Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Nov 16, 2021


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is consensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)


Quick review: Buffalo Bob speaks up in class bragging about the illicit video of him fucking Professor Bishop, causing the Professor to blow up in anger. However, Bob shows up in the evening and promises to `behave". He also says he's moving into the professor's apartment.


"You're staying here tonight?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm moving in. The kids already put my stuff in the bedroom."

I was momentarily speechless and had no idea how to react. Bob was moving in with me, moving into my apartment? He was not giving me a choice, but was just moving in, without asking me?

Did I want that, or should I scream and holler? He had his arm around me and was lovingly crushing me against him and kissing me. What could I say? He was really putting me on the spot, not giving me the opportunity to object.

"Bob, Bob, wait a minute. Can we .... Can we talk about this?"

"Don't tell me you're going to object" he said with a laugh. "Surely you're not going to do that to me. Not to me, your Buffalo Bob." He thought it was a joke that I might object.

"But Bob."

"Not another word from you" he said as he gave me a quick kiss. "It's already decided. I'm here. Jerry and Greg and the kids are bringing all my stuff over tomorrow afternoon, so you need to move your stuff."

"You're .... You're taking my bedroom?"

"Jerry and I really have a thing going so he'll be here a lot and probably Greg too. And those two kids, Nestor and Steve, they are a delight." He chuckled. "Yeah, they're fun, but don't worry, I'll find time for you. You and me, we're going to become a thing."

"Bob, hold on here." I was trying to control my anger, but it was beginning to seep out. This was crazy. I couldn't allow this.

"I said, not another word. Shut it." Lifting me up in his arms like a baby, he carried me into the bedroom kissing me as he went and set me on the bed. I wanted to reason with him, at least talk about it. I needed some time to think it over and consider the ramifications. This was happening too quickly.

I couldn't complain at the moment; I couldn't do anything since he wouldn't let me talk, so I had to go along with him. "Not a word" he said. "Let's just enjoy this."

He let me strip him first, and then made me perform a sexy striptease in front of him, spinning around and doing a silly dance while I got naked. It was fun. I enjoyed it and he was very appreciative.

And yes, he had me lick his ass before he fucked me just like he said he would, and we did it again in the morning. I was getting plenty of practice licking ass.

So, I went to the office in the morning without discussing anything with him. He was moving in and as far as I could see, there wasn't a thing I could do about it. Fait accompli, it was done. Yes, I was still falling for the guy, he could be really sweet sometimes and he said he was going to be on his best behavior. I hadn't had a chance to see it, that behavioral change, and I admit I had my doubts that he could do it. It would mean a total change in his character, and I could not see that happening. He was arrogant and narcissistic and that's partially why I was attracted to him in the first place (as well as him being gorgeous). That wasn't going to change, and actually, he didn't need to change because I think he deserved to be narcissistic. I thought he looked magnificent, absolutely dazzling, and would have been surprised if he wasn't a bit arrogant and conceited.

However, he had a habit of doing and saying things without thinking and it was questionable whether he could control that. I was worried about the classroom, but even if he behaved there, his moving in and living with me would put an entirely different light on things.

Besides, I was accustomed to living alone and I loved it. As much as I enjoyed having sex with Tracy, I was happy when he was gone, and I got my freedom back.

Bob was going to be a huge disruption, there was no question about it. He already said Jerry and Greg would be around regularly and the two kids as well, and besides, as far as I know, Jerry is still his full-time slave. And I know Bob was out trolling around the university regularly. He was so gorgeous that he didn't have to go to a cruising area but could walk anywhere around the campus and pick up some cute thing in minutes.

But other issues. Professor Betts left a message on my phone saying that she got a call from a member of the university conduct board asking about a video. She supported me and denied knowing anything about it. She suggested that it was gossip among students.

And I still wondered about Claire. She was really hopped-up when she was describing the video to me, seemingly having the time of her life telling me how embarrassing it was for me. I know there was enmity when Bob was changing classes, but I thought she was over it. Besides, I was not really involved, and I thought her anger was aimed towards Jerry and maybe Larry.

Well, yes, I was involved because of my relationship with Bob, but I was doing my job, mediating the situation so we could all continue working together. I thought it was resolved, at least concerning Claire.

So, I asked Claire to come in.

"It seems there has been a lot of talk about that video of Bob and me. Evidently, you're one of the few who has seen it, but the word has gotten around, and a lot of people have heard about it. Nobody from the administration has contacted me yet, but I am worried about it.

"I'm sorry professor. I hope you don't get into trouble."

