Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Dec 12, 2021


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is consensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)



So, I had to put a stop to my infatuation with Bob, Buffalo Bob. Everything that happened was my fault, no question about it. Bob was Bob, a vain, egotistical young man who was particularly muscular and handsome. But Bob was not the problem, I was the problem for getting obsessed with him and allowing him to act up with his assertive, dominating nature. An attitude which did not allow for any disagreements and nothing less than complete deference. He was also a dominant sexual predator who used and abused those he found enticing, making many his sexual slaves.

I let him get away with this. All because he was pretty; alright, so he is beautiful, with a cocky smug attitude. Alright, so I've always admired guys with muscles. And yes, I envy them, but admittedly, I'm intimidated by them. So yes, I admire them, even lust over them, but I do that from a distance since I don't want them to top me. I've always considered myself a top so as much as I drool over their bodies, I avoid going with guys who look like they would take control of me.

Bob was an exception. Of course, I was attracted to him, he has that herculean physique, and he is stunningly handsome. He is not your normal attractive young man; he is unique and definitely stands out in a crowd. Everybody is attracted to him. But even as gorgeous as he is, I wouldn't have considered going with him, considering him way out of my league to begin with, and much, much too butch. It was him aggressively going after me that overwhelmed me, and I was actually thrilled that he took an interest in me.

Right now, I `m not angry with him, because I think I understand him. His vanity is enormous, literally uncontrollable and he can't even conceive of not being in charge, getting anyone he wants, and using them for his pleasure. I can only wonder what he's doing in his other classes at the university, but in my class, Early European History, he has conquered all. Me and Jerry and Claire and Larry and even Larry's wife; he has turned all of us into his fawning worshipers. Hell, call it groveling slaves.

He demands total obeisance, docility without question, and we give it to him. If his head was not already swollen beyond reason, we certainly helped make it grow. Maybe we are the cause of his actions, his attitude.

Since we were all in this together, at my next meeting with my instructors I brought up the issue. I was determined to get control of this dilemma with Buffalo Bob.

"Alright, so listen to me. We cannot continue as we have been with Bob Martin. This simply cannot go on. And I need your help." I looked at the three of them sitting in front of my desk, waiting for some kind of response. However, there was nothing, no reaction. No reaction at all. "I said, I need your help. He has taken control of this class, taken control of us, and it can't go on." I waited for a response but just got blank looks.

"Jerry, he was living with you."

"Yes, he was, which was fine" he responded. "But he wanted to live with you professor." Now he laughed. "I was happy with him living with us, but we all know Bob. Bob gets what he wants so Greg and I went along with it."

"This is not funny Jerry. This situation is out of control, and I admit I have lost control of the situation. I need to get him out of my life, out of our lives, and we need to stop his disruptions in the classroom."

"Professor, Bob's a great guy. I know he's been disruptive in class, but he said he would stop that. He was really embarrassed about that fiasco with the video and when I talked to him yesterday, he said he told you he would not speak in class again. He has promised to behave."

"But do you really believe him, that he'll behave?" I asked.

"Yes." "Yes." "No." Two yesses and one no. Jerry and Larry were yes, and Claire was no.

"Larry, you believe him?" I asked.

"I like Bob" Larry said. "So does Judy, and yes, I believe him. Sure, he's vain and conceited and stubborn, but that's what makes him loveable. He may be demanding and insistent, but he's not a liar." Then he laughed. "And he's great in bed." Jerry laughed along with him.

"Jesus, Larry, really? You and your wife?" I said in shock. "You're.... you're.... But that's what I mean. He's taken control of all of us."

"Not me" Claire spoke up.

"Even if he behaves himself in class," I said, "I now have him living with me. I know this is my problem, but what do I do? He gave me no choice, he just moved it. He's controlling my life. What about you guys."

"I told you" Claire said. "I told you guys, I told all of you that it would come to this. I'm glad I'm out of it."

"Jerry, help me out here" I said. "Give me some ideas. Why don't you take him back since you were happy with him there?"

Jerry laughed again. "Bob is going to do what Bob wants to do. I already told him Greg and I wanted him back, and I'll keep working on him, but you know him. He'll do his own thing."

