Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Mar 26, 2023


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)



Alright, so what now?

Bob was sweet, warm and wonderful, extremely loving last night, and we never did have dinner. We also didn't get a whole lot of sleep since he was particularly horny, letting me give him a blow job and then fucking me twice. I came three times myself, once jerked off by Bob himself. The other two times I jerked off while Bob had his dick in me, once in each end.

Bob was still in bed when I left for work this morning, but he is nothing but not dependable, so I wasn't surprised to see him sitting in his usual place in class, front row center looking incredibly sexy. He was wearing his usual unbuttoned shirt over the tight wifebeater, but this one had the sleeves torn off at the seams leaving his arms bare. It seems he has given up on the rolled-up sleeves he used to wear and is now wearing only sleeveless shirts. Showing those big muscular shoulders and bulging biceps makes him look phenomenal, literally breathtaking. To make himself look even sexier, he was wearing very short cutoffs instead of his usual jeans, showing those massive thighs and somehow emphasizing his crotch.

When I walked in and glanced at him, he caught my eye and gave me a wink and what I call a smirk, knowing he was going to get me hot and flustered. And it worked; he did. In fact, I momentarily froze, taking in his awesome physique and incredible sexiness, giving me an instant hard-on and a look of shock on my face. Hopefully, it was not too obvious to the class, but as I came to my senses, I noticed that Jerry, Claire, and Larry were all giving me knowing looks, not at all surprised at my reaction. Bob was dressed to shock, to shock me and they knew it, so they were not surprised at my momentary hesitation and surprised look.

I was probably turning red with embarrassment as I pulled my eyes away from Bob, stepped up to the podium and opened my briefcase to get out my notes. I carefully avoided looking at him as I took a couple deep breaths.

Finally, feeling more in control, I looked up. Jesus Christ he was sexy, sexy and gorgeous. It almost made me weak in the knees, he was so beautiful. And I got a warm glow just thinking how lucky I was that he was mine, or I was his, or whatever.

Bob said he was going to behave in class but I'm not sure that we had an agreement what that meant because just like always, his hands were busy. I guess behaving meant he was not going to have any outbursts or disruptions in the class, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to keep trying to distract me with actions from the front row. The smirk on his face made it very clear he knew what he was doing.

Just like from his first day in class, his left hand was at his crotch feeling himself up showing quite a lump and since his cutoffs were so short, I could only wonder how he was able to keep that dick of his from peeking out. Somehow, even though he was rubbing his crotch, he was able to flex his bicep and he was feeling that bicep with his right hand. My cock gave a flutter as he gave that bicep a good flex absolutely captivating me. As I pulled my eyes away, I saw he was grinning and almost laughing at me. As I tried to get control of myself, I saw that Jerry, Claire and Larry all had big grins on their faces as well. I gave them a dirty look and motioned for them to set down.

I swear, they were enjoying my discomfort, my being manipulated by Bob right here in the classroom. I was going to have to have a talk with them and remind them who they worked for, because it was clear to me, they were rooting for Bob.

Anyway, I avoided looking at Bob, which wasn't easy since I had to look down at my notes and up at the class, and out of the corner of my eye I saw his hands never stopped moving. It was disturbingly distracting at first as I started my lecture, but I'm a professional and I can deal with pretty much anything, including Buffalo Bob.

I know he thought he was being cute and obviously my assistants thought so too, but this was ridiculous.

Okay, okay, so he was cute and as distracting as he was, I could only smile inside knowing that he was giving me the attention that I wanted. No question about it, I loved him and wanted him and would do whatever it took to keep him.

I'm no silly queen in love, I'm an educated professor so I can handle myself, so I did my best to ignore him and deliver the lecture. Hey, I firmly believe my material is important and I want these kids to know how important European history is. However, I was going to have to have a talk with Bob Martin about his antics.

I asked my assistants to stay for a moment after the class was over, but after the students left, Bob was still sitting there in the front row. I ignored him and turned to my assistants. I was annoyed with them.