"Where did you see it? What was the web site? Do you have any idea where it came from, or who made it in the first place?"

"Sorry, professor, I have no idea. I actually saw it twice on two different sites, but then it was deleted. I guess hardly anyone saw it."

"Did you delete it?" I asked. "Were you the one who deleted it?"

"No, of course not. I wouldn't know how to delete it. Besides, only the person who posted it would be able to delete it."

"Yes, that's right. Only the person posted it could delete it. Are you the one who posted it?"

"Professor, that's not fair. No, I didn't post it. No, no, no, it wasn't me. I wouldn't .... I wouldn't .... I didn't do it." That sounded completely defensive to me; she was trying too hard to deny it.

"Claire, do you still have the video?"

"Professor, no. It wasn't me." I was trying to look her in the eye, but she wouldn't look at me. And I had no doubt that was a guilty look on her face. She wasn't very good at lying.

"Look at me Claire. Look me in the eye. Where is the video, Claire?" I was glaring at her, but she wouldn't look at me. "I'm waiting. Where is the video?" She finally looked up at me with what was clearly a guilty look on her face. A sheepish look.

"Okay," she said softly. "Okay. But I deleted it. It's not on the web now."

"How do you know that?" I asked. "Someone could have copied it while it was up and could be posting it somewhere else on the web."

"That didn't happen professor. I'm sure of it."

"I'm not sure of it. Where is the original copy now?"

"I deleted it. It was on my phone, and I deleted it. It's gone."

"Okay, so it's gone, but why did you do that? Why would you?"

"Professor, I was so angry at Bob, he treated me like shit and this was my chance to get even. I was coming to see you and saw the two of you doing .... Well, the door was open." She looked at me as if it was my fault because I left the door open. "So, I filmed it."

"Did you not stop and think what this would do to me, what it would do to us and our class, what it would do to the university? You have a job here, a good job."

"I know, I just didn't think. I was so angry at Bob. I just wanted to get back at him."

"So where do we go from here?" I asked.

"I hope you'll let me stay. I'm doing a good job. I like this class; I like my students."

"Yes, you are doing a good job, and I don't want a fuss. I don't think we want a fuss. Of course, I'm upset with you, but let's continue and get to the end of the term. Maybe this will blow over, I hope so anyway. Bob says he's going to behave, so you ignore him and keep away from him. If he messes up again, he's out. I promise I will remove him if there is any more disturbance.

After Claire left, I sat there wondering if this was all over. She said she deleted all copies of the video, but is she telling the truth? And knowing the internet the way it is, a hundred people could have made their own copies and posted it somewhere else. Professor Betts got a call from someone in the administration, so the word had got around. I was simply going to have to hold my breath and hope that it didn't pop up somewhere.

It was all fine and good, my telling Claire that I would remove Bob if there were any additional behavior problems, but he was going to live with me. He was moving in today. I admit that Bob manipulates me with ease, and pretty much controls me; I was in way over my head with this Buffalo Bob thing.

Bob wanted me to move my stuff into the guest bedroom so he could take my room. I slept with him last night and tried to talk to him, but Bob is very good at not listening to anything he doesn't want to hear. He wouldn't allow me to talk about it. So, here we go again: fait accompli. Jerry and Greg were going to move him in today and Bob was not giving me a say. Here I am, a well-educated college professor, an intellectual, and Bob manipulates me effortlessly, controlling me like a puppet.

When I arrived home late in the late afternoon, I saw that Jerry's car was there so they must have been moving Bob's stuff in. But when I entered the apartment all was quiet. However, it took only seconds for me to notice that my bedroom door was closed. It didn't take much imagination to guess what was going on in there.

I went to the guest room and was shocked.... well, not really shocked, just disgusted at what they had done. Evidently, they had emptied out my dresser and my closet and piled it all on the bed. They had also removed all my knick-knacks, even my alarm clock and piled them in the corner. And they had even removed my pictures from the wall and brought them in here as well. I was going to have a lot of work to do before I could even get into bed tonight.

I turned away, not willing to face it yet, and headed for the kitchen to see about dinner. I didn't know if I would be expected to get dinner for Bob, Greg and Jerry, but I was going to try to set some limits on Bob's activities. I was going to make dinner for me, and only me, and not worry about them.

As I went by my bedroom door, I heard murmuring sounds. I assumed that Jerry and Greg were in there with Bob; that was my best guess. I decided to take a peek.