"You guys are not helping" I said. "Don't you realize what a predicament I'm in. He's destroying my class and you're supporting him. Do you want to get me fired?"

"I think you're blowing this out of proportion" Jerry said. "Bob said he'll behave so I think you're worrying too much. I know you're infatuated with him just like we are, so I don't see the problem." He laughed as he looked me in the eye. "In fact, I'm kind of jealous that he's so enamored with you."

"I agree" Larry said. "I think you should just settle down and just go along with him. You don't realize how lucky you are to have him living with you. Judy and I invited him to our house, but he wanted to move in with you. We want him, Jerry wants him, you got him."

Jerry spoke up. "Instead of talking to us, professor, why don't you talk to Bob. I know he doesn't listen much, but you can try." All three of them chuckled, but I was still upset.

"You're right, he doesn't listen to anything he doesn't want to hear."

"Talk to him professor" Jerry said. "In fact, you're going to have to. He'll be here any minute because he said he'd meet me after the meeting."

And of course, that's when the door opened and our Buffalo Bob, Beefcake Bob in all his glory, walked into the room.

"Hey, my favorite people" he laughed. "All of you contest winners." He groped himself, evidently letting us know what we had won.

"You are disgusting" Claire said.

"I love you too sweetheart" Bob laughed and then fluttered his tongue at her.

"You monster" Claire screeched and two seconds later she was out the door.

"She wasn't bad" he said with a big grin on his face, "but I know some who have been better." His eyes moved between the three of us, so his meaning was quite clear.

"Professor Bishop needs to talk to you Bob" Jerry said. "I need to go to the library anyway, so I'll see you later. Okay?"

"I'm sorry I can't right now professor, I've got a study group" Bob said. I noticed he said professor instead of teach. "But we can talk tonight. I'll be there after dinner."

So that was that. My four assistants were no help at all, and I was going to have to figure it out on my own and confront Bob tonight. As they all left, I just sat down and brooded; depressed. Honestly, I didn't know what to do. By Bob's actions just minutes ago, grabbing his crotch and giving leading remarks on blowjobs, he clearly hadn't changed at all.

He said he was going to shape up and behave, but I don't think he knows how. He is who he is, an arrogant egotistical jerk. Any love or feelings of any kind I have had for him were rapidly diminishing. Finally. He was still beautiful, and I could admire his looks, but I was finally admitting that all the struggles with him and his idiosyncrasies were just too much. It had to end, but I wasn't sure how I was going to bring it to an end. Maybe I'm gullible but I'm not stupid; I'd figure it out.

One thing I had to keep in mind was that I had to handle this psychologically. Bob was much bigger and stronger than me and could diddle me around with his little finger if he had a mind to. But I'm the one with the college degrees and there is no reason why I can't break through his arrogance and make him listen to reason. But I had to be aware of his temper, so any approach I made to him had to keep him calm. Making him angry would void any attempts I had to end this relationship and could also be dangerous to me. He could easily hurt me if he lost his temper.

It was about ten o'clock when he arrived at my apartment, and damned if he didn't have those two youngsters with him. The two kids who put on the show for him and one of whom I was forced to give a blowjob. I still think they look about fourteen, but they insist they are eighteen. I'll believe it when I see their birth certificates.

"Hey teach, how ya doin?" he said as he walked in with a big smile on his face. I had left the door unlocked of course, and he didn't bother to knock. "I figured you wouldn't mind if I brought the boys along. You didn't have any plans, did you?" He chuckled as he asked this and reached down and groped himself and gave me a suggestive leer.

So, this was the way it's going to be. He had no idea that this was supposed to be a confrontation. Obviously, he was clueless that he had done anything wrong and was completely unaware of any problems.

He was dressed in only shorts and shoes with a boy hanging on each arm feeling him up. One of the boys was holding a flimsy synthetic thing with straps which was probably what Bob had been wearing on top. He was dressed to kill, or perhaps undressed to kill, and truth was he was gorgeous, his glorious muscles glistening with sweat making him look spectacular.

