Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Oct 26, 2021


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is gay consensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author.



Bob said he would come by my apartment.

He'd said that before and hadn't followed through, but that was Bob, not the most dependable guy around. I would just have to accept whatever I could get from him.

That session this afternoon where I let myself get seduced by Jerry was embarrassing, but I admit the threesome with Bob was exciting. Alright, so he made me lick his ass, but Bob is so powerful and commanding, as well as being beautiful, that I actually enjoy giving him pleasure. He overwhelms me with his controlling personality making it satisfying to submit to him, to serve him.

I know he shared me with Jerry, and I know he humiliated me by getting Jerry to talk me into a blowjob, but it was no longer infatuation; I was seriously falling for him. I keep asking myself how I can fall for a guy who I know is going to continue playing around and probably continue humiliating me, and who will not love me back in the same way. But I am falling in love. I love his glorious physique, his handsome face and beautiful smile, and I love his style. His arrogance, his narcissism, his demanding attitude, the very exciting sex and his demanding nothing less that complete obedience. You never know what's coming next from Buffalo Bob but that is what makes it exciting. It's crazy, but yes, I loved everything about him.

So, Bob said he might come by in the evening. I was hot and excited just thinking about my Buffalo Bob, as I sat there waiting.

What a change. Just a couple days ago I was trying to find a way to break it off with Bob, and then a new Bob appeared, a guy with a new personality, a guy that I hadn't met before, a guy who was still as gorgeous and masculine as always but who was sweet and loving.

This young demigod who could have anybody he wanted had picked me, a mature adult, an ordinary college professor. Okay, so I had to share him, he had me and Jerry on our knees sharing his cock this morning, but I didn't mind. I was thrilled, and I was on pins and needles as I waited for him to arrive.

I knew I was being foolish by expecting him at a reasonable hour, but I was so excited that I couldn't help it. At eight o'clock I was already on the sofa waiting for him. The TV was on but I was too wound up to watch it. Yes, I was hooked. It was more than lust, it was more than just a crush, I was really falling for the guy.

At eleven-thirty he still hadn't arrived, and of course I was wondering it he would arrive at all. I should have known he wouldn't arrive at eight o'clock, but I was .... I was smitten, I was in love.

But when he did finally arrive, wearing those tight running shorts slit up the side and a University of Wisconsin tank top, he looked glorious. But he wasn't alone. He was laughing as he came in the door, and there was a kid on his back. There was a young boy on his back who was laughing hysterically as Bob carried him into the room.

That was a shock, that he wasn't alone. Somehow it had not even occurred to me that he wouldn't be alone.

"I could eat you up" the kid joked through his laughter. Bob wasn't holding him, it was like the kid had only just jumped on his back, his arms around his neck and his legs around his middle.

"Like hell, you little brat" Bob laughed. "You're aching for a bruising." He grabbed the boy by his shirt and dragged him around in front of him, putting him on his feet. "Grrrrrr" he growled through his laughter as he bit the boy's neck and then kissed him. "We'll see who is going to eat who." The boy, who was at least a foot shorter than Bob, squealed as Bob pretended to munch on his neck.

"Oh yeah, give me a bruising. I need a bruising." Bob grabbed the boy by the butt and lifted him off his feet and the boy put his arms around his neck again. They started kissing, and Bob started parading around the room holding the kid in his hands.

Yes, I was in shock. This certainly wasn't what I expected. I thought, perhaps foolishly, that it would be an intimate time with the two of us, and maybe I could suck him, or he'd fuck me again, or maybe, just maybe we could finally set down together and have a discussion. Not for a moment had I considered that it wouldn't be just him and I, together.

Bob walked down the hall to the bedrooms and back again, carrying the kid and groping his ass as they aggressively continued kissing each other. Bob had not even looked in my direction and neither had the kid.

The kid looked young, maybe fifteen, or maybe not, but he didn't look like a university student. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Bob had both hands under the boy's butt and now, standing there in the middle of the living room, he got a good grip on the shorts and pulled, ripping them apart at the seam, opening them up to the boy's ass. The boy screamed, and ...., well...., he screamed in joy.