As I opened the door a crack and looked in, I saw Bob sitting up at the head of the bed while both Jerry and Greg had their faces buried in his crotch; all three were naked.

"Teach. Hey, teach" Bob said, obviously noticing me peeking through the crack.

"Sorry Bob. I've got to get started on dinner" I said and quickly closed the door. I definitely did not want to get involved with them now, particularly since Jerry was my employee. I went into the kitchen.

"Professor" a voice said making me jucmp, and as I turned Jerry was standing right behind me, stark naked with an enormous hard-on sticking out. "Bob wants you to come join us."

"No way Jerry. I am not going to have sex with you, and I'm not going to join an orgy with Bob. Forget it."

"You don't have to have sex with me, but Bob said .... Bob told me to get you."

"Get him in here Jerry" came a yell. Bob was yelling from the bedroom. "Hurry up."

"Come on professor," Jerry said as he took my arm. "You know how Bob gets. Don't make a fuss."

"Jerry, I can't ...."

"Jerry, move your ass" came the yell from the bedroom.

"Stop fucking around professor. Don't piss him off. Come on." Holding my arm Jerry pulled me, literally dragged me out of the kitchen towards the bedroom.

"Hey, teach" Bob said with a cheery voice as Jerry pulled me into the bedroom. "You're just in time. Strip down and join us."

"Bob, please stop this, I can't ...."

"Hell yes you can, now strip." I wasn't angry, but I was upset. We hadn't even talked about any ground rules with him staying here, and here he was, making outrageous demands that I could not and would not obey.

"No, Bob. No. We're not going to do this. I'm not going to participate ...."

"Listen teach" he said, interrupting me, "I said I would be on my best behavior, but you watch your ass. You and me, we got a thing going but you got to remember that I'm your Buffalo Bob. Now, take your clothes off like I told you. Don't piss me off on my first day here. Move it."

"Bob. God damn it. You can't ...." I stopped in mid-sentence as I saw the angry glare on his face. Bob has a terrible temper, and I instantly realized I had already overstepped my bounds.

"What?" Bob said softly, very softly, and it was instantly silent in the room. Jerry and Greg froze, and so did I. "What did you say?" he continued menacingly.

I knew I was in trouble, so I started to strip, hopefully to mitigate my blunder.

"I'm sorry, Bob." I blurted out. "I'm sorry. I mean...., I didn't mean.... ahh...., I'm sorry."

"Get your ass over here you little shit, NOW. On your knees. Move it." Oh yeah, he was angry, and I was in deep doo-doo. I stripped double time, but it still took me a minute or more to get my suit and tie off and get down to the buff. And Bob was clearly impatient.

"Damn it, get over here." Jerry and Greg had been on either side of the bed with their faces in his crotch, but now they were looking at Bob's angry face, probably wondering if they should make a run for it. I stripped naked and rushed over and got on my knees next to the bed.

"I'm sorry. Bob. I didn't mean..... I mean, I'm really, really sorry."

Ground rules? I was worried about setting some ground rules for Bob living here? It was clear that the only rules were going to be Bob's rules and my job was to try not to piss him off.

But it was already too late. He grabbed me by the hair and gave one hell of a jerk and slapped me across the face. "Why do you make me do this? And on my first day here?"

"I'm sorry Bob." I was beginning to sound like a broken record, but I didn't know what else to say. "I'm sorry."

My cheek was stinging like crazy as he just held onto my hair and glared at me. "Get back to work. Get me hard," he snapped and both Jerry and Greg dove back into his crotch. Evidently our altercation had allowed him to lose his hard-on.

At a guess I would say that Bob has no control over his temper, but as he held me there by the hair it seemed like maybe he was getting it together. He was just, staring at me, but I could almost see the change in his face as he was slowly regaining control.

"I like you professor" he finally said. "I really do, but nobody makes me angry like you do. Why do you do that to me?"

So, it was my fault. Well, of course it was my fault. Bob demanded total obedience and I have the effrontery not to give it to him. A collision of wills. But there wasn't really any question of whose will was stronger. In Bob's world there was never any question of who was in charge. He was incapable of even imagining a situation where he was not in charge. My being a professor with a PhD was meaningless to him as an egotistical young man.

"I'm sorry Bob" I said as he looked me in the eye. "I don't mean to be difficult. It's just that...."

"No, no excuses. I don't want to hear you try to justify yourself, I just want you to discipline yourself and be civil towards me. That's all. All the attention and everything that I'm giving you, don't I deserve some respect?"

So that's Bob. Anything less that immediate obedience to his demands was not being civil towards him, not being respectful.

