. It took me a bit to make sense of what he was asking but I finally caught on that he was being magnanimous by apologizing to me, but he now wanted me to apologize to him.

He wants me to apologize for yelling at him but no mention of his outing me as gay and hinting that I might be a pedophile. Of course, he didn't out me since I was already out, but that's beside the point; we don't do things like that in polite society. This was ridiculous.

"Listen, Bob ...." He slapped me.

"Are you really that stupid?" he growled. "You want to get me angry all over again?"

Yes, I really am that stupid. Me, the educated one with a PhD could not recognize that Bob would never, ever allow criticism. Stupid, stupid, stupid. "I'm sorry, Bob" I said quickly, hoping I didn't make him angry. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

He just looked me in the eye for a bit and then slowly smiled. "Jesus, it's like pulling teeth" he said. It was a relief that he wasn't angry, but we still hadn't accomplished anything about his actions. I needed to talk to him.

"Bob....?" I whispered softly, but he raised his finger and waved it back and forth in front of my face, the universal signal for `no'.

"Dipshit" he said. "Get up and strip."

"Yes, sir" was the immediate response from Jerry and he started stripping.

"Dipshit's roommate was home tonight" Bob said as he walked over and sat in the easy chair. "That's why it's late. But it's more comfortable to do Dipshit here because your place is nicer. Besides, you can watch, and I don't mind an audience. That should be fun for you to watch a fag do me."

He was all smiles now, the anger gone and forgotten.

"I bet you didn't know Dipshit was a fag. You probably thought he was straight, but I straightened him out." He laughed. "Pun intended. Get me a beer, coach." I wanted to talk to him but now was certainly not the time. I went and got him a beer. "While you're up, get Dipshit some fucking cream. I don't want to take him dry." Jerry had stripped down to the buff and was patiently standing next to the door waiting for instruction. Obviously when Bob said Dipshit, he meant Jerry. I was astonished that Jerry was so completely under Bob's control.

I went to my bedroom and got my cream from my nightstand. When I got back Jerry had moved over to Bob and was on his knees in front of him. Bob was holding the leash.

Bob pointed to his foot and Jerry bent down and kissed the grungy running shoe and then started untying it. After removing it he kissed the other shoe and removed it as well. As he looked up at Bob, Bob nodded his head. This was obviously some kind of instruction because Jerry bent down and kissed Bob's sweaty sock. He removed it and then kissed Bob's foot. Just like clockwork, obviously a ritual that Bob had trained him to perform.

After doing the same with the other foot, he looked up again for instruction. "Get yourself ready" Bob said. "You've got five minutes."

"Thank you, DF" was Jerry's reply. As I gave the cream to him, he started working it into his asshole.

"You, come here" Bob said to me as he stood up. "Strip me."

Bob certainly wasn't wearing much, the sleeveless, unbuttoned shirt which gave me a thrill as I slipped over his shoulders. If I hadn't been so upset, I would have been drooling over him because he is so incredibly muscular. I wanted to rub my hands over those big round deltoids and feel those massive arms. And that chest ...... Well, he was gorgeous.

I got down on my knees next to Jerry and grabbed the very tight shorts Bob was wearing and pealed them down over his massive thighs. He wasn't wearing anything underneath them, so his big cock was hanging down, I swear, halfway to his knees, completely soft.

"Get me ready" he said to me. I didn't have any problem with that instruction; he wanted me to get him hard. As I reached up to touch him, he slapped my hands away. That was clear enough too, no hands. I took it in my mouth.

He's just a kid, maybe not even twenty, so he was oversexed, and I knew it wouldn't take long to get him hard. And that was a real disappointment because he was not going to allow me to suck him off. I am a dedicated cocksucker, and I love sucking cock and Bob's was the nicest cock I'd ever seen, so it was a delight to get it back in my mouth again even knowing I couldn't finish him off.

He'd told Jerry he had only five minutes, so I had to really go at it. When it comes to sucking cock, I love a challenge and this one was challenging. I did not make love to it, which means going at it calmly and gently. Instead, I dove in and vigorously sucked the hell out of it. My tongue never stopped flittering as I sucked the monster in and out of my mouth. As Bob sat down in the chair, I moved with him, but otherwise he didn't move. It was up to me. I went at it like gangbusters, aggressively bobbing up and down and trying to swallow it as it got harder. It's amazing what you can accomplish in only five minutes when you're really dedicated, and Bob was more than ready when time was up.

"Okay Dipshit, it's time" Bob said. "Now it's your turn, so climb on."

"Yes, sir" Jerry said as he stood up and turned around.

"Facing me" Bob ordered, so Jerry turned around again and started getting on Bob's lap. Bob scrunched down some to give better access as Jerry joined him in the chair. "You do it" Bob said, so Jerry reached under his butt and grabbed Bob's cock and lined it up with his crack.