"You can eat me up later" Bob murmured in the kid's ear, "but I'm going to fuck you first."

Showing his strength, he held the kid there with one hand as he unzipped and pulled his cock out with the other. "You ready?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready" the kid screeched. Bob took aim and slowly lowered him onto his dick. Slick-as-a-whistle, he just slid all the way in. Obviously, the boy had prepared himself ahead of time since his moan sounded like a moan of pleasure, not pain, as Bob entered him.

Now he started walking around the room again. With both hands on the kids butt and showing absolutely no strain, he slowly lifted the boy up and down on his dick. The boy, with his arms around Bob's neck, seemed to be trying to devour Bob's neck and upper chest with licks and kisses.

Bob never once looked in my direction and the kid was too caught up in Bob to notice anything, so I just sat there not having a clue what to do or to say. As always seems to be the case with Bob, he shocks me so much that he continually leaves me speechless.

Of course, I was hurt because he was back to humiliating me again. Yesterday he'd pretended I was special to him, and this morning he raved about how good I was ...., how I ....., well...., how good I licked his ass. Hell yes, I wanted to lick his ass again, or suck his cock, or whatever he wanted. There was no call for him to bring this boy in here and rub it in my face. As I sat there I actually got tears in my eyes as he walked around ignoring me, pretending that I didn't exist.

Obviously, this was not the time to talk to him, but he couldn't fuck the kid forever, so I decided to just wait until he was done and then try to ask him what the hell was going on. So, I sat there for twenty minutes or so, stewing and trying to control my tears as the kid kept screaming, he was a real screamer, and Bob kept up the slow walk and the slow fuck. I'm sure the kid ejaculated in his pants, maybe more than once before Bob finally reached his peak.

When I heard something break in the kitchen, I got up to see what was happening. Bob had dropped the kid on his back on the table, the breakfast table I was using as my desk. He knocked a glass off onto the floor and scattered my papers around. Luckily my laptop was still on the table, but it was precarious since Bob was now banging it to the kid, shaking the table

I made a quick rescue and saved my computer as Bob started to yell. As usual with him it was: `ahhh fuuuck', yelled out as he slammed it to the boy one final time and let go.

Putting my computer on the counter, I walked away, back into the living room. As sexy and unbelievably gorgeous as Bob was when he was hot and sweaty and banging it to some kid, I didn't want to see it. Just listening to them in the kitchen as I sat back down on the sofa brought tears to my eyes again. I was hooked. Me, the college professor with a PhD was totally hung-up on this guy, this student who continued humiliating me.

Then, not totally surprising, but still pretty gross, he came in with his dick still sticking out of his pants. He walked up in front of me, for the first time even recognizing my existence, and just stood there.

How dare he do this to me? How outrageous could he get? To make it worse the kid was standing next to him. Bob didn't say a word, but he looked me squarely in the eye making clear his unspoked order. For a few seconds I actually considered refusing, and just sat there, but I knew if I was going to try to have a discussion with him, I didn't what to start out by making him mad.

I took his dick in my mouth.

"Oooh, you're going to make him eat my shit?" the little boy said making me turn beet red. Actually, the kid was clean because although there was plenty of Bob's cum still smeared on his dick there was almost no taste of shit. I sucked it and licked it clean.

"Zip me up" Bob ordered. As I looked up, I saw a disturbed look on his face. Oh-oh. Sometimes the least little thing could set him off, and it looked like my slight delay when I considered refusing to clean his dick had pissed him off. I stuffed it back in his shorts and zipped him up. "You watch your ass" he said as he glared at me. Jesus, he was volatile.

But then he flopped down beside me on the sofa and put his arm around me as if nothing had happened. "Come here you" he said to the kid who now sat down on his lap. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. When I didn't respond he grabbed my head and twisted it so he could kiss me on the lips. He gave me a couple quick pecks.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked, evidently having no clue what I could be upset about. It was alright for him to get angry about the tiniest little thing, and get outrageous as hell, but I had to be upbeat and responsive and accepting when he even deemed to look at me.