"Bob" I said firmly. I didn't shout, but I tried to be stern. "Bob, you can't do this. Not now. Not tonight."

"What?" he said as he saw my frown and maybe heard my tone.

"Bob," again trying to be firm. "The boys have to go. We have to talk."

"Not tonight teach" he said with a laugh. "These boys are hankering for a spanking and they've already got me all hotted up." He reached down and grabbed each of them by the ass and gave a squeeze causing them to squeal. "Maybe we can join us later." Still groping the boy's asses, he headed for the bedroom.

"Bob! Bob! Stop!" He had only just entered the apartment and I could already see that I was losing control. "Bob, you've got to stop this. Right Now." He heard my tone of voice and did stop and look over at me, glaring at me.

"That's enough out of you, teach" he snapped at me. "Me and the boys are going to go play." And that was that. I could see that he was on the verge of anger, so I shut up and watched them go into my bedroom.

So much for us having a talk. But then again, I knew it wouldn't be easy, but at least this was a start. At least he was aware that something was wrong, and I wanted to talk to him.

So, I went to bed.

It must have been well after midnight when I was shaken awake. "Hey teach, wake up. I know you want some, so let's go into the living room." He grabbed me by the neck and pulled me out of bed bleary eyed and only half awake, and dragged me out into the hall. Stopping in front of the large mirror he gave me a bit of a shake. "Look. Look at us" he said, and I did look. He was sweaty giving his incredibly defined muscles a sheen, showing off his unadulterated perfection. He was much taller than me and much wider, probably a hundred pounds heavier and he looked truly magnificent, while I, in comparison to him, looked like a skinny wimp. "You are so fuckin lucky" he said with a laugh as he admired his naked body next to me in my jockey shorts.

He grabbed one of my hands and pushed it into his crotch. "Here, hang on to this." His cock was actually soft, very unusual for him, but I pulled my hand back. Hell, I wasn't even awake yet. "I said grab on to this" he snapped and pulled my hand back. So I took hold of his cock.

With his hand still on my neck he led me into the living room while I held onto his cock. He sat on the sofa and pushed me to my knees in front of him.

"I fucked both of those boys" he laughed, "but I've always got some juice left for my favorite professor." He looked down at me with a big grin on his face. He was beautiful. I mean, I just can't get over how overwhelmingly gorgeous he is. He just stuns me with his astonishing body and Hollywood movie star looks and anyway, I've always been a sucker for muscles and a pretty face.

That was my problem in the first place with Bob, my Buffalo Bob; I was overwhelmed by his beauty and was not thinking sensibly about his actions. Every time I would question my reactions to his actions, I would revert to swooning over his spectacular looks.

But not now. Not now. I had to stick to my guns.

"Bob. Listen. Please listen to me. We...."

"Come on pops, don't bring up your shit. You're hot for me and we both know it. So, what the fuck, just enjoy it. I like you man and I want you. You hear me? I want you. I want that pretty mouth of yours. So, come on, get with the program." Keeping that devastating grin on his face he rubbed his hand over my face and then pushed his thumb into my mouth.

I started tearing up in frustration because this was going the same way as always. He was overpowering me again.

"Come on pops, let's go. Suck on it."

"Bob, Bob, Bob. Listen." I tried to speak around his thumb. I was crying now, tears dripping down my face.

"No, you listen to me" he said, and his smile changes to a frown. "I told you to suck on it. Now do it." Did I really have any choice? Did I really? I started sucking on his thumb.

"I'm sorry you're unhappy" he said as he wiped my tears away with his other hand. "But I'll make it good for you. I will. For a professor I think you're really sexy and you're really special to me." Then he laughed. "And hell, I know you're a lecherous little guy who can't get enough of me, so we're together now. We're living together. What could be better?"

I was still crying, but now it was because I knew I had lost. Bob was in control. Just as always Bob had won, and I was again at his feet doing his bidding. He removed his thumb, pulled my head into his crotch and pushed his cock into my mouth. With my tears still dripping, I sucked.

"Yeah, your favorite place, baby, sucking on the hottest meat in the valley." He laughed again. "I'm happy, you're happy. What more could you ask for?"