"Now listen," I said. "Okay, so I have a thing with Bob, but under no circumstances will I allow that to interfere in any way with the requirements of this class. We are here, hired by the university to do a job and that's what we are going to do. And we're going to do it well. I will not allow Bob's attitude to interfere with the teaching of this class, and you will not either. This stops now."

I gave them a dirty look so they would know I was serious, then I turned to Bob. "And Bob, this means you too. What we do outside is one thing, but I will no longer allow any distractions in the classroom." I turned back to my assistants. "We have only two weeks left in the term, and we have a lot of material to cover, so I want us to focus and get this done. Any questions?" There were none.

I had barely got my office door closed before it reopened, and bob entered. He grabbed me by the waist and pushed himself against me, his cock pressing against my butt. I could only smile and laugh.

"Bob, please Bob" I laughed. "Not here, not now." He grabbed me by the hair and kissed my neck.

"Grrrrowl" he said as he gently bit my neck, as if he were chewing on it. "I'm going to eat you up." This only made me laugh some more.

"Please Bob, after last night. How can you?"

"I'm always ready to do it with you baby" he said as he continued nibbling my neck. Okay, so I was now his baby. "You make me so fuckin hot. Professor! My professor. "

"Sorry Bob, but I've got to prepare for my next class" I said as I continued laughing and he continued banging his cock into my butt and chewing on my neck. "This has to wait."

"Grrrrrrr" he said, growling at me now. "How can I wait when you're so sexy?" I pulled away from his grip on my waist, turned around and looked up into his eyes. God, he was beautiful. I leaned in for a kiss.

As he returned the kiss I started murmuring softly in my throat `mmmmm' and the kiss went on and on. Bob reached down to grab my growing cock, but I pushed his hand away. As turned on as I was, I was serious that we had to stop, and I had to work on my lecture. I pulled back from the kiss.

"Sorry Bob. We can't do this, not now, so please behave yourself." I tried not to laugh as I said this, so I could make him understand I was serious. "Not now. Sorry."

"You're breaking my heart, baby" he said with a big smile. "How can you do this to me?"

"Bob" I said, looking into his eyes. "I loved last night, one of the best times of my life. Really. You were wonderful and I loved every minute of it. I love you Bob. I love you and I want you. I want you with me, living with me. No more games."

"Great. Because that's what I want too, professor. I want to be with you forever and ever and I want you. I want to fuck you. All day and all night, I want to fuck you."

I gave him a big grin. "That's what I want too, Bob. Even if you do try to drive me crazy with your antics in the classroom."

"Sorry, professor" he laughed. "I just couldn't help it, but you were okay. It didn't seem to bother you."

"Maybe it didn't show" I said, "but I can assure you I noticed how sexy you were."

"I want to be sexy for you, professor, just like you're sexy for me. But I'll try my best to wait until tonight."

"Okay Bob. Tonight then. I'm looking forward to it."

So, as Bob left, I sat at my desk gathering my notes for my next lecture. But for the moment all I could think of was Bob. He called me baby, which absolutely thrilled me. It was very endearing.

I was still glowing from our activities of last night which without a doubt was the best sex I'd ever had.

So, everything was looking wonderful for my relationship with my Buffalo Bob.

The term was going to be over in a couple weeks and Jerry has given glowing reports on Bob's work. And Bob is already signed up for one of my classes next term. Anything beyond that I wasn't going to worry about now. We'd handle it when the time comes.

So that was my mind set. I imagined a future with Bob well beyond just this year. I told myself that it wasn't just his beauty that I was in love with, but also his charm and warmth and, of course, the sex. Charm and warmth? Well, maybe not so much, perhaps not his best features Of course it was his beauty that infatuated me in the first place, but his dominating personality was addictive, it grows on you and eventually you learn to admire him for it. He is indeed a unique individual, a he-man's he-man, masculinity personified.

How could I not love him, the most masculine man on the planet; a man who liked me, who was attracted to me. In some ways I've thought Bob was out of my league, damned near perfect, but if I say so, I'm quite a catch. It should be no surprise that Bob finds me attractive.