"You wouldn't believe this little kid" he said without waiting for an answer from me. "He looks eleven, but I know he's almost eighteen, and what an ass he's got. Isn't' that right baby?"

The boy just giggled as Bob kissed him on the top of his head. "Go clean up. And go to, ahhh.... asswipe. Go to asswipe's bedroom and find something to wear. Underwear or something." The boy got up and headed toward my bedroom. Asswipe? I was still asswipe to him?

"You wouldn't believe what a sweet ass that kid has. I might decide to keep him around for a while. Maybe he could take Tracy's place."

This was just too much. "Bob, bob, bob...." I started.

"You know what?" he said. "I forgot all about Tracy, I forgot he was living here with you. I never intended for you to have sex with him, or with anyone else for that matter."

"What? You don't want me to have sex with anyone?

"Well, no, of course not" he said. "You're with me."

"But you keep involving me in situations with other guys."

"That's different, because I'm setting you up, and you know what? I don't think you're properly appreciative. I picked you out even though you're an old guy and I've been giving you lots of attention. You should be flattered."

"Okay, so yes, I wondered why you picked me out, and I am flattered, but you told me yourself that it was because you'd never had sex with a professor."

"So, what does it matter why I'm fucking you when you know I'm the hottest stud in town? You should be fuckin honored."

"Okay, I am Bob. I do feel ...."

"You know damn well I'm the hottest stud that you've ever had, and you're just a distraction for me since you know I only fuck the hottest young twinks in town. Hell, it's a riot seeing how desperate you are to kiss my ass and gobble my cock, you're such a fag." He laughed in my face.

What a put down. I couldn't believe he was saying this to me. Then it got worse.

"Just because I'm letting you to do me, doesn't give you the right to think you deserve it. You don't deserve anything from me, and you better be happy with what I give you. I'll be damned if I'll let you blow me again if you're out fucking everything in sight like a two-bit whore."

"Wait a minute, Bob. That's not fair. I'm thrilled that you're having sex with me, but I never know when you're coming, and I .... Well, I'm sorry if you feel like I'm not appreciative." I'd wondered why he picked me when he could have anyone he wanted, and yes, I felt honored, but I hadn't realized how he felt about it. He's angry that I would even consider having sex with someone else.

"You want to get it on with me I damn well expect some deference and you don't even look at anyone else. I don't deal in used goods."

I'm sorry, Bob" I said. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize how you felt and you're right, I need to show you more consideration. But what about you? You're out fucking every night."

"Yeah, I am. So what?"

That came across. He didn't even understand the problem of him out fucking and me being celibate. He took it for granted he would have free rein and I would wait for any attention he's willing to give me.

"But Bob, don't you see the discrepancy here?"

"We're talking about you not me" he said. "Are you the hottest stud in the university? Are you the guy who makes twinks piss their panties when I even look at them?"

"Of course not."

"So, stop pissing me off and start showing some appreciation." That's when the kid came back into the room, wearing a pair of my underwear, one of my sexy ones that Tracy had encouraged me to buy. It was an open weave white bikini that didn't hide much of anything. "So, the professor has sexy underwear, heh" Bob laughed as the kid climbed back on his lap.

"Yeah, he hid them in the back corner of his dresser, but I found them" the kid laughed. "I bet he wears them and jerks off when he's here alone."

"How about you give this kid a blowjob," Bob said. "Maybe I'll fuck him again. Or maybe I'll .... Hey, you ever get fucked while sucking somebody off?"

I was flabbergasted. Again, Bob shocks me. "What" I exclaimed. You want me to ....?"

"That would be fun" he said and laughed. "I've got plenty of juice left so go ahead and get started. Kid, get your dick out."

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You can't ...."

"You wanna give me deference, you do what I say." I was still sitting next to him but now he put a hand behind me and pushed me off onto the floor. "I tell you to do something, you do it. And I just told you to give this kid a blowjob."