"Of course you do, Bob. I'm really sorry." Broken record: I keep repeating myself. But he wouldn't let me try to give a rational explanation, so what else could I say except: I'm sorry?

"Well shape up then" he snapped as he let go of my hair. "Get out of the way Jerry and let teach in there." Jerry backed off. "Go ahead asswipe, gobble it up." Yeah, asswipe again.

I was.... I was.... I don't know what I was, but it wasn't anger. It was more like incredible frustration. I simply couldn't allow this to go on. I couldn't. Bob moving in and taking over and ordering me around, evidently not allowing me to have a life of my own. This was an impossible situation, and it couldn't go on. But I had to have a plan. I had to figure out how I was going to stop this because it had to stop.

But it seemed my best option, since Bob was already pissed at me, was to go along with the flow and not raise a fuss. Not right now anyway. So. I moved down to his crotch. Greg had Bob's cock in his mouth so as I got in there next to him, I started on Bob's balls.

"Okay, worship time. Start on my toes," Bob said and both Greg and Jerry immediately moved to the bottom of the bed. Evidently this was a replay activity because they knew what to do and each started on a foot and began sucking on his toes. "I said gobble it up asswipe. Show me your magic." I tried to close my mind and not analyze anything as I did what I was told. I'd worry about any consequences later. I took his cock in my mouth.

Have you ever tried to blank your mind, and think ofnothing? Not possible, so I tried to concentrate on my stinging cheek, but my mind was going a million miles an hour and I was almost screaming at myself for doing what I was doing. Did I have any choice at all? Of course not. The most important thing at the moment was to give him one hell of a blowjob and get it over with. And then put an absolute stop to all of this. Put a complete halt to this entire Buffalo Bob situation.

But in the meantime, and maybe for the last time, I was going to enjoy sucking of the nicest cock on the most gorgeous guy on the planet. I swallowed his cock, completely deepthroating it for the first time, damn near strangling myself.

"Oh my God" Bob let out a yell as I held him in deep for a few seconds. Then, pulling back, I started on one of my super blowjobs. "Jesus, man, you're killing me" Bob howled in pleasure. Even as upset as I was, I couldn't help but smile to myself, I was going to give him a blowjob to remember.

Quickly wetting my finger, I reached under him and eased my finger into his bunghole as I got going on his cock. He didn't object, so I went at it, performing my magic, keeping good suction going as I bobbed up and down on that big dick, moving my finger in and out of his butt, and doing wonderful things with my tongue.

I'm sure having two handsome young men sucking his toes, evidently his personal slave boys, was an added attraction, so along with my blowjob, he began to moan softly. "Ohh, shit. Ohh shit. Ohh shit."

I knew it wasn't going to take him long to cum, I was going to make sure it wouldn't take long, so it was only after maybe ten minutes that he pulled the boys up to his chest. So, Bob being Bob, the egotistical Beefcake Bob who loved being worshiped and admired, he had them licking his chest and sucking his buds as he flexed them and made them bounce. And evidently his favorite thing, he had them rubbing their faces against his swollen biceps while he flexed them over and over again.

I heard him giving them directions and I heard him moaning; actually, all three of them were moaning, but I was concentrating on giving the blowjob of the century. I deepthroated him two more times, something I didn't even think was possible. Yeah, I'm good, I'm really good and I had a perfect cock to work on.

Then I heard: "oh hell" from Bob and I knew he was there. From the sound of his voice, I knew he was upset with himself for his loss of control, getting hot so quickly. But that was me, I was making him so hot he had to blow. I heard some slaps; I think Bob was banging the boy's asses in a frenzy as he started to shoot.

I love swallowing cum, I love the taste of it, and when Bob comes it's like a fire hose. I held him in my mouth as his cum gushed into me, and just to be devilish, I kept my tongue going because I knew it would drive him crazy.

"Shiiit, shiiit, shiiit" he screamed. And it was a scream, not just a yell, as he was going crazy with passion. Then it changed to laughter.

"You bastard, you bastard" he screamed through his laughter. "Stop it, stop it." He'd finished cuming but was still in a frenzy because I had not quit diddling the tip of his dick with my tongue. "Pleeeease, stop." I wasn't ready to quit yet because I wanted him to remember this event to his dying day.

He finally pushed the boys aside and grabbed my head and pulled me off his dick.

"You bastard" he laughed as he looked me in the eye. I tried to hide my grin of satisfaction as I looked back at him.

I guess I showed him.

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkidstories'

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