But there were clouds on the horizon.

Jerry met me after my next class and said we had to talk.

"Bob does not seem to be working on his term paper" he said to me.

"What? I thought you said he was doing fine."

"I thought he was, but evidently he's been giving me a line of bull. The outline as he described it sounded fine, but he hadn't actually shown me anything in writing. He kept putting me off, and, well, I let him get away with it. Sorry, professor. I just, well, I believed him and gave him too much slack. After class this morning he admitted to me that the updates he's been giving me were a sham."

"I saw him after class" I said, "and he didn't say a word about it to me. I thought everything was okay. So, what are you going to do about it? You said you liked his outline. Can't he write it?"

"That's the problem, professor. He says he won't do it." He looked away from me, just staring into the corner for a moment. Turning back to me, he sighed. "He told me to my face that he expects me to lie and give him a passing grade."

"What? He actually said that?"

"I can't do that professor. Not even for Bob. I have...., I have.... I have a crush on the guy, but my own self-respect won't allow me to do that. I really appreciate that you gave me this opportunity and I enjoy this class so I wouldn't do this to you either. I plan to be a college professor myself and I can't start out giving special treatment to a student. Not even Bob. I told him no, I wouldn't do it." He was obviously embarrassed to even tell me about this. But knowing his relationship with Bob, I was impressed with his honesty. "But professor, he said you would do it for him if he asked."

"What? He said that?"

"He was angry and had some words for me that I won't repeat and said if I didn't pass him he would get you to change the grade." This was completely ridiculous and I didn't even consider replying to it.

"Do you know where he is now?"

"No I don't, but I imagine he'll be dropping by to talk to you."

So, here we are. Just as I have finally made a decision that I want to have a future with Bob, my Buffalo Bob, and do pretty much anything to get him, now comes this. I don't do the grading, the classroom instructors do that, so I don't know how Bob would think I could change his grade. Besides, if I did such a thing and word got around it would be a disaster for me. My reputation as a professor would go down the drain, and besides, I had to keep in mind that I was not on tenure.

I expected Bob to show up sometime during the day to talk to me, to see if we could resolve this problem, but he didn't show up. We had not really discussed our living relationship yet, so I didn't know about dinner, so I went ahead and prepared dinner for both of us, but he didn't show up then either. This was getting serious because we really had to talk, not only about the term paper, but about our living arrangements and our personal relationship too.

I had research work to do after dinner so I got all my materials out and ready, but I couldn't concentrate. This was nerve-racking not knowing where he was and not knowing what he was thinking. I was head over heels in love with him and wanted him desperately, but his erratic behavior was driving me crazy. We still haven't sat down and discussed anything. And now this term paper mess.

Bedtime came and went, and he didn't show up.

I hardly slept at all and as I got ready for work in the morning I was really depressed, almost to the point of tears. After all the ups and downs and the problems I had finally made the decision that I loved him and wanted him and now he disappears. I told him I loved him. He said he loved me. Well, maybe not specifically in those words, but he called me baby and said he wanted to be with me forever.

But now after only one glorious night, without a word he doesn't show up. I was devastated.

Bob had never missed one of my lectures. In fact, he'd never been late for one of them, so it was a real shock when he didn't come to class. I was so accustomed to his dazzling physique and handsome face in the front row, as well as his busy hands, that I really missed him. I was already depressed because he didn't show up last night, so this hit me really hard. I came close to tears when the bell rang, and he still wasn't there.

Damn it, I loved him.

I actually considered cancelling the lecture but it wasn't practical because we only had three class periods left in the term and there was so much material yet to cover. Besides, Bob was such a fixture of the class that everyone noticed that he was missing so it would be obvious why I would cancel.

When I finished the lecture, Claire and Jerry both came up to me before I could leave the room and wanted to talk to me.

"Professor, I need to talk to you alone" Claire said as she looked at Jerry. Actually, she was glaring at him, so I knew their relationship was still on the outs. "Alone please, Jerry" she snapped at him.