"Oh, cool" the kid gushed. "Mr. asswipe is going to suck me off. Oh yeah."

Again, this was just too much. Bob turned me on, and I wanted to get fucked by him, but his demand that I obey him on everything was simply uncalled for.

"Bob, please, stop it. Be reasonable. You can't keep giving me these crazy orders. I'm a college professor, I'm your college professor. You need to have some decency." I knew I was going out on a limb by saying this, but I had to try to put a stop to his worst instincts.

"Well, you do have some backbone after all" he said and laughed. "I love it. You're so cute. And you're right, I don't respect you enough. But that's my style, I don't respect anybody enough." I was on my knees at his feet when he reached around the kid on his lap and grabbed me by the neck and squeezed. With a stern look on his face he said: "you're going to suck this kid. You know why? Because I told you too."

This was serious, but I had to make a stand. "Bob, I can't...." He slapped me, hard, across the face, damn near taking the skin off. I raised my hands to remove his hand as he was choking me, but he was too strong, and I had to effect as he held me there with one hand.

The slap brought tears to my eyes and my cheek was on fire. I didn't say anything and neither did he as he held me there, glaring at me. The boy looked scared and just froze on his lap. Bob just held me there, choking me for at least a minute, maybe two, hurting me, and the whole time staring into my eyes, glaring at me. I couldn't breathe and my face must have been turning red. I was really crying, tears streaming down my face, both from the pain, but also from despair and from fear. I knew this was not going to end well.

But, when he finally let go of my neck, he gave the boy a shove, pushing him off his lap onto the floor. "I'm going to let this go this time, and this time only. I'm going to let you suck me off instead of the boy, but it had better be the best god-damn blowjob in history." He stood up, unbuttoned and unzipped and pulled his shorts down. Then he went to the end of the sofa and leaned back against it.

I watched him as he did this and realized that's where he wanted me to blow him. I crawled over in front of him on my knees and took his cock in my mouth. He wasn't soft as I expected, but was about half hard, evidently slapping me around was bit of a turn-on for him. I got busy.

I am an excellent cocksucker and I love sucking cock, especially a beauty like this one, so, even though I was hurting, I went at it, determined to give him the blowjob of the century.

The boy stayed on the floor for a couple minutes and then got on the sofa, standing on the cushion behind Bob. Pulling Bob's tank top up, Bob raised his arms allowing him to remove it. Then he started worshiping Bob's back and neck and shoulders, kissing and licking that glorious body. After a few minutes Bob started flexing, pumping those massive arms for the boy's pleasure and worship.

I didn't see this of course because I was busy on Bob's cock. I intended to make this blowjob one for the books, a blowjob to remember, and I was going to show him he couldn't hold out against my technique.

At some point when I was sucking, the kid evidently blew his load on Bob's back and then had to lick it off. He was making all kinds of weird sounds of delight as he worshiped but I was busy doing my thing. Bob had cum only a while ago, so I knew it would take some effort to get him off again so soon. It took me about five minutes to get him fully hard but then I really went at it. I don't know how long it was before I had him panting, but it couldn't have been more than twenty minutes. Yeah, he started panting, so I worked even harder, swallowing and licking and sucking, driving him crazy.

How can I tell when I'm giving a terrific blowjob? When a dominant recipient like Bob does not try to take over but lets me do my thing. It's so good they don't want to interfere.

It wasn't long before he finally let out a yell: "Ohhh fuuuck." This was his second ejaculation in, like half-an-hour and it almost sounded like he was in pain, but I knew where he was: the ejaculation was so intense that it was almost painful, and he literally screamed. I deep throated him and the first shot went directly into my throat, and you better believe I was not going to let myself choke. I controlled it as I pulled back a bit and looked up at him. He was going wild.

"Ahhhhhh.... Damn you, damn you, damn you." He was screaming but he was also laughing in an extreme frenzy as he jerked his body around. It worked, just as I had hoped. He was having an ejaculation like he'd never had before. His whole body was shaking as he fired again and again into my mouth.

Mission accomplished.

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkid stories'

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Next: Chapter 13

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