I wasn't doing it because I love it, I was.... well.... I was.... okay, so I still loved sucking him, sucking his hot cock. That was my downfall, my main weakness being a sucker for a pretty face and a hot cock. I was going to suck him off. He was making me do it, but hell, I was going to enjoy it. Why not? What choice did I have? I started giving him one of my `special' blowjobs.

But after fucking the two boys he wasn't ready for that yet. He slid down, pushing his butt off of the cushion. "Get in there honey, my sweet asswipe. Warm me up with that magic mouth of yours." I let go of his cock as he pushed my head down to his ass. "Get at it asswipe. Eat me. Get me hot."

So away I went, licking his ass. He kept his hand on my head, occasionally grabbing my hair and pushing my face into his ass hole, keeping total control. He was obviously in some kind of a mood, maybe a little angry with me because he began roughly controlling my actions.

He also started berating me, with a continuous commentary. "Get to it asswipe. Eat me. Eat me you little shit. Go, go, go, get that tongue in there. You can do better than that: get in there and eat me. Suck on it damn it. Make it feel good for god's sake." He went on and on for the next twenty-or-thirty-minutes as I tried my best to satisfy him. As he went on and on, he got rougher and rougher and finally got to hitting the back of my head, jamming me into his crack. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't pleasant. There was no doubt now that he was angry from my trying to stop him and talk to him, and he was building on that anger.

Finally, he sat up and pulled me up by the hair. He knows I give a great blowjob, but he wasn't having it. He took control. He was fully hard now, my actions in his ass evidently having gotten him hot, or perhaps it was his brutality that was turning him on. Whatever, his cock was fully hard as he jammed me down on it, forcing it into my throat.

Obviously, he was well hotted up from my ministrations on his ass, so it didn't take him long to get to his ejaculation. but I didn't suck him, he fucked my face, bouncing my head up and down on his cock, sometimes forcing it into my throat. So, no, I didn't blow him, I simply held on for dear life until he was finished. Luckily, it didn't take long.

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah" he howled as he finally started shooting into my throat. He pulled back immediately so I didn't choke, but he kept shooting into my mouth. He had already cum twice with the boys, so I was amazed at how much cum he was shooting into me. But that was Buffalo Bob, a sexual demon with unlimited semen.

"Oh, baby, baby, baby" he said as he started laughing. "That was so good. You are incredible." He grabbed me by the head with both hands and pulled me up and started kissing me. Actually, he was licking and sucking up his ejaculation that I hadn't even swallowed yet. It started as a rough kiss but then turned to a gentle dueling of the tongues. I joined into the kiss as it went on and on, maybe ten minutes. Then pulling me back he gave me an enormous smile and started kissing my face, soft sweet kisses all over; my cheeks, my eyes, my nose, my forehead.

"Oh my god, professor" he gushed, "you are so wonderful. I swear, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Now, how could I deal with this guy when he says things like that? He could change from violence to sweetness in a split second. He'd just finished fucking my face but now was all sweetness and warmth. I should be angry with him but seeing that glorious smile of his as he held me there and covered me with kisses; he was overwhelming.

"I'm falling for you professor" he said. "Yes, I really am. I want you; I want to be with you. I swear, I want to fuck you over and over and over."

"Bob" I started to say. Actually, I didn't know what to say. I was still hurting from the face fuck but was being overcome by his sweetness.

"Don't talk honey. Please, don't say anything. Let's just go to bed. I want to cuddle with you all night." He finally stopped kissing my face, stood up and lifted me into his arms like a baby. Keeping that beautiful smile on his face, he carried me into the bedroom and lay me down on the bed. Climbing in, he put his arms around me, spooning me, and started kissing my neck.

"Mmmm, I love this" he murmured into my ear. "You and me together, cuddling together. What could be better?" He hugged me tight and kept kissing my neck. "No more asswipe, honey. I'm sorry, I know you don't like that. I'll never call you that again."

There was no point in saying anything to him now, and I didn't know what to say to him anyway, so I just enjoyed the feel of his massive body hugging me and went to sleep.

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkidstories'

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Next: Chapter 16

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