"Ahhh, Jerry ...." I started to say.

"That's alright, professor" Jerry said, "I'll meet you at your office in fifteen minutes."

"Professor" Claire started after Jerry walked away, "you probably should have removed Bob Martin from this class weeks ago. Problems with him keep popping up."

"Oh, yes? What has he done now?" I asked.

"You can imagine my surprise when he asked if he could transfer back into my class. He wants out of Jerry's class."

"What? After what he put you through, he wants back in your class? That is amazing, even for him."

"That's what I told him. This late in the term that seemed just about impossible."

"Yes, it is. But what's his game? Why does he want to change now?" Actually, I could pretty well guess what his game was: he was afraid Jerry was going to flunk him.

"I told him you would probably not approve but he was insistent that I should talk to you. So, what do you think? Do you mind if I transfer him this late in the term?"

"Claire, you mean you're willing to accept him in your class now? You want to make the change?"

"Well, I told him I would get your opinion, but yes, I'm willing to make the change."

"But what about all his work, all the assignments? You'd have to evaluate everything he had sone for Jerry for the entire term. Do you really want to do that?"

"If it's okay with you I'm ...."

"Wait a minute, Claire" I said. "What did he offer you? Out with it. What's he going to do for you?" She didn't say anything for a moment, but then looked me in the eye.

"I want to make the change, professor. I want him in my class." She said this to me with a straight face. I was surprised that she wasn't even embarrassed because I knew damn well what he was offering her. He was offering to fuck her, and he was expecting to get a passing grade out of it.

I had been upset when Jerry told me that Bob was failing and I didn't want that to happen, but switching him to Claire's class, knowing he would manipulate her into passing him; this was really too much.

"What's going on Claire? You were angry with Bob just a couple weeks ago, but now, suddenly, he's your friend again? It's obvious he's trying to manipulate you. What does he want; I suppose he wants a passing grade? But what is he offering you in return?" I was angry. As much as I loved Bob, I hated that he was still being disruptive, and was now corrupting my assistant with his wily ways.

"Are you back to giving him blowjobs, Claire, or is he now fucking you?" I asked bluntly.

I was shocked that she didn't even react but just looked me in the eye. "That's not your affair, professor" she said.

"If it affects my class ...." I started to say.

"It's not going to affect your class professor. Now, I wanted your approval for the change, but I don't need it. I can change students if I want, and I have already switched Bob Martin into my class. Would you please tell Jerry to give me all of Bob's records? I need them today." With that, not giving me a chance to respond, she turned and walked away.

I was stunned. No, she didn't need my approval, but to go against me was shocking. And doing it for Bob, whom she hated just a couple weeks ago was even more shocking. Bob had manipulated her and used her, gotten blowjobs from her, and then dumped her. And now, suddenly, he was back on her good graces again? What a manipulator! How in the world had Bob got her turned around after she had been so angry? And what was this going to do to my class? Was Claire going to lie and give him an undeserved passing grade? It seems obvious that that is exactly what he was planning.

Jerry was waiting outside my office when I got there.

"I guess you already know" he said as we entered my office. "Claire has pulled Bob out of my class. And she's done it without my permission."

"Obviously he's propositioning her. Has he done the same to you?"

"Well, yes" he said. At least he had the decency to be embarrassed, unlike Claire. "He .... well, he .... ah .... yes, he tried to ...., well, he tried to get my support."


"He came by this morning, and we had quite a session."

"A session?"

"Well, you know."

"And was he successful?"

"It didn't matter because Claire had already told me she was pulling him out of my class."

"You mean you agreed to help him?"

"No, not really. But come on, professor, you know how persuasive Bob can be. Excuse me for saying it, but I haven't seen you stand up to Bob. I haven't seen anybody stand up to Bob."

And talk about incredible timing, my office door opened and in walked Bob Martin, Buffalo Bob, Beefcake Bob, the man of the hour. He walked directly over to me, grabbed my shoulders and started kissing me.