"He wants my cock up his ass so much that he begged me to let him fuck himself on it. Didn't you Dipshit? Didn't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Hey, I'm okay with that. You can do the work while I get the pleasure. Sounds like a good thing to me, heh?"

"Yes, sir."

I was wondering if Jerry even had a mind of his own. What was going on? Why was he being so submissive? Bob must have hurt him to make him so malleable. I didn't know if I dared say something to Bob or not, but he did seem to be calmed down now.

"Bob .... Ahhh, Bob, what have you done to Jerry? Why ...."

"Mind your own fuckin business" he snapped, and that was the end of that. I shut up.

"Come over here so you can see" Bob said to me. "Watch my boy's face as he forces my prick up his tight little asshole. I've only been in there once for a quickie and he was tighter than shit, so this should be good." By `be good' I'm sure Bob meant it was going to hurt like hell because Jerry's face was already showing pain and he had barely got started. I don't think Bob's prick was even in him yet.

"Come on" Bob said. "Stop fucking around. Get to it. Get it in there." Jerry reached down with both hands and pulled his cheeks apart and slowly pushed. I could clearly see that it was really painful as he tried to force the monster up his butt. I don't think he did a very good job of preparing himself because it was really hurting him.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get at it." Bob was clearly losing patience as he reached up and put his hands on Jerry's shoulders. "Sit on it damn it." He started to push down on Jerry's shoulders, forcing him down on his cock.

"Oh shiiiiiit. Ohh, ohh, ohh." Jerry screamed, he really screamed. Bob pulled up as Jerry started panting desperately, trying to ease the pain. He screamed again. I was beginning to worry about my neighbors.

"Damn it" Bob growled. "You were supposed to get yourself ready, you stupid cunt. I want to fuck you, not kill you." It occurred to me that Jerry is a neophyte, Bob even said he thought he was straight, so he probably had no idea how to prepare himself.

Bob gave him a shove, knocking him off his lap onto the floor. "Worthless piece of shit." Then he looked over at me. "You, teach. You give a decent blowjob. Get down here."

I got down on my knees in front of him and tried to pretend that it was terrible being forced to do this. Inside I was gloating because this was the most beautiful cock I'd ever sucked, and I was thrilled to have the chance to do it again. I tried to hide the smile and force myself to frown, but I'm not sure how successful I was.

I took his cock in my mouth, swallowing almost the whole damn thing, all ten inches. It was glorious.

"Oh, shit yeah" Bob said. "That's the way to go. Oh yeah." This was my favorite cock in the world, and I wasn't in any hurry to bring him off. I wanted to savor it and enjoy it, so I pulled back and kissed it a couple times and then licked up and down the shaft.

Bob wasn't having it. After his struggles with Jerry, he was raring to go, and he wasn't about to put up with my `savor it' attitude. He grabbed my hair with one hand and his cock with the other and jammed my face down onto his crotch, pushing his enormous cock well back into my throat.

I wasn't ready for that, so I immediately went into convulsions of coughing and choking. He jerked my head up, giving me time for one quick gasp of breath and slammed me down again. I was slightly more prepared this time, so I wasn't coughing and trying to upchuck, but he was still choking me.

Then he started fucking. With his hold on my hair, he started slamming my head up and down, forcing seven or eight inches of monster meat into my mouth with each thrust. I said I loved sucking Bob, but I was not sucking him now. I was simply holding on for dear life, trying to catch a breath when I could as he fucked my face. This wasn't sucking, this wasn't simply having sex, this was violence.

I didn't upchuck even once even though he kept slamming his monster into me. As much as I love sucking cock there was nothing pleasurable about this. I was only trying to hold on until he finished.

Then, surprisingly, he pulled my head back off his cock and stood up. Jerry was still on his knees in front of the chair, so Bob grabbed him by the hair, gave a yank, and then jerked him around. "My ass, boy. My ass. Get your tongue in there." He jammed Jerry's face into his ass crack. "Oh yeah, oh yeah", he gloated as he wiggled Jerry's head up and down and back and forth.

"YOU. HERE," he barked at me as he grabbed my hair. I wanted that cock back in my mouth so as he jerked me over, I jumped at the chance and swallowed the whole damn thing again. Bob wasn't as violent now, but he was holding my hair in front and Jerry's in back and jerking both of us around like we were dolls. He was pretty much out of control and in total ecstasy as he jerked us around and got ready to shoot.

"Yeeeoooh" he screamed as he finally fired. The first shot went into my mouth, but he jerked me back, pulling it out of my mouth before the second shot. Letting go of my hair, he grabbed his cock and started jerking it frantically as he fired shot after shot. The second one must have gone four feet and even the fourth one shot over my shoulder.

"Ohhh, shiiiiit" he yelled over and over as he kept firing.

Jerry and I were both on our knees looking up at him. He was sweating when he arrived, but he was literally dripping with sweat now, and his body was simply glorious. I was in such awe of him that I firmly believed that anybody that beautiful and that perfect is totally deserving of anything and everything he gets. I was so incredibly filled with lust for him, completely intoxicated with veneration with this superman, that I wanted to serve him. Unquestionably he deserved to be served by menial's like me. It was a fuckin honor to be allowed to serve and I was willing to get on my knees and beg him to let me worship.

I reached for my crotch and came instantly by barely touching it. I was in a frenzy, as if heavily drugged, craving carnality and debauchery. I was ready to kiss Bob's feet in adoration.

Bob just stood there for a minute or so, and then he fell back into the chair panting up a storm, almost landing on Jerry's face.

I just sat there on my knees admiring him and wishing we could start all over again.

Alright, so I was enamored. Almost, but not quite in love. Not love, so it must be lust. More likely I could say I was bewitched. Bob was a superman, a god, and so gorgeous and so gregarious that he had his pick of anybody on the planet. But he had picked me!

So, okay, I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't love him; in fact, I was mad for him; head over heels. I knew this was crazy because Bob didn't love me. In his life I was a nobody. How could he love me? That was beyond question.

So, I recognized what a bad place I was putting myself. He didn't love me and never would love me, so my love for him was absurd. Even while loving him, I had no doubt he was going to continue humiliating me and abusing me. Hell, that's what he did; that was his personality, but I also knew I was going to love him for it. He deserved it. It wasn't just his beauty, which in my mind was as near perfect as it could be for a human being, but it was his arrogance and his automatic assumption of superiority and that everyone around him was there for his use and his pleasure. I loved that arrogance and was more than willing to be his to be used. They say love is blind, and I guess I'm as blind as a bat. Me, with my PhD, obsessed by a kid, a teenager.

In the next lecture class, there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. I couldn't look at him, at Buffalo Bob because it gave me chills, and feelings of desire. So, I didn't look at him. I know my subject matter backwards and forwards so I could give my lecture almost by rote without even thinking, so thank God for that. Looking at him gave me goose bumps and almost left me squirming with desire.

Oh man, was I ever smitten. I definitely wanted him any way I could get him. Just having him sitting in my classroom and looking at me gave me constant hot flashes.

But everything returned to normal, at least for a few days. Jerry called in sick at my next meeting with my instructors, so I still had no answer as to his situation. He'd almost acted like a zombie the other night while we were getting it on with Bob. Totally subservient and slavish, so I knew this was a serious situation. He worked for me, he was one of my assistants, so I had the responsibility of seeing that he was doing his job. After seeing him with Bob, I had to wonder if he was even able to function. If Bob had him completely under his control, what was going on in that classroom?

Bob's left hand kept at it which was a bit of a surprise. I thought he was doing it for me, to humiliate me and turn me on, but I was already humiliated, and I was turned on every time I looked at him. Bob kept up his normal mode of dress; the tight wifebeater, the open shirt, the rolled-up sleeves, and his package off to the left. He was fucking gorgeous.

I was still leaving my apartment unlocked when I was there. That means from the time I got home in the afternoon or evening until I left for school in the morning. So Bob could drop in whenever he wanted which left me in a quandary. I wanted him. I wanted to be there for him. But did he want me? Yes, he'd let me blow him twice, but one of those times I was a fallback ménage à trois with Jerry. The other time he stole my trick.

So, what do I do? Do I sit around my apartment waiting for him? So far, I have not even been able to talk to him about anything meaningful, so I had no idea what was going on in his head. I still wanted to reason with him and try to get through to him the importance of relationships. I'm only twenty-five so there really isn't much difference in our ages, so there is no reason we couldn't have a relationship. I know I'm being unrealistic and getting way ahead of myself here, but I'm desperate. I've fallen for the guy. I'm intelligent and well educated with doctorate in psychology, so I am convinced that if I can get Bob to sit down with me, I can swing him around to my way of thinking. After all, I am a very good teacher.

For the next three days I just sat in my apartment doing absolutely nothing, hoping Bob would show up. It would have been problematic to pick up a trick when I don't know when Bob might show up, but actually, I didn't want a trick, I wanted Bob. I wanted to suck Bob's dick again. I wanted to look up into his face while I was blowing him and see the signs of delight from my actions. He said I gave a great blowjob; okay so he didn't say that. He actually said I give a `decent blowjob' but I know he meant he really liked it.

So, I just sat on my butt waiting for Bob to show up.

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkid stories'


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