I tried to break away from him, but he had an arm around me and a hand behind my head, so there was no chance of me stopping him. I tried to not return the kiss, and was successful for a minute, maybe two minutes, but then .... But then, I admit, I melted. Bob can be persuasive without saying a word. I swooned as he kept the kiss going, like forever, at least five minutes.

Without realizing it I put my arms around him and hugged him tight, so when he tried to break the kiss, I held on to him, not wanting him to get away. Holding my head just inches away from his face, he gave me an enormous grin. "Oh baby, you are so hot" he said as he laughed at me. "You know I can't wait."

Breaking my grip on him, he took one of my hands and pulled it into his crotch. He wasn't fully hard but there was no doubt he was getting there fast.

It took me a moment to recover from my swoon, but even as I came back to my senses I still wanted to hold onto his growing cock.

But, I was, in fact, coming to my senses. Why did I allow him to turn me into a blubbering idiot and totally helpless in his presence? Why can I not control my emotions when he comes on to me? I am a well-educated young adult, a college professor, so why do I keep acting like a silly schoolgirl?

So, once more, I made a decision. This was going to stop, right now.

"Isn't he gorgeous, Jerry?" Bob said. "Damn, I just can't get enough of him." He grabbed my hand and pulled it back into his crotch. "You don't mind Jerry, do you, if we ...., well .... play around a little? You can watch."

He laughed aloud as he casually put a hand behind my neck and forced me down to my knees. But I was having none of it. "No, Bob. No" I shouted, "Stop it." I tried to pull away from his grip on my neck, but he simply laughed and pulled my face into his crotch.

"NO, NO, NO" I screamed at him and put my hands on his thighs trying to push away. Still holding my neck, he kept laughing as he humped his cock into my face. He was enjoying this.

"The neighbors are going to hear you, prof" he said as he held my neck while unbuttoning and unzipping. I stopped shouting but redoubled my efforts, using all my strength to push away. That didn't seem to faze him in the least as he held me there with one hand while pulling his cock out. Still laughing, he banged it against my face a few times and smeared the pre-cum on my cheek and nose.

"Bob. Please" I said, not shouting but speaking as sternly as I could manage. "Don't! Do! This! Stop. Stop now!"

"Jesus, baby, you turn me on when you struggle like this. You make me so fuckin hot." He continued laughing as he jammed his thumb between my lips, forcing my mouth open. "Suck on it baby" he said. I refused; I was not about to suck him as I continued fighting to get free.

He simply ignored my struggles and pushed his cock into my mouth. "So hot" he exclaimed with pleasure. "Now suck it. Show Jack how I've trained my favorite professor to be a terrific cocksucker."

I didn't suck but continued pushing against his thighs. I was really determined to keep this from happening. This going back and forth over and over, loving him one minute and trying to break up with him the next had to come to an end. I had to stop acting like a child with no will of my own, being constantly manipulated by him. This was going to stop right now. I was not going to suck him.

He paid no attention to my antics and simply pushed his cock into my throat and held it there. "Come on, baby, suck. Don't embarrass me in front of Jerry."

"Jesus, Bob" I heard Jerry say. "What are you doing?" And what Bob was doing was choking me.

"If you want to breathe, you're going to suck" Bob said, and he wasn't laughing now. He pinched my nose closed and just held me there. "Suck" he ordered.

I had no choice. I sucked. I started moving my tongue. Once he knew I was starting to suck, Bob pulled back from my throat and let go of my nose. I took a huge gasping breath, but I didn't stop sucking. Not because I wanted to suck him, but because I caved in, giving in to Buffalo Bob once again.

Bob just stood there with a big smile on his face for a while letting me do my thing. And as awful as it is to say this: Jesus, I love sucking Bob's cock. He didn't force me or even jam into me, but just stood there petting my hair as I sucked. I knew I had no choice and was accepting the inevitable, but that didn't make it any less humiliating. But what could I do? I just blanked out my mind and did what I do best: I gave him one hell of a blowjob.

to be continued, maybe

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkidstories'

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Next: Chapter